ÄSftlA&ö DÁtLÍ M tS ä i Alili KJLli production practical and profitable. $8,000 for the pa9t year, and ta Form erly the user received seven- jug care of the accrued plant and We wish to express our. sincere teen kilow att hours for the flat rate system depreciation which is com thanKS to all those who so kindly of one dollar. They are now charged menclng t0 lay a heavy hand of ex- First Organized Investigation of assisted us during the accident, the same for eleven hours but rapid- _ . _ Former Ashland Man Dies»— ly decreasing rate after the mini- pense 011 1 e ep death and burial of our dearly be* Disease to Be Made. C. S. Johnson, a former resident loved father., mum has been used under the pres-! V. ithin the next two years e I of Ashland and contributor to the ent system makes the later arrange- c*ty h a .e to >pend at east Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis and Tidings died at Kingman, Arizona, family. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Davis Speedometer Man Really Was Expedition Conducted by Four Physi­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 6.— ment cheaper. The average cost is in rePa i,s ant^ outr g t re p a ce cian* and Two Veterinary Scien­ December 12, and was buried there. and family. Mr. and M ts . W. T. The ag ricultural bloc came into be­ three and two third cents per kilo- ment3-__________ ___ ______— Terence O’Brien, One-Time tists W ill Study Sickness in Mrs. Johnson and son, contrary to Mason and family. ing as a logical result of the situ a­ w att hour as compared with 4.3 i n , Clipper of Horses. Tropical Africa. expectations of some Ashland people, tion existing among the farm ers of 1916. will remain )fn Kingman (and the 3. Umbrelas covered— Fixlt Shop. “ The electric ligh: departm ent Is London.—An expedition formed by the country and will dissolve itself house which they had commenced Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawyer, of ] only now commencing to see its way the Tropical Diseases Prevention as­ LISTEN, LADIES! into thin air immediately th at situ ­ into the clear. Depreciation charges, prior to the death of Mr. Johnson Fairview, Kans., are being enter­ sociation soon will leave to make the You know, dear ladies, there Mr. Johnson carried $3,000 insurance tained as the house guests of Dr. first organized attempt to investigate ation is solved, according to state ­ replacement, repair, salaries and is som etim es food, in the local camp of the Modern Bertha Sawyer, 158 Pioneer avenue. T hat is better than oth ers for Carifornia-Oregon Litigation Over $5,257,343 Estate Left on the spot the treatment of sleeping ments made today by Senator Cap­ charges by the sickness, as distinct from the question Dr. and Mrs. Swyer are sisters. Mr. Woodmen. your good. Power company make the depart­ by Manufacturer Leads to Bar­ I’ll promise you something, so of the mere transmission of the dis­ per of Kansas. and Mrs. Sawyer are spending the ing of “ Family Skeleton"— He (jeclared th a t all the alarm ment run under an annual expense don't be denied, ease. We are up-town agents for Pure wjnter months in the west and are ol $28,768. The revenue received Eccentric About Money. U ntil you have found it, and The expedition will be conducted by about this group of agriculturists in Malted Milk Twin Loaves 10 cents, r now on their way to Los Angeles has been going out in replacements. needs supplied. fo’-v physicians and two veterinary Detrick’s Groceteria. 1 0 6 til where they will make an extended Chicago.—Litigation over the $5.- scientists, and It Is expected the work the national legislature is without CH ER R O F L O U R TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY visit before returnring to their home 257,343 estate left by the late ■ !-a will occupy two and a half years. It adequate foundation. In his annual A Hard W heat F lou r of Fam ous K. Stewart, founder and prevalent of Is sought to carry out the work in dif­ Spend Week End Here-— ¡in Kansas LOST— Ladies lined glove. Soft B lend— G uaranteed message, President H arding com­ the Stewart Manufacturing company ferent centers with the sanction and A. L. Perce and Lee Peachy are gauntlet. Finder please phone Mrs. and the Stewart-Warner Speedometer Jarvis, 478-J. 107-1 support of the governments interest­ plained about this bloc, and Secre­ in from Anderson Creek for the week I v is ito r P rom Yreka.