hi&r, öiwtoi* at, Mi AMLifffl D itti MB»öi Don’t forget Jrôur candles an d 1 ... . 96tf Young and several sergeants. Homer Billings is the company clerk. Huts for Christmas. The price is Bakersfield V isitors — The Ashland.. Armory was built right. White House Groceteria. 95-2 Henry Moore and Miss Helen Nice Dry Wood! also Bloz. Ash- Moore arrived this morning -to visit about eight years ago at a cost of MASONIC LODGE MEETING land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair. Mr. $30,000, the city paying one-fourth We have the Goods—we have the Moore is Mrs. McNair’s father and of this amount and the state the Price. Hams, Bacon, Eggs, the Miss Moore /is her sistër, and remainder. If built now, It would Special communication of Ashland right goods and quality. White teaches school near Bakersfield, probably cost double this sum. The FOR CHILDREN 95-2 Calif lodge No. 23, Friday evening, De- House Grcteeteria. • » » walls need kalsomining and other Dance at the Armory Saturday repairs and improvements. The First —Multiscopes, Games, Balk cember 23, for work in third degree.) Fresh hen’s eggs, 45 cents per 96-2 company now number about seventy Meet promptly at 7:30 o’clock. Vis- dozen at White House Groceteria. and Monday nights. Clean and trim as a yacht in the enlisted men and .officers. About Checkers, Pit, Rook, Picture Why make your fruit cake when lting brethren welcome. you can get a two pound, cake for wind—light on its feet, quick at the twenty guardsmen are out of town Books, Drawing Books, Lin W. E. BUCHANAN, W. M. 95 cents at White House Groceteria. trigger. The New Dort Motor Car during a good share of the year, at­ en Books, Books of all kinds • W. H. DAY, Secretary. ------- ------------- ---- i Quality Guaranteed. 95-2 at the Four-Sites Sales Agency, Bea­ tending college. for Children of all ages. ver Block. 96tf We have a few uncalled-for suits Mrs. Broker and Mrs. Conover TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HER and overcoats which are exceptional have a window of fancy work at the i Dance at the Armory Saturday AUTOMOBILES and Monday nights. 96-2 values. Paulserud’s. 86tf Dew Drop Inn, which ‘ consists of a NEW 1922 DORT MOTOR CAR— —New Fulper Pottery Vases Our fresh oysters have arrived— ^ rie ty of handkerchiefs, garters, Why not look it over before buy- just received, Pyralin Ivory Bounty Law Amended something else. We are always at the White House Groceteria. 95-2 crocheted yokes, center pieces, chil- glad to demonstrate. Selling Perfume Sets, Mottoes, Fan STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Dec. You will want candy from Rose d ^ n ’s and infants’ wear. Make them Agents, Four Site Sales Agency, cy Boxes Stationery, Corres­ Brothers for it is the best and costs a vi®*t and see what they have. 95-2 «23. An amendment to the law re- Beaver Block. no more than brandh not so good. Our line of Lettuce just received, I lating to the levy of not more than pondence Cards, Cut Glass 93tf 10 cents, two for 15. Celery accord- one-tenth of one mill in counties for FOR RENT—Furnished, a large j Fountain Pens, Eversharp pleasant housekeeping room, $3 Kippered Salmon, best quality, at lnS t0 size from 5 to 13 centa* Wbite the payment of bounties on coyotes, per week, $10 per month. Call Pencils, ' etc., ' etc. I cougars, gray and black wolves, wild the White House Groceteria. 96-2 House Groceteria. 95-2 at 153 Granite street, phone 411- R. 96-1 Dance at tbe Armory Saturday cats and seals, which makes such FOR HIM Detricks’ Groceteria “on the and Monday nights. 