MtùMÎaÿ, December ÁlH Uítt tMLttî ttööföt Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday Except . Santa Claus Does Rush Business ■■ During Last Hours Before Xmas THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY .VXD COUNTY PAPER 'TELEPHONE 39_________ * * * . •» m - .........— • • •• * «* ■" Churches Plan Elaborate Programs Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Pn«toffice as Second-class Mall Mat rSuMME&PLAYGROUND did and does. Christ gave gifts un­ to men. Church of the Living God, you are God’s child. 'G ive Christmas gifts to meh. Hang th e “world’s stocking up. The chimney corner is crowded with the hung-up stockings of the world’s children ana needy grown folks o f the whole earth. They must not be disappointed on Christmas morning, must they? Wherefore, everybody blessed of Christ, in whose hearts Christmas is come, give Christmas gifts to the Special for Saturday Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday school a t 9 :1 5 o’clock; «. G. W. G regg, su p e rin te n d e n t, jrn tn g service a t 11; serm on by e p a sto r; su b ject, “ The P rice of nrv " F n w o rth L eague at 6 :1 5 ; of / merica V U WASHINGTON 5 » iy V B R IT IS H COLUMBIA^" ' ~ B R IG H T . COOL DAYS A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. At the Churches | P io n eer avenue South. Sunday services a t 11 o ’clock. S ubject of lesson, “ C h ristian Science.’’ Sunday school a t 10 o’clock. W ednesday ev­ en in g m eetings a t 8 o’clock. R e a d ­ ing room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and holidays. Catholic Church st corner Sixth and C lass as 8, 9 and 10 o’clock, s at 8 O’clock. Singing by When coldness wraps this suffering clay, Ah. whither strays »the im- ❖ mortal mind? It cannot die, it cannot stay, ❖ But leaves its darkened dust <«> behind.— Byron. 24, íttíí // h o na “ Py-ra-iin i Combs, Brushes, Mirrors and all Ivory Toilet Articles M cN a ir where is “Merry Christmas: Appropriate exercises will he held 1 al holiday will save at all the churches tomorrow. Some - es dollars and cents gave Christmas programs last even­ ylng the dictates of ing. and others will be given this evening. choir. “Follow the uuitnng »var, Tonight there will be seasonable not magnify good in those Men’s chorus. “Glorious Morn”— programs at the Baptist, Methodist peace treaties instead of ex- choir. The Bible story. Prayer and Episcopal and Nazarene churches by ing and distorting their de- choir response. Announcements. Of­ Trinity Episcopal CSiurch the Sunday schools. The Presbyter­ Could any treaty along these fertory, Trio from “Elijah” Mrs. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond j devised that would please ian Sunday school will give a pio- Ashcraft, Miss Allen, Miss Poitey. Holy communion at 8 o’clock a. m i gram Sundry even'ng, beginning at “And There Were Shepherds,” solo Sunday school at 9:45. Morning dy? Hardly! 6:30 o’clock. — Mrs. AshcraftN“ ?Gcqe’e OVIDJdt service and sermon on “Christmai The Bap. 1st entertainment Wl.l __Miss Allen, women’s chorus and Joys and Blessings” at 11. Mrs show how a 1 ttle ,church kept choir. “The Song is Ringing Still,” Gladys Shortridge will sing the of Christmas by giving gifts, instead solo— Mrs. Ashcraft. “Joy to the fertory solo, “The Song the Angeli of receiving th^m. Upon the pulpit World”— Choir. Cradle Hymn, solo Sang.” The choir will sing “Then platform theie will be a small — Mrs. McGee, quartet accompaui- Were Shepherds Abiding in th< church, to .which g it s w 11 be | ] brought by Sunday school classes,] ment by Miss Allen, Miss Toley, Mr. Fields,” and other special music. Patton, Mr. Ketly. “Praise Ye the taught by Miss Eugenia Carson, Mrs. First Congregational Church LOrd»— Choir. ’’Fairest Lord Jesus” B. H. Hinthorne, Miss Marjorie Boulevard and Main streets. Sun- — Altos and Bassos. “There is ROom , Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Inman, ,y school at 9:45 o clock,with in My Heart”— Choir. “Come and r Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Walter Evans, Al- lases for all grades and a^ss, Worship”— Choir. Benediction. t bert Williams and V. O. N. Smith. irtg your Bible. Morning service