Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 24, 1921, Image 4

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    , beer m r»«-r »♦« ’
ÀsRLAMi uAiLí UiMo«
The Hobo Problem —
,d home this
Pew hoboes stop off in Medford
¡k ranch in ¡these days. They remain on the
twenty-five freight trains to go to Ashland or
Hie home 1* California pointe ae word flew about
i ranch east the country some time ago to steer
clear of Medford under penalty of
working on its livood pile. Only
commandery Knights Temp-
Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash* froty two to six apply at the police
ta on Sunday noon for the land Lumber Co., phone 2d.
92tf station nightly for shelter.—Med­
ford Mail Tribune.
■y |>rief Christmas observ- ,
he hour will be at 12:30 j£ansa9 visitors—
Fred Neil and Ben Bowers will
Mr. and Mrs. William Delker, of
Sastern Star chapter meets, Enterprise, Kansas, visited . from give another of their popular mer-
evening, December 26, con- Monday until Thursday with Mr. and chandise and turkey shoots New
date for the year of initia- Mrg Larkin Deer, then went to Cali- Year’s day across Bear creek. 97-1*
«iearly a dozen candidates.
fornia to visit Golden State friends.
A box of fine chocolates
Rose Brothers would make
Dance at the Armory
acceptable gift for Christmas,
and Monday nights.
Young Hermit
L )cal and Personal
V isiting a t Condon—
Miss Violet Herber
the holidays with her
B. Bower, at Condo
Oregon. Mrs. Bower’!
cently injured in an
announced. These popular young is recovering nicely.
folks are both students of Willim-
ette university at Salem, the bride-
Chicken Hot Tamales
to-be being a junior and the fortu­
in. R. R. Porter, Prop
nate man a senior. Mr. Bain is
quite prominent in athletics. Miss
McClintock graduated from the Back from Sebastapol—
Ashland high school In 1919. Her
Mrs. N. G. Bates returned Tues­
home is at Weed, Calif.
day from Sebastapol, Calif., where
We have a few uncalled-for suits she went last week to attend the
and overcoats which are exceptional
values. Paulserud’s.
hands, to make as much of a show
as possible.
“My sister, Mrs. Gillette, who ’Tis a wul tale we are holding
lived where Holmes’ store is now, And for us th e glory’s folding.
saw me and threw a stick at me, call­ We were once the master's
ing out that I was making a fool of
myself. But I thought I'd find out We could please him, w e were
who bought that bolt of calicoa. Ar­
riving at Hargadine’s store, I ac­
(See you tomorrow)
cused the clerk of putting the cali­
coa on the tree for me and 'threat­
ened to use part of it in making a A Hard W heat Flour of Famous
Blend— Guaranteed
vest for him so long it would reach
“ People w ere g re a t, p ra c tica l jok - to the floor.
Defies Sheriff
Citizens Posse
mit living in a dugout of bis own
making on land belonging to Edward
“ Ten y ard s of th e cloth was given
Swiggert of this city, continues liv­ ers in th o se days, and everybody
poked g o o d -n atu red fun at th e ir to th e w ife of a M ethodist m in iste r
ing close to nature. Davis is sus­
pected of committing many petty neig h b o rs. T he wom en th o u g h t it from R oseburg. Long a fte rw a rd s 1
thieveries reoprted by storekeepers would be a good jo k e to give th e
men n eck ties m ade of b rig h t col­
and othrs near Mahomet.
ored calicoa— red, blue o r g reen—
Sheriff Gale, with a posse of dep­
uties went to the dugout and ordered tied in a bow w ith ends a yard long,
Davis to surrender. The young her­ an d fasten ed w ith a big b ra ss b u t­
Country V i s i t o r -
mit stuck a rifle through a corner ton.
“ T he m en got an in k lin g of w h at
Miss Marie Porter has been
of his dugout and threatened to
ing Mrs. C. H. Henry, east of town shoot the first man who tried to w e w ere doing and m ore th an paid
during Mr. Henry’s absence 1
take him alive. Deciding that dis­ us back by giving us ap ro n s m ade of
stock ranch in the mountains.
cretion was the better part of valor, th e b rig h te s t colors and tied w ith
strin g s th re e y ard s long.
