fcÀôü TWO rifa r A iu ti* * hAitt Uri eral roads ........................ 412.321 al roads ........... . . . . « . i . 110.40 county n u r s e ........... ........... 2.00 Medford Furn. & Hdwe., .75 farm ...................... .. prtssion, on his mind, as he used to Eagle Point Hdwe’ Co., gen­ C. L. Allen & Co., general 3.20 expense market road No. 6 Medford Service Station, Invariably recount It when in a rem­ Hutchison & Lumsden, coun­ road expense .................... 9.00 eral road expense ........... 3.55 Wm. Nussbaum, labor market county nurse’s expense . . 20.21 ty farm su p p lie s................ 75.00 Established 1876 iniscent mood. Associated Oil Co., general Eads Coal Co., general road 21.00 road No. 6 ........................ Southern Pacific Co., county Heath’s Drug Store, county Published Every Evening Exeept I road expense .................... 30.89 expense ............................... 14.00 nurse's traveling expense. 92.35 Geo. Nichols, labor market 8.85 physician’s supplies ......... Sunday 19.50 iW. J. Burbridge, labor, gen­ Fred J. Fick, general road road No. 6 ........................ American Red Cross, office COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Jackson County Creamery, THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. eral roads ........................ 104.95 expense ............................... 16.69 rent for county nurse . . 8.00 Marvin Ragsdale, labor mar­ 45.00 county fa m supplies . . . . 23.00 Busy Corner Motor Co., gen­ O. Frazier, blacksmithlng, ket road No. 6 ................ OFHCLVL CITY AND COUNTY Mrs. Edna Myers, labor at (ContinuedzFrom Tester day.) eral road expense ........... 6.75 general roads .................... 4.00 Chas. Sehfield. labor market Total 8255.56 PAPER county farm ...................... 10.35 17.50¡Mrs. W. J. Burbidge. gener­ road No. 6 ........................ C. E. Gates Auto Co., gener­ telephone 39 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tele­ Surveyor’s Office (November M eeting) al road expense ................ 19.50 al road expense ................ 20.32 Joe Sidley, labor market 2.66 M Bebb, work in surveyor’s phone at county farm . . Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. Fred 'Bellows, labor, gener­ road No. 6 ........................ 28 00 Young’s Garage, general road Tomlin Box Co., county farm Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm office ................................. $ 4.0,00 Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ al roads ............................. 36.75 W. N. Staub, expense market supplies ............................. 2.00 3.00 expense ............................... C. Frank Rhodes, surveyor’s J. R. Anderson, regular in­ 39.50 Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., gen­ road No. 6 ........................ Hubbard Bros., general road ter. Mrs. Irene Wells, superinten­ office expense .................. 12.00 6.00 digent ................................. eral road expense ........... 24.12 Henry Tonn, labor market expense ............................. 6.16 dent county farm, traveling R. A. Holmes, premium on Nellie Boardman, regular In­ Chanslor & Lyon, general 14 00 Hittson Motors, general road road No. 6 ........................ 8.00 expense ................................. surveyor’s bond ................ 15.00 digent . s ............................. 25.00 €§UM 1ME&PL ME b P l A¥&ROUIB^ road expense .................... 25.20 Louie Tonn, labor market expense ............................... 19.87 Mrs. Irene Wells, county farm Mrs. G. R. Broback, regular Wesley Coffeen, labor, gen­ of / merica 29.50 road No. 6 ........................ Lindstrom & Felgenson, bdge supplies ............................. P5.00 Total, 8 67.00 indigent ............................. 8.00 eral roads ........................... 121.40 John Walch, supervisor mar­ Miss P. M. Wells, labor at Sealer of Weights and Measures A. D. Beardsley, regular in­ (Continued on Page Three) Henry Dooms, labor, gener- ket road No. 6 .................. 