« A S ttLÀ frtl D A IL Y fifc iS ö fi \ »A<.M K l o M a tite «a» r /■¿s r y * Americans Must Know Japan’s newest and greatest battleship, regarded as the popular sym bol of Japanese naval progress and aspirations, been boflt largely by the pennies of millions of Japanese children and the voluntary ^-ntv-P of j a p a w ^ laborers. Japan is —•*—•4“ is earned into effect. J T h e pride of Japanese naval architects. Reported to permitted to keep this battleship w b e o kthe plea of THE GREAT EMPIRE OF THE PACIFIC Î I }i i? » Called into world life by an American Commodore, seising with avidity upon many new things for its advancement from western civilization, protesting undying friendship for the United States, but strug­ gling with seemingly irreconcilable differences, devel­ oped by marvelous leaps into one of the five greatest naval and military powers o f the world, and now to become a signatory partner with .us and with Britain, DO YOU KNOW DO YOU KNOW W bat our **Gentlemen*! Agreement** wfth Japan b? U hat is the attitude of Canada. Australia, and N ew Zealand toward Jap an ? H ow much new territory Japan has annexed in the past 26 yean? ac age of Japan s civilization” and how little the owes to Europe? How extenti/eiy the trade of the Pacific b in Japanese hands? Wny the United States is Japan*» best customer? ' llo w murb of the world’s silk is produced by Japan? DO YOU KNOW That Japan, which had no dealings with the outside world before 1853, is now one of the world's great commercial powers, with the fourth greatest merchant fleet and a foreign trade of $2,000,000,000 a year? t f '*» much Chinese territory b under Japanese "influence” ? ' That Japan, which had no banks, no financial system, no credit, in 1868, now has a strong and elaborate financial system with great banks and stock exchanges, holds a billion dollars worth of gold and has such credit abroad that she has been able to borrow over $750,000,000 from foreigners? DO YOU KNOW VO YOU KNOW S» AS V i France, and Italy in preserving “peace on earth good will toward men,”— it is imperative for every Amer­ ican to know more about this great Ocean Empire of the East, and to know what has happened In the Seventy Dazzling Years since Commodore Perry knocked at the Mikado’s fastdocked door and summoned Japan to take her place in the family of nations. Try to answer the following questions: W hat Japan’s naval strength b ? duties, of? children to parents in Japan? W hat are the qualifications to vote in Japan? i -e r-ic wage earned by Japanese workers? The cxt*o/ to which modern labor unreal b permeating Japan?1! W h a t is the real business of the Regent? W hat restrictive laws has Japan ngnfnst foreigners? What Japwa*» chief food produet b? V h o started Japan on the way to become a world power? About woman’s rights movement in Japan? W hat are the major forces making for friction between the United States and Japan? How big a» army Japan coaid raise on short notice? W hat influences seek to increase this friction in both countries? W h * b the family status of a motber*in4aw in Japan? H o w many Japanese there are in the United States? H o w rapidly they are increasing? W hat percentage they form of the population of Hawaii ? Their number in the Philippines? H ow the “ Japanese problem ” has influenced legislation in California? DO YOU KNOW H o w many years old a Japanese child bom on December 31st b considered to be on the next day (New Year’s)? W h y a Japanese woman is very much concerned as to whether her horoscope casts h e r a»4i cow, rabbit, snake, monkey, or tiger? W hat you will see checked, instead of hats or coats* in the check rooms of Japanese re st aurants and theatres? DO YOU KNOW To what extent Japanese art has influenced Western art? H o w far Western education has been adopted in Japan ? The size o f the average Japanese form, and bow it is cultivated? « T n ii W eek’s Special Literary Digest, a Most Comprehensive Magazine Encyclopedia oi Modern Japan, N O W ON TH E N E W S S T A N D S , AU These Questions and Many More A re Answered The relatione of America and Japan are deaarfy explained. H er growth in com­ merce and i nfluence since Commodore Ferry*«. meanorable visit is set forth, together with a striking colored picture o f hie visit I t o tfbe then mysterious land where, at time, strangers only toV°ttteir «fry»- near the shore and kept one blindfolded until had they been were returned Full FREE IN THIS NUMBER BUY IT TO-DAY information is provided concerning Japan’s Army and Navy, her Government, parties, and politics. There are illuminative articles on Japanese literature, art, poetry, and drama, her life and customs, her psychology, rehgion, science, oral histixy, and the condition of women, of labor, and of childhood, with «mrc-s of other subjects that m ake this number indispensable to all who wish to be correctly informed regarding Japan. A Fine Colored Map Showing the Actual Expansion of Japan, a Chart of Her World Trade Routes, and a Map Showing the Number of Japanese in America and Where Located r » * tr ï a n- Y 7TH ISSUE iterar F U N K & W A G N A L L S COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous N EW Standard Dictionary) NEW YO RK ✓ ONLY 10 CENTS