I pàgì intùiti hito *a>»Ää poca in and a ro u n d Kiev, th e U k rain ian WITH WORLD PROBLEMS cap ital. T h ere was a red u p risin g in m id ­ (Continued from Page 1) d le G erm any, b u t it collapsed. OUTGOING YEAR CROWDED Ashland News in Paragraphs Something to Think About Local and Personal — Side Lighti— — By F. A. WALKER « MM holiday period. Stores to Close Monday All local stores with the exception of confectionery and cigar stores will observe the holiday and remain closed all day Monday. The local public library is taking the two days to dispatch with much business that ----„ to ---- ----- has be ------------------ done at the ------ end --- of each year and will not be open Sunday or Monday. The local post office will observe Monday as a New Year holiday. The service will be the same as Sunday, except that mail will be distributed to post office lock boxes. Uprisings in India th e y e a r wag th e R ussian fam ine, j political principles of th e Soviet gov- A m erica took th e lead ersh ip iu giv- e m in e n t d u rin g the year. L euiut ing relief, b u t despite th is a ssistan cei put aside som e of th e most drastic vast n um bers of victim s have su c­ of his political an d ecenom ic p rin ­ ciples and adopted ‘ capitalistic cum bed, chiefly ch ild ren . T h ere w as a m odification of the m eth o d s.” G rave u n re st broke o u t in India, w here th e M oplah trib esm en w ent upon th e w a rp ath a g a in st th e B rit­ ish. Many have been killed in fig h t­ ing. D espite th e tu rb u le n c e in India, th e P rin ce of W ales c a rrie d out his ¡9 \J ft plans to visit th a t co u n try . 1 Several tim es d u rin g the course of ow?o th e year, discord developed betw een ° G reat B ritai n a n d F ran ce, and it looked for a tim e as though th e e n ­ te n te betw een th e tw o c o u n trie s j w ould en tirely b reak down. Some of th e causes of th e dissensions w ere , . G erm an indem nity, th e u p p er Siles-1 o ^ o ian se ttle m e n t, F ra n c e ’s d esire to INDUSTRY WILL CEASE invade th e R u h r d is tric t of G erm any, ON JANUARY FIRST th e G raeco-T urkish w ar in th e N ear (Continued from Page 1) E ast, and F ra n c e 's tre a ty w ith the Hungarian throne. The movement T u rk ish n a tio n a lists. Jap Prem ier A ssassinated , collapsed and Charles is now an exile On the eve of th e W ashington con upon the island of Maderla. A revolution broke out in Portu- ference, (P re m ie r H ara, of Ja p a n , . sal which overturned the govern- was a ssassin ated a t Tokio. It was ment. Conditions' are still unset feared th a t th e m u rd e r m ight a ffe ct tied in Portugal and the suggestion J a p a n ’s policy a t W ash in g to n , but has been made that France, Spain a p p aren tly it did not. S hortly a f ­ te rw a rd Crow n P rin ce H o ro rh ito was and Italy Intervene. A small war began in the Balkans m ade reg en t of Ja p a n , because ot when the Albanians took up arms th e co n tin u ed illness of th e em peror. One of th e biggest c alam ities oi against the Servians. Albania Health Bread. Pure Malted Mille G roceteria- Try Detrick’s for Tea, Coffee and Twine—-10 cents 89tf MAKING FRIENDS. Spices. Most complete line in the city. Lowest prices. 102tf •F YOU would he happy make oth­ R eturns to W e e d - ers happy. Don’t neglect to do a Charles Foster returned yesterday Two good places to eaV—Home kindness when an opportunity to Weed, having come trom there and the Hotel Ashland. 97tf comes to you. Wednesday to attend the funeral of J ^ t this season our thoughts go out in It matters not where yoy may be, his daughter at Medford. whether on your own threshold or be­ Rents Another Room— .gratitude to our friends who hoot neath the sky of a foreign land, ever The Plaza Market has rented the Our overcoats must go! See prices room now occupied by P. J. Amer, remember that by being friendly you made the past year's work possible. M a y in our windows. Paulaerud’s. lO ltf who is moving to the Beaver annex. are making some soul happier, light­ ening a hidden burden, doing your bit The room vacated will be used by to brighten the world, and in doing it the coming year bring you genuine happi­ Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk the Plaza Market as a storeroom becoming