r'AÓh FU L M Ashland News io Paragraphs 7/2« KITC/\m and Personal Side Lights* H ealth Twin»— 10 cents Copyright, 1921. W estern Newspaper Union. Cleanup sale of overcoats at Paul­ Malted Milk lO ltf S9tf serud’s. Here from P o r t la n d - Enters H ospital— " N o m a tte r w h a t y o u r experiences have been, the vario u s frag m en ts of y o u r life m ay be Joined to m ake suc­ cess, Just as tfce sm allest bits o f glass a re used in the m ost b ea u tifu l mo- saio." Mrs. W alter and daughter Ruth, of Portland, came here from P ort­ land recently for a short visit with Mrs. W alter's mother, Mrs. A. H. Russell. They returned to their home in the Rose City Wednesday. Mrs. Ella White, a resident on DISHES FROM GOLDEN FRUIT. Mountain avenue who has been ill for some time, was taken to a local A glass of orange juice once or twice santitarium Wednesday for treat­ a day Is a healthful drink for very ment. young or the aged. Oranges contain Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. s u g a r , mineral Groceteria— matters and fla- 2. Bicycles repaired. Flxit Shop. Try Detrick’s for Tea, Coffee and vors that are es­ Spices. Most complete line In the pecially good for the blood. A ta­ city. Lowest prices. 102tf Offlces Are Equipped— W ithin the past week four car­ blespoonful of or­ ange juice given loads of furniture and equipment for Attends Annex Dedication— to the baby will correct constipation. Rev. Jam es Angell, of Phoeniy, the new general offices of the Cali­ It is a medicine that no one will re­ was in the city last night to attend fornia-Oregon Power company, at fuse to take, and that is the whole the dedication services of the new Medford, have arrived from San problem with children. Sunday school annex of the Presby­ Francisco, and three more carloads Orange and Nut He.—Cream two are on, the way. By the end of the terian church. tablespoonfuls of butter with one cup­ week it is expected that a full force ful of sugar and one-half cupful of Big Masquerade — Kingsbury of twenty-one employes will be at boiled rice pressed through a sieve Springs, Saturday night. 99-w-f* work In the offices. while hot. When well blended add one cupful of boiling water and cook slowly until thickened, stirring con­ Newlyweds on Honeymoon— To Leave for Northern Citie s -■ Mix the grated rind and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kluntz were Mrs. Nellie M. Connor and daugh­ stantly. juice of one large orange, one table­ n the city yesterday visiting local ter, Mrs. Frank Hanna, expect to spoonful of lemon Juice and two egg Irlends. The visitors were m arried leave Sunday morning for a visit yolks. Add this to the hot mixture n Eugene Christmas day and have with relatives and friends in Seat­ and cook for two to three minutes. been visiting Mrs. K luntz’s sister, tle, Tacoma and Portland. They ex­ Remove from the fire and cool slight­ Mrs. Arline Tryor, in Grants Pass, pect to be absent from the city for ly. Pour Into a baked pastry shell; rhey expect to leave soon for Mank- at least two weeks. sprinkle with one-half cupful of fine­ ito, Minn., where they will make ly-chopped nut meats and one cupful of orange pulp. Cover with a mer­ ;helr future home. CRANFORD. N. J.— A red light in ingue, using the two egg whites and Connecticut means a sharp turn, but when stlflly beaten, stir in four table­ Our overcoats must go! See prices in New Jersey it means a railroad spoonfuls of sugar. Heap on top In our windows. Paulserud’s. lO ltf crossing. M isinterpretation of a red roughly and bake until a delicate light signal cost the life of John brown. Miss Campbell Improving— In all orange puddings avoid cook­ ¡Wolf, of Rockville Centre, Conn. Miss M argaret Campbell has been ing at a high temperature any orange, ill during most of the holiday per­ as it becomes bitter and unpalatable. MICKiE SAYS iod, but is now Improving. The juice separated from the pulp Is palatable cooked. \M UKT U A S fcBCQlAe O F T i A H ealth Bread. P ure M alted Milk Orange Whip.—Soak two table­ spoonfuls of gelatin la one-half cupful Twin», 10 rent» 8 9 tf OL&-PASVUOUBD GUN VJWO LhSBO of water for five minutes; add one "TO WLIUG Itt 'T U lU G ft VÆLP cupful of boiling water and one-half Mr. Icenhower Better— R U . UP ’TU' PAPfcSC’ uiWEW T U ' cupful of sugar and stir until the George Icenhower has been con­ B O S S MhJX ftUMMIM' IU sugar and gelatin are dissolved. Add fined to his home during the past W0BRN1H' B E C U X TUCH one and three-fourths cupfuls of or­ week with an attack of the "flu.” VUUXHT BOOMS P B R V M K T ange juice, one-quarter of a cupful of He is now recovering nicely, how­ TO G O IM S lemon Juice; strain and cook until It ever, and expects to be out by Tues­ begins to thicken. Beat until foamy; fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of day. two eggs and heap lightly In orange shells placed In sherbet glasses. Gar­ Whipping cream, Jersey milk, cot­ nish with a section of orange with all tage cheese, dairy butter— the best the membrane removed. in town. Detrick’s Groceteria, on 102tl the Plaza. 