o .k F o t n ASHLAND DAÍLY TWfNGfl Local and Personal Masonic Calendar This Week A Hillah Temple, stated session, Frl- day evening, January 6. Installation of officers. By Ourles M1CKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL V .O U E SttN , T U E VJ AN SeAH, BUT u s e 0\%e&BT\OU'. HHRa NOO I bxRE, 94 ONE c e THÊ VJOUŒR SWISS OF j j 1 NOO BRAG ABOUT TKAT UTTVE TOVJtt NOU CAMÊ FROM MAKES ME kAKlF The First Finte the Ole Depot Was B ra ced About Sughnfe ® VCeuem Newspaper Union W E U k, A F E U E R me A U TT v£T C M JK i X T VJOMT STICK u p fee u ts o v w HOME TÜVJM A94T M UCH OF A GUN’ B fc Ä G e m about S’ - LOOK AWVJWERE'. T A K E ODK WklOERFUL. \4OW. \ GUESS NOD J A W t U S U E L S A\M \ TH' GRÊ AT VteSTEÄtt UM iOU RA1LVJAN STATI OW v-NVAE M O ST Í t arxvstks BTAT vûu 1 ° ^ weSTiuiuuuois' HAVI'. HAW UAW \__ Id i Z Z 'X ì Undergoes Operation— Mrs. Ella White, of Mountain ave­ nue, underwent a serious operation at a local hospital today. it H Five room house, two lots, wood shed hen house with six foot fence, twelve compartment rabbit hutch. Sacrifice at $700, half cash, balance satisfactory terms. Also other good bargains. Ashland Realty Company, opposite city hall. 106tI NOTICE Pre-war prices on made-to-meas­ We deliver the goods.— Detrick’s Groceteria. 105tf ure suits. The recent reduction in woolens made by the Bruner Wool­ en Co., of Chicago, and just received R eturns from Sacram ento— makes it possible for us to sell and Mrs. H. B. Carter, of Mountain make^suits at home for $25.00 to avenue, returned Tuesday from Sac­ ramento, where she visited relatives $50.00. Call in and see the sam­ CHICAGO, Jan. 6.— More mem­ during the holidays. Mrs. Carter ples. We do cleaning, pressing, al­ bers of congress are Methodists than was accompanied by their three chil­ tering and dying as it ought to be any other religious creed or denomi­ dren, Wayne, Elizabeth and Esther. done. K. Nelson, at Hotel Ashland nation, it is revealed by a survey Bldg. 106-6 just completed by the board of tem­ Boys knlckerbocker pants, closing Chicken Dinner— Dew Drop Inn— perance, prohibition and public mor­ out at half price. Ferguson’s Clos­ Saturday, 11:30 to 1:30. 106-1 als of the Methodist Episcopal ing Out Sale. church. Out of 435 members lu the house Flxit Shop, new location, Beaver Recovers from Operation— twenty-four were non-members. Mrs. J. W. McCoy, Terrace street, block. 105-3 The church affiliation of ninety- who recently underwent a slight op­ eight could not be ascertained. In eration, is reported to be improving. R eturns from California— the senate out of uinety-six senators Miss May Hedrick returned the he church affiliations of twenty- All men’s and boys* hats and caps first of the week from Sacramento, three are unknown. Only four were where she has been visiting former on sale at half price, at Ferguson’s uon-members. Douglas county friends during the Closing Out Sale. Here is the line-up: holiday season. The House— Methodists, 99; Pres­ Rc urn to O. A. C.— Chester MacCracken, son of Mr. byterians, 56; Baptists, 29; Episco- Only a few misses’ and ladies’ pals, 35; Congregational, 23; Cath­ Jerseys on sale at closing out prices, and Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, of olics, 18; Christians, 11; Lutherans, 262 Hargadine street, who has been at Ferguson’s. visiting his parents during the holi­ 10; Disciples, 10; Unitarians, 5; Had to come to it. Regular city day season, has returned to Oregon Jewish church, 3; Quaker church, 3; United Brethren, Mormon, Inde­ delivery. Detrick’s Groceteria. 