Members of choir— sopranos, Mrs. } Each |:las3 will bring a different 11; subject, •‘Christianity’s Esti- ■ Ashcraft, Mrs. McGee, Mrs. Kelly kind of presents. Boxes will be ati» n f the Child Life.” Christian nflqaad around to receive additional Mrs. Fuller; altos, Miss Poley, Miss subject, . Allen; tenors, Mr. McGee, 'Mr. Pat­ Endeavor ton. Mr. Larsen; bassos, Mr. McCoy , Mr. Frost. Mr. Kelly. Organist— r Mrs. J. S. Parson. Chorister— Mrs .1 J. H. Fuller. Bros. Christmas DETRICK’S GROCETERIA Christmas Dinner $1.00 formerly Knapp’s fy>td .Ashland Sunday and Ulanday 12 to 2 5:30 to 7:30 ttiake Reservations A Christmas Gift to the WorW An agency for the Liberty car has By BISHOB WILLIAM A. QUAYLE been established at Medford, and The silent skies have set up a anyone interested in them may see song. The great blue black vault them at the Riverside Garage. P. F. of the night heavens is now a blaze Close is agent. 132 S. Riverside. 88tf of light and a gust of song. There la a chime of wings— the wings of We make our own candies, ice angels. Their silver trumpets shine cream and tamales. Enders Con­ heaven’s heart, the hallelujan cnorus j like white fire. The domed skies are of the angels. Theblack night sky, h fectionery. 62tf silent for centuries past, has now h become a holy, exuberant, exultant L voice. ' Whatf has happened to bring the shining, winged angels down against. our ground where sleeping sheep are watched by sleepless shepherds in the dark? Nobody can guess. The thing which brought , them there Is beyond our guesses. We cannot guess so high. Though we fly far like the stars, we cannot come as far as the Epiphany of that night. What happened? Ask it, earth! ask it, sin-weary world! Ask it, sn-j hounded world! ask it, weary, weep- ink women! ask it, war wounded ¡m en; ask it, slave kennelled with the does! ask it. child who hangs no m erry CHRISTMAS TO ALL Ashland Auto Co. G reeting fflm p Christmas to J ill Thanking you for past patronage, and wish­ ing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let’s Eat Our Christmas Dinner at the T a v e rn Gafe Dealers in —They tell me they have prepared a big Buick and Chevro feed, including Turkey, and its Trimmings let cars. Soup, Pastry and everything that goes to Turkey CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Holiday A Fare and a Hall Round Trip ahead, and there sweet unrisimaa stands. When God gave HS« only begotten Son—that is Christmas— the gift of God of His Son, even our] Christ. Merry Christmas! The earth hks Christmas wherefore, earth, ex­ ult; lift up your Ivoice and sing Christmas carols, not to the skies, not to the angels in high Antiphon, but to God the Father, for the gift of God the Son. j We must all hang up our stock- ings. Christmas is here. Christ gave gifts unto men— I Merry Christmas! We must be His I little children, His bigger children, His big children. We must do as He Between all points on the Southern Pacific where the one-way fare is $1.67 to $25.00. Tickets on Sale— sSKwiiÂnÈÂ'HHit December 25-26-31 and January 1st and 2nd. Final return limit January 4th. W. A. SHELL B A R B B R For further particulars, ask agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. Children’s W ork A Specialty Safety blades resharpened like new. Single htt, doc. DohuKhtt, 106 doc. make one cheery on Christmas Day. A BIG FEED FOR 75 CENTS including everything from SOUP TO PASTRY Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! 220 FOURTH STREET H /j ..o z Under New Management OPPOSITE DEPOT It is a little premature, but we seize this occasion to offer customers and friends of the First National all beat wishes of the season. We feel that our talks on thrift and our encouragement to save have given many Jackson dounty resi­ dents a happier and more substan­ tial holiday season. So we join with you in the celebra­ tion of a very Merry Christmas. But let’s not forget to share with the lonely, the sad, and the poor. F irst N a tio n a l B a n k Ashland, « « « Oregon « «Ì Turkey Dinner With Trimmings ----- 85 C E N T S------- Cream of Tomato Soup String Beans Roast Turkey and Dressing Cranberry Sauce Celery Mince and Pumpkin Home Bakery and Restaurant