healthier and sweeter your­ Twtna—»10 cents 8Vtf and salesroom for seeds and feeds ness and prosperity. self. « • • • • at present, but next summer it Is Of all felicities friendship is the 3. Umbrellas covered. Flxlt Shop. planned to open a groceteria in the most charming. For rent, five room house with room. • - < ' It eases cares, dispels sorrows and bath, all newly papered and painted. makes for salvation of souls. Nice Dry Wood! also BJox. Kitchen range and gas. Garage, It becomes an inspiration to you » chicken lot, garden. Shade trees and land Lumber Co., phone 20. when the are e dark—a divine Joy wueu Uie u days m j » m lawn. Adults preferred. Inquire 235 that all the wealth of the world can- North Main. 102tt not bay. FARM BUREAU HAS There are people everywhere whose HAD SUCCESSFUL YEAR hearts are hungry for appreciation Oranges, lemons, bananas, celery, Sunday and M onday and sympathy. Help them through the head lettuce, cauliflower— we sell mazes where naught but briars grow. (Continued from page 2.) them for less. Detrick’s Groceteria 12 to 2 5.30 to 7:30 Strew o’er their rugged way the flow­ 102tf ory an«^ Miles Cantrall, all deserve ers of friendship and clasp them by the croix de guerre for their gallant the hand. Sick Folks Improve— Poor sunshine into their hearts and claimed that Jugo-Slavia was en­ Miss Amy Ramsey, 338 Scenic ry in action. Without their steadl see the new light that comes into their croaching upon her territory. Drive, and Mrs. Olive Page, who has ness, we could not have succeeded, dull eyes and the smile that plays Although the Moscow soviet main­ been making her home with Miss and the business men of the county about their lips. tained Its power intact, there were Some writer has said that “pure a number of disturbances in Russia. Ramsey, have been quite ill, but are are coming to realize that our agri­ culture, particularly our orchards, friendship is something which men of convalesing. A revolt began at Kronstadt, the make possible our business life, ant an inferior nature can never taste.” great fortress defending Petrograd • • • • Who Insures Automobiles and are co-operating for the common Euripides tells us, “it is a good on the sea side, but was put down — th e re ’s so m eth in g d iffe re n t, finer, Fords? Yeo of course. 99tf good. Our county court and county by Leon Trotzky after several days a b o u t th e sm ooth, firm feel of a commissioners are also solidly in thing to. be rich, and a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to of desperate fighting. The latest up­ professiorially lau n d ered s h irt— it Cleanup sale of overcoats at Paul- line and are marching in step to thi be beloved of many friends.” t rising in Russia broke out in the sets m ore sn u g ly a b o u t neck and serud’s. lO ltf notes of ’ ‘Agricultural Organize It is by friendship that we must Ukraine. It was led by anti-Bolshe- » tlon.” strive to battle for truth and right­ vists, and there was violent fighting sh o u ld ers, and you know it w ill r e - ; m ain clean longer. ‘ 1 hope to meet every Farm bu­ eousness. AU departures from friend­ R eturns to S c h o o l - T h a t’s th e a d v a n ta g e of profes-j Sunday, Jan. 1st—Peter B. Kyne’s Popular Story reau member of our county at the liness takes to coldness and strife. Miss Rita Gard who has been INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. sional la u n d erin g . O ur m odern Consider what the world would be if (Effective January 1, 1922) spending the holidays at the home dedication of our splendid new fair 22 Daily (Except Sunday) presses and im proved m ethods of of A. M. Beaver on the Boulevard grounds next fall,, and the agricul­ all the nations of earth were friendly! LV. ASHLAND MEDFORD w ashing give y o u r s h irts a la s tin g ; leaves tonight for Bellingham to re­ tural meeting that will take place It was through friendship that the LV. 00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. body w hich re sists soil and in su res souls of men were redeemed! sume her studies as a senior in the at the Jackson county fair of 1922.” 00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Think what it would mean for the Bellingham normal schol. 