105tf Agricultural college. pendent, Mennonite, Dutch Re­ Plan for the big chicken dinner, formed and Evangelical have one Visits Old F riends— at the Pioneer hall, at noon, Satur­ member each. There are two Uni­ Mr. and Mrs. Velton Haskins, of day, January 14, given by the Christ­ versalista. Klamath county, were calling on The Senate— Methodists, 17; Epis­ 106-2 former friends in this city today. Mr. ian church. copalians, 12; Presbyterians, 11; Haskins is the youngest son of J. W. Congregationalists, 7; Baptists, 6; Visitor from Klamath Falls— Haskins who formerly lived on Gar­ Catholics, 6. There is one Protestant Mrs. Harris Dean, of Klamath field street. Falls, is the house guest of Mrs. Episcopal and one Christian. The Mary Wilshire, 87 Granite street. Lutherans, Dutch Reformed, Uni­ The automobile of J. H. Bugg burn­ Mrs. Dean formerly resided in Ash­ tarians, and Mormons all have two ed last week, it was Insured with land and hopes to return here soon members each. Yeo of course. . , 105tf to live. She leaves next week for EAGLE POINT BOY All ladies* new neckwear on sale Portland to visit her parents. ARRESTED UPON at half price. Ferguson’s Closing FORGERY CHARGE Men’s dress shirts, values to $2, Out Sale. closing out price 98c. At Ferguson’s JACKSONVILLE, Or., Jan. 6.— Undergoes Operation in Medford-r- Closing Out Sale. Jack Winkle, young man of Eagle Mrs. Minnie Sargent, of Central Guests at Hotel Ashland— Point, was taken into custody on a Point, was taken to a Medford hos­ W. M. Grant, San Francisco; Roy charge of forgery and a charge of pital Wednesday for an operation, L. Autrim, Aloha, Or.; Frank Burk, having insufficient funds in the and is reported to be doing well. S. S. Minn, Joe Carien, Grants Pass; bank, by Deputy Sheriff Millard Mrs. Sargent is a sister of Harry F. C. Steidler, Portland; Mr. and Wednesday, and is being held on Yeo and Mrs. Maggie Culbertson, of Mrs. J. C. Gerstetter, Chicago; Mr. $500 ball. His arraignment ha* this city. and Mrs. G. H. Crandall, Kilbourn, been set for next Tuesday before Good quality white outing, closing Wls.; F. S. Peterson, San Francisco; Acting Justice of the Peace Farrell, C. L. Grutza, Salem; C. Crawford, in order to give the county prosecu­ out price 12c yard. Ferguson’s. Klamath Falls; George M. Robinson, tor further time to investigate. Former Residents Visit— Portland; Silo A. Marsh, Portland; It is alleged that Winkle passed Ed Wolters, of Dunsmuir, was an M. Wisecover, Dunsmuir; Robert a $50 check on the Medford Auto Ashland visitor Wednesday. Tht McKee, Portland. company recently in payment on an Wolters family form erly lived, on automobile he had purchased, hav­ Mountain avenue on property now We are up-town agents for Pure ing no funds in the bank, and that owned by J. V. Wright. Malted Milk Twin Loaves— 10 cents. further he forged a check for $17.50 Detrick’s Groceteria. 106tf and passed it on C. F. Reichstein. All Warner’s corsets, value to $4. Winkle had been employed as a sec­ on sale at $1.98 at the big closing Guests at the Columbia— tion hand for some time past. out sale at Ferguson’s. G. F. Bradshaw, Portland; W. A. Williams, Portland; Mrs. H. J. Benz, BALANCE OF CHINESE Find Calif. Roads G o o d - Portland; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Has­ FAMINE FUND TO BE John Burns and party of three, kins, Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. USED IN PREVENTION from Los Angeles, passed through Ford, Dukings, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. here yesterday on their way to Sher­ E. V. Benvich, Portland; O. F. SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 6.— Re­ idan, Or. Mr. Burns said that t*» Reebel, Roseburg; A Llttlefied, C. L. cent floods and famine in Anhwei, roads were far from being impas­ McCoshin, Portland; Chas. E. Frush. Shantung and other provinces of sible, as his party had made the en­ China, have caused professional tire trip in their Ford without any The automobile owned by Mr. R. Chinese philanthropists to take a trouble. Trusty, on 6th at., burned yester­ growing interest in the balance of day; it was insured with Yeo. 106tf $1,300,000 left over from the China famine fund collected under the aus­ Mr. and Mrs. Bert H. Smith, of pices of ex-Presldent Wilson and 433 Oak street, entertained Thurs­ Thomas W. Lamont. The fund was day night with a card party, refresh­ sent to Peking for distribution by ments being served during the even­ ing. The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY Clinton Baugham, Misses Bertha DRESSMAKING and Mae Smith, Elmer Smith, and DRESSMAKING— Mrs. E. F. Gattls, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bailey. 