Satin-day, Beeatebor aa, itoli AÄflLAXD DAILY TIDINGS T“ pie reside. Mr. Inman is well- known here being president of the district B. Y. P. U.— Grants Pass Courier. Quality the best— prices the low ­ est. D etrick’s— on th e Plaza. 89eod Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ------- ------------- Side Lights---------------------- ------- * ™ ■ ■ ..1 B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. THE TMtaTER’SEAynnV j H em stitch in g , 8 cents per y ard .! W hen you th in k or Insurance, Mrs. E. P. Stew’a rt, a t E nd ers. 70eod th in k of Yeo, of course. 83tf Buy A uto License— H otel A shland G rill caters to Mr. and Mrs. F ish, th e la te p u r-; hom e-folks as well as to com m ercial ch asers of th e R oberts garden ran ch . i men and to u rists. 61tf in N orth T alen t, w ere in .Medfoid ( ’o ld S p ill C auses T ro u b le— M onday having th e ir new license at-1 The Rogue R iver C anal com p an y ’s We’ll Look After Your Washing tached to th e ir Dodge car. men have been h aving som e tro u b le ' C h ristm as shopping can be m ado a Shop With Your Mind Free- Christmas Progam G enuine Mexican chicken tam ales, keeping th e w ater from freezing in real p le asu re — if only you have tim e 20 cents. Endters C onfectio n ery .6 2 tf th e big viaduct across B ear creek enough, and th e re a re not too m any Nice Dry W ood! also Blox. Ash- d u rin g th is freezin g fcpell. T hey o th e r th in g s to w orry about. land L um ber Co., phone 20. 92tf have men on th e w orks day and Let us give you th e e x tra tim e you — ..... ..................................- .......... th e w a te r and need. Have us ta k e one of your Mr. - — Bowman, th e T alen t m ail car- night 1er, pointed out a big p asteb o ard box ) k e e P*ng « r e n e a r th e place w here it biggest w o rries__th e fam ily w ash- M onday, and re m ark ed th a t he had s,n k s u n d er the paving. G reat icicles ing, and th e clean in g of c u rta in s, been rem em bered by som e one of forra w h erev r th e re is a leak, which ' d ra p e rie s an d w ash ru g s— off y o u r his p a tro n s on th e ro u te w ith a nice, I looks v ery w intery. m ind. fa t chicken, re m a rk in g th a t he did The ro ller sk a tin g rin k a t th e N at ' E v ery th in g will be done exactly as not know how they knew th a t mail will be closed all day C h ristm as, De- ' you w ish it. W e’re w ashing and c a rrie rs and m in iste rs liked chicken. cem ber 25, 93-4 iro n in g re g u la rly fo r so m any p ar- A d o lla r saved is a d o lla r earn ed . lle a lth B read. P u re M alted Milk U vular women th a t we know wha't M oral— T ra d e a t D etrick ’s. 89eod Tw ins— IO c en ts 8 0 t f j ls ex p ected — e v ery th in g w ashed Dew D rop Inn for hot w affles a n d To Be or Not to B< b eau tifu lly clean, ironed to p erfec­ M. J. B. coffee. S4tf They w ere all ready to be niar- tion, nea{ly folded, re tu rn e d w ith o u t lls lt o r from Talent— ried. T he m in iste r was engaged and a creaso or w rinkle. Mrs. H endrick G odard, of T a le n J ,! th e w itnesses w ere on hand. The J u st phone w hen your bundle 1S in A A oh lon.l visiting ~ V h . ~ er m o i th v er _ groom even had rem em bered to ----- — ■»— • « • a tte n d Ho th e rest. w as U iu shland read y — w e’ll ^ l a s t F rid ay . H er m o th e r, Mrs. Sher- b lin g th e rin g w ith him. W hen Rev m an, i8 in h e r e ig h ty -th ird y ear and C. M. Cline, of th e B aptist ch u rch , is in poor h ealth ju s t now. was p rep ared to perform th e cere-* PH O N E 1«5 T h e re is one price on su g ar. Tea mony which would m ak e th e couple you can buy a t alm ost any urice. m an and wife, it was found th a t the In s u ra n c e Is like b u tte r, som etim es license had not been secured in Jack - good and som etim es not so good, son county w h ere th e couple live. S afe in su ra n ce of all kin d s a t low- They tried to get one here, bu t w ere est ra te s. B illings Agency 41 E. unsuccessful as n e ith e r was a re si­ Main s tre e t, for 38 years. s t dent of Jo sep h in e county. They re ­ — ------------ 1«22 EDITION---------------- R ose Bros a re m aking cream tu rn e d to Jack so n v ille, w here Glenn C o n ta n ta m in ts and candy canes. Buy early. In m an , th e m an in th e case, was History of New York Stock 93tf | able to get th e license. They w ere Exchange E n te r s M ed ford A ca d em y — m arried in A shland, w here th e cou- History of the Consolidated Miss V ivian S tancliff, of f io r th Stock Exchange of New York History of the New York Curb T a le n