«i ; n a u ttii PAftì PAGE WJttfi Home on Furlough— Edward Gyger, a soldier in the United States array, stationed at Ft. Stevens, is home on a furlough a^d is spending the holidays with hie parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jackson Gyger who live east of town. H ealth Bread, Twins— 10 cents Pure Malted Milk 8 0 tf Try Detrick’s Groceteria, good place to trade.” Hotel Man H e r e - * xVe.- ?•- “It s a Ashlanders at Motítague— Prof, and Mrs. Pèter Spencer, and “Jun'or” arrived Friday from Eu­ gene, where Mr. Spencer la attend­ ing the «tate university äiti teaob- ing in the university high ecftoal. Sunday they went to Montague to spend Christmas with Mrs. Spencet*» parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. B Skeen. They are expected to return to Ash­ land tomorrow. PTof. Spencer has been collaborating with Prof. Greg­ ory, of the university, in the prepa­ ration of a system of teaching geog­ raphy, which is said to be a great improvement over the method now in use. ' . ’ Mr. and Mrs. Hopple, of Portland, were week-end guests at the Hotel Ashland. Mr. Hopple is an exper­ We have a few unealled-tor suits ienced hotel man and is looking for a location. He was very much and overcoats which are exceptional 86« pleased with the Hotel Ashland and values. Paulserud’s. expressed the opinion that it waB a You will want candy from Rose hostelry of which Ashland might Brothers for it is the best and costs well be proud. no more than brands not so good. 93« Regular tamales at Rose Bros. Here from Eugene — • Mr. Starr, a prominent miller of Eugene, ate his Christmas dinner with Mft. Starr at the Hotel Ash- teuU. R ottim to MOCkrari —• Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Young return­ ed to their home at McCloud, Calif.. this morhing after spending the holi­ days with relatives, the L. M. Ring and L. G. Fitzwater families, in this eif>. H otel A shland E ntertains— The Hotel Ashland had as their guests for Christmas dinner, Messrs. Westfall, Graves, Curtis, White, El- ligsen, Grimes, Cr.eekpann, Fuller­ ton, Dorsey, Read, Hinson, and Bal­ linger, of the railway mail servloe. LABOR BOARD NOT TO ACT ON WAGE PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 27.—The wage question, the next big contro­ ‘on the Christmas Dinner Party— Detricks’ Groceteria Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Derrick enter­ versy to come before the United Plaza.” tained at a Christmas dinner party, States railroad labor board, will not Mr. and Mrs. Otis Helman, Mr. and be acted upon Immediately—cer­ Cliff Payne makes meat boards. Mrs. Julian Kock and Addison W. tainly, it Is said, not until after the Lane, the last named guest being a first of the year and perhaps much Here from S e a t t l e - longer. Clark Payne, former local boy, visitor from Salem. The board has a mass of work to now employed with the Western do before its docket is cleaned up. Get priees at Rose Bros, on can­ Electric company at Seattle, arrived More than a thousand grievance in Ashland Christmas mornjng to ' dies of quality before buying else­ cases and four national agreements 98« spend the holidays at his home at where. must be dealt with before the 1410 Boulevard. He expects 'to re­ Two good places to eat •Home board’s docket Is cleaned dip. Some turn to Seattle Monday. and the Hotel Ashland. 97tf of these matters, particularly the agreements, are of the utmost im­ Vittrola owners would appreciate portance. a Victor record, a fibre needle cut­ Card o* Thank»— While the disposition of shop We wish to thank cur friends and ter. or a record album from Rose craft rules on December 1 now Bros, for that Christmas gift. 93tf neighbors for their kind considera­ places the labor board In a position tion for or. , dear wife and mother, to consider .the wage question, it is We make picture frames. D arlin g xMrs John Jackson, during her re­ declared to be more likely that It cent illness and death.—John Ja?k- 98« Studio. s o \ Mrs Zach Stewart, Mrs. Jira will first get the important routine out of the way. The wage problem Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- Herron, Mrs. Charles Weston, Mro. is certain to be a testy thing to 92« F. N. Payne. land Lumber Co., phone 20. handle. The railroads announced on October 14 a ten per cent wage cut Detrick’s Groceteria sens for Dinner Party Held— would be asked, and recently the Mrs. R. E. Hale, B streex, enter­ etc., try Detrick’s. shop crafts affiliated with the Amer­ tained at dinner Christmas day, the; ican Federation of Labor requested Everything new and dean at following guests: Mr. and Mrs E. | an increase of 13 cents an hour. Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mont-j rick’s Groceteria. The unions are expected to point gomery, Mrs. Hale of Sacramento, V is its P a r e n ts — out to the board that the revision Calif., and Doris Montgomery. Harry P. Gustafson, son of Mr. of thfe shop crafts’ rules by the A box of fine chocolates from i and Mrs. Oscar Gustafson, 449 Sue-’ board was tantamount to a heavy Rose Brothers would make a very lid avenue, spent yesterday with his reduction in pay, as it was announc­ acceptable gift for Christmas. 