HtxracUy. A* ember pauü tei pom 1^ 1 site M1CKIE SAYS Local and P erso n a l Mr. Skelton Hurt In Accident— On Christmas eve, C. L. Skelton, who Uvea at 1106 East Sixteenth street, Oakland, Calif., was run Into by an auto driven by Jack Davis and suffered fractured ribs, being later taken to a local hospital. Mrs. Skel­ ton was formerly Mrs. Ranse Rouse and lived In Ashland. Her many friends here will be sorry to near of her husband’s painful accident. -TYV BOSS,ue «EX, SBXiE, ’ VJKS MOY SAX SQhÆYHXUQr ABOUT T w er VABM W O COMJES 'H <5EX SWR V\DMT QtT HER PxxPER, VJWE-H SUB VJAWTS AM EXTRA’© ”© v a SB B , VIS'*«, o r © x o o . WKKSSUS local couple are married number of friends at a delightful turkey dinner Sunday evening at Dorothy Tinker and W illiam R eid her home on High street. Those Are United at Eagle Point are enjoyed the affair were: Miss William Reid and Dorothy m 0r ; Harriet Hodges, Miss Gladys Apple-; were married yesterday a Eagle, , Mr8. DeU4 AckUn> ,Evereitt Point, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, AckUn Lester Lytle and Henry En~j and are making their home with the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. * « Tinker, who live on the county road Dinner Guests— east of town. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Tilton enter­ Mr. Reid is the popular clothing tained Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Barnhill H ealth Bread. Pure Malted Milk clerk at Eenders’ department store. at dinner last evening. Twins— 10 cents 80tf Mrs. Reid is a graduate of Ashland * • * /CUv ¿ut high school and a popular young We sell fresh ranch eggs 42 cents Entertain at Dinner— lady with the younger set. per dozen. White House Groce­ Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Randles, 390 .The young couple experienced con­ Liberty street, entertained with a teria. 100-2 siderable difficulty In finding some­ bountiful Christmas dinner, Mr. and one to marry them, being unable to Mrs. E. E. Gall, Mesdames E. J. Rob­ Don’t forget the big shoot New locate either a minister or justice of erts, Lulu Van Wegen and Adam Years Day. We will offer sugar, the peace at the county seat.* The Beagle. flour, coffee, hams, bacon, and mer­ _ Xk'iüaCu marriage license • was secured and chandise prizes. 100-1 • « • • ZÄAt* » finally the necessary medical li­ Christmas Guests — cense, after locating a drug store Visitor from Talent— Mi> and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood and physician. The couple then spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Fred Combs, of Talent, is speedily went to Eagle Point, being Charles Butler. visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary E driven there in a high-powered ma­ * * * Rose, in Ashland. “ I chine by Ed High. Rev. Howlett, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters Jr. en­ Events arranged for every class Visits Parents Here— the oldest minister in Oregon, 97 tertained Mrs. S. A. Peters Sr., and All shooters will have equal chances Miss Veda Peters, stenographer years of age, tied the nuptial knot Miss Veda Peters at a delightful din- j to win a prize at the shooting con­ for the firm of R. G. Dun and com­ at the Sunnyside hoel, after which ner today at their home at 518 Iowa’ test New Years Day. 99-1 pany, of Portland, is visiting this Mr. and Mrs. Reid returned to Ash­ street. week at the home of her father and land. Last night, while the newly­ Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. ▲sh- mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters weds were enjoying refreshments at 92tl Sr., at their firm home on the cor­ Rose Brothers, they were found by land Lumber Co., phone 20. Wisdom From Carlyle. The world Is a thing that a man ner of Walker avenue and the Boul­ a crowd of locay friends, who HeJilth Bread. Pore Malted Milk evard. Miss Peters arrived here straightway proceeded to stage an must learn to despise, and even to neg­ 80tf Tw ins— 10 cents Christmas day, and will return to entertainment In which great show- lect, before he can learn to reverence It and work In It and. for It,—Carlyle. her position the first of next week, ^rs of rice played no small part. (Joes to H o r n b r o o k - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY • • • Edward High, of the Class A gar­ Two goo condition, two and three-quarter! Pioneer avenue. 99-2* in Portland to attend a special state Most of the evening was spent In inch. Louis Dennis, 444 Califor-J Miss Harriet meeting of the Elks’ lodge, Friday, playing “hearts.” nia St. Two good places to eat— Home January 6. One of the purposes of Hodges won first honors, and Miss and the Hotel Ashland. 97tf this meeting is to further the mem­ Dorothy Frulan captured the booby Light refreshments were bership invitation campaign, which prize. Who saves you 20 per cent on the Elks are conducting. Prof. Vin served and a merry time enjoyed by your insurance in companies that ing is chairman of the committee of all present. In addition to those pay their losses promptly? Yeo of Ashland Elks which haB this work mentioned, the guests were: Misses A ll our cousins and relations course. 99ttf Gave to ua som e regulations. in charge. It is hoped to increase Dorothy Jones, Harriet Ruger, Es­ the membership of the local chap ther Kleinhammer, Mabel Trott, We could n o t usurp their chances, On the Sick L i s t - W e w ere cornered by advances. Kathleen Silver, Margaret Van Dyke, Little Bobbie Herndon has been ter to an even thousand. The pres­ ent number lacks less than 100 of Dorothy Jones, Agnes Hedburg, and (See you tomorrow) on the sick list for several days. that figure. The national goal is Mesdames Shortridge, T. J. Coffman, CHERRO F L O U R For the best brands of coffee at 1,000,000 members. The B. P. O. E. Carl Loveland, R. L. Burdlc Jr., and A Hard W heat Flour o f Fam ous the right price.— White House Groc­ lodge is already the largest lodge Ernest Wallen. Blend-—-Guaranteed in the United States. eteria. 99-2 Mrs. William Myers entertained a Prof. Vining is enthusiastic, say­ We do not sell a-cheap grade of ing this lodge has -greatly improved goods at a less price; but we sell the lh character as w ell a» number* best goods that can be bought at the since its organization. Welfare work, lowest possible price. White House which - Includes relief, community Groceteria. 99-2 service, and the “Big Brother” Successors to 0 . H- V aupel. movement, has become a very prom­ Christian Workers Band to Meet— inent part of Elk activity. The Christian Workers Band will In Ashland $300 was spent last hold a service at the home of Mrs. week for Christmas baskets, which H. H. Leavitt, 440 Chestnut street, were given to needy families, by the next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. There lodge men. About four times as are a few .unsold calendars which many baskets were needed this year may be had next Sunday from mem­ as last year. Such work is done bers of the band. strictly without any publicity. The community committee alms to assist 1. Bicycles! Fixit Shop has it. ______ in every way possible all movements „ . j * 1 for the benefit of the community. Our goods are priced at the rock- ___ The “big brother” movement pledges D R U M M E R S’ SA M P L E L IN E OF W E A R W E L L bottom. “Why pay more?” Det- ® ® r ck,r 89eod the to aee that eTery boy in BLANKETS r c ______ the community, who is found to be The regular annual meeting of the suffering for lack of proper cloth- stockholders of the Ashland Fruit ‘ng. food or medical attention, Is) and Produce Association is called supplied with these necessaries, for January 7ith, at 2 p. m., at the City Ha«. Ashland. Try and 1)8 present if possible, or send your CENSUS OF OTYl proxy.