Oh, the
calicoa w asted in those strin g s! The
men th em selves m ade th e aprons,
which w ere sewd w ith long, clum sy W ANTED— To h e ar from
having farm for sale; giv
stitch es.
la rs an d low est price. ,
“ Bill K e n tn o r w as S an ta C laus,
Black, O regon s tre e t, C
and A. V. G illette led th e m usic w ith
F alls, W isconsin.
his flu te, which a t th a t tim e was the
F u rn ish ed liousekeep-
only m usical in s tru m e n t in A shland.:
h eated , and a d jo in in g
Jo h n McCall sang bass, C harley j
ts only.
614 Boule-
K lum te n o r, and Mrs. H elm an so­
“ Even in th o se days we a p p re c ia t­
ed o u r w on d erful sw ord fern s, O re­
gon grape, m istle to e and o th e r
5 C h ristm as g reen ery and. used them
. in d e co ratin g th e room w here we
j had o u r C h ristm as tre e .
In a d d i­
tio n to th e gam e w hich we have
, now, th e re w ere an telo p e an d m oun­
ta in sheep, w hich have - since been
Music lovers are offered a rare
treat Christmas night at the Vining,
where Schumann-Heink will sing
“Stille Nicht, Heilige Mache”—Silent
Night—through one of Rose Broth­
ers’ wonderful Victrolas, accompan­
ied by- Bergner’s photoplay organ.
Framed pictures always a suitable
gift. Darling Studio.
!” This is what
You will want candy from Rose
Brothers for it Is the best and costs
no more than branch not so good.
Into town from their ranen nome ano
are now living at 1372 Iowa street.
Mrs. Gray, who has been ill for
tim e w as a very v a iu am e g m .
some time, is improving in health.
w as very cu rio u s to know w ho had
Mr. Gray is hauling lumber from
b o u g h t th a t bo lt for me and d e te rm ­
the top of the Siskiyou mountains
Design changes—see the new lines
Rose Brothers are making candy
ined to find o ut. So I m ade a big
preparatory to building a new house. and stylish appearance of the New canes today— buy yours soon 93tf
su n b o n n at an d dress w ith very full
Dort Motor Car. Agents, the Four-
s k irts o u t of p a rt of th e cloth and
Get prices at Rose Bros, on
Site Sales Agency, Beaver Block.
To Visit Son—-
w ore th em dow n tow n one day.
dies of quality before buying
A. H. Hays, 151 Nursery street,
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Dec. w alk in g in th e m iddle o f th e stre e t,
Christmas at Dunsm uir —
left Ashland Thursday for Portland, 24.—The house, at the request of s n re a d in e m y s k irts o u t w ith both
Mrs. Guy Good went to Dunsmuir! where he visits his sons. Mr. Hays the joint ways and means committee,
Going to Alam eda —
yesterday to spend Christmas with will stop in Salem for a short time approved a bill appropriating $30,-
Mrs. Selma Gray expects to leave
her husband.
to visit his son, William Hays, who 000 to compensate the farmers ofi
on No. 52 this evening for Alameda,
Western Oregon for flax delivered at
Calif . to spend her semi-annual va­
Dance at the Armory Saturday
the penitentiary here funder State
cation with her parents. She ex­
and Monday nights.
Two good places to eat—Home contract.
pects to be gone until February 1.
and the Hotel Ashland.
for Christmas—
Regular tamales at Rose Bros
•old Merrill carile up from
Two good places to eat—Home
nuir this morning to spend 1 and the Hotel Ashland.
Victrola owners woul^ appreciate
;mas with his parents, Mr. and
a Victor record, a fibre needle cut-,
Frank Merrill, 631 Éolevard.
Cliff Payne makes glove boxes
ter, or a record album from Rose
Bros, for that Christmas gift. 93tf , Cjean anj trim as a yteht In the
Yesterday afternoon the first six
-------- -
; Wind—light on its feet, quick at the
of the Junior high school had
Dinner Party—
trigger. The New Dort Motor Car
a program in the lower hall. The
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Porter, 143 ftt the Pour.g|te8 Sales Agency, Bea-
hall was beautifully decorated with
Eighth street, will give a famiiy yer Block
Christmas trees and greens. A num­
ber of parents were present. The
County Farm ers W eek—
program follows:
The Jackson county farmers’ week
“America” — Everyone. G r o u p
or short course, will be held during
90n—First grade. Recitation—Sam­
the first week of January at the
uel Hansen, seventh grade. Group
public library in Medford. Last year
H ealth Bread. Pure Malted Milk was the first farmers’ week ever held
son—Sixth 1 grade.
