FAO« AÂHLÀîtà DAÎtt *í»»G í faeodajr, December 27, lftî í *• • I 29.54 Dr. W W. P. Holt, county phy sician’s expense .......... W idow s’ P ensions 193 M edford F u rn . & H dwe., Mrs. J. H Byerly, w idow ’s $156.29 T otal, .671 county farm supplies . . . pension ................. 25.00 S h e riff’s O ffice One cent the word each time. Jo h n ‘ Noon, county farm ex­ 1 E ffice M arie B aer, w idow ’s T e rrill, s h e riff’s sal- C. E. Lc cal and Personal pense ............................. .. 10.00 pension, .................................. 25.00 a py ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0 8 . 3 3 HELP WANTED. PHYSICIANS. P acific Tel. & Tel. Co., coun-, R ebacca A. C lary, w idow ’s Geo. L. H ow ard, d eputy sh e r­ 2.65 ty farm telephone ----------------— — Side Lights ---------------------- pension ................... .. 15.00 STEN O G RA PH ER W ANTED— A be-1 OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P ractice if f ’s sala ry ........................... 126.50 Susie Coy, w idow ’s pension 15.00 , P a u l’s E Jectric S tore, county L. D F o rn cro o k , d eputy s h e r­ g in n e r will do if ed u cated for lim ited to eye, ear, nose aud 1.20 farm supplies ...................... iff’s salary ..............., . . . . 110 00 N ettie G reen, w idow > pension 15.00! w ork. S ta te age. qualificatio n s . th ro a t. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and Q uality th e beat— prie is th e low-1 Dew D rop In n for h o t w affles a n d Alice P. H ow ell, w idow ’s i S. S. Stevens & J. M. W at- and sala ry to s ta r t w ith. B usiness 2 to 6. Sw edenburg Bldg., A sh­ S4tf Jay T e rrill, d eputy s h e riff’s est. D e tric k ’s— on th e ’laza. 89eod M. J. B. coffee. pension ................... .. 25.00 kins, wood for county salary .................................... 117.05 Alan, care of T idings. 94tf land, Ore. 73-tf farm ..........’............................ 350.00 M ary R o b erts H iggins, w id­ Glen T e rrill, d ep u ty s h e riff’s ’ 15.001 Miss P. M.- W ells, lab o r a t ow ’s pension ........................ WAN ! ED. Herron’s Sheep (lain F a m e - Se,ls 1 lve OR. J. J . EMMENS— Physician and salary .................................... 100.00 h as been 25.00 county farm ...................... 40 00 Dolly Love, w idow ’s pension A ccording to a re c e rt p ic tu re pub-j Jesse G. ■ C larey, who Surgeon. P rac tic e lim ited to E d n a Snyder, d eputy s h e riff’s O. W akefield, county farm MEN W ANTED— At W aite ’s B arber eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. G lasses salary .................................... 93.00 A nna P resc o tt, w idow ’s p en­ llshed in th e Mason City D aily i n c h i n g n e ar T rail, has acid his live 17.50 expense .................................. 2 io ; shop opposite depot. H air cuts, sion ......................... ............... supplied. O culist and a u rls t to r G lobe-G azette and Tim es, M ason stock and is in A shland tem p o rarily . H azel T etherow , d ep u ty s h e r­ Mrs. Iren e W ells, s u p e rin te n ­ 35 cen ts; shaves, 15 cents F irst I S. P. R. R. O ffices, M f*. and H iff’s salary ........................... 85.00 Rosa A P effly, w idow ’s p en­ sion ...................... .. 25.00 d en t of county farm , tra v ­ class w ork g u a ra n tee d . 92-lm o* Bldg., M edford. Ore. P h o n e 567 C ity, la ., th e fam e of F red H e rro n ’s H otel A shland G rill cacer3 to W. L. F arlo w , deputy s h e r­ 8.00 R eth a M. R ich ard so n , w id­ eling expense ...................... iff’s sala ry ........................... 64.00 p u reb red sheep is sp re ad in g th ro u g h hom e-folks as well as to com m ercial OLD RAGS W ANTED— Nice large* DR. MATTIE B. SHAW — Special at­ ow ’s pension ........................ 32 50 W. R. G aylord, speed cop’s o u t th e M iddle W est T h e p ictu re | men and to u rists. ones. ‘A utom otive Shop. 5 cents $713.74 ten tio n to m o th ers an d children. A ddie W ebb S hanks, w idow ’s . T otal, 61tf 30.00 expense .................................. a pound. 