'H CTiicken Pox Case Reported— Paul Koehler is confined to his home with chicken pox. HIS RECIPE. Here from P o r t la n d - Cane — How do you account for living to be one hundred years old? G r a ndfather Clock — I keep regular hours, and always find something for ■ay hands to do! Bertha Elison, of Portland, spent Christmas with her parents who re­ side on Laurel street here. Grand New Year High Jinks! Trail! New Year’s Eve! 100-3* Church to Hold H o u s e w a r m in g - Members of the Presbyterian con­ gregation are to have a house warm­ ing in the form of a dinner in the church next Monday a t 1 o’clock, a t which time the new kitchen, dining room and silver will be used for the first time. A large gathering of members and attendants of the church are expected. All ladles are asked to bring baskets of eatables, plates and cups for their own fam­ ilies. Overcoats at less than Paulserud’s. , j b v * *»<*£. c LL m . ¿UGHftoS Johnny Cake Marches to Rescue Ash­ 92tt ■ O r lÿsÿ.f. a h Above—Switching American corn Near a w r East c.aat by ny man power. To right—Armenian waif anxious­ ly waiting for his piece of johnny »sm L i for or Visit In Red B luff— Mrs. David Tomkins and three small daughters are visiting relatives In Red Bluff, Calif., this week. Visitors from O ak lan d - Mrs. Ralph Blust and children, of Oakland, Calif., is visiting her moth­ er, Mrs. M artha Morgan, at her home on Oak street. Two good piares to «ab—-Home and the Hotel Ashland. 97tf Goes to Sacramento — Mrs. Henry Carter, of Mountain avenue, left the first of this week to ▼ialt her sister in Sacramento, Calif., for a few days. and Prosperous New Year East Side Phamacy To Our Patrons—Both Old and New: WE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR A first aid to empty stomachs he has ever been. But as a life-saver Johnny Cake appears in a role strange even to those who have known him long and loved him well south of the Mason and Dixon line. For Johnny’s now a relief worker. This startling news recently reached Near East Relief head­ quarters in New York from its agents in Transcaucasia. It was disguised in the terse announcement that the first shipment of American corn ever sent to the Near East has arrived in Armenia, where it was received with joy by a starving populace. Most of the shipment was made in the form of corn meal, to save space and freight charges. Among the relief personnel in the City of Alexandropol, where twenty thous­ and children are housed in Ameri­ can orphanages and where thous­ ands more are reported starving on the streets, was a daughter of- the “Old Dominion.” It was she, with memories of a chubby childhood, who introduced Johnny to her young charges. 'As a result of that one shipment of corn meal the relief director for the entire Transcaucasian district, informed relief officials at New York Headquarters that several hundred ragged, hunger-shrunken tots, none over five, were admitted to orphanages in Alexandropol and Erivan, where lack of sufficient O. H. Johnson Jeweler P LU M M E R 'S .-»11 153EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 5 9 QUALITY GROCERY GENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE a Oranges, lemons, bananas, celery, head lettuce, cauliflower—we sell them for less. Detrick’s Groceteria. 102tf sincerely hope you will enjoy a Happy to all, and especially to those young housewives who are seeking how to live high at a low cost. We invite them to come here and see how fine a line of all sorts of good things to eat are here and how rea­ sonable are the prices. They’ll do well, too, to commence the New Year by a trial of our specialties. « Herndon Boys Improve— Robert and Billy, young sons of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Herndon, 155 Eighth street, have been quite ser­ iously 111 for the past three weeks, but are now much better. for patronage during the past year, and CHERRO CHIMES NEW YEAR GREETINGS Installing F ire Escape»— Nloe Dry Wood! also Blox. land Lnmbor Co., phon« 20. IVe Thank You —- cost, at lO ltf In compliance with a recent order issued by the state fire marshal, fire escapes are being installed a t the Junior high school, and as soon as this job is finished, escapes will be installed at the Hawthorne school. night. Card games formed the prin- “fcA Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hunt, who ciple diversion of the evening, andi were recently m arried in Los An­ at a late hour refreshm ents were geles, have returned to Ashland and served. Those bidden to the delight- are at home, Mountain avenue and ful affair were the Misses Dorothy ° Iowa street. Jones, Bernice Myer, H arriet Dodge, * * * ¡Gladys