Twins— 10 cents
8 9 tf in Jackson county, and the event
Champie, first grade. Dramatiza­
tion—Third grade. Song, “Santa”
proved successful in every particu­
Orres, Tailors for men and wom­ lar. I t . is the plan of the commit­
—Five second grade girls. Group
en. Cleaning, pressing and remod tee In charge of farmers’ week for
song—Fifth grade. Recitation, “A
85ti this year to make the school much
1 Visit from St. Nicholas’’—Edward
Nickols, sixth grade. Group song—
better than that of last year. Sev­
Sunday School Class Entertained— eral new features will be added. A
Third grade. Recitation—Marguer­
Mrs. H. C. High, ltf7 Fork street,!
ite Irwin, fourth grade. Dramatiza­
; full week will be devoted to such
entertained her Sunday school class ! j subjects as horticulture, dairying,
tion—Fifth grade. JSolo—DortVthy
at her home yesterday evening. farm crops, rodent control, poultry
Stevens, sixth .grade. “The Polka
Those present were: Kenneth Mad­ and irrigation. Each subject will be
Dots at Christmas,” a pantomine—
den, Wayne Hill, Wayne Ramsey,'
Third grade. -Group song—Second
‘ given a full day.
Jack O’Connell, John Henry Elmore,
Group recitation — First
Jimmy Herr, Granton Crews, Earl
at the Armory Saturday
( grade. Recitation—Iris Patterson,
Nutter, Charley Clarey. The even­
lav nights.
second grade. Group song—Fourth
ing was spent in games and story
telling, after which refreshments
wero served.
Flowers for
mas Morning
han Flow ers? Christmas'
a n d
Flow ers are all synonymous.
N ovelties in the line of
Plants, Vase's and Flowers
in this shop are sure to
please and rail forth real
gratitude for your thought­
ful remembrance.
Everybody is Planning for a
Ashland Greenhouse
Christm as and New I ears!
ue to Leedom’s Tire Hospital
and Get ’Em Vulcanized
Foot Oak and Helman Sts
Successors to C. H- Vaupel.
Christmas Greetings
Health Bread.
Twins— 10 cents
Pure Malted Milk
8 0 tf
Building New Home—
John Gisch is building a new
home on his five acre cherry orchard
rtear Fredrick, Calif.
Special meeting of Alpha Chapter
Decorate that Christmas tree with No. 1 called for the purpose of initi­
candy canes from Rose Bros.
93tf ation, Monday evening, December
26, at 7:30 o’clock.
Auto accident insurance. Yeo, of
The Junior high program was
held in the assembly and witnessed
'by the school and several parents.
I It was as follows:
J Assembly singing. Bible reading
| —pearl Wardle. Glee club— (a)
, “Little Town In Bethlehem” (b)
“Silent Night.” Christmas drill—by
twelve, girls. Play. “The Ruggles’
, Christmas.”
Miss Smith goes to spend the hoi-'
I idays at her home in Dallas, Or.
Miss Kennedy left yesterday for
her homp in Chico, Calif., for the
• holiadys.
Miss McCredle expects to spend
the holidays In Portland.
Co Our Triends and Patrons
(Continued from Page 1)
Season's Greetings
We wish to think of our customers
as our friends,
And to our friends we wish a right
Merry Christmas
This store will observe Monday as a holiday
aud remain closed
to indicate his work. Another view j
shows Bob Hargadine’s house where K
the First National bank now stands, j g
with timber on the south and east j?
j “
“A mass meeting was called to ar-
range for the tree, and present andi j
a program. In order to avoid being |
, given something to do, I stayed away!
| but was appointed on the committee
I to solicit money and buy gifts for
the' children^ 1 rebelled, saying It £
! was riot-fair to place someone w h o ||.
was abaenV'On. the most responsible j
| of ail theIcohamlttees.
* I >
“A Methodist South minister, Rev. <
I Johnson, who used to stay with us, .
persuaded me to consider the ap- 9
pointment favorably, so I finally 7
consented to serve, provided Mrs. |
James Thornton would hplp. We j
collected >40 and obtained the ,
names of all the children in town. 1
A bag of candy and some small gift 'j
was provided for every child. The
costliest presents we bought were a !
hat for an orphan boy and a silver i
thimble for a girl whose mother we^l
W e wish you heartily
the Season Greetings and assure you
of our keen appreciation of your
good will and patronage.
J. P. Dodge & Sons