— company, bared u “family skeleton.” ed, and It Is hoped that It will result tary Weeks also recently took a end. Mr. and Mrs. Gross, of Yreka, GUINEA PIGS— (Cavies) More prof­ Search of records of the Surrogate itable to raise than poultry, rab-| visited with Mrs. Dodson 431 North court In Riverhead, L. I., in which In a general system of vaccination whack at it. Capper said th a t the bits or pigeons. Big demand for Automobiles insured at right rates, j Main 8treet, for a couple of days one of the two wills made by the whereby all Individuals arriving in a group was not a defiance of any­ danger zone will be Inoculated and them all year. Special, low' prices Yeo of course. 107-tf this week. Chicago millionaire was filed, revealed BY EP S T A PL E S’ THINKER thing or anybody, but was merely so gradually rendered immune. for 10 days, on bred females and that his name was really Terence young breeding stock in labora­ The expedition will first work in for the purpose of seeing that the < 5 ; A ccepts New P osition — I New sawmill, ready for operation. O’Brien. Under this nameJie had been Uganda. tory and utility stock also. Solid It will probably proceed % Miss Louise Harrell has accepted large log pond, several million feet a mining prospector in the West, al- later to the Belgian Congo, and It Is farm ers got w hat was due them. He color, blacks, reds, whites, creams. ' ways without much success. • golden, silver, and cream agoutis, said the farm ing industry was in a the position with Rose Brothers, SUgar pine surrounding. A bargain From prospecting O’Brien turned his hoped to extend the work to Rhodesia tortoise and white Peruvians and which was formerly held by Miss can be had in this. Staples Realty, hand to clipping horses, following and the Sudan, where there is a big state of absolute collapse at the Abysinians. Send for price list, and present time. Farm s capable of pro­ Pearl Ruger. Miss Ruger was recent-j Ashland, Oregon. It information, 0$, B. Cavy Home. county fairs. In Seattle he met Arthur epidemic of the disease. I ■ • í 2108 Buena ViMfe Ave,— Alameda, j ly married. and Michael Conlon. Together they In­ The sleeping sickness has been prev­ ducing thirty-tw o billions of new N O T IC E The Talent boys and girls’ Ep- vented a horse dipping machine. This alent among the natives of West Af­ wealth annually are in the very Calif. 107-1 «s» Pre-war prices on made-to-meas- worth League basket ball teams will contained a flexible shaft, which served rica for 100 years. It Is generally at­ worst possible shape, he said. Both Baby Chicks ure suits. - The recent reduction in play the Ashland Epworth League as the basis of future automobile ac­ tributed to a parasite carried by a young and old men are getting away FOR SALE— The Redwing Hatchery species of the tsetse fly which infects incubates 250,009 eggs every three woolens made by the Bruner Wool- teams, at the high school gymna cessory appliances. cattle. The disease has caused heavy from the soil to go to the cities, and weeks, being the'jlargest and finest Soon Bring* In Big Profits. en Co., of Chicago, and just received | slum tonight at 8 o’clock, mortality among the natives of the those who stay behind cannot afford equipped electric’ hatchery in the EVERY MAN CAN LOOK INTO This shaft was patented for O’Brien makes it possible for us to sell and Congo and Uganda for many years, to buy seed, tools, etc. N either can Southwest. We are now’ booking THE FUTl RE IF HE TAKES by a lawyer named Stewart and soon and Is greatly dreaded by Europeans make suits at home for $25.00 tol Cliff Payne makes t .bourettes, they afford to pay the present wages orders for immediate, and future THE TIME TO 1M> SO it began to pay large profits. It was In the parts of Africa where it ex­ $50.00. Call in and see the sam-. » delivery of all the popular breeds demanded by farm help. These con placed on the market as the John K. ists. Its origin has been the subject pies. We do cleaning, pressing, al-|N ew Year Guests of baby chicks; Pekin; Muscovy The m ajority of so called wise- dltions resulted in a tacit under­ Stewart speedometer, the name of of much medical research. and Indian R unner ducklings and men are simply careful men. Get­ tering and dying as it ought to bel Mr- and J " . * , the UIC lawyer furnishing part - of the — standing among senators from the ting rich is often a m atter of being Mammoth Bronze baby turkeys; done. K. Nelson, at Hotel Ashland of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Gu. , aQ(1 of g race horse, “John brilliant. Usually it is a m atter of west and south, both republicans and also our celebrated strain of Ore­ 106-6 | Head, of Fort Jones, California, were K,” furnishing the remainder. $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 U. S. ‘DOT’ REVEALED democrats, to do everything in their gon-Corvallis W hite Leghorns. We buying real estate. Bldg. New Year’s guests at the pleasant • O’Brien later decided to adopt as can supply pullets of all kinds at power to relieve the farm er. One acre tract, fine land, free ir­ all times! also incubators and his own the name of the device he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fish of Mortgage en Gotham Club Given by W ill Teach School— Senator Capper said the Ameri­ brooders. No order to large or too rigation, nicely located in the city had placed on the market, and from Parent* of the Late Lady Miss Alice Walker, daughter ,o t| North Talent can farm er was today the only bus­ small to receive our careful a t­ $1,800.00. that time on was known as John K. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Walker, of East tention. Send for prices. Redwing A little over an acre on lower iness man in the world who always The Mesdames Williams and Ward StewarL Hatchery, 2030 E. Florence. Los Laurel St. Good iinprovemerfts, Main street, leaves Sunday morning With the acquisition of his fair New York.—A marriage settlement sells at wholesale and always buys entertained the Berean class of the Angeles, Calif. 107-4 Sat. extra fine «oil. 'fre e irrigation. to teach a school near Brownsboro. fortune O’Brien, now known as Stew­ Involving a $250.000 property mort­ Baptist Sunday School Thursday af- art, left the West and moved to Chi­ gage made In 1874 by the parents of at retail. $1,800.00. “ It was not the ag ricultural bloc FOR SALE— 400 acre stock ranch. Plan for the big chicken dinner, | ternoon at the Church parlors, cago, Introduced the speedometer and Lady Randolph Churchill, formerly Dead Indian. 200 acres meadow, One acre, splendid level .land, lots balance good pine and fir tim ber. of fruit, modern bungalow cottage at the Pioneer hall, at noon, Satur- Games and fancy work filled the soon his wealth grew to great propor­ Jennie Jerome of New York, when which put over the emergency tariff Sawmill on place equipped with on G ranite St., oposite Auto camp day, January 14, given by the Ctrlst- time from 2 o’clock till 4, when de- tions. He purchased a residence at she became the wife of Lord Randolph measure, bu t another group,” Cap­ band saws also planer, good little per said. He declared senators who Henry Spencer Churchill, was revealed ground at a bargain price. ian church. 106-2 lightful refreshment^ w ere «served 3217 Sheridan road and bought a man­ plant. sion at Center Point, L. L, to which In court. She died last June after thought alike on any given question to twenty members of the class. Ranch is equipped with all ma­ A partm ent house on paved street, he later moved with his wife and two amputation of her right leg, due to were w arranted in getting together three apartm ents bringing in $51 chinery to run, also will put in R etu rn to Richmond, C alif.— _____ complications from a fracture of the and w orking as a unit. He pointed daughters, Marlon and Jean. per month, lovely location, nearly somp good horses and a few cottle. Miss Gertrude Engle, formerly I P R O F IT E E R IN G IN S H IP P IN G He was In his early forties when he ankle. half acre of ground, a bargain to New England m anufacturers, New Good buildings. principal of the Junior high school D E N IE D B Y G O V. B O A R D died, leaving an estate of five to seven Papers signed by Supreme Court 160 acre place 4 miles north east of price. Justice Mullan canceling the $250.