93tf ’ parents, leaving last night lor Port­ ed by the board itself that the land where he is employed 44 book­ changes would effect economies in 3. Leaky hot water bottles re­ keeper for the Portland Livestock the operation of railroads of at least association. ’ “ , "-V i $50,000,000. The changes in the paired at Fixit Shop. rulQs were largely alterations in the Rose Brothers are making candy Two good places to tap*—Home classification of work to be done by canes today—buy yours soon. 9 3 « i and the Hotel Ashland. 97« the various crafts. The roads will maas trMMÙf, beímíer Üí, i í í í National Child , ances th a t w ould o rd in a rily be clas-; sifted as triv ial, and th e board has- Health Council been forced to a ct as th e um pire, been unable to agree on many griev- MICKIE SAYS A l l VÆ UApCAOO XO HOW ©VOSEIN XV\\S werfSPAPER \ BÊU4' READ (&XÖ XAKfc A FEYi nvsyaxes m x w e n yæ f in d ' ax ey ' rmbodx m '& w u HAS SEEM work here, It was said by Dr. Brown. The work will be carried on over a n u m b er of years, and the results at­ tained will be given to the public from time to time through the med­ ium of bulletins published by the council. in sp ite of th e g re a t p re ssu re of o th e r m a tte rs involving th e closest co n sid eration. The board has indicated th a t w hen By W ILLIAM J. HUSKE th e w age q u estion does come up, Another Definition (I. N. S. S taff C o rrespondent) both sides will be called upon not A pessim ist is one who sees in a M ANSFIELD, O , Dec. 27.— An to overlook th a t th e r i is a th ird dim ple n o th in g except th e fu tu re site p a rty to th e issue— th e public. ex p erim en t fra u g h t w ith m ighty . consequences for g e n eratio n s yet u n ­ for a Wrinkle. And an om p tlm ist is born is soon to be begun in th is city one who sees in a w rinkle only th e The citizens of M ilton, Or., a re — a th riv in g in d u stria l 'town of 2 8,-! dim ple th a t once was th e re .— F arm plan n in g th e c o n stru ctio n of a $25,- 000 people and th e c e n te r of oue of Life. 000 hotel. th e rich est a g ric u ltu ra l regions in. TOO LATE TO CLA381FY th e M iddle W est. W ASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 2 H ere the N ational Child H ealth FOR S A L E — One D uroc-Jersey pig. 55 S traw b erry Lane. 98-3* C ongress has com pleted its program 1 council, w orking in co-operation of R ussian relief w ork by passing | w ith ,oca, agencie9> plana to c a rry I FOR S A L E - F u r n itu r e . 344 E ast a bill a p p ro p ria tin g $20,000.000 for on a series of ex p erim en ts w ith Main St. 98-3 th e p u rch ase of grain and o th e r food young child ren and ch ild ren yet un- FOR R EN T— A piano. Phone 9-F-4 su p p lies fo r R u ssia ’s sta rv in g m il­ born, to w ork out plans of co u n try -j or w rite R. P. D. 1, box 64. 98-2 lions. T he bill will now go to the wide application in th e b e tte rm e n t p o R TR A D E 160 acres of w heat W h ite H ouse fo r th e ap p ro v al of of h ealth and living conditions. land in Jefferso n county for tim ­ P resid e n t H ard in g , who is expected ber land in S o u th ern O regon, 8 or The health and happiness of c h il­ to sign it prom ptly. 10 m iles from A shland or M edford dren of all ages shall be th e concern on a do llar for d o llar value. Ad­ of th e council, according to an o ffl-' d ress Jo h n M cFadden, A shlaird, 4»’ cial anno u n cem en t ju s t m ade, an d I O regon. 98-4* f F IR S T CO M PANY th e d em o n stratio n of th e plans, now : ñ 7”, , . ------ 7— ' I TO BE PUT ON . . . . . . . . . ; FOR R EN T— F u rn ish e d housekeep- F IR M E R B A SIS form ing, a re intended to begin w ith ing room s, heated, and ad joining expectant m others and follow Young bath. A dults only. 614 Boule­ vard. 97-6* (C o n tin u ed from Page 1) A m erica up th ro u g h adolescence, w h eth er lie rem ains in school o r goes point out that further wage cuts are and S erg eant M cNair will see th a t into som e line of in d u stry . necessary in order to effect reduc­ p ro p erty books a re up-to-date, in W hile M ansfield has a c o n sid e r­ o rd e r th a t a cheeky may be m ade a t tions In rates and operate at a able sp rin k lin g of foreign-born, of th is inspection. W e w e r e happy, s e w a s h e, profit. both Sou'th and N orth E urope stocks 10. Cook M intle is ch arg ed w ith H e no b ette r knew th an w e With the shop crafts situation out resp o n sib ility of p re p a rin g and bav­ — th e backbone of th e com m unity in T h ejj o n e day to o u r su rp ry, of the way, temporarily at least, the which th e N ational C hild H ealth in read in ess «hot coffee and hot dog H e so m e t ’h erro F lo u r did buy. board must now deal with other rail- , san d w ich es a t 9 :3 0 p. m. M onday. council has planned its w ork is Experimenting 1, I CHERRO CHIMES road unions. The tour nat.onai company Clerk Billings will i A’nerlcan Here during a long and agreements to be settled by th e p re p a re and d eliv er to th e com m and- hollor8'1 11,8 “ ved J o h " sll8 ri" a ,\ board are as follows: f long U nited S tates sen ato r, several , ing o fficer a ro s te r of th e com pany way employes, d id a te for th e republican . Maintenance . . half a dozen of disputed , af- - ! giving the telephone number