* 4».H i U 'l V r v \* - Ashland Tidings Estshlished 1876 ruuilsued Every E v en in g . Except Sunday ___ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO- OFFICIAL CITS AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon ostoffice as Second-class Mall Mat ter. _________________ _ j Ç^UMME&P l AYGROUND’ OFÀriERìCA' bulXSi WESTERN MINING Copper for many purposes has no equal. It is easily worked, resists corrosion, gives long service, has a great salvage value and rem arkable beauty. For articles th a t are exposed to the weather, such as screens, gu t­ ters, roofs and ship fittings, it is ideal. In the m anufacture of automo biles it already has an im portant place, but many other parts and ac­ cessories couid be made of copper with advantage to the car owner. For such purposes its lightness, dur ability and non-corrosive qualities make it especially suitable. Its position as electrical m aterial and as anti-fouling bottom s for ships is acknowledged, while more general use is urged for it in the m anufae ture of ra d i.to rs for home and of­ fice buddings and for automobiles and trucks. Public Forum The P ub lic Forum oolnm n 1> • m edium for th e exp ression s of T idings readers. A rtW es subm it­ ted for publication m o st n ot ex­ ceed 4 0 0 w ords. V iew s exrpsssed under th is h ead are n ot to b e con­ fused w ith th e ed itorial opinion of the newspaper, the T idings being w illing to allow presen tation of both sides of any question except p olitics and religion . E ditor Tidings: There has been so much said about wasting A shland creek w ater th a t you would think it was a crime to use enough to take a decent bath and our Mayor goes down to Jack- sou’s Springs to get a free bath. Who is responsible for th e w z The m ajority of so called, wise- men are simply careful men. Get­ ting rich is often a m atter of being brilliant. Usually it is a m atter of buying real estate.. One acre tract, fine land, free ir­ rigation, nicely located in th e city $1,800.00. A little over an acre on lower Laurel St. Good impffovemeifts, ex tra fine noil, tr e e irrigation. $1,800.00. | SIMPSON’S HARDWARE One acre, splendid level Jand, lots of fruit, m odern bungalow cottage on G ranite St., oposite Auto camp ground a t a bargain price. A partm ent house on paved street, th re e apartm ents bringing in $51 per m onth, lovely location, nearly half acre of ground, a bargain price. splendid resident lots, al­ most Vt acre near Boulevard on Mountain avenue, alm ost a gift, somebody will take these soon. Splendid, convenient bungalow, fine garage, large lot, chicken yard, lots of fru it, $3500, w orth $4000. IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY GIVE US A CALL. R E A L ESTATE INSURANCE «w ! PHONE 26 T AUSTIN MOTEL BLD' PHYSICIANS. A GOOD PROPOSITION for a saw OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice mill man. Pine. Address A-4 limited to eye, ear, nose and Tidings. 105-4t* throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ WANTED— Plain sewing and mend­ 7S-tf ing. Mrs. Jacks, 519 Palm Ave.! land. Ore. 102-6 >>R. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to MEN WANTED— At W aite’s Barber eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses shop opposite depot. H air cuts, supplied. Oculist and aurlst for 35 cents; shaves, 15 cents. F irst 9. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. class work guaranteed. 92-1 mo* Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 L'OR SALE. DR. MATTIE B, SHAW— Special at- tention to m others and children. Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Ree. and offiue, 108 Pio­ neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to I FOR SALE— China closet and buf­ p. m. fet combined. Price $35.00. 661 B St. 107-4* DR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon — Eye, ear, nose and throat spec­ FOR SALE— Fifteen dairy stock ialist; glasses fitted. Office, 402 cows, mostly fresh the last two Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a. months. Price reasonable and m. to 5 p. m. Realdbnee, P io ­ good terms. J. W. Bailey, Talent. neer Ave., Ashland, morning and lt'4-6* evenings. Phone 28.____________ FOR SALE— Oakland Six, condition, pew cord tires, sold this week. See car garage. best of must be at Park 107-3t* FOR SALE— Wood, 16 inch body TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. fir, 16 inch pine, m anzanita and oak mixed. Phone 426-J, or call FOR prom pt and careful service, 1219 E. Main St, J. M. Burns. 91tf i auto trucks or horse drays, call W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone l i t . ÎXIK R E N I. Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Ashland. 56tf FOR RENT— Five room unfurnished apartm ent, lower floor. Inquire T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ FER — Good team and motor­ Mrs. Knapp, 117 Laurel. 106-3* trucks. Good service at a reason­ TO RENT— To respectable people, a able price. Phone 83. few rooms with steam heat, hot and cold running w ater and use EXPERT CAR WASHING and pollsb- of bath. One person, $5.00 per ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. week; ' two persons, $8.00 per : EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- week. Hotel Ashland. 88tf sonahle prices. Lithia Garage. EUR MALE— R IA L ESTATE. DRESSMAKING TRY R. D. SANFORD, 399 Beach; St., for ait classes of Real Estate, i DRESSMAKING— Mrs. E. F. Gattis, 63 Gresham street. 106-6* forenoons. 103-lmo* ATTENTION — Have acreage ou which we could take towu prop­ erty, part payment. Also some large acreage tracts, Eugene, Klam ath county, Roseburg, Cali­ fornia, for Ashland real estate.