92-12* show s e ig h t R am bouillet sheep, pension ........................ .. 10.00 In te rn a l secretio n s and endocrine Court House A sland T idings, p rin tin g for Sevey, w idow ’s glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ Mike B an n ister, c a rp e n te r on 9.75 i E lizab eth ow ned by th e A shland stock raiser, sh e riff .................................... FOB SALE. Vacationing at Roseburg— n e er avenue. T elephdue 28. Of­ pension .................................. 17.50 c o u rt house ........................ $ 6.00 D aily’s Taxi, s h e riff’s ex- doing “ rig h t d re s s ” as a sq u ad of Miss D orothea A b rah am , dom es­ fice h o u rs, 11 to 12 a. m .; 2 to • R ose R S ingler, w idow ’s A rth u r L. F itch , w ork on 27.50 pense » * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SW EET C ID ER — Made fresh every “ b u c k ” p riv ates, u n d er th e le a d e r­ pension .................................. 32.50 c o u rt house .......................... 24.50 p. tic science te a c h e r a t th e J u n io r high L. D. F o rn cro o k , d eputy s h e r­ day. O rder now for th a t X m a m. s _____________________________ ship of a S e rg e a n t Ram T he clip- S arah A. S um m ers, w idow ’s V ictor Jo h n so n , w ork on 56.39 iff’s tra v e lin g expense . . school, w ent to R oseburg S atu rd ay dinner. 40 cen ts gallon, tw o for 0 R . s HAW— P hysician and Surgeon pension .................................. 22.50] co u rt house ........................ 49.18 p w < m ailed to W. J. K ruggel. e Tel. & Tel. Co , sh e r 75 cents delivered. Phone 9F11. to spend th e holidays a t h er home. H om — Eye, e ar, nose an d th ro a t spec­ B. L. Moses, ja n ito r ’s s a la ry . 56.25 iff’s telep h o n e bill ............ 21.05 Lydia S anders, w id o w s pen- 91 Uak stre e t, by a b ro th e r now liv- ’ ia list; glasses fitted . Office, <02 sion ......................................... 17.50 Cal.-O re. Pow er Co., lights FOR SA LE— W ood, 16 inch body* Geo L. H ow ard, d eputy sh er ing in Iow a. M edford Bldg., M edford, 10 :3 0 a. 3.15 ¡Am y R. T h o rn , w idow ’s pen- I for c o u rt house ................. 11.84 fir, 16 inch pine, m an zan ita and Nice Dry W ood! also Blox. Ash- iff’s tra v e lin g expense . . . m. to 5 p. m .’ R esidence, P io ­ sion ......................................... 25.00 F ra n k C. C lark , c o u rt house oak mixed. Phone 426-J, o r call 92tf K ilham S ta tio n e ry & P rin tin g land L um ber Co., phone 20. n eer Ave., A shland, m orniog aud expense .................................. 10.00 1219 E. Main St. J. M. B urns. 91tf , Co., s h e riff’s office supplies 104.67] S arah W akem an, widow s 1. Stom ach m isery, ga:; and in d i­ evenings. P h o n e 2 8. pension .................................. 32.50, W eeks & O rr, c o u rt house ex- M edford P rin tin g Co., s h e r­ gestion a re prom ptly relieved w ith C om pletes R esilience — Noble, w idow ’s pense .................................... 139.50 FO R SA LE— Dry wood of all kinds. ! — 4.25 ! M arg aret iff’s office su p p lies . . . . . ATTORNEY». P hone or w rite L. D. D ollarhyde, Ml-O-Na stom ach ta b le ts. At Me- pension .................................. 10.00 “ C hick” F arlo w , who is helping I. B. M illard, d eputy s h e r­ Siskiyou, Oregon.________ 7 8-lm o* j 50.00 Naid Bros, on m oney-back plan. T otal, $297.27 A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . Jo h n D. R ockefeller in th e oil busi­ iff’s expense ...................... 33.33 Ina H uson, w idow ’s p en sio n . Jail Expense Room» 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bank F. J. N ew m an, w ork on tax FOR R E N I. ness, has practically com pleted his ’ T otal, $452.50 B. L Moses, ja ilo r's s a l a r y .. $ 56.25 Bldg. , m a tte rs .................................. 300.00 Visitor from Salem— new residence on M orton s tre e t, ju st Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm C al.