63 Gresham street. 106-6* Methodists On Top, Congress Survey Shows N o C r o u p T o n ig h t N o need to fear spasm odic croup. Rub baby’s chest w ith V icks at bed tim e. All night long medicated vapors arise and are inhaled. Croup can hardly develop. It does aw ay w ith dosing and is equally effective for other cold troubles of young or cAd. VICKS v V R apo ub Ovor 17 Million J a n U te d Y — RENT— Fam ished apartment Better be safe than sorry; in­ FOR and housekeeping rooms. All con­ sure with, Yeo of course. ,106-tf. veniences, fine location. 153 Gran­ ite street. Phone 411-R. 106-1 Mrs. Ella White P i e s — FOR RENT— Five room house, well Mrs. Ella White, 57 years ot age, furnished, newly papered, player died this morning at a local hos­ piano. Inquire 171 Granite, or phone 340-J. 106tf pital. Mrs. White, who has been living with her daughter at 167 FOR RENT— Five room unfurnished Mountain avenue, had been under apartment, lower floor. Inquire Mrs. Knapp, 117 Laurel. 106-3* the care of a physician fo r . a short time. Yesterday she underwent a serious operation. She came to Ash­ land tbout three years ago from St. Lonte, Mo. Mrs. Minnie Henson and one grandchild survive her. The body is in charge of the Dodge un­ Christmas Sale at dertaking parlors. Funeral arrange­ Orres Tailor Shop ments have not been completed. $1.00 P ro fit. A string of kites sent up by the weather burean In northeastern Ok- lahome broke loose in a high wind and was subsequently found at a place in Kansas 150 miles away. now on. Don’t Miss IL the American advisory committee for famine relief. The American committee in Pek­ ing has been approached for some time past by philanthropists from various provinces and of various pol­ itical affiliations, with suggestions as to how best the money could be used. The American committeemen have however, decided that none of this money should be expended for the relief of floods or famine that the Chinese could have avoided or are In a position to attend to with their own funds. It is the unanimous opinion of the com m ittee'that the $1,300,000 left over should be used as a famine pre­ vention fund, the interest from which should be devoted to con­ structive work designed to aid in the prevention of future floods and famine and a recommendation to this effect was made to those in charge of the Chinese famine fund, in the United States. Under no cir­ cumstances w ill any part of the $1,- 300,000 be turned over to Chinese or anyone else for flood and famine relief at the present time. tw e n tie th of th is m o n th . T h e re is high schools will s ta r t th e e ig h te e n th ■ T h e a u to m o b ile of S. H. M axwell, only one m o re w eek of school b e fo re of next m o n th an d la s t th re e days. 1 on C a lifo rn ia s tr e e t, b u rn e d th is e x a m in a tio n s. G ra d u a te s from th e e ig h th g ra d e w eek, it w as in su re d w ith , Yeo of will eu ro ll for the f ir s t y e a r of high i co u rse. 105tf PA RENT-TEACH ERS school a t th e b e g in n in g of th e n e x t ) PROPOSE WADING se m e ste r w hich will s ta r t J a n u a r y ' POOL FOR CHILDREN 16. A lth o u g h tw o s tu d e n ts a re e x p e ct-' ed to fin ish th e ir se n io r h ig h school y e a r th is se m e ste r, th e re will be no j m id-year g ra d u a tio n exercises. T h e ' fin ish in g s tu d e n ts h av e th e a lte rn a - j tiv e of c o n tin u in g th ro u g h th e y e a r,! o r d ro p p in g out to a w a it th e re g u la r J u n e g ra d u a tio n exercises. (C ontinued rrom P age 1) CHERRO CHIMES I’m w aitin g for that aw ful fate That com es to flour m ade out of th e c o n s tru c tio n of a w ading pond date. fo r th e sm a ll c h ild re n . A n o th e r Now, you n g feller, you ’re not fu n d has been s ta rte d w ith a $50 wood. lib e rty bond as a first c o n trib u tio n , A ll I've said is for your good. fo r th e p u rc h a se of o th e r a p p a ra tu s (See you tomorrow) The g iv e r e n te re d a p ro te s t CHERRO FLOUR a g a in s t th e u se of th e a p p a ra tu