- York bankers and other industries of Ashland, who has been visiting WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 7 — .Al- millions. splendid resident lots, al­ Ashland, 30 acres cultivated, bal­ Both Stewart and his widow, who 000 mortgage on the Manhattan club which took sim ilar means of obtain­ with her brother Fred Engle and leged attempts on the part of private ance pasture. For price and term s most % acre near Boulevard on on this property see H. L. Moore, Mountain avenue, almost a gift, family of 534 Boulevard, returns to I American shipping concerns to “pro died nine months after him were ec­ in East Twenty-sixth street, showed ing desired legislation in congress. that it was a gift by her father to somebody will take these soon. centric in handling money. First a 364 Vista St., phone 187-.T. Richmond, Calif, today. Miss Engle fiteering” in the transportation of 107eod3* clerk In the office of the Speedometer George Charles Spencer Churchill, Splendid, convenient bungalow, is now pricipal of Stege school of millions of bushels of grain for Rus- company discovered some deposit slips marquis of Blandford and later duke FOR SALE— China closet and buf­ fine garage, large lot. chicken Rrichmond. sian relief resulted today in the al­ on Chicago banks calling for $1,800,- of Marlborough, and Thomas M. Foote yard, lots of fruit, $3500, worth fet combined. Price $35.00. 661 location of a group of government 000 which It was not known that Mr. of New York, as trustees. B St. 107-4* $4000. The agreement authorized the two Another bargain. 4 rooms and owned vessels of the shipping board Stewart possessed. This money was found In six banks and turned into men to hold the mortgage and pay LOST— Gold and pearl handle um­ IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY bath, lot 37 x 132. $900.00, cash [to carry on the work. $10.000 a year to Lady Churchill and brella with monogram G. N. .1. GIVE US A CALL. the estate. Shortly afterwards Lean- $200 or $300. Act quick. Ashland Finder phone 341-J or leave at red H. La Chance, now chairman of her husband during her life. The R E A L ESTATE Realty Company, opposite City Hall. ] Will party who took fur neck piece 107-2 principal will now be divided between Tidings office. the board of directors of the Stewart- IN S U R A N C E ^ 107-tf | from rack at Sanatorium by mistake Warner Speedometer company, and Winston Spencer Churchill, British Monday is poultry day at the Med­ FOR SALE— Oakland Six. best of please return. Reward. 107-3t trustee of the Stewart estate, received secretary of state for colonies, and condition, new cord tires, must be a bill for $7.50 for the rent of a safety John Strange Spencer Churchill. Undergoes Operation— ford library, subjects relative to all sold this week. See car at Park deposit vault of which he knew noth­ Mrs. Frank Landing, wife of Frank] garage. 107-3t* phases of poultry raising will be dis­ PHONE Z 8 0 ,0 0 0 SAVED FROM DEATH ing. Landing of 1111 Iowa street, was] cussed. Tuesday is anim al husbandry FOR SALE— 14 Anacona pullets and Daughter* Get Estate. AUSTIN HOTEL BLD operated on yesterday at a local | one cockerel, fifteen dollars for In the safety deposit vault $250,000 Large Annual Reduction in Tubercu­ day and will be devoted to hogs, the bunch. C. M. Miles. 611 Beach hospital. more was discovered. At another losis Mortality Rate Shown o, 10«-1 sheep, dairy cattle, range cattle and time a suitcase which Mrs. Stewart, in Report. horses. Truck Knocks Hydrant— who died in Aiken. S. C„ had left A truck, belonging to the Ash­ in a hotel there was opened and $690,- New York.—The reduction of the Dr. D erflinger will be one of thei 000 In currency. In $5,000 and $10,- tuberculosis death rate to 114 per 100,- leading speakers and will talk on] land Lumber company, when back­ Hillah Temple held a stated ses- 000 gold certificates rolled out. This 000, recently announced by the United livestock diseases and give a public I ing to unload some lumber at the the [ slon and installation of officers last suitcase also contained $296,000 in States bureau of the census, Is equiv­ dem onstration of tuberculosis in catt- j East Side Pharmacy, struck The suitcase had alent to a saving of more than 80,000 main hydrant at the corner of Sec- night. The elective officers which certified checks. been carried around the country with­ lives in this country during the cur­ le. An anim al has been tested for T I ond and East Main streets, breaking were installed were as follows: out more than the usual care. rent year, as contrasted