128.00 county farm .................... , 26.80 E. A. Bond, sealer of weights digent ................................. lO.Ot Nick Young, labor market Weeks & Orr, county farm and measures, salary . . . . 8 16.65 J. M. and Rebecca Childers, road No. 6 .................... 120.00 supplies ................ ......... 1 7 0 Water Master regular in d ig e n t................ 10.00 Medford Lumber Co., expense Ed Binns, meat for county Fred N. Cummings, water Mrs. Kate Copple, regular in­ district No. 6 .................... 34.50 farm .................................... 10.40 FOR master’s salary ................8125.00 digent . * ............................. 8.00 Phoenix Rural Tel. Co., coun­ Wallace Woods, expense dis­ Fred N. • Cummings, water Dave Daniels, regular in­ trict No. 6 ........................ 70.20 ty farm ex p en se................. 5.00 master’s expense .............. 42.35 digent .................................. 8.00 Tunnell Edwards, water A. M. Ford, regular indigent 6.00 Total. $1796.98 Total, 8469.04 master’s expense .............. 7.00 Mrs. Goldie Gates, regular in­ Road District No. 7 Court House Expense digent ................................. 15.00 J. M. Allen, payroll market Total, 8174.35 Mike Bannester, work on Mrs. Haitchr, regular indigent 10.00 Choice Chocolates road No. 7 ........................ 447.10 County Attorney court house ...................... 8 21.00 Mrs. Hudson, regular indi­ The H ealthiest Year Chris Natwlck, expense mar­ G. A. Codding, district at­ gent .................................... 8.00 O. Bienvenu, work on court Cigars ket road No. 7 ................ 162.50 torney's expense ............. 8 14.55 house ................................. 59.50 Here is good news of the passing J. W. Ingram, regular indi­ W. S. Baker, labor dist. No. Rawles Moore, district attor­ W. A. Childers, work on gent .................................... 8.00 7 24.10 year, which should counteract in Albert Johnson, regular indi­ ney’s office expense . . . . 50.00 and Tobaccos. court house ...................... 28.00 Ed Cook, labor dist.t No. 7 7.43 S. E. Combes, work on court men’s memories the gloom of 1921 ’s gent .................................... 8.00 Total, 8 64.55 T. Cook, labor dist. No. 7 . . 51.62 house .................................. 73‘. 50 industrial and financial troubles, j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, reg- J. M. Conley, labor, district Arthur L. Fitch, work on H ealth Registration Figures assembled by thirty-seven' ular indigent .................... 20.00 Sophia Childreth, health reg­ No. 7 31.50 court house ..................... 65.63 and Mrs T. J. Kelsoe, leading American insurance com-^ Mr. and Mrs T. istration ............................. 8 2.75 L. J. Conley, labor district Victor Johnson, work on 8.00 regular Indigent ................ panies, covering 27,000,000 lives, In­ Mrs. Lena Lee, regular indi­ court house ..................... 157.50 Dr. W. S. Cary, health regis­ No. 7 36.75 CONFECTIONERY tration ............................... .50 F. Dunlap, labor district A. Lundgren, work on court dicate that the present year has beeni 8.00 gent .................................... house ................■................ 69.60 Dr. J. W. Jacobs, health reg­ No. 7 69.51 the healthiest in the history of Can­ , Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu- B. L. Moses, Janitor’s salary 56.25 istration ............................. 3.00 Eagle Point Hdwe. Co,, ex- I lar indigent ...................... 8.00 ada and the United States. W. B. Maultby, work on Dr. T. J. Malmgren, health » pense district No. 7 . . . . 8.65 ! Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular In­ According to the reports of these registration .................. .25 court house ...................... 14.00 J. M. King, labor dist. No. 7 52.7 5 ............................... 8.00 T. D. Osborn, work on court companies— which transact about 80 J. digent Mrs. Nellie Reed, health N. R. Korst, labor dist. No. 7 14.00 Meece, regular indigent. . 