Wehril, Gladys Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner, 47 ¡and Louise Gillette. Granite street, entertained a la rg e ; * * number of friends and relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, who their home Sunday with a big Christ- ,, ... . .reside on W alnut street, celebrated m“ ? i T ’? hiL beIng aD aDQUal ^ e i r fifty-ninth weeding annlver-I event with the Wagners sary with a bountiful Christmas dayje^oft * * * dinner, to which the following were The Epworth League will meet at invited as guests: Mr. and Mrs. G. the annex of the Methodist church o. Van Natta, Mrs. M att,G ilbert and tomorrow evening a t 8 o’clock, for 3ons, A rthur and Merrill, Will Jobn- a business meeting, social refresh- sou> Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. ments and devotional service. There Mrs. Conover and three children, will be something doing every min- The aged couple were the recipients ute of the four hours until m idnight of many gifts on the occasion. when the party will break up. A, ___________________ big attendance and an unusually en­ joyable and profitable evening is ex­ pected. All Methodist young people and their friends cordially invited. ♦ * * The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Peebles, on upper Liberty street, was the scene of a very merry C hrist­ mas party Sunday. Promptly at 11 o’clock, amid the whir of his Christ­ mas auto and the jingle of many bells, Santa Claus arrived, and from SO THEY ALL THINK :be pack on his back and the boun­ “A man with your education teous laden Christmas tree, he made should earn more money than glad the hearts of the happy kid­ you’re getting.” *1 do.” dles, as well as the grownups. Shortly after Santa’s departure, all TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY sat down to a table laden with good things. The guests were, Mr. and FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, bar­ Mrs. Carl Swenson, Leonard Chester, gain if taken at once. Call Dew Kenneth and Cecilia Swenson, Sam­ Drop Inn, on the Plaza. 101-1* my Wah Chung, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ATTENTION — Have acreage on Lane. which we could take town prop­ ♦ ♦ • erty, part payment. Also ¡some Miss Isabel Barron was hostess at large acreage tracts, Eugene, Klamath county, Roseburg, Cali­ a dinner party given a t her home fornia, for Ashland real estate.— on the Pacific highway, Tuesday ev­ Yockey, Realtors, phone 146. ening, In honor of Fay Phillips, who 101-mo has been spending the holidays at heme. The guests were: Mrs. M ir­ FOR SALE— New Overland four in best condition, just limbered up iam Shepherd» Miss Hazel Smith, good, four non-skid tires never Mrs. Homer Barron, and Messrs. P punctured, one extra tire. Big 3. McDonald, of Medford, Harvey bargain at sacrifice price. See me Clift, Fay Phillips and George F ra n ­ quick. Rev. W. L. Evans, 247 Oak street. 101-2 cis Barron. • • • FOR SALE— 1919 model 4 90 Chev­ “Curious calendar caperlngs, com­ rolet, fine condition. First man mencing at 9 o’clock a t the corner gets bargain. See W. M Briggs. 101-2 of Helman and North Main church. Correct costumes contain something WANTED— Work horses for their to represent the birthday month of feed. Phone 14-F-2. Ranch. 100-3 each comer.” So read the announce­ ment of the watch night party of the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor society, which will be held tomorrow night. The regular business meeting will be the first num ber on the pro­ All our cousins and relations gram, followed by the "calendar cap- Gave to us some regulations. erings,” refreshm ents and a closing IVe could not usurp their chances, half hour of praise and song led by We were cornered by advances. W alter Miksch. Every Christian (See you tomorrow) Endeavor member is urged to be present. CHERRO FLOUR • « « A Hard W heat Flour of Famous Miss Edith Moody entertained a Blend— G ua ra nteed num ber of friends a t a jolly party at her home on Manzanita street last ¡«3 We thank you for the past year of patronage, V in in g REID W ITH and wish you a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Lila LEE STA R TS TODAY IN RENT FREE Every scene of the picture has its own particular thrill, and there are laughs aplenty from start to finish supplies had hitherto kept them out. ‘‘But saving several hundred lives was not all that Johnny has accom­ plished,” the director reports. “He also demonstrated that the tastes of childhood are international. Never has a Virginia pickaninny swallowed pieces of Johnny Cake with more visible satisfaction than that which showed on the faces of these Armenian waifs, when they had their first taste of i t ” ' NEW YEAR’S Store finii be closed Monday, January 2nd ATTRACTION Sunday, Jan. 1st—Peter B. Kyne’s Popular Story “ THE TEN DOLLAR RAISE” Monday, Jan. 2nd—Zane Grey’s Big Novel— “ THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER”