t ASRLÀVO n  ttt TÎMKCHI j .......................n i il j 32ï9BBE2Q5⣣5 D R A W IN G PAùM 1MH&1 iftwn-iiîtiMiMbiirtiii-i NE OUT SALE TO A C LO S E O n ly AIN Don’t miss this oppor­ tunity to save. To dispose oi thousands of dollars worth ot reliable merchandise and we are determined to sell ont to the last dollar regardless ot cost or profit. Merchandise at these prices can’t be had every day. When we say many lines are being sold out at less than cost we stand ready to verify our statement. L a d ie s’ good q u ality Cotton Hose, w orth m any tim es the price. Close Out Special—buy all you w ant at, the p a ir— Good w eight reg u lar qu ality O uting Flannel, w hite only. 500 y ard s a t Close Out P r i c e - d o n ’t miss th is a t p er y ard — 12c L a d ie s’ high neck, long sleeve colored O uting Gowns, reg u lar $1.50 value. Close Out P rice 89c Snap F a s t e n e r s .............5c doz Sew ing T h r e a d ...........4c spool Good P earl B uttons . . . 3c doz. W ire Coat H a n g e r s ___ 7c ea r\ osl Will Not Be Considered ills Stock Has Sim ply Go* T o G o ■ - ' Note the Prices Judge the Values COME.! Satisfy Yourself and Buy To every customer making a purchase oi two Ex-Soccial * dollars or more we will sell 5 yards of best quality, soft finish, bleached muslin, tor 59c. present supply lasts. This offer good only as long as it will be a long time before your dollar will buy as much again. C hildren’s K n it Bloomers — flesh color, elastic tops and bottom s. Close O ut Sale P rice —per p a ir— 19c L ad ies’ G ingham s and M ad­ ras House D resses and Aprons, your choice of values to $4.00. Close Out Sale P rice— $ 1 .4 8 Gingham s of good quality, all new p attern s and a large as sortm ent to choose from, reg u ­ la r 25c quality. Closing Sale Price, per yeard— 19c L ad ies’ B andeaus and B rassieres .........................37c L ad ies’ K nit V e s t s ............ 15c L ad ies’ Envelope Chemise 79c In fan ts W earing A pparel. .39c T issue T oilet P a p e r . . .8c roll R eady M ade Sheets, 72x90 89c C rochet C o t t o n ...........7c spool Good G rade T o w e lin g ........ 9c Good D ressing Combs . ,8c ea. Good H a ir B rushes . . . 10c ea. Good D ress Shields . . . 10c pr. C h ild ren ’s hose sup p o rters 10c 1000 y ard s of Laces, all kinds, suitable fo r all purposes, in ­ cluding fine cotton an d tor- shons, value to 15c. Closing O ut Price, per y a rd — rC Ex-Soecia Remnanlts To every customer making a purchase of one dollar we will sell two spools of thread for 5c. Hundreds of them. All kinds of Cotton Goods on sale at real C l o s i n g O u t S a l e P r i c e s . R A O i l A IIW 6 /I I A O I? Get the habit of visiting this sale every i f i i n v r i l n j u v f / l L v U I j day. Special Prices are made on odd lots and tail ends to Cl< tan T h e m U p . H • !.; li! I.. liJi IQ 89c Good W eight Canton F lannel ...... ...................... 16c 48 inch Best Oil C lo th ........ 33c L ad ies’ ribbed top Silk Hose, L uxite quality, sold regularly for $1.35. Closing out Sale Price, p a ir— 89c 75c L ad ies’ Black and W hite Silk Gloves, K ayser quality, values to $1.40, all sizes. Close Out Price, p e r p a ir— Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery and Underwear at real close out prices Bleached 9-4 S h e e tin g ___ 49c L ad ies’ fleece lined high neck or low neck union suits, good quality and w eight. Closing Out Sale P rice— B o y s’ heavy R uffneck Sw eat­ ers, ju s t the garm ent fo r every day wear. Closing O ut Price 59c M ercerized Black Sateen . .24c T hree short lines of Percales, Cheviots, and Cretonnes to clean up. Close O ut Price, per y ard — A S H l-A N D , OREGON Sale for Cash Only. All Corsets close out prices 20 per cent off. No i Refunds. All Ladies’ Neck­ wear at one halt price. | No Exchange. Every Sale Final Ail Suit Cases and Bags at close out prices. 17c Ail kinds of Men’s Fur­ nishings at close out prices.