8.00 liouse ................................. 70*. 00 registration ...................... 2.50 J. Lane, labor dist. No. 7 . . 35.00 per cent of the life insurance busi­ Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, regu­ C. Smith, work on court house 61.25 Dr. F. G. Swedenborg, health T. McCully, labor dist. No. 7 35.00 ness of this country— influenza has lar indigent ...................... 10.00 J. Wetterer, work on court {registration ...................... 12.25 Thos. T. Merriman, expense COMPLETE KITCHEN been practically eliminated. Pneu­ * Margaret Noble, regular in­ house ................................. 61.25 district No. 7 .................... 13.02 OUTFITS digent ............................. . . . 10.00 Mrs. S. L. Allen, court house monia shows a sympathetic decline. Total, 8 21.25 Charley Pettigrew, labor dis­ Doc Parsons, regular indi- Tuberculosis, which ten years ago Prohibition. Enforcem ent expense ............................... 100.00 trict No. 7 ........................ 15.75 8.00 Samuel gent ...................................... you can obtain at thia store— S. B. Sandefer, prohibition Bateman, court house Leland Pettigrew, labor dis­ caused one death in every four I i Mary Price, regular indi- everything the model cook or- enforcement ...................... 8835.87 expense ............................... ~ 30.00 trict No. 7 ......................... 91.22 gent ................................... among pollcyholdeirs, , this year: 8.00 Billings Fair Expense Car. & Auto Works, housekeeper could desive in A. J. Robinson, labor district coused only one In ten. Deaths from James Pou .h, regular indi­ court house ex p en se......... 8.00 C. Z. Boyden, fair grounds No. 7 ................................. 67.37 pots, pans and preserving ket­ 6'.00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for gent .............., ................... automobile accidents, suicides and expense ............................... 8215.70 R. H. Sears, labor dist. No. 7 110.00 tles. A little journey through homicides have increased. The per­ T. D. Stafford, regular Indi­ court house ...................... 14.10 Billings Car. & Auto Works, ,T. T. Vestal, labor district 7.00 gent .................................... our establishment will give you fair grounds expense . . . 28.50 Jac. M. Cronemlller, court centage of deaths from the ailments No. 7 ................................. 72.62 W. H. Smith, regular Indi­ many suggestions as to things house expense .................. 30.01 C. E. Wymore, labor district of advanced years remains high and 10.00 Fred J. Fick court house ex­ gent ................................... Total, 8244.20 No. 7 ................................. 21.00 you should have. will continue so, say the Insurance Mrs. Nancy Sisemore, régulât County Agent pense ............................... « 24.07 men, as long as the pressure and indigent ............................. 10.00 R. N. Finney, labor on court State of Oregon, payment of Total, $1366.89 tension of present-day life are main­ Mrs. L. Schiefflin, regular in­ county agent ..................82300.00 house .................................. 28.00 Road District No. 8 digent .................................. 6.00 Medford Lumber Co., court ROAD FUND tained. The fact Saiem Woolen Mill Store, in- Carson Fowler Lumber Co., GROCERIES NOW Rowe, payroll district J. L. so far. If its lessons are rightly read digent expense .................. 17.74 lumber district No. 1 . . . . 15.60 Total, 82181.93 12 ................................. 828.35 No. and heeded, succeeding years should St. Vincents Hospital, indi­ Jail L. Van Houten, payroll gent expense .................... 46.60 B. L. Moses, jailor’s salary.8 56.25 Total, $335.07 W. district be each more healthful than the last. No. 12 ................ 1806.89 at the Talent Mercantile Co., Indi­ Road D istrict No. 3 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights J. Hartman, expense district gent supplies .................... 