9:00 a. m. b e tte r w ear. Y ou’ll feel ever so 00 a. m. peace, contentment, security and pros­ 10:00 a. m. m uch b e tte r dressed in s h irts w ashed 00 a. m. perity of the people, if they dwelled M o n d ay -T u esd y , J a n u a r y 2nd a n d 3nd BALLENGER TO PAY $800 11:00 a. m. an d iro n ed o u r way. 00 a. m. Orres, Tailors for men and wom­ in amity, unconcerned about war, en­ 12:00 noon AND GO TO PRISON joying quiet homes with their loved 00 noon L et us call fo r your bundle th is en. Cleaning, pressing and remod­ 1:00 p. m. 00 p. m. ones, with never a doubt about their 86tf eling. 2:00 p. m. w eek. 00 p. m. (Continued from Page 1) neighbors and never a thought of the 3:00 p. m. 00 p. m. Health Bread. Pore Malted Milk convicted on a similar charge last jealousies or the evil ambitions of the 4:00 p. m. 00 p. m. countries beyond the sea! 5:00 p. m. 00 p. m. Twins— 10 cents summer and that there was ample • • • • PHONE 165 6:00 p. m. 00 p. m. evidence that Ballenger was engaged Neither the rich nor the poor, nor 7:00 p. m. 00 p. m. R eturns to E u g e n e - In the manufacture and sale of li­ the high nor the low can partake of 8:30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. m. Leith Abbott will reutrn to Eu­ quor. He recommended a heavy the fuU blessings ©f life without 9:30 p. m. 30 p. m. gene on train 54 tonight to resume 10:30 p. m. You will enjoy the picture more than you did the story Sat. only 30 p. m. friendship. We cannot get the best fine and three months Jail sentence. Sunday Schedule his studies as a senior in the Univer­ within the world without giving the If you love action, romance and adventure, you will love In pronouncing sentence, Justice Leave Medford for Ashland and sity o f ’ Oregon, after spending the best within us. Gowdy admitted that it was hard to “ The Mysterious Rider’’ of Zane Grey’s story And this excellent thing, this divine Ashland for Medford every hour on holiday vacation with his parents, send a man to jail when he had a essence that exalts men and women, the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; All our cousins and relations Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abbott, 108 Gave to us som e regulations. wife who needed support, hut that takes them to the very gates of heaveu then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Allda street. During the past week Ashland waiting room— East Side We could not usurp their chances, his duty to Oregon and Ashland de­ and stirs the fountain of good within Pharmacy. Abbott has served as news editor of W e were cornered by advances. their souls, Is nothing more or less manded that such action be taken. JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD LAST TIME TONIGHT the Tidings while Kenneth Sullivan The city hall, where the trial was than simple friendship. Daily (Except Sunday) (See you to m orrow ) has been absent on his vacation. (Copyright.) LV. J’S’NV’LH LV. MEDFORD held at 10:30 o’clock this morning = = ' 7:40 a. m. CHERRO FLOUR Hemstitching, 8 cents per yard. was crowded with interested on TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 7:20 a.m . 8:45 a.m . A Hard W heat Flour o f Famous Mrs. E. P. Stewart, at Enders. 70eod; lookers. 8:15 a.m . 9:60 a.m . Blend— Guaranteed WANTED— Plain sewing and mend­ 9:20 a. m. 11:16 a. m. ing. Mrs. Jacks, 649 Palm Ave. 10:45 a.m . 11:15 a.m . 102-6 12:00 noon 12:30 p.m. 1:20 p.m . 1:50 p.m. FOR RENT— Two first class apart­ 2:45 p.m . 3:20 p.m. ments, one upstairs, one down, 3:46 p.m . 4:30 p. m SALE each with bath and all conven­ 6:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. SALE iences. 153 Granite street, phone 6:65 p. m. STARTS STARTS 411-R. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL 7:00 p.m , 9:30 p.m TUESDAY v- • -. • A A- ■ 8:00 p.m . Sat. only 7:80 p.m. TUESDAY WANTED— Middle aged woman to 9.50 p.m . JAN. 3RD Sat. only 10:30 p.m. T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E JAN. 3RD help In lunch room. Must be'neat, Sunday Only courteous and quick. Apply Dew LV. J’S’NV’LH LV. MBDFORP Drop Inn Sunday morning between 8:00 a. m. 8:60 a. m. 11 and 12 o’clock. • 102-1 9:20 a m. 9:50 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 10:45 a. m. ■ - - -T l “ . ' r 12:45 p. m. FOR RENT— House of four rooms, 12:15 p. m. 1:50 p. m. 460 B street. Inquire at 115 1:20 p. m. 3:20 p. m. Church street. 