-O re. P o w er Co., lig h ts r e n t — T o r e a T e itlb ir T io p ie T I N ash Taxi, s h e riff’s office A. W. Lane, of Salem , Is spending above th e B oulevard PLUMBING IO1 j a .i l .................................................. . * fp w r n n m a w ith buuf l» n f expense .................................. 13.00* J. R. A nderson, re g u la r in d i­ few room s w ith steam h eat, h o t ! ________________ ____________________ th e holidays w ith th e R. S. D errick ______ 6.60 6.00 F red J. Fick, ja il expense. g en t C. E. T e rrill, s h e riff’s tra v ­ and cold ru n n in g w ater and use pjjO N E your next job of plum bing H e a th ’s D rug Store, ja il sup­ fam ily at th e end of L aurel stre e t. An agency fo r th e L ib e rty c a r has! eling expense ...................... 72 15 N ellie B oardm an, r e g u la r in- of bath . Ona person, $5.00 peri j e rry O’Neal, B eaver B uilding .73 plies ....................................... d ig e n t .................W77............ 25.00 Mr. L an e is a young business m an been esta b lish e d a t M edford, and Glen L. T e rrill, deputy s h e r­ w eek; tw-o persons, $8.00 per phone 138 i H u tch iso n & L um sden, jatyl iff’s tra v e lin g expense . . . 33.21, Mrs. G. It. B robeck, re g u la r w eek. H otel A shland. 88tf 1 1— - ■ ■ .......................... ■ u ■ of Salem an d expresses him self as ¡an y o n e in te re ste d in them m ay see 8 00 supplies .................................. 58.50 in d ig e n t W estern Union Tel. Co., --------------- ’E X PE R T CAR WASHING and polish- well pleased w ith A shland. th em a t th e R iverside G arage. P. F. | E ffie M. T e rrill, b o arding 1 74 A. D. B eardlsey, re g u la r In- VIS1A APARTM ENTS Two and j j,.K Llttala G arage, phone 114. s h e riff’s teleg ram s .......... digent, .................................... 10 00 p riso n ers ................................ 308.80 Close is ag en t. 132 S. R iverside. 8 8tf th re e room fu rn ish ed mo J e m __ ______ l 1 - 2 .___ ■ - » ___________ 1 Jno. M. W illiam s Co., ja il Mrs. K ate Copple, re g u la r in­ a p a rtm e n ts. In q u ire 166 H arga- TRANSFER AND EXPRESS, T otal, $1614.07 G enuine M exican cnickan tam ales, 8.00 supplies ................................ 9.80 J dine, phone 122. d ig e n t .................................... 79tf! — C lerk ’s Office 20 cents. E n d ers C onfectio n ery .6 2 tf Remodelling; H ouse— FOR prom pt and c arefu l feervice. W ill H. W ilson, ja il supplies 15.00 j« J. M. and Rebacca C hilders, C hauncey F lo rey , county E. O Bailey is rem o d ellin g his AUTOMOBILES a u to tru c k s or horse dray9, call re g u la r in d ig en ts ............... 10.00 c le rk ’s sala ry ...................... $166.66 Christmas Visitor— W hittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone l i t . $459.55 1 T otal, house on A shland stre et. Dave D aniels, re g u la r in d i­ M ildred Neil F lorey, deputy NEW 1922 DORT MOTOR CAR— Office, 89 Qak s tre e t n e ar Hote> 8.00 Juvenile Court gent Jesse S m ith, of La Moine, C alif., c le rk ’s salary ...................... 125.00 W hy not look it over before buy­ A shland. 56tf 6.00 E P. E llingsen, ju v enile H ealth Bread. Pure Malted Milk D elilia Stevens, deputy c le rk ’s * A. M. F o rd , re g u la r in d ig en t was an A shland v isito r C h ristm as som ething else. We a re alw ays co u rt expense ......................$ 4 00 salary .................................... 110.00. Mrs. G oldie G ates, re g u la r in- Twins— 10 cents 8 8 tf day. glad to d em o n strate. Selling T. L. PO W E L L — G EN ERA L TRANS R u b erta P earce, deputy clerk d ig en t ............ .. . . . ■■■ • 15.00 A d v ertisin g an d C ounty P rin tin g A gents, F o u r Site Sales ’A gency,, F E R — Good team and m otor T idings, p rin tin g saIary ................. 90.00 Mrs. H atch , re g u la r in d ig en t 10.00 A shland tru ck s. Good service at a re a so n ­ B eaver Block. Another New- “Chev”— Health Bread. P ore Malted Milk M attie S te v e n s’ d eputy clerk i Mrs. H udson, re g u la r in d ig en t 8.00 . .c o u rt proceedings ............ $ 44.85 able price Phone 83 Gold H ill News, publication salarv ..................................... 75.06 J W. In g ram , re g u la r indi- H. H. L eav itt, C h estn u t s tre e t Tw ins— 10 cents 8 9 tf 8.00 of n otice ............................. 14.35 E X P E R T CAR R E PA IR IN G a t re a ­ gent fru it grow er, is th e pro u d possessor Alice Poor, w ork in c le rk ’s INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Jack so n v ille Post, p u b lica­ re g u la r in- A lb ert Jo h n sto n , so n a b le p rices T.itbia G arage office .................................... 75.00 F ro m G ra n ts P ass— E ffective March 20, 1020. of th e th ird new C hevrolet c a r he 8 00 tio n of notice ................... 16.50 d ig en t . . . . . . Mida M cIntosh, w ork in Dally (Evcept Sunday) C. W. Lym an, ra n c h e r n e a r G ran ts has bought in the past few' years. M edford P rin tin g Co., county c le rk ’s office ...................... 70.00 Mr. au d Mrs. T. J Kelsoe, LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND P ass and form erly of th is city, is C. B. I, A M K I N 8.00 p rin tin g ................................ 75.60 A shland T idings, c le rk ’s , of- | re g u la r in d ig en ts 7 :15 a. m 7 :1 5 a. m. and Mrs. J. A ., K ane, v isitin g his b ro th e r, E. E. Lym an, L et F rie n d W ire sleep in th e lice expense ...................... 20.00 A ir. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. T otal, $151.30 8:45 a. m. re g u la r in d ig en ts ............... *20.00 ; 8:45 a. m. h ere d u rin g th e holidays. C hauncey F lo rey , stam p s for m o rn in g and go to th e H otel A shland Roads and Highways Mrs. L ena Lee, re g u la r in d i­ 9 :3 0 a. m. c le rk ’s office ...................... 10.00 9:30 a. m. grill and get one of th o se fine g e n t ....................................... ff.OO , J T. Z im m erlee, fe rry m a n ’s 10:15 a. m BARGAINS IN G lass & P ru d h o m m e, books 10:15 a. m. A d o lla r saved is a d o lla r earn ed . sa la ry .................................... $ 7 5 .0 0 11:00 a. m. C arrie E. M iller, re g u la r in ­ ¡special 60 cen t b re a k fa s ts . 61tf 11:00 a. m for c le rk ’s o f f i c e ................. 167 88 Real Estate M oral-#-T rade a t D e trtc k ’s. 89eod County Nurs« d ig e n t .................................... 10.00 j. 12:00 Noon i Leaves for Bay C ity— 12:00 Noon Home Tel. & Tel. Co., c le rk ’s M arie E. F alld in e, county 12:45 p. m. 1 G. M. Y oung V isit»— ! Miss D oris M ontgom ery le ft Sun- 12:46 p. ui. telep h o n e bill .................... 13 15 Mrs. J. A. Myers, re g u la r in ­ 8.00, n u rs e ’s s a l a r y ................. .'3 125.00 .................................... d ig e n t 1:30 p. m 1 :3 0 p m. Jack so n Co. A b stra ct Co., G M Y oung, fo rm er w ell-know n d a y evening for San F ran cisco to A m erican Red .Cross, re n t 2:15 p. m i 2 :15 p. m. City and Ranch Propertlea m aps fo r c le rk ’s office . . 6.00 Mrs I. A M ontgom ery, re g u ­ 8.00 3 :0 0 p. m. 8.00 for county n u rse ............... la r in d ig en t 3 :00 p. m i local boy and a g ra d u a te of A shland spend C h ristm as vacation w ith h er M edford P rintxng Co., c ie rk ’3 Houses to Rent. C. E. G ates A uto Co., county 3:4 5 p. m 3 :4 5 p. m. office expense . . . . . . . . . 47 75 ; Jam e s P ough, le g u la r im li- high school, is spending th e holidays g ra n d fa th e r, P. L. M ontgom ery, 1.50 4 :3 0 p. m. 6.00 4 :30 p. m n u rs e ’s e x p e n s e ................... gent P acific S ta tio n e ry P rin tin g w ith re la tiv e s in th e city. Mr. Y oung 8.00 B. K lum , county n u rs e ’s 5:15 p. m M ary P rice, re g u la r in d ig en t 5 :1 5 p. m. 6 25 Co., c le rk ’s office supplies COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. 2.00 CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING 6:0 0 p m. 6 :0 0 p m. Doc P a rso n s, re g u la r in d i­ g arag e re n t ........................ has been associated w ith th e C ali­ U nderw ood T y p ew riter Co., 8.00 m 7:00 p. Medford* Service S tation, 7 :00’ p. m. gent ....................................... fo rn ia F r u it G row ers association for ty p e w rite r for c le rk ’s o f­ 8:45 p. ni Sat. caiv county n u rs e ’s expense . . 10.83 8:45 p. in. fice ........................... - ........... 77.50 Mrs. Je a n Ross S m ith, re g u ­ th e past several y ears and is now The follow ng is a schedule of ex- if: 30 p. in 8.00 O regon T u b e rc u la r A ssocia­ 9 :3 0 p. m. la r indigent ........................ \ ■ - ■ ----• » em ployed as chief of a su rv e y in g 1 l)enditurfes of Jackson county, Ore- 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 12 15 Midgi tion, county n u rs e ’s ex­ T otal, $1060.19 Mrs. L. Schiefflin, re g u la r in ­ We invite you to look 3 63 SUNDAY ONLY 6.00 pense ..................................... d ig e n t .................................... crew w orking n e a r S usanville, Calif, i cia | m an t s and a rtic le s of service for Treasurer’s Office LV M EDFORD LV. ASHLAND N ancy Sisem ore, re g u la r in ­ B efore re tu rn in g to C alifornia. Mr. which the claim is m ade and which A. C. W alk er, county tre a s ­ over our stock of 9 :00 a. m T otal, $150 96 9 :0 0 a. in. d ig en t ........................ ........... 10.00 u r e r ’s salary ....................... $150.00; Y oung w ill v isit w ith re la tiv e s in- w ere passed upon by th e C ounty 10 :00 a. m. ! 10:00 a. m. Surveyor’s Office Bedwell, deputy I W. H. S m ith, re g u la r in d i­ E ugene. M ora J. Bailey, a fo rm er ¡C o u rt of Jack so n county d u rin g th e Dorothy. 1 1 :00 a. m ' 11:00 c m. Bebb, w ork in su rv ey ­ g en t ....................................... 10.00 ’ Mary tr e a s u r e r ’s sala ry ............... 90.00 , 12:00 N o o n ' 1 12:00 Noon A shland re sid e n t, is em ployed in the ' m onth of O ctober, 1921. o r ’s office ............................. 3 40.00 T. D. S taffo rd , re g u la r in d i­ The follow ing bills w ere allow ed C a rte r & Mills, prem iu m on 1:00 p. m. j 1 :00 ik m. 7.00 C. F ra n k R hodes, su rv e y o r’s g en t ................... 7 ................ : acco u n tin g d e p a rtm e n t of th e asso ­ as follows, w ith th e e xceptions tr e a s u r e r ’s bond ............... 100.00; 2 00 p. m I 2 :0 0 p. m. office e x p e n s e ................... .. 12.00 E rn e s t W eldon, re g u la r in d i­ c i a t i o n 's office a t Susanville. Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., tre a s ­ show n: 3 :00 p. m 3 :0 0 p. m. 8.00 g e n t ....................................... 3.55 u r e r ’s telep h o n e b i l l .......... 4 :00 p. m 4 :00 p. in. T otal, 3 52.00 8.00 County Court and Commissioners Jack so n v ille P ost, tr e a s u r e r ’s Alex W ilson, re g u la r in d ig e n t 5:00 p. m You owe It to y o u rself and fam ­ 5 :0 0 p. m. ' Sealer of W eights and Measures Z W olgam ott, re g u la r indi- G. A. G ard n er, county ju d g e ’s office supplies ................. ’. 21 50 6 : 30 p. in 6:3 0 p. m i l y to tra d e w here y our d o lla r goes •" g en t ....................................... 15.00 ! E. A. Bond, sea le r of w eights salary .................................... $166.66 A. C. W alk er, stam p s fo r 9:30 p. m 9:30 p. m and m easures, salary . . . 3 18.95 f u r th e s t. D e tric k ’s G roecteria 89eoj v ic to r B ursell, county com- tr e a s u r e r ’s office ............... 25.00 A nnie W atk in s, re g u la r in d i­ A shland W aitin g — E ast Sid2 P h ar 8 00 Water Master g en t / ....................................... — — ' m issio n er’s salary and ex- inacy. F red N. C um m ings, w ater B u tte rfie ld , in d ig en t . Here from Dunsmuir— pense A.................................... 70.30 T otal, $390.05 ¡ c - J A CK S< > N V1LLE-M ED FORD 9.24 m a ste r’s salary .....................3125.00 supplies ................................ and other Decorative tv - „ Tirim v , - x Jam es Owens, county com- School Superintendent’s Office DAILY EX C EPT SUNDAY Mrs. W illiam Van D yke an,l two m isslo n er.3 '3alary and e J . F red N. C um m ings, w a ter C asebeer & H u b b ard , in d ig en t S usanne W H om es, school s u ­ E ffective Nov. », 1921 M aterial. m a ste r’s expense ............... 40.10 su p p lies ............................... •sm all sons, of D unsm uir, a re spend- pense .................................... 157.50 p e rin te n d e n t’s sa la ry ...$ 1 6 6 .6 6 M EDFORD J ’S’NV’L E LV. G olden R ule, in d ig en t su p ­ Dr. W. L. C am eron, services ing th e holidays a t th e W. S. Van j G. A. G ardner, ju d g e ’s tra v e l- Mrs. H. H. D avis, school su ­ 7:4 0 a. m. We w illingly give prices 00 a. m. as d eputy w a te r m a s t e r .. 36.00 plies ....................................... 75.00 Dyke ranch n o rth of th e city. ing e x p e n s e ..........I .............. 20.00 p e rin te n d e n t’s a ss is ta n t . 8:45 a. m. 20 a. m. Mrs. M. E. M iddlebusher, and figure am ounts ! H om e Tel. & Tel. Co., tele­ A shland T idings, p rin tin g for 9 :5 0 a. m. 15 a. m. T otal, 3201 10 in d ig en t supplies ............... 15.60 6.93 14.25 phone bill ............................. school s u p e rin te n d e n t . . . needed. 11:15 a. m. W hen you th in k or In su ran ce, 20 a. m. L eo n ard O orthups. m ilk fo r County Attorney P o stal Tel. Cable Co., te le ­ Home Tel. & Tel. Co., school 11:15 a. m. 45 a. m. '.think of Yeo, of course. in d ig e n t ................................ 6.00 R aw les M oore, d is tric t a t­ 83tf 6.15 g ram s fo r county ju d g e . . u p e rin te n d e n t’s telep h o n e 12:30 p. m 00 noon Sacred H e art H ospital, in d i­ to rn e y ’s office expense . . 3 50 00 5.50 bill ......................................... 1:50 p. in. 20 p. m. gent expense ................. 21.43 Fair Fund T otal, $427.54 Susanne W. H om es, school su ­ Stanford A thlete V isits— 3:2 0 p. m 45 p. m. B. P. T heiss & Co., in d ig en t C. Z. Boyden, county fa ir Circuit Court p e rin te n d e n t’s • tra v e lin g G enneth Lilly, fo rm er local boy i 4 :30 p. in 45 p. m. su p p lies ............................... 15.00 expense ..................................3209.95 THE PAINT MAN expense ............................. 17.90 who earn ed coastw ide in terco lleg i- S F. Roy Davis, c o u rt re p o rte r’s 5 :30 p. 111. 00 p. m. Stock Inspection T a le n t M ercantile Co., in d i­ salary .................................... $116 66 Susanne W. H om es, stam p s 5 :5 5 p m. gent supplies ...................... 1 0.00' C. D. M athes, claim for a t e a th le tic fam e w hile a s tu d e n t a t I A R. T hom pson, c irc u it co u rt 5.44 fo r office ...................... .. 9 :3 0 p. m 00 p. m. Lew is U lrich, in d ig en t su p ­ sla u g h te re d c a ttle ............ 3 11.62 Leland S ta n fo rd u n iv ersity , is v isit­ c rie i ...............»..................... 21.00 G W. G odw ard, e ig h th g rad e 7 :2 0 p. m. 00 p. m. Sat. only plies . ..................................... 55.40 3.00 ex am in atio n b o ard ............ ing his m o th e r an d fa th e r, Mr. and E. B. A dam son, g ran d ju ry 10:3 0 p. in. 50 p. m. Sat. only Alice U lrich, re n t fo r in d i­ CARLOAD SHIPMENT OP (To be continued to m o rro w ) w itness .................................. 4.40 Jack so n v ille P o st, school su ­ d rs. Jack Lilly, h ere th is week. Mr. SUNDAY ONLY g en t ....................................... 9 00 i Chas. A dam s, g ran d ju ry w it­ p e rin te n d e n t’s o ffice s u p ­ LV. J ’S’NV’LB LV. MEDFORD. Lilly has finished a p o st-g ra d u a te 3.00 W eeks C onger Co., b u ria l of ness ......................................... 3.00 plies ....................................... 8 :5 0 a. in. 8:0 0 a. m. in d ig e n t ............................... 20 00 ! n o u rs e in law a t S tan fo rd , b u t will P. O. B randon, g ran d ju ry Mason E h rm an ■& Co., school 9 :5 0 a. m. 9 :2 0 a m. W h ite H ouse G rocery, in d i­ w itness .................................. 