t, has e n tered th e academ y at How to Open an Account and M edford a g ain and is very m uch Methods of Trading pleased w ith being allow ed to ta k e The Art of Speculating for Profits up som e stu d ie s she had been com ­ Augmenting One’s Income pelled to drop w hile a tte n d in g How to Secure Loans on Stocks school a t Phoenix. She hopes to Dictionary of Wall Street com plete h er school w ork in two Terms and Values of Foreign H ot W a ter H e a tin g S y ste m for Exchanges years. Daredevil Feats of Horsemanship Almost Beyond Belief Pipe Organ Selections Christmas Numbers Miss LEAH HENSON, Organist Ashland Laundry Co. 3 SPECIALLY SELECTED COMEDY rm T e x t B ook starring ol WALL STREET BUSTER KEATON 4 From the Saturday Evening Post story A rc o la R e tu r n s 0» M od esto— C harley Sherm an cam e hom e to T a le n t som e days ago to see his m o th e r, who lives w ith her d a u g h ­ te r. Mrs. S te a rn s In A shland. Mrs. S herm an has been very ill, bu t has im proved so m uch th a t her son has re tu rn e d to his w ork in M odesto, Calif. You owe it to y o u rself and fam ­ ily to tra d e w here y o u r d o lla r goes fa rth e s t. D e tric k ’s G roecteria. 89eo Let F rie n d W ire sleep in th e m o rn in g and go to th e H otel A shland g rill and get one of th o se fine special 60 cen t b re a k fasts. 61tf S m a ll or L arge H o u ses C o p y free u pon r e g u e s t Our New Line of H eating Stove9 Are Now In McCall, Riley & Co. Provost Bros. $1.00 Profit Christmas Sale at Orres Tailor Shop now on. Don’t Miss It. M ETHODIST EPISC O PA L CHURCH C orner N orth Main and L au rel S treets SUNDAY EVENING, DEC. 25, 1921 “ T H E BRIG HT AND MORNING ST A R ’’ A C h ristm as C an tata Mr. G eorge H. Yeo— C horister. Mrs. H. ,f. Van F o ssen , Mrs. A. B. H en ry — O rg an ists „ PA RT I. - , Hymn 125 ................... ............................................................... Casw ell i u T he C ongregation C h ristm a s Lesson . . ......................................................................, v P a sto r P relu d e to C an tata . . / U ” ’ i " ......................................... ’ ’ ’ ’ \ Responsjve C horus— “ B ethlehem S ta r” . ............................... Irs. A. B. H enry T en o r Solo an d C horus ....... .........................n / o m .,.............. , l.,ho.'‘ ('h n rn a "Hi, » i r . . . ..........' ..............1,1 • • F- T ilton and C hoir n o iu s— O ur L ord Im m an u e l” . . . C hoir: “ B ethlehem S ta r” Q u a rte t w ith Soprano O bligato— “ B ethlehem E p h ra ta ” . Mrs E ° Sm ith and C hoir I o n tra lto Solo w ith W om en’s C horus— “ T h ere W ere S h ep h erd s” l-lano Solo— “A BrMth“ " A"derson an00 p. ill. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG Dally and Siimlav LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG 11:00 a. m. 1 00 p. ni M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily an d Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T ’S PASS 8:00 a. m. 1 0 :00 a. in 11*: 00 a. m 1:00 p. m 1:00 p. in. 4 :00 p. m 4 :3 0 p. m. 6:15 p. ni G ran ts Pass W ag in g Room — The i U S * pAT. OFF. B onbonniere. P h en e i60. ^ 4*C4. ín 6 u STRIAL Office and W aiting R oom : No f Car from Albers Bros Milling Company ju s t unloaded The prices are rig h t —New Fulper Pottery Vases just received, Pyralin Ivory Perfume Sets, Mottoes, Pan cy Boxes Stationery, Cor res pondence Cards, Cut (¡lass Fountain Pens, Fveisliarj Pencils, etc., et<£ Ashland Fruit Association 1 FOR HIM —Collar'Bags, Purses, Bill Folds, Card Cases, Tcy-Hot Bottles, Auto-Strop Kazors Pens, Pencils, Books, Corona Typewriter, etc., etc. Appropriate Christmas Gifts ONE-FOURTH OFF ON PYRALIN IVORY SATURDAY, DEC. 24th ----- at----- s Molin By P astoi The Citizens Bank His master s voice ” Fergu sori’s |IM | C. B. L A M K I N Buy a Victrola and make this the Happiest Christmas of your life! 1 lie above trade mark is a guarantee of quality and he sure the Victor Dog is under the lid of the machine you buy. Easy terms arranged. Ask tor lioine demonstrations. Victrolas—$25 to $1500 I. physicians . STE^iOGftAFHER .• V< ANTED-—A . he- -ran g u i n e a ginner will d6 if ed u cated ’ for ’ ♦ T A ’ WOOD8~ P r a c tic e w ork. S tate age, q u a lific a tio n s' t h r o a t O f f i c ^ i m « ^ 'i n J and sala ry to s ta r t w ith. B usiness 2h t° 5 Sw ed«nbnie 12?«hd Man. care o f T idinea ' ~ edenburg Bldg., Ash- **4tf land, Ore. 78-tf W AN! KD. OR. J. 8. KMMEN8 , P hysician and Surgeon. Practice lim ited to MEN W ANTED—-At W aite ’s B arber eye, ear, nose aift throat. Glaaaev ( nhop opposite depot. H a ir cuts, supplied. Oculist and aurlat for 35 cen ts; shaves, 15 cents. F irst 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. f' and H. class w ork g u a ra n te e d . 92-1 rao* Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 ¡OLD RAGS W ANTED— Nice larg e ones. A utom otive Shop. 5 cents DR. MATTIE li. SHAW ——Special at* tention to m o th ers and children. a pound. 92 -1 2 e In te rn a l secretio n s and endocrine glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ FOR 8AI.R. n e er avenue. T elephone 28. Of­ FOR SA LE— One span of m ares, six fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 6 and e ig h t y ears old, sound and p. m. tru e , w eight about 2500; one black team , horse seven y ears old. DR. HHAW— P hysician and Surgeon — Eye, ear, nose and th ro a t spec­ w'eight 1400, m are nine y ears old, ia list; glasses fitted . Office, <03 w eight 1350, sound and tru e . One M edford Bldg., M edford, 10:30 a 3 inch heavy S tu d e b a k er wagon. m. to 5 p. m. R esidence, Pio 1 J. M. B urns. 1219 E ast Main, ueer Ave., A shland, m orning and phone 426-J. See th is stock ev­ evenings. Phone 28.__________ enings, they a re w orking. Price : is rig h t. » 6-2* ATTORNEY». FOR SA LE— F e rtilize r. In q u ire of C. D. Owen, 519 M ountain Ave­ L. A. ROBERTS—-A tlorney-at-L aw . Room s 5 and 6. C itizens’ Bank nue. 94-4* Bldg._____________________________ SW EET C ID ER — Made fresh every PLUMBING day. O rder now for th a t Xmas din n er. 40 cents gallon, two for PHONE your next job of plum bing 75 cents delivered. Phone 9F11. to J e rry O’Neal, B eaver B uilding Phone 138. FO R SALE— W ood, 16 inch bodv fir, 16 inch piue, m an zan ita and oak mixed. P hone 4 26-J. o r call big L ithla G arage, phone 114. 1219 E. Main St. J. M. B urns. 91tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. POR SALE— Dry wood of all kinds. P hone or w rite L. D. D ollarkyde, FOR prom pt and carefu l service, Siskiyou, Oregon. 7 8 -lm o * i a u to tru c k s or horse drays, call W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 11?. FOR R E N I. Office, 89 Oak s tre e t n ear H otel Ashland. 66tf FOR R EN T— F u rn ish e d , a large pleasan t housekeeping room, $3 T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ per week, $10 per m onth. Call FE R — Good team and m o to r­ at 153 G ran ite stre e t, phone 411- tru ck s. Good service a t a re a so n ­ R- 96-1 able price. Phone 83 AUTOMOBILES GIFT ¿JUGS.ßi with you today and every Starring STRONGHEART—the Wonder Dog of All Dramas Strongheart, the Killer—More than Human N e w Y o rk ^JiÖNEM May Christmas Day tie “ THE ( ’ROSS PU LL” j i - Members Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York 20 B r o a d S I., FEATURE DeLUXE The Silent Call In v estig ate Our Ideal O ur goods a re priced a t th e rock- b o ttom . “ W hy pay m o re ? ” D et­ ric k ’s. 89eod H ealth Bread. Pure Malted Milk T w in»— 10 cents 8 » tf ►AG« ÎKRMI BARGAINS IN Real Estate Phone 213 City and Ranch Properties Houses to Reut. CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative M aterial. We willffigly give prices ami figure amounts needed. Dickerson & Son THE PAINT MAN « CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF Fencing from E a ste rn m ills ju s t in . C on­ sid e r a b le drop iu p rices o n sa m e. GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on im plem ents and re ­ p a irs.. New and used sew ing m achines for sale o r to re n t......... Peil's Corner OPEN CONTEST W ANTED! —a new name for Stevens Kestaurant, sometime be tween now and Dec. 31st Someone can win a meal ticket worth $5.50. —wrjte a name for the res­ taurant; also vonr name and address plainly on a piece of paper, and hand it to my cashier. For the best name handed in, 1 will give the lucky fellow one meal ticket ABSOLUTELY FKEE of charge. W. R. HARTMAN, Manager Successor to F. C. Stevens A Fine Christmas Present ■ Buy your wife a home, a p res­ ent th a t will affo rd m ore real p leasu re th a n alm ost a n y th in g else th a t m oney can buy, som e­ th in g which increases in value as th e y ears go by; hom e is of first im portance. We have a nice dw elling which is offered a t a very reasonable pi ice,-w ell fu rn ish ed , term s if de­ sired. Also, god dw elling p rop­ e rtie s w ith o u t fu rn itu re ; o r may be you w ant a home w ith some acreage. If yqu a re in te re sted , com m unicate w ith us. please Billings Agency REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Established 1888 Phone ¿11 41 E. Main St.