s by C h ild ren w ho w ill be six y e a rs old a d u lts , a n d s ta te d th a t th e g re a te s t by M arch 1, sh o u ld be e n te re d fo r, A Hard W heat F lour o f Fam ous Blond— G uaranteed o ffe n d e rs w e re to u ris ts , who m ade th e second ^sem ester of school by i use of th e a p p a ra tu s a f te r the p lay ­ J a n u a r y 23. g ro u n d s w ere closed fo r th e n ig h t. Mrs. G ordon M acC racken, re p re s e n t­ ing th e H a w th o rn school, m ade h e r re p o rt. M rs. D odge m ad e th e follow ing | a n n o u n c e m e n ts. T h e e n te rta in m e n t! fo r ra is in g m oney to pay fo r th e pi-j ano w hich w as p u rch a se d for H a w ­ th o rn school, n e tte d th e sum of I $181. T h e class in sew ing will bei resu m e d as soon a s a s u ffic ie n t n u m ­ b e r can be se cu re d to form a class. T h e m e e tin g w as a d jo u rn e d a n d i F e b r u a r y 2 se t as th e d a te of th e n ex t m ee tin g a t th e high school b u ild in g . Grade School G raduations T w en ty -fiv e J u n io r high school p u p ils a re expected to g ra d u a te from th e e ig h th g ra d e a t th e end of th e I p re s e n t school s e m e ste r, J a n u a r y 23. j G. A. B riscoe, s u p e rin te n d e n t of the! c ity schools, s ta te d th is m o rn in g . E x ­ a m in a tio n s in b o th th e g ra d e and Junior High Notes By FLORENCE WILSON Fire escapes have been built on the north and south ends of the school building. These will be a great advantage to the domestic sci­ ence classes, as they can get from the building quicker. The Parent-Teachers’ association met at the Junior high school Thurs­ day. The first, secondj and third grades furnished the program. The first grade and seven girls of the second grade sang a lullaby, and Er­ nest Evans gave a recitation. Mary Morris, of the third grade gave a re­ citation, and Sarah Lamasters sang. At the business meeting which fol­ lowed, the financial report for the year was given, and the playground committee gave a report. The following boys play basket­ ball, and are the ones from whom Mr. Wilson will pick the team: Al­ bert Brown, Sam Prescott, Loren Culbertson, Louis Hoxie, Aldo Parr, Roy Parr, Clyde Beeson, Wayne Bloomfield, Frank Bloomfield, Wil­ liam Kannasto, Frank Bently, Henry Homes, Frank Moore, and Fred Merritt. This semester is school closes the W. A. SHELL BA R BER C hildren’s Work A Specialty S a fety b lad e s re sh a rp e n e d lik e new . S ingle b it, 30c doz. D obule b it, 60c doz E. R. IS A A C & CO . S U C C E S S O R T O C . H . VAUPEL. THE EVERY Q U A L IT Y A R T IC L E STORE REDUCED (CONTRACT GOODS ALONE EXCEPTED) Come Saturday! Bargains in every Department-no matter what you buy You Save Money Now Modern Plumbing Means Sanitation and Health Modern plumbing is the sworn enemy of d i r t . Glistening white bath­ rooms and sanitary fix­ tures can be counted on to rout anything that is un sanitary. » Efficient heating appara­ tus keeps rooms at proper temperatures, preventing colds and other ills. Our ability and experi­ ence assures you expert plumbing service on big and small jobs. Our prices are entirely within reason Here are some ot the Saturday Specials i —36 inch Dutchess, in black, sold regularly at $2.25, now, y a r d ___$1.59 —Comforter size Cotton Bat, 72x90, will make a complete c o m fo rte r----- now, each ................... 85c Sample Line of Blankets —wool and cotton, wool- finish, and cotton, now— One Fourth Off Reg. Price —Fine quality, all wool Dress Goods in winter shades—now, y a r d ..$1.79 —72x90 Bleached Sheets, sold regularly at $1.29— now, each ................. 98c —36 inch fine quality Fancy Outing Flannel, a good quality—now, yd 19c ' JERRY 0N1 Plumbing and Heating —Women’s best quality tine Lisle Hose, in black and brown—now, pr. 50c —Wool Middy Blouses in red and navy, were $6.48 now, e a c h ..............$5.50 — Wool Jersey, best qual ity all wood in several good shades — now, per yard ......................... $1.98 ( I I Have Your Hemstitching and Picoting Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated