fh ttre M . fiocwntMw M AlflUftS DÀÎtt ittötöl eÀUM W )VÍ tures, literature and other features] which would make the event of the greatest possible advertising value, as well as social and esthetic inter­ est, to the community and visitors. Permanent equipment and accommo­ dations