96-2 levy optional with the county court, Plaza,” FOR SALE—One span of mares, six —Collar Bags, Purses, Bill was introduced in the house by Rep­ Decorate that Christmas tree with Railroad O fficials Visit— and eight years old, sound and I. T. Sparks, H. A. Hinshaw, and resentative Gallagher. true, weight about 2500; one Folds, Card Cases, lcy-llot candy canes from Rose Bros. 93tf i black team, horse seven years old, Bottles, Auto-Strop Razors An agency for the Liberty car has J- w - Fitzgerald, Southern Pacific weight 1400, mare nine years old,; been established at Medford, and company officials, were in Ashland Congress Urged to Aid Veterans weight 1350, sound and true. One Pens, Pencils, Books, Corona anyone interested in them may see abi9 week- STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Dec. 3% inch heavy Studebaker wagon. Typewriter, etc., etc. J. M. Burns, 1219 East Main, them at the Riverside Garage. P. F. 2- You would be surprised what 23.—A senate joint memorial intro­ phone 426-J. See this stock ev­ ONE-FOURTH OFF ON Close is agent. 132 S. Riverside. 88tf can be done at tbe Fixit Sh°P* duced Wednesday by Senator Dennis enings, they are working. Price Genuine Chicken Hot Tamales. For Xmas candies, nuts, raisins, urges congress to take such action PYRALIN IVORY is right. 96-2* The Fountain. R. R. Porter, Prop. and give such consideration and re­ etc., try Detrick’s. SATURDAY, DEC. 24th 96tl Regular tamales at Rose Bros. lief to the needs and welfare of the Victrola owners would appreciate Home from Palo Alto— soldiers of the Spanish-American a Victor record, a fibre needle cut- Miss Ora Patrick arrived last ev- war as is just and right in that any ter, or a record album from Rose en>n? from Palo Alto, Calif., where of such soldiers may! be relieved T hat’s a nam e I w ish could lose us. Bros, for that Christmas gift. 93tf f<>r four years she has been teaching from dependency, destitute or help­ It is aw ful to abuse us. Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk a Private school, to spend the less conditions in which they now But a nam e so evil sounding Twins— 10 cents 80tf holidays with her parents, Mr. and exist,. Settled on us, so astounding. Orres, Tailors for men and worn- Mrs* W. Patrick, 219 Almond --------------------------- en. Cleaning, pressing and remod- street New school buildings to cost $71,- (See you tomorrow) 85tf "There is the car!” This is what 000 will be erected at Seaside, Or. eling. CHERRO FLOUR Try Detrick’s Groceteria, "It’s a y°u WU1 say wben you see the beau­ tiful, convenient and complete NEW ARMORY BEING A Hard "Wheat F lour o f Fam ous good place to trade.” Blend— Guaranteed Selling agents, EQUIPPED FOR Health Bread.* Pure Malted Milk DORT motor car. - W INTER SPORTS ______________________________ Twins— 10 cents 8 9 tf Four-Site Sales Agency, Beaver 96tf Auto accident insurance. Yeo, of Block. Design changes—see the new lines (Continued from Page 1) course. 83tf a' ± stylish appearance of the New . , We have the goods to put the fin­ and Dort Motor Car. Agent., the Pour-1‘“ W n.ece8“ ry._,°r rela“ tlon ‘ n i ish on your Christmas dinner. White taking things easy. House Groceteria. 95-2 Site Sales Agency, Beaver Block. In addition to numerous officers* and other rooms for strictly military purposes, there is a ladies’ rest room just off the main auditorium. The auditorium itself is now furn­ ished with 700 chairs, 300 of which have been recently purchased. These Are offered by all of our local merchants, and we com­ is a large stage and several dressing rooms, an electric spot light and mend their stocks to you for selection. K BIG FEED FOR device for flooding the main floor 75 CENTS Here at the bank we also have one Christmas suggestion with colored lights. Where did the artillerymen obtain including everything to make. I t ’s the gift of a savings account—appropriate all the money to make the improve­ from for everyone, but especially to be considered among the ments named? Partly from the pro­ SOUP TO PASTRY gifts for the kiddies. ceeds of dances and other entertain­ Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! ments and party from state funds. Such a gift will prove a great