— S. A. Peters, Sr., Secretary. J % 100-fr-tu-fr (Continued from P age,.l) VINING WILL ATTEND SIATE ELK MEETING • « • Annual Pre-Inventory Sale on Automobile Tires Accessories Equipment Three Big Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday only We offer a targe general stock of Automobile Tires, Accessories and Equipment for all cars at A Sweipisg Reduction of 20 off the regular marked price of all tires and merchandise sold for cash during this sale Anticipate your Automobile wants and BEY NOW ! at the lowest prices quoted in years on this class of merchandise CHERRO CHIMES • ♦ • E. R. I saac & C o. THE QUALITY STORE Friday and Saturday Sale of Sample Blankets Christmas Carol Singers— Ashcraft, a trio which ha» endeared Between forty and fifty young itself to the music loving people of people sang Christmas carols Sun-1 Ashland. A half houh trill be oc- day morning, visiting both hospit- cupled with departmental confer- als and a number of homes of shut- ences. Mrs. Fred Engle will take ins. There were wo companies of 1 charge of the heads of the primary singers, the Christian Workers band departments of the various Sunday and the Epworth . League, about schools; Mrs. W.J J.. Oldfield will equal In numbers. The Leaguers conduct the conference of the junior were afterwards entertained at leaders; Mrs. F. E. Wilmot will pre­ breakfast by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald side over the intermediate^ confer? Gunter. ence; Mrs' Kodhler ovdn the young I people’s department! -anA John Bea- We make our own candles, ice |ver will conduct the adult confer- cream and tamales. Baders Con- ence. The workers will then reas- fectionery. $2tf semble for a final conference. Ev­ erybody is cordially Invited to at-| Let Friend Wire sleep in the ¡tend. morning and go to the Hotel Ashland grill and get one of those fine. By N<> Meang Ttale Waatad special 60 cent breakfasts. 61tf| Jud Tunklng wtahe8 to explain that ____ I be was not wasting precious time Orrsa, Tailors for men and worn- when he was sitting on the fence Cleaning, pressing and ramod-! whittling. What he was cutting up «ling. • • l i r a s the family ouija board REGULAR PRICE Come E a r ly ! O nly One P air of a K ind This sample line includes Bed Blankets of Wool, Wool and Qotton, Wool Finish, and Cotton Blankets, in fancy laids of pink and blue, and plain colors—white, tan and grey, at O ne-Fourth o ff R egular ¿ rice. Robe Blankets of Fancy Jacquard Patterns, at One- F ourth o ff R egular P rice. ------ , - - r — ----------------------------------------------------------------- —7 -------- * --------- ’ Baby Crib Blankets, in pink, blue and white, in cotton and wool and cotton, at O ne-Fourth o ff Regular Price. A S A V IN G TO Y O U OF 25 P E R CENT __________ S E E W IN D O W D IS P L A Y _________— — —■—— H a v e Y our H em stitch in g and P ico tin g D one H ere T h e S tore W h ere Y our P atron age Is A ppreciated SPOTLICHTS AUTOMOBILE CLOCKS MOTOMETERS PISTON RINGS GREASE GUNS AUTOMOBILE RIMS GLOVES FLASHLIGHTS PENNSYLVANIA TIRES MIRRORS FEDERAL TIRES RADIATOR HOSE AUTOMOBILE PAINTS VACUUM TANKS TOP DRESSING brake LINING TOP COVERING OUTFITS WEED CHAINS TIRE COVERS CUP GREASE MECHANIC’S TOOLS TRANSMISSION GREASE JACKS VEEDOL OILS TIRE PUMPS MONOGRAM OIL AUTO TIRE LOCKS SUNOCO OILS WINDSHIELD CLEANERS ZEROLENE OILS TIRE BLOWOUT PATCHES CANTEEN SETS TIRE RELINERS FAN BELTS TIRE COVERS TRUCK CHAINS BAGGAGE RACKS INNER TUBES TOOL BOXES AUTO POLISH HEADLIGHT GLOBES HEADLIGHT LENS We do not include automobiles and Overland parts in this sale. But we are offering ten unusual bargains in used cars at attractive prices. Everything from Bumpers to Tail Lights tor your Car You Save 20 cents on every dollar you spend here BUY IT NOW! Busy Corner Motor Co. Main at Riverside, Medford, Oregon