witfr the B., and has reacted and will bel it off. The city water department! Frank J. Newman, Medford, Po- AS W ELL AS The fortune left by Stewart was orig­ tuberculosis death rate of 15 years slaughtered and the carcass used ¡ was notified, and succeeded In mak- tentatej T. H. Simpson, Chief Rab- inally divided between his two daugh­ ago, according to a statement Issued for dem onstration to show the ef- j lng temporary repairs. bon; P. B. Herman, Grants Pass, As- ters. but Jean died October 10 last, by the National Tuberculosis associa­ fects of T. B. on cattle. Every farm-] Marion married tion. ______ sistant Rabon; P. K. Hammond, while still a child. er should w itness this d em onstra-! Robert B. Honey man Jr., of New York In 1905 the death rate from tuber­ Ashland Wins Basketball Game— High Priest and Prophet; Emil •tion. Those interested in farm ani-j The basketball games last night Britt, Jacksonville, Oriental Guide, City, and Inherited the entire estate. culosis was about 192 per 100,000. By mals should come and spend the] We are delivering the Famous Peacock, Rock Springs ( oal as It was her action In flllfig, through 1910 it had declined to 160; in 1915 resulted in victory for the Ashland C. H. Vaupel, Treasurer; W. H. Day, her father-in-law Robert B. Honey- It was 146. There was a slight in­ whole day on Tuesday. C. C. Cate. I follows; „__ 2,000 lbs. in bulk .................$l«.5O team. TalentB which joined the state Recorder. man, a New York lawyer, a suit charg­ crease In 1917 and 1918, but in 1919 4,000 lbs. in b u l k ..................... 9.00 association during the past season,! The appointive officers were F. ing Incompetence and general mis­ there was a sharp drop to 126, and in URGES USE OF LOCAL 500 lbs. in hulk ..........................f».«« suffered a defeat at the hands of D. Wagner, First Ceremonial Master; management of the estate, that led 1920 to 114. One sack .................................. YVEALTH GRANITE BLOCK] the local team to the tune of 25 to IB*. H. Johnson, Second Ceremonial to the discovery of the romance of 5 8hoots Big W ild Duck. 11, this being the first association I Master; D. H. Jackson, Marshal; O. her father’s career. Calgary, Canada.—What Is reported (Continued from Page 1) game of the season, and therefore) S. Blanchard, Grants Pass, Captain to be the biggest wild dubk ever shot Gems Kicked About StroeL ing stone and granite? Acres of dia­ starts our local team with a 100 of the Guard; C. C. Weisenberger, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Diamond rings sy a Calgary sportsman fell to the Outer Guard, and H. C. Stock, Di­ per cent, showing. The second game worth $5,000, tied in a linen h^dker- jun of Capt. Alexander Martin, sev­ monds, in the shape of fine m onu­ which was a practice game, played rector. W. H. McNair of Ashland and chief, were kicked about the streets eral times a representative at the Bis- m ental granite, are being trodden against the high school alumni, was W. E. Newcomb of Grants Pass were and trampled by residents of Taren­ ley rifle matches in Great Britain. He under foot by Ashland people, wait­ (X a hotly contested one from the start, selected as representatives to Imper­ tum two days before Joseph DeNanze ihot it near Morrln, Alta., and it meas- ing to be cut and polished. Mean­ ared 31% inches from the tip of the to the finish, the high school team ial Council in June of this year at of Tarentum picked up the bundle In alll to the tip of the webbed feet, and while the railroads are being paid] making the winning point during the San Francisco. C. W. Nims, Trustee Center street. The diamonds were lost 11 Inches from wing tip to wing tip, three q u arters of a million dollars | last few seconds of play. Score 25 to for three years. The finance com­ by Mrs. Joseph Klein of Tarentum one Inches around the head and 17 a year to ship Vermont granite t o 1 mittee appointed consisted of C. H. Monday morning, when she was shop­ nches across the chest. Captain Mar­ us across the continent.” 24. IN ping. The Jewelry ^as turned over to Vaupel, G. W. Dunn and F. D. Wag­ the owner by DeNanze. Mrs. Klein in Is having It mounted. Thinking insurance, talking Insur­ ner. The present membership of Hll- had offered $300 reward. ELECTRIC LIGHT REVENUE Stops Selling Antelopes. ance, dreaming insurance. Yeo, ol lah Temple is 550. The big event this M AKES BIG MONEY GAIN Cheyenne, Wyo.