3.00 s u p e rin te n d e n t's office -1 o n tin u e his stu d ie s th e re fo r th e 11:15 a. m. 10:45 a. m. gent expense ...................... 10.00 from Eastern m ills just In. Con­ 2 10 supplies ................................ le m a in d e r of th is school y e ar before G. W. B ark er, g ran d ju ry 12:45 p. m. J. Meece, /r e g u la r in d ig en t 8.00 12:15 p. m. siderable drop in prices on same. w itness ..................................... 10.00 M edford P rin tin g Co., school 1 :50 p. m. «entering into active practice. 1 :20 p. m. E. W. C arlto n , g ran d ju ro r . 38.17 ■ 8U perintendeht’ expense . . 42.50 3 :2 0 p. ni. 2 :50 p. m. T otal, $497.99 GOOD CEDAR POSTS W. W. C o ttrell, g ran d jury A lm eda J . F u lle r, school su ­ 4 :30 p. m 3:45 p. m. C are of Poor a t Poor F a rm New prices 011 im plem ents and re ­ 6 00 W e m ak e o u r own caudles, ice w itness .................................. p erv iso r’s sala ry ............... 60.00 5 : 30 p. m Dr. W. W. P. H olt, county 5 :00 p. m. p a irs .. New and used sew ing A lm eda J. F u lle r, school su ­ E n d ers C o n -!Jim C hisholm , grand ju ry «-ream an d tam ales, 9: 30 p. m 7 :00 p. m. p h y sician ’s salary ............ $ 75.00 Hot W ater H eating System for m achines for sale o r to re n t......... .90 w itness .................................. p erv iso r’s tra v e lin g ex­ MEDFORD-ROSEBURG to c tlo n e ry . 62tf H arley D unn, g ran d ju ry w it­ Sm all or Large Houses pense ........................ .............. 17.40 Miss Iren e W ells, su p e rin te n ­ Daily anil Sunday d en t county farm , s a la ry . . 125.00 4 40 S usanne W. Hom es, te a c h e r’s ness ......................................... LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG O A. C. Professor V isits— O ur Now L ine of H e atin g Stoves . O. A. D ailey, g ran d ju ry in s titu te expense ............... 400.00 Ed B inns, county farm su p ­ 11:00 a. m. 1 0 0 p. m plies ....................................... 7.95 3.00 P rof. J. F. P age, of th e eco n o m ics’ w itness A re Now In M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS Cal.-Ore. Pow er Co., lig h ts T o tal, $812.75 and sociology d e p a rtm e n t of th e O re-j E s te r E rick so n , g ran d j u |y Daily an d Sunday fo r county h o sp ital . . . . . 7.77 i 3.20 w itness Fruit Inspector’s Office LV. G’T ’rt PAH» «on A g ric u ltu ra l college, sp en t th e LV. MEDFORD H utchison & L um sden, co u n ­ . . . . . . . .. . . J. W. Eldon, g ran d ju ro r . 35.57 E. R. O atm an, fru it inspec­ 10:00 a. m 8 :00 a. in. ty farm supplies ............... 80.02 v. eek-end in A shland as th e guest o f ;E Finley> g ran d ju ro r . . . . 9.00 to r's sala ry and expense $196.00 1 :00 p. m. ' 11*00 a. m. H askins D rug Store, county J ck Brady, a s tu d e n t in one of his Home Tel. & Tel. Co., circu it H ow ard E. W arn er, fru it 4 :00 p. m. I 1 :00 p. m. farm supplies . . .................. 1 4 5 4.45 classes a t th e college. W hile h ere, ju d g e ’s telep h o n e bill . . in sp ecto r’s salary and ex­ 6 :15 p. m i 4 :3 0 p. m. pense ....................................... 189.00 Prof. P age collected m a te ria l fo r a j ^ ac^. H e m street, g ran d ju ry G ra n ts Pass W aiting Room— Tb- 3.00 th esis he is p re p a rin g on “ R u ral So-! w * ,l,£ ss l9aacg ’ g ran d ’ ju ry B onbonniere. Phone i6 0 . T o tal, $885.00 Office and W aiting Room: No. ria l P ro b lem s,” for which he w ill j w itness .................................. 3.00 A ssessor’s Office S F ro n t St.. Nash Hot^l Rullriine 1 .?eive his Phd. degree from C o l-¡J D. M orrison, g ran d ju ry B C olem an, a sse sso r’s sal­ 5 00 ary ........................................$ 1 6 6 t6 6 u.ab ia u n iv ersity th is sp rin g . w itness .................................. _____ 1 Thos. H. Sim pson, g ran d L in n ie H anscam , d eputy a s­ -B o th a re going on every day. 5.60 se sso r’s sa la ry ................... 