encouragement for the Two thousand dollars was received development of habits of thrift, and success. from the latter source. Captain Briggs is a member of the general staff, which has charge of all the Under New Management armories of the state, and well rep­ OPPOSITE? DEPOT resents Southern Oregon. In the A shland, Oregon management of the local company, Captain Briggs is ably assisted by Lieutenants H. T. Elmore and Clyde GIFT Local and Personal SUGGESTIONS Special for Saturday Off on all Pyralin Ivory Combs, Brushes, Mirrors and atf Ivory Toifet Articles McNair Bros. CHERRO CHIMES Appropriate Christmas Gifts *TurKey EAST SIDE PHARMACY Christmas Suggestions CORNER SECOND AND MAIN Special Prices for Today and Tomorrow Specials au day Saturday Stevens Favorite .2 2 .......................... $1060 Stevens Crack Shot .22 ................... . $ 8.00 Hamilton .22 ......................................$ 4.50 Pocket Knives, f r o m .............. .75c to $3.00 Real Leather Quality Leggings.......... $7.50 Hi Grade Binoculars . . . $12.50 and $13.00 Daisy Air Rifles..................... $2.25 to $3.75 To the first Two Hundred Customers making a purchase of $1.00 or over, we will give FREE one pound of Fresh Hand Rolled Chocolates just received from Portland All Kinds of Gifts that are Appropriate for the Sportsman, Fisherman and Boy Quality Goods at Lowest Prices All the Time / 6 EATON’S CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS HIGHLAND C ig a rs .................................$2l50 to $5.00 Xmas Box Candy ........... 75c to $10.00 Children’s Books ............ 50c to $3.50 Fountain P e n s ..................$2.50 to $5.00 Perfume Sets ..................$1.75 to $10.00 Fancy Box P e rfu m e ............ 60c to $3.00 K o d a k s ..............................$3.00 to $35.00 Kodak Albums .....................50c to $5.00 Serving Trays ..................$2.25 to $3.00 Columbia Records .............. 75c to $1.50 Stationery ............................ 35c to $5.00 Platnoid Picture Fram es. .50c. to $1.50 Smoking S e t s .................... $1.00 to $3.50 P i p e s .......................................50c to $5.00 Manicure S e t s .................... 65c to $12.00 Ladies* Fancy Purses .. .$1.50 to $10.00 —in fancy Xmas boxes — d a i n t y shaded tints to se­ lect from. 1-4 Off. WINTERTIME IS KODAK TIME —make this your Xmas gift. We have a complete stock of Kodaks, Brownies and fresh films. $1.00 up to $35 THERMOS BOTTLES KITS— ElKhorn G un Store R. (BOB) MIDDLETON 81 Oak St. SUNDAY and MONDAY 12 to 2 - - 5:30 to 7:30 Off on all Ju st the thing for Father and Brother, during these cold winter days. $4.00 Lunch Kits, special at $3.50 ÏÏierry Christmas ta J ill Turkey Dinner W ith Trimmings ----- 85 CENTS------ Cream of Tomato Soup String Beans Roast Turkey and Dressing Cranberry Sauce Celery Mince and Pumpkin Pie FRIDAY—SATURDAY A CERTAIN RICH MAN DO YOU KNOW WHO THE AUTHOR MEANT? He calls the central character in this fascinating narrative, “John Barclay.” In reality “John Barclay is one of the best-known figures in the United States —a man whose name is a household word in every home. With a pen as keen as a surgeon’s knife, William Allen White has written the history of this man— traced his life from its beginning until the present day—a day which finds him as well-known as President Harding or Billy Sunday. See the picture— and see if you know the man. Let’s Eat Our Christmas Dinner at the Good Eats —They tell me they have prepared a big feed, including Turkey, and its Trimmings Soup, Pastry and everything that goes to make one cheery on Christmas Dav. Also a “ Ham” Comedy Hand Rolled Chocolates 40c pound < < THE GREENHORN ” g •] Í Home Bakery and Restaurant William Allen W hite’s Story of the Kansas W heat Fields and LUNCH Hotel Ashland Stevens Restaurant The Citizens Bank LINEN Christmas Dinner 220 FOURTH STREET r,