Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 04, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    A sìoàsì » M itt WhlSöJ
By Charles Sugbroc
Local and Personal
Masonic Calendar This Week
Malta commandery, Wednesday
evening, Jan uary 4. Stated conclave
and Order of the Temple.
H illah Temple, stated session, F ri­
day evening, January 6. Installation
of officers.
Competition Needed Here
• Western Newspaper Union
FEfc M k e w e ?
vmoow ax
F oreign P u b lication s for Library—
Rev. C. A. Edwards has presented
the library with a subscription to
the London Graphic, and F E. W at­
son a subscription to the Manchester
(E ngland) Guardian.
The ladies of Trinity Guild will
hold their regular m eeting in the
Parish house tomorrow (T hursday)
afternoon at 2 o’clock. All members
urged to be present. Election ot
McGee, Jack Nims, Foss K ram er,
Moore, Bobbie Coffman, Jo h n ­
The Parent-T eachers' association
HOME OF MRS. EMIL PE IL nie and Dorence Ruger.
will hold their regular monthly
meeting, the first of the year, at
The Ashland Bridge club, which
Mr. and Mrs. George Robison en­
the Junior high school tomorrow af­ suspended activities during and
th e following guests last
ternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
since the war, was entertained at Tuesday at th eir home with a fine
the home of Mrs. Emil Peil, on G ran­ chicken dinner: Messrs. Holly Hoyt
Civic Im provem ent Club Me^ts—
ite street Monday evening. A reor­
The Civic Improvement club met ganization party was held a t which and John Robison, Mrs. Andrew
at the Parish house yesterday for a it was tentatively agreed th a t the Briner and daughter Elfa, and Mrs.
O. B. Turner.
business session. Ways and means
ladies of the club should meet once
• ♦ •
of raising money for the community
a month in the afternoons to play
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair e n ter­
club house were discussed. Mrs. P. hridge and once a irionth all mem­
tained a “ Missouri clan” a t their
K Hammond made the announce­
bers should meet togeiher. Lunch­
m ent th at she .would give a public eons will be served at each of these home on Scenic Drive New Y ear’s
day. The decorations were sent to
party at the parish, house January ■ occasions.
Mrs. McNair from Missouri by her
17 and s e r v e a two-course luncheon,
After co pletion of the business,
entertainm ent to be cards and fancy light refre: hments were served, and m other. Those present were: Mr.
work, and the proceeds to go to the card game completed the entertain- and Mrs. Hal McNair and son Jam ie,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraley and son
club house fund.
me it of the evening. Gu3’s of the
Billie, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. H arner,
evening were: Mrs. II. S. Sanford,
Car Burned on H ighw ay—
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R ose^M r P er­
J H. Sugg, 39 East Main street, Mr. and Mrs E. V. Carter, Mr. and ry Moore and daughter, Miss Helen.
• • *
lost his Oldsmobile truck yesterday Mrs. Herman M attern, Mr. and Mrs.
morning by fire. He had driven to J. M. W agner, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Mrs. Charles Brady entertained a
a point about three miles this side Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. W ag­
ner. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kenney, and few friends New Y ear’s eve at het
of Rogue River, on the Pacific high­
home on Allison street, to watch the
Miss Lydia McCall.
way, with passengers, being too late
* * •
old year out and the new year in.
to return, and left his car on the
One of the enjoyable en tertain ­ The evening was spent in playing
side of the highway where he found
ments of the holiday tim e occurred “ 500,” a fte r which deligtful refresh­
it in ruins and still smouldering.
at the home of Mrs. Hulen, In the m ents were served. Those present
The loss partially covered by insur­
Camps building, last Saturday even­ wqre: Mesdames Anna Moss, E. B.
ing when Master Billie Hulen en ter­ Menaugh, H. H. Palm er, Ida Jen ­
tained with a party and luncheon. nings, U)ora Payne, and George Robi­
The guests were Masters Gordon and son. Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Robi­
E lliott MacCracken, Auten and El- son had high Bcores of th e evening
ber Bush, Dougall Young, Everett and received a very appetizing prize.
P arent -T eachers’ M eeting—
through a series o f loan s to China,
according to w ell authenticated
W ASHINGTON, D . C., Jan. 4.—
R epresen tative B r itte n introduced
a resolu tion in th e house today,
req uesting Presidlent H arding to
su g g est to th e arm am ent confer­
ence th a t all a llied troops be im ­
m ed iately w ithdraw n from Ger­
m any.
B ritten said such action
w ould resu lt in an annual savin g
o f $ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 w iiid i Germany
pays to m ain tain th e se
troops, and w ould enable th e Ger­
m an governm ent to divert th is
sum to th e paym ent o f war repa­
The sun rises about half an hour
earlier and sets about half an hour
later on an average for the year at
the top of the Woolworth building
in New York than at street level.
about knowledge
being power Is
all bosh.