110.00 ju ry w ’itness ...................... O ur goods a re priced a t th e rock- one is necessary— th e o th e r is not L. W. Sm ith, g ran d ju ry w it- R ay C olem an, d ep u ty asses­ T H E n iA U O N U B U A N D . / C hettom . “ W hy pay m o re ? ” D et- necessary, b u t it happens ju s t the 5.80 ness ............... s o r’s salary ...................... 90.00 ( .• d im ! A sk you r O ruffftel lot to do your share toward, helping to give the year 1932 <'hl-ebH>»-ter• Diuiuuna Brui:.‘7 .rick’s. 89eod W alter Stickle, g ran d ju ry sam e. If YOU should lose your Elva C olem an, d eputy asses­ Pill® lu V e d and « o ld n>ruUic\ a better reputation for prosperity than poor old 1931 lx>Kr% with hlue SUabofi. 5.80 s o r’s sala ry ........................... 75 00 w itness . . . . hom e o r your household fu rn i­ Tok® o® other. Iluy a t rant- w OrunrUU A sk fo r P ill-C lft H .TFR fl C. M. T hom as, g ran d ju ry D. H. C ro n em iller, w ork in hai had? H. re from Nevada— tu re to n ig h t w ithout in su ran ce, UIAM ONO K liA .M l P1I.I.N, for i t 3.00 a sse sso r’s office ................. 62.00 w itness .................................. years k now» as Be^t. Safest. Always P e‘;abl« Ur. an d Mrs. R o b ert H. Cook, of would it h u rt you? A few d o llars S O L O B V m G G IS T S tV tm K tR i G lenn O. T aylor, g ran d ju ry Amy Di'W, w ork in a sse sso r’s '"¡old H ill, sp en t C h ristm as w ith th e Why not give th is first place am ong your New Year today may save you a th o u san d w itness .................................... 3.00 office .................................... 20.00 la te r ’s m o th er, Mrs. C ora B urns. R. H. T oft, g ran d ju ry w it­ V iola Brow n, w ork in asses­ reso lu tio n s? to n ig h t. INSURE TODAY! ness ......................................... 3.00 s o r’s office ......................... 3.00 \u o th e r d a u g h te r a rriv e d from Ne- • Alice H oefs, w ork in asses­ — LOW RATES; \ :ida S a tu rd a y to spend C h ristm as H enry A. U ndebacht, grand One way to help is by keeping all surplus money In s o r’s office ........................... 27.00 ju ry w itness ........................ 3.20 v.’ith Mrs. B urns. Mr. Cook is em- Dw ight V im ont, g ran d ju ry — GOOD COMPANIES; the bank where It w ill earn Interest for you and be Dan P earce, w ork in asses­ 7 laved a t th e Del Rio o rch ard s. — PROMPT SERVICE w itness .................................. 5.40 s o r’s office ............................ 32.00 available for business purposes In the community. B A R B E R F F W h ittle , g ran d ju ry J. B. C olem an, a sse sso r’s tra v e lin g expense ............... 13.50 5.40 There Is one price on sugar. Tea. w itness .................................. Children’s Work A H om e Tel. & Tel. Co., asses­ an can buy at almost any uriceJ s o r’s telep h o n e bill .......... 3.00 T o tal, $316.55 Specialty i 1 urance is like butter, sometimes O regon City E n te rp rise , a s­ Justice Court REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE sesso r’s office su p p lies . . 26.15 ai d and sometimes not so good. G lass & P ru d h o m m e, ju stic e S afety blades resharpened Established 1888 c o u rt supplies ................... $ 24.5« -■Safe Insurance of all kinds at low­ lik e new . Single b it, 39c Phone 811 41 E. Main St. T o tal, $628 31 Geo. O. T im othy, ju stic e c o u rt est rates. Billings Agency, 41 E. doz. D obule bit, 60c doz Tax R eb ate fees ........... .......................... 2.00 fee# .......... . . . . . . . ........... 129.75 fu n d B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L Ashland J'lews in Paragraphs Paints Wall Paper Sanitas Dickerson & Son Fencing Investigate Our Ideal Arcola Peil's Corner Provost Bros. Housekeeping vs House Losing Have You Resolved CHICHESTER S PILLS & W. A. SHELL The Citizens Bank Ashland, Main street, for 38 years. 3t Gy O. Taylor, justice court Cora B. Tan Fossen, tax re- Oregon BiUings Agency