17.98 H. L. Gregory, payroll dis­ for jail ............................... 4.69 PICTURESQUE PIONEER OF No. 12 ............................... 935.29 Fouts Grocery Co., indigent trict No. 3 ........................ $484.50 Effie M. Terrill, meals for Medford Lumber Co., expense NORTHERN CALIF. IS DEAD supplies ........................ .. . 22.00 prisoners ........................... 1(78.15 Wm. Perry, pay roll district district No. 12 ................ 214.80 No. 3 .................................... 790.55 Sacred Heart Hospital, indi­ Lewis Ulrich, jail expense.. 9.50 Medford Furn. & Hdwe. ex­ YREKA, Calif., Dec. 30.— Al­ Wm. Von der Hellen, gravel, gent e x p e n se ...................... 22.85 Lewis Ulrich, prisoner’s ex­ pense district No. 12 . . . . 13.75 district No. 3 ..................1356.00 though failing rapidly, and for the B. P.- Theiss & Co., indigent 89.14 pense ................................. Geo. Brown & Sons, expense expense ............................... 13.06 Jno. M. Williams & Co., jail last few days not conscious of any Total, $3799.08 Gl NORTH MAIN STREET H. A. STEARNS district No. 3 .................... 6.75 American R|d Cross, Indigent supplies ............................. 9.15 material thing, Nelson Harvey Eddy Road District No. 13 Charley L. Givan, expense dis­ expense ............................... 65.98 City Drug Store, Jail suIm­ was allowed to live in accordance Mrs. M. E. Davis, indigent ex­ H. L. Gregory, payroll dis­ trict No. 3 ......................... 21.00 plies >.................................... 35.45 with hjs oft-expressed wish to be 91 trict No. 13 ........................ 106.80 Oral H. Rose, expense district pense ................................... 5.00 Mrs. Jane Johnston, laundry Central Point Feed Store, years old, and he answered the final Mrs. G. W. Dodson, care of in­ No. 3 ................................. 101.00 for jail ............................... 22.15 supplies district No. 13 . . 7.45 W. L. Childreth, expense dis­ digents ............................... 20.00 F * 1 "i**111 T summons on Monday evening, De­ F K L* fi» I ■ [W1 IS !■ fa 11 fwl ifal if t ij w Medford Lumber Co., expense June Earhart, county patients trict No. 8 ......................... 14.90 Total, $404.38 cember 26, not twenty-four hours district No. 13 ................ 7.20 ............................... 10.00 Juvenile Court after passing his ninety-first mile­ St. expense Medford Furn. & Hdwe, ex­ Total, $774.70 Vincents Hospital, indi­ Marie Falldine, juvenile ex­ stone. pense district No. 13 . . . . 3.95 Road D istrict No. 4 gent care ........................... 80.90 pense .................................. $ 10.00 Mr. Eddy, accompanied by his W. M. Tetherow, payroll dis­ A dvertising and County Printing Total.$ 125.40 trict No. 4 ........................ $357.75 Total, 8717.04 Ashland wife, came to the Shasta valley with Tidings, county Road District No. 14 Road D istrict No. S - Care o f Poor at Poor Farm printing .............................. $ 39.70 the New Lebanon company, from Il­ Edmund Peile, payroll dis- F. J. Watson, payroll district Medford Printing Co., county linois, In October, 1854. During Dr. W. W. P. Holt, county to do your share toward helping to give the year 1922 trirct No. 14 .................... 309.35 No. 6 ....................................$503.08 printing ............................. 48.40 physician’s salary ............. 876.00 his years of active ranch life which a better reputation for prosperity than poor old 1921 D. W. Pence, payment on Geo. Guches, labor district Mrs. Irene Wells, superinten­ followed, Mr. Eddy was known as contract district No. 1 4 .. 200.00 No. 6 .................................... 10.50 ha4* had? Total, $88.10 dent county farm, salary . 125.00 J. B. Walker, material fur­ J. M. Guches, labor district cne of the most progressive and Albert Crane, nursing at Roads and Highway nished district No. 14 . . 31.04 17.50 No. 5 ................................. prosperous stockmen of northern county farm ...................... 