Why is It?
There’s a man
who owes me
money and I
can’t collect a
FOR TRADE— A four-cylinder Buick
for property of equal value. 128
Factory St.
FOR REN T—Three nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms. Come look
them over. 128 -Factory St 104-3*
Refused Drink; Fires Ian
The Speonk Ina at Speonk. Long
Island. N. Y-. was set afire reoently
and as a result a laborer of the vicinity
was arrested charged with arson. The
proprietor of the Speonk Inn c l a im ed
that the man he bad arrested asked
for a drink of good whiskey. When It
was refused the laborer left the inn
and shortly after the fire was discov­
ered. A jug containing gasoline was
found near the blaze and the prisoner's
clothes bore the odor of gasoline when
he was arrested.
Vaa Winkle Meets«
A Mew York City subwar gasrd took
a drink e< liquor last June and was
discharged la tbs custody of bis
nephew late tn November, from the
Islip. M. Y„ State Hospital, ea a oourt
order. He went on a party last June
and was surprised when told ot his
notions when be was taken to oourt
In November. When he reached borne
after the Jane party be half killed
his wife, because she would not let
him read a letter she ha
Startling Alibi
A confectioner of U tica, N. Y., star­
tled the Judge, w hen arraigned In
court for having liquor In his pos­
session illegally, by declaring that the
alcohol w as not for his own consum p­
tion but to allay the thirst of his pet
three-legged cajf. Thia calf Is one of
the attractions a t the county fairs In
* the neighborhood o f U tica,
Bootloggers Decamp
Phillipsburg, N. J., la assuming the
aspect of a “dry” tow n since the at­
tack made on bootleggers by the pas­
tor of the F irst M. E. Churoh. From
the pulpit the pastor launched the
attack against prominent persons
habitually engaged in bootlegging. He
threatened to mention nam es In his
next attack and called upon the
authorities to stop the traffic In liquor.
A fter the sermon m any of the “promi­
nent persons” found It convenient to
v isit other sections for their h ea lth.
“Wet" Dry Goods Store
▲ dry goods store la the
▼Hl# section of Brooklyn did a thriving
business recently, when It offered al­
cohol at |18 a gallon. In five gallon
lota, according to the Federal Prohibi­
tion agents. The proprietor ot the store
was arrested by detectives after they
persuaded him to sell them one gallon
at the five gallon price, although the
standard price for alcohol la
Is 8*-M per gallon.
teases the Captain
Five sailors are being held under
heavy ban to appear against a man,
believed to he the leader of the nun-
smugglers In New York and New Jer­
They brought the schooner,
the X B. Young. Into New York harbor
after running up and down the ooaM
outside Sandy Hook, tor several days.
They claimed the captain left the
vessel and that they knew nothing of
navigation. There were 30C cases of
liquor on board the J. B. Young vfaaa
It reached port.
T hat contracts for road and street
construction should be awarded In the
fall of the year, to enable public offi­
cials and contractors m ore tim e In
w hich to prepare for the opening of
the construction season. Is the belief
of Joseph R. Draney, N ew York,
president of the Asphalt A ssociation,
the national organization o f paving
m aterial m anufacturers and paving
Mr. Draney points out th a t such a
change In procedure would not only
promote economy and efficiency by al­
lowing am ple -time for buying m achin­
ery and obtaining labor and m aterials
but It would give the railroads more
tim e In which to transport road m a­
terials, afford em ploym ent to labor In
slack m onths, reduce seasonal fluctua­
tion in construction and Insure a raoro
continuous production of m aterials,
a s w ell as result In the earlier com ­
pletion of highw ay projects.
the figures for the year 1921.)
Our electric light plant contract
with Messrs. Russell, Clary and
King has proved the saving of one
man at the plant and it would seemj
the part of wisdom to renew the con-
.1 tract for another year.
I would recommend the raising of
all three of our daius. The two
In accordance with the city char­ above the light plant would increase
the output of the plant and help
ter, Mayor Lamkin addressed the
supply the ever-growing demand for
city Council yesterday evening on electricity in our city. The building
work accomplished during the past of homes and the putting in of
year and prospective problems con­ ranges and other electrical appar­
fronting the city dads for this year. atus continually call for electricity,
Several recom m endations made by and we should make this at our own
Mayor Lam kin are Included in the plant ju st as long as it is cheaper
following verbatim report of his to make it than it is to buy it. The ;
raising of the lower dam would do
To th e H onorable Council of the City away with the possibility of em pty­
of Ashland, Oregon, particularly, ing it in case of a large fire. Mr.
and the People of Ashland, in W. J. Roberts recommended dams
near the town in the year of 1910.
G eneral:
It is w ith much pleasure and sat­ Mr. D. C Henny suggested these res­
isfaction th a t I address you iu com­ ervoirs as means of fire protection '
pliance w ith th e dem ands of 'th e in his report of October, 18 1920.