—Following protests coarse. 107-tf year, which might occasion a trip to O N E O F H IS B E S T — a n d Has Hia Thirty-8lxth Child Baptized. rom several national game protective Honolulu will be the meeting of the Montreal—Hllare SL Pierre, a local societies, the state game and fish com- (Continued from Page 1) Land Buyerrs Imperial Council, at San Francisco, baker, had his thirty-sixth ehlld bap­ nission the other day decided not to c : Each day brings new inquiries n June. About thirty uniformed tized. Mr. Hilaire has been married ssue permits to hunters to kill 100 1920, electric light users are paying about the reclaimed, irrigated, peat members will attend in a body. twice. He had 13 children by his first antelope during the next two years. users. Last year the Southern Pacific In Applications will be granted, however, less on the average for the current lands in Klamath county. The more Following the installation and bu­ wife and 23 by the second. tor killing 50 bull moose. « investigations Çthat are! made, the siness sesion a banquet was held. now used 'than before the change.” greater the interest and the more said Easterling. ‘ The average am ­ 100 per cent 100 per cent pronounced are the opinions as to W ill Not Stand fo r Re-election-«— ount paid by each user last year Show Woman Justice to Show V *J To the voters of Jackson and Jose­ future increased values. Some peo­ was $26.50 as compared with $27.05 Virginia Boy» 7 Years Old, Kiss Bridegrooms ple» may think ther is plenty of time phine Counties: in 1920. That average is based o n 1 Arrested as Horse Thief S U N D A Y —M O N D A Y — in which to act, but they are quite I feel it my duty to announce at figures exclusive of the ‘new load j Atlantic City, N. J.— Mrs. Ce­ likely to wake up to the fact that this time that I do not intend to be carried by the Southern Pacific celia Champion of Somers Point, Roanoke, Va.—Russell Smith, these lands cannot be purchased at a candidate for reele&lon to *the company and other power u se rs,; newly elected a Justice of the seven years old, was arrested the price now offered for a great office of Circuit Judge. peace, announces she will go the m aking the comparison absolutely] recently on a charge of stealing I also wish to express to the while loneer. The tendency is al­ marrying parsons one better. a horse. The boy was turned fair. It figures out a t about $1.891 in ready upwards in valuation in the people of this district my sincere ap Where the parsons have made it over to L E. Watson, probation per user. a point to kiss the bride, Mrs. officer. This is the youngest of­ vicinity of this land. Full descrip­ predation of the continued confl VAMP! — VAMP! — VAMP! “ Users paying the flat rate of $1 Champion says she will kiss the fender of the law who has been tion furnished on application. Ex­ dence that has been given me during THE GIRLS ARE MARCHING! have no com plaint coining,’ claims ] bridegroom. Mrs. Champion Is arrested here in 20 years. It was penses guaranteed to the interested the twelve years I have ocupied the Easterling, “ and if they were being considered handsome and Is al­ W here?— To be b e tte r wives and said. Investigator who finds th» (repre­ high office, but the burdens and res­ charged fairly it would cost them] most thirty y e a « o,d- m others? Or to make them selves sentations wrong and all expenses ponsibilities of the office are bo $1.89 a month. As it is, the larger] “ free?” of a visit to examine the land cred great that I do not .feel that I can users are assum ing the burden o f . We deliver the goods.— Detrick’s Red to the purchaser of a tract.— carry them for another term. Fixlt Shop, new location, Beaver, Groceteria. 105tf the small user by making increased 107-1 F. M. CALKINS block, Staples Realty, Ashland Or. 105-3 C A R D OP T H A N K S Local and Personal STEWART’S LIFE ROMANCE BARED S T U D Y S L E E P IL L N E S S Sen. Copper Says Agricultural Bloc is Aid to Country CHERRO CHIMES ALSO WAS MINING PROSPECTOR 1 \ Farmers’ Meet For Discussion Stock Diseases Hillah Temple Install Officers For Ensuing Year Tills is Srulyp < ♦. - COLD W EATHER Whittle Transfer Co. Lyfell Alias Ladyiingers HAROLD LLOYD ETH EL CLAYTON e x it the vamp