10.00 J. T. Zlmmerlee, ferryman’s Why not give this first place among your New Year Medford Furn. & Hdwe., salary ................................. $ 75.00 California, and much of his life was Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights supplies district No. 14. . . 70.00 resolutions? Total, $631.08 County Nurse for county hospital ......... 16.04 spent in the saddle. He was prob­ Medford Concrete Const. Co., Road D istrict No. 6 Marie E. Falldine, county ably the only man left who ever saw Cad Ellis, county farm ex­ expense district No. 14 . . 112.32 nurse’s salary ..................$125.00 J. W. Antle, supplies market pense ................................... 28.00 One way to help is by keeping all surplus money In road No. 6 ........................ $ 6.00 an eruption of Mount Shasta, which Dr. B. R. Elliott, county farm American Red Cross, rent for the bank where it will earn Interest for you and be Total,$ 722.71 occurred soon after he came to the county nurse .................... 8.00 W. Armstrong, labor market expense ............................... 3.50 General Roads road No. 6 ......................... 49.00 available for busiuese purposes in the community. Mr. Klum, garage rent for valley, and which made a vivid im- Cliff Garvin, labor at county Jack Thrasher, payroll gen- Wm. Almy, labor market road No. 6 .................................... 91.09 i Wm. Chapman, labor market V » /.w . V W W VV V W W W V V V . ' V V V W V V V VW W V V V V .y W v v V vZ V V road No. 6 ......................... 24.50 Eagle Point Hdwe. Co7 sup­ plies market road No. 6 . . 38 40 arket *, labor market 1 *& <«* •S q V * O regon A s h la n d , road No. 6 ......................... • • • ••• 7.00 • • • • • • •¡M m m -4? ■ i * Ä AA A A ' A Ä Ä A A A r A t A A A A A A ( \ n A A V A A A n M > A / / ' • , • A A A A - f A A A A A A C A A X A A A A A A / A A A A A A -> A A A A <■> A ~ A * A ■< ■ A » A * A A A A A A A A A Fritz Edler, labor market road No. 6 Chas. Edler, labor market roa<^ No. 6 > V /-i < Earl Farlow. labor market > A \ V < > Í » < road No. 6 ......................... 7.00 Ed. Frey, labor market road No. 6 ................................... 35.00 C. Farrer, labor market road > \ < y / < No. 6 ................................. 6.50 Ashland, Oregon Irving Frey, labor and wood, '> - \ 'P < market road No. 6 ........... 71.25 —when I want a good tire I go to J. S. JORDAN, Proprietor Otto Frey, labor market b O u road No. 6 ......................... 83.00 KRUGGEL BROS.. Marsh Garrett, labor market Í A road No. 6 ......................... 19.50 Dependability—th a t’s their little secret! Bennet Gardner, labor market Wishes And when a motorist finds himself road No. 6 ......................... 105.00 Wm. Hoefft, labor market > » \ » A , < humptyeight miles from nowhere, he The People of Ashland and Jackson County road No. 6 ........................ 32.50 feels mighty thankful that lie’s bought Ted Hoefft, labor market road No. 6 ......................... 10 50 A Happy and Prosperous the Right Kind of a tire. Always sure Mike Hanley Jr., labor mar­ to get them at ket road No. 6 ................ 76.00 New Year Hubbard Bros., expense mar ket road No. 6 ................ 41.93 Hugh Jones, labor market road No. 6 .................. ...... 148.50 Lawrence Messal, labor mar V W V A Z V .W V V .V V W V V V V V W V » S /.V V J V w V V V J J J 'y \Z V \Z V S Z 7 V ' / sy ket road No. 6 .................. 17.50 W. M. Messal, labor market road No. 6 ........................ 75 00 TIRES ACCESSORIES John McCallister, labor mar­ TEL.125 ASHLAND.ORECON 91 OAK ST ket road No. 6 .................. 24.50 A A A' A A A A ' A A A A A A A A A A Z A A A A A r . A 4* A 4 Otto Meyers, labor market road No. 6 ......................... 104.26 I Ashland Tidings —' — — ' ■ '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ I ■■ ■■ New Years A The Plaza I SIMPSON’S P la z a HARDWARE M a rk e t Plaza Market t Have You Resolved J The Citizens Bank O