The raising of these three reser­
ch arter of our city. You are to be
would help satisfy the demand
congratulated on the fact th a t we
liave been able to reduce the tax for more irrigation water and thus
levy one and one-half mills, which serve three purposes. This m atter
am ounts to alm ost >4000 for the was taken up with the council, the
coming year. This has been done in city engineer and the w ater superin­
th e face of conditions where nearly tendent five years ago when 1 was
everything we have to buy for the first elected mayor, and fully dis
city is higher than norm al times. cussed, but wfe went into the world i
You have sacrificed your time, en­ war the sixfh day di' April, 1917, and
ergy and ability, which o u r people our governm ent ordered no ta k in g '
on of any expense th a t was not ab­
appreciate very much, I am sure.
necessary, and at the close i
I received a letter from K lam ath
things were so high it
Falls last August, asking w hat wages
we paid our officials and what our was thought best to wait until
city help cost us. They sent me a things reached a more normal con­
p artial list of w hat it cost for their dition, but it now seems to me a
help and salaries of th e ir city of­ proper time to make these improve­
ficials. A com parison of }the ex­ ments, and go with them as far as
penses of th e two cities, I think, will it will possibly pay to go. The roily
w ater after every heavy train has
be of benefit to us all.
The mayor of K lam ath Falls re­ dem onstrated the need of more
ceives >2100 per year; ours receives screens and a settling tank near the!
electric light plant.
I wish to thank our people for the j
The recorder of K lam ath Falls re­
ceives >2100 per year; ours, $1500. many kind words of encouragement;
The treasu rer of K lam ath Falls re­ and advice I have received from
them. I again ask all of our people,
ceives >750; ours, >300.
The city attorney of K lam ath to feel perfectly free to attend ouri
council meetings, as you are always!
Falls receives >1200; ours, >600.
The street commissioner of K lam ­ welcome.
ath Falls receives >1800 per year;
ours receives >1200.
The chief of police of K lam ath
Falls receives >1800 per year; ours
Are you keeping up with youth? ■
receives >1500.
Are you as successful as you w a n t;
The patrolm an of K lam ath Falls to be? Are you getting the most
receives >1680 per year; ours $1260. out of life?
Come to the New,
The fire chief of K lam ath Fallsi Thought Temple, on the Boulevard,!
receives >2100 per year; our, >1320. i Sunday night, December 4. and hear
The oth er “ paid” firem en o f , Thomas P ark er Boyd talk on these
K lam ath Falls receive >6480; ours n nes.
less than >3000.
The councilmen (per m eeting) of
K lam ath Falls receive >6; our less
than >2
The engineer, when in the service
This C herio Flour th a t you’re out
of the city, per day, >10; ours, per
Is made from wheat they talk
month, >75.
The health officer, per year, >750;
I t’s wonderful th e things they say
ours receives not over >80.
To talk of it most night and day.
This is all they sent me, conse­
(See you tomorrow)
quently, 'cannot m ^ke o th e r com-1
parisons. Their le tte r is on file with
the city recorder. This shows they
A H ard W heat F lou r o f Fam ous
Blend— G uaranteed
pay almost twice as much to run
th eir city as we do. (The above are.
Mayor Lamkin
Eyes Future In
Annual Report
• » •
W ASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 4.
— The fam ous S han tu ng contro­
versy w hich has been one o f the
ch ief stum bling blocks in th e Far
E astern n egotiation s o f the arm s
conference, seem ed to be in a fair
way to scfJtlement on Japan’s
term s, m ade public la te today.
Shantung w ill be returned to
China, b u t Japan w ill ret ah i fi­
nancial control o f th e M^Jwav
Ha who trusts to
By No Means Time Wasted.
Jud Tunkins wishes to explain that
he was not wasting precious time
when he was sitting on the fence
whittling. What be was cutting up
jras the family ouija boar*
Murder and Looting
“ Aside from the essential fact that
it has been impossible to go on our
property for many years, that it has
been forced to be abandoned; the
local m anager having been called to
the door and killed; the buildings
f burned; the m achinery partly carried
i aw ay and m ostly destroyed and other
( personal property conllscatcd, our
! main trouble has been with the taxes,
! which, in fact, we should not have
j been called on to pay, as w e got no
protection w hatever, and, of course,
i have had not one cent of returns
I from any crops.
(, “During these several years m ost of
our ta x es have been paid under
’ threats of em bargoes and confiscation..
'The authorities have annually In­
creased our assessm ent several hun­
dred per cent, requiring us to employ
attorneys or adjustors to get the a s ­
sessm ent reduced to a fair figure.
Thia has required us to pay such a t ­
torneys a heavy com m ission, som e­
tim es larger than the taxes finally
assessed and paid.
