AH ILLAN ¿í üAiLt 'hiiiÂüg m Tidings fl • *7« E*eij Cjieiühj Exuep* i Sunday , THE ASHLAND PRINTING CD. ------------ :------------------- 1--- -------, I OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE _____________ _ 39 ’ ______ I Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ ter. NEW, TRUE A ND NO - uuu»ueu d)UM!1 P layground - 0F/MER1CA WASHINGTON fi. „BRfTISH 1 ÎIGMT. COOL DAYS <- IA RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. Justice Is Practical Reality atih m BBHtato LOTE SIX FACTORS IN FLYING SAFELY Ja.i-oiiiciu PRGF. FISHER TO STUDY EUROPEAN ECONOMICS LONDON, Jan. 7 — Professor Irv­ ing Fisher. of Yale University, has I '■ i.V'toQm . arrived in London to study European economic questions, especially relat- i More Air Ports, Competency and ing to the stability of the exchange. j W eather Forecasts Needed. He thinks that England is the on-j ly country that can recover the old par value, but questions whether itj will be worth 'the cost to secure It.! England would have to remove the present embargo and constitute a In Six Months These Machines Covered free gold market. a Distance of $¿50,000 Miles-MO Accidents and 14 Deaths in That| Period—Emergency Landing Fields Are Needed—Also Specialized Weather Forecasts Adapted to Needt of Flyers. A merican Valuation P lan Can be E a sily Adm inistered ii ' Mrs. A s m U b Wood Binning at £ m * Elwood Cox Adorn», 23 yoara old, Oranre, N . a ft« * a ten year search was-scored by Judge Talley of New for her husband, found him in 3 yra T Y ork City when sentenced to ten «use, N . Y ., the husband of another y e a n In State’s prison because he woman Binning is under ball to a n - forced the woman, who loved him. to iw e r the charge of bigamy. Mrs. B in - steal for him. Joan Cunningham nine claims that a f t « her husband confessed to stealing 36.600 in jewelry, deserted her ten y e a n ago she filed which she gave to Adams. Adams, suit for divorce against him, but biter it is claimed, . was married several had the complaint dismissed. Recent- times and has four children, ly she again started suit and finding - -------- clues of her husband’s whereabouts N. Y. Levs Cautious trailed him to Syracuse. A fte r a visit Unless Cupid works overtime there to his horns and »com parison of notes b« from s>000 to 6>ww fewer m a r. w ith the second M n . Binning a w a r- riat be c a rrie d on a fte r a little p ra c tic e ju s t a s w ell a s th e p resen t law is. “ T h e id ea th a t it is Im possible to find o u t w h a t th e A m erican value of a piece of goods, is w hen you a re su p - posed to find o u t th e foreign value seem s, to m e prep o stero u s, “ T h e re is one m ore th in g to be k ep t In m ind. T h e only w ay to tak e c are of d e p re c ia ted cu rre n c y a t th e p resen t tim e a n d to m ake th e m a n u fa c tu re r s a fe an d ab le to c a rry on his business u n d e r d e p re c ia ted c u rren cy , is to put asid e th e need for th e m a n u fa c tu re r to w onder in w h a t c u rre n c y th e duty w ill be a sse sse d on th e goods w ith w hich he h a s to com pete, an d w onder one d a y w h a t it is going to be th e next, H e m u st h a v e It fixed on th e one s ta b le th in g In th e financial world, a n d th a t is U n ited S ta te s money. T h is is so m e th in g th a t does not c h a n g e a n d will n o t change. And the o n ly w ay to h av e sta b le duties, the only w ay to h av e d u tie s th a t will say w h a t th e y m ean a n d m ean w h a t they Bay, in th e ta riff law . Is to have a duty t h a t w h en it depends on th e value of th e goods it depen d s upon its A m er- lean valu e a n d not on th e value th a t It h a s in a foreign co u n try th a t c h a n g e s from d a y to d a y arid from h o u r to h o u r.” CARLOAD SHIPMENT OP Fencing We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative M aterial. We willingly give prices and figure am ounts needed. Dickerson & Son GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on implements and re­ pairs. . New and used sewing machines for sale or to rent......... Pei/’s Corner $1.00 Profit C hristinas S ale at O rres T a ilo r Shop n o w on. Don’t Miss It. THE PAINT MAN THE front East(*m mills just In. Con­ siderable drop iu prices on same. V IR G IN IA C AFE, ASHLAND BEAVER BLO CK N O W O P E N F O R B U S IN E S S B e s t M e a ls in th e C ity a t M o d e r a te P r ic e s One ol the Signs of a ll efficient housewife is a household cheek­ ing account. Sueli an account provides an in­ disputable record of expeditures, eliminates the written receipt and in general makes the lftts- to» hand respect his wife’s business ability. The Citizens Bank A s h la n d , Oregon