102tf 2:60 p. m. of Ashland and Jackson County, we take this 4:30 p. m. 3:46 p. m. 5:30 p. m 6 :00 p. m. opportunity to extend to all our Hearty FOR SALE— Two brood sows. Phone 9:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 10-F-4.___________________ 102-6* MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE Oreeetings for a Daily (Except Sunday) FOR SALE— Tancred strain White LV. ROSEBURG Leghorn baby chicks from my LV. MEDFORD 11:00 a. m. 1 :0 0 p. m. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR high producing hens. Only a lim­ Travel by stage; shortest route by j _____ __ ___ - - - M M ited number left. A few cocker­ 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most els for sale. Mrs. W. D. Booth. 264 Wightman St., phone 257-Y. scenic trips; we save you time and money. 102-sat-tu I f y t e l A s h la n d Hew Year’s Dinner Wear a Shirt That’s Professionally Laundried Vi Ili HQ Newjfear^tfradion The Ten Dollar Raise" Zane Grey's Popular Novel Ashland Laundry Co. The Mysteious Rider CHERRO CHIMES Wallace Reid in "Rent Free” 1 E. R. IS A A C & CO. f ■ . ■ To Our Many Friends and Patrons OUR FIRST ANNUAL IANUARY CLEARANCE SALE DICKERSON & SON PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAPER, ETC. Fare— M edford-Roseburg, $4.00; Grants-Pass-Rosehurg, $8.00. between [LOST — Sunday night MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Morton and Holly or Henry and Dally and Sunday Beach St., lack’s Jwool gauntlet LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’S PASS glove. Finder phone 335-R. 102-3 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. I ’-OO P- m i MALE HELP 4:30 p .m . 4:45 p'™ ’ 1 GOVERNMENT positions open. Men, Grants Pass waiting room— The women, experience unnecessary honesty required, good pay to Bonbonniere, phone 160. Office and waiting room— No. 5 start. Write T. McCafferty, St- S. Front St., Nash Hotel building. Louis. 102-5sat EVERY A R T IC L E REDUCED (CONTRACT GOODS ALONE EXCEPTED) Our January Clearance makes possible very extraordinary but gains in e\ei) lint* of merchandise in our stocks. Every item in this sale is of dependable quality, and the assortments are sufficiently large to justify liberal buying, anticipating leeds for the balance of the winter and eirlv spring. Shelves and counters ot sur­ plus goods must be cleared quickly, and we have made the prices witlnu easy reach of every purse and family budget. Notice ot Change ot Fares and __ Schedules 11 o cmeinbcr sale Starts Tuesday, January 3rd « «».«•__« ««««#*«* onto ______ _______ Due to laws imposing heavy additional license fees upon auto stages, and regulating the speed and operation thereof, and which laws become operative January 1, It is necessary, In order to comply therewith, that we make the following changes in schedules and fares: Effective January 1, 1922 MEDFORD-ASHLAND STAGE Leave Medford for Ashland and Ashland for Medford Daily Except Sundays T o O u r F rie n d s a n d P a tro n s every hour on the hour from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.; then 9:30 p. m.. Also 8:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Saturday only. We wish to thank you all for past patronage and at the same time wish you all a Leave Medford for Ashland and Ashland for. Medford every hour on the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FARES Stevens’ Restaurant Under New Management OPPOSITE S. P. DEPOT Sunday Schedule Medford-Ashland ........................................... 5.45 Medford-Talent or Ashland-Phoenix........... 30 Medford-Phoenix or A shland-Talent........... 20 Medford-Voorhles, Ashland-Luke’s Ranch, Phoenix-Talent, or any short ride . . .15 20-rlde book $5.00* 20-ride book 3.20 20-ride book 2.50 20-ride book Interorbao Autocar Company 2.00 A GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Domestics, Blankets both wool and cotton, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, House Dresses, Petticoats, Aprons, Waists, Gloves, Infants Wear, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Fancy Goods and Notions. [WATCH OUR WINDOWS] — — — — — store closed Monday, January 2nd The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated W. L. LEWIS, Manager z