, "They also som etim es require on.
short notice and within an im possible
tim e that the owners appear and
m ake a M anifesto as the valuation for
assessm ent of the property, and if not
so done th at the taxes would be In­
creased fifteen Pesos per hectare.
Arbitrary Rulings
“They have also made a ruling th a t
before they will deal or negotiate
with ourselves or agents in getting
I taxes adjusted they require ‘proof to
I th is Government of deposit in the col-
j lectors office of that district, the
am ount of- fifty per cent of the -4a-
“This would require us to put up a
large am ount In cash, being consider­
able more than the am ount formerly
paid foi taxes, before they would ne­
gotiate. It Is highly lmprohable that
they would ever reduce the taxes be- >
low the am ount deposited w ith them j
and the arrangem ent is, of course, j
absolutely unfair and impracticable.
“On som e taxes which they are now
claim ing, a rem ittance for tw o years'
taxes w as sent to a man who was
represented to be Secretary of State
of Oaxaca. H e claim ed for a w hile
th at he was endeavoring to get the
entire taxes condoned, which should
have been done, but In the m eantim e
he has disappeared aud we have no
tax receipt or credit w hatever for the
am ount rem itted him.
Confiscation Feared
“W e understand that there Is 3till
Imminent danger of our property
tw enty-seven. True there has been
one Supreme Oourt decision denying
th e
A rticle I
tw en ty-seven , but this w as only In
reference to oil, and would not cover
lands, and I understand that five Su­
preme Court decisions are necessary
before any law may be considered
I understand that
confiscations are being proceeded w ith i
there continually.
“We trust that our Government w ill
not proceed w ith any recognition of
the present M exican Government u n ­
til all of the present abuses are thor- ;
oughly remedied, or a satisfactory ►
guarantee given that th ey will Imme­
diately be rem edied.”
Ashland Realty Co.
Houses to Rent
Property for Sale
25 E a st M ain St.
A shland, O regon
Phone 181
Your Last Chance
Zane Grey’s
Pow erful S to ry
tatement of Condition
The sweetest rewards to Ute
those that have been wan with pal
politicians, and tw enty d ru g com­
The Spanish Government has recently protested to the Gov­
ernment of Mexico against the confiscation of lands bought and
paid for by Spanish subjects in Mexico. In spite of all protests,
however, these confiscations continue. They form one of the
reasons why the United States Government has not recognizedl
Mexico. The Mexican landowners of several states have also(
organized to appeal to the government.
So uncertain have become land titles in Mexico that this
1 year hundreds of thousands of acres of arable lands were not
planted to crops for fear the land would be confiscated before
| the crops could be harvested. In consequence of the resulting
¿crop shortage the Mexican Government is this fall importing
j about five million bushels of com, which was formerly the staple
^crop of Mexico.
A typical story of the annoyance to which landowners are,
subjected under present conditions in Mexico is furnished by
John S. Little, President of the Bank of Rushville, of Rushville,,
111. He is one of a group of Americans who invested years ago
in a tract comprising 27,384 acres in the State of Oaxaca. His
statement, which was prepared for the United States Depart­
ment of State, follows;
It's the lessons learn
that teach yon how to
prohibition director of this district,
other officers of his bureau, several
FOR SALE— Fifteen dairy
cows, mostb- fresh the last two
Price reasonable and
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.— A sealed
good te u s. .'. W. Bailey, Talent. indictm ent found by a federal grand
ju ry a month ago,, charging conspir­
FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent acy between prohibition officials
in Allen building.
104tf and drpg concerns to liberate more
than a million dollars w orth of li­
FURNISHED FRONT bedroom with quor through fraudulent perm its,
stove and bath. Phone 2 7 4-J.
104-3 was found today to accuse a form er
The Citizens Bank
Ashland, Oregon
Perseverance Is persistency la
gress; obstinacy Is
President of Illinois Bank Details Story of Murder, Looting and
Persecutions That Have Hampered Development
of His Property in Mexico.
Despite not the amel
are often found in ama
Those who gather nothing la y»
have the same am ount la aM aga.
Spain Enters Protest on
Confiscation o f Property i
o f Nationals in Mexico'
of Ashland
Of two avfla It Is good to choose
less, but better to choose neither.
• - -
Cash a:
Other R
Other R<
31st, 1921
____ $361,883 04
W arrants . . . ......... 172,266.66
......... 15,500.00
use ..............
nd F ixtures.
change ..................... 79,600.02
s ta te .........................
$ 50,000.00
Capital Stock
S u rp lu s. . .
Undivided P rofits.
Dividends Unpaid.
DEPOSITS ....................................... &7 3,8 3.9.4 9
Reserve for Taxes
The Mysterious Rider
Larry Semon in
’’The Bakery’ ,99
S pecial C h ild ren ’sM atin ee a t 4 o’clock
Be on Tim e