— Yockey, R ealtors, phone 14 6. * 101-mo PLUMBING PHONE your next job of plumbing to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building Phone 138. W. A. SHELL B A R B E R C hildren’s Work A Specialty Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. LOST LOST— Gold and pearl handle um ­ brella with monogram G. N. J. Finder phone 341-J or leave at Tidings office. 107-2 BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING C harter No.5747. CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF Fencing from E astern m ills ju st in. Con- sidei-able drop in prices on tam e. GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices ou Implements and re­ p a irs.. New and used sewing machines for sale or to rent........ Peil’s Corner * Reserve District No. 12. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE F I R S T N A T IO N A L B A N K To Princeton, Calif— Mr. George Vroman left last even­ ing for his home a t Princeton, Calif. Genuin« Chicken Hot Tamal««. Mr. Vroman has been visiting his Th« Fountain. R. R. Porter, Prop. parents in Gold Hill and Mrs. L. M. 96tf Ring in Ashland. Our overcoat« must go! See prioes in oar window«. Paulserud’s. lO ltf WANT ’*D. City and Rancli Pro|»erties H ouses to R ent Bring your can. E xpressm an R etu rn s from th e South Bert T urner and daughter, of 256 Sixth street, returned this m orning on train 14, a fte r spending a very delightful two weeks a t Glendale, Calif., visiting w ith Mr. T u rn er’s mother. One cent the w ord each tim e. C. B. L A M K I N JANUARY 10TH TO 25TH we w ill sell any article in stock at a 20 p er cent discount— Tubes, W eed Chains, Jacks, Pum ps, Spotlights, Tools, Spark Plugs, Five gallons any E astern Oil— $ 4.95. B U S IN E S S A N O P R O F E S S IO N A L One of the Signs of an efficient housewife is a household check­ ing account. Such an account provides an in­ disputable record of expeditures, eliminates the written receipt and in general makes the hus­ band respect his wife’s business ability. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon At Ashland, in the State of Oregon, at the close of busine«« ber 31, 1921. business ou Decem- RESOURCES 1. a. Loans and discounts, including re-dis­ counts .......................................................$583,688.21 Total loans .................................................. 583,688 21 $583,688.21 2. O verdrafts, unsecured, ................................. 151.74 4. IT. S. Government securities owned: a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) ................................ 100,000.00 b All other United States government se­ curities ...................................................... 61.202.05 161,202.05 5. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc......... 224,584.02 6. Banking house, $14,000.00; fu rniture and fixtures, $3,500.00 ................................ 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 51,458.70 10. Cash in vault and am ount due from national banks . . : .............................. 131,368.01 11. Amount due from state banks, bankers and tru st companies in the United ' States (other than included in items 8, 9 and 10) ......................................... 4,360.03 13. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 12) .................................................. 2,760.35 Total of items 9. 10, 11, 12 and 13. . 138,488.39 14. Checks on bank located outside of city or town of reporting hank and other cash i t e m s ................................................. 822.76 15. Redemption fund witli U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. T reasurer........... $5,000.00 TOTAL ...................................................... LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .............................. Surplus filnd ..............<.............................. Undivided profits .........................................$ 16,978.34 Circulating notes o u ts ta n d in g .................. Certified checks outstanding .................. Total of Items 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. . . 263.58 Demand deposits (other than bank de­ posits) subject to Reserve (deposits pay­ able w ithin 30 d a y s): Individual deposits subject to c h e c k ... Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 28. State, county, or other municipal depos­ its secured by pledge of asset of this bank ........................................................... 30. Dividends unpaid ......................................... Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reservn Item s 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 3 1 .. 527,454.68 Tim e deposits subject to R eserve (paya b I e after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal sav in g s); 32. Certificates of deposit (other than f o r money borrowed) .................. ............... Other time d e p o s its .................................... Postal savings deposits ............. ............... Total of tim e deposits subject to reserve, items 32, 33, 34, and 3 5 ....................... 410,204 27 TOTAL .................................................... $1,182,895.87 100.000.00 30,000.00 ' 16,978.34 97,995.00 263.58 445,751.70 33,182.24 43,520.74 5,000.00. 65,632.43- 344,137.57 434.27 $1,182,895.87 State of Oregon, County of Jackson— ss I, J. W. McCoy, cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear th a t the above statem ent is tru e to the best of my knowledge and b6lieo k u , , J - w - McCOY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforeme this 7th dav of Januarw 1922 (S eal> G. G.* EUBANKS, Notar^ Public. Correct— A ttest GEO. W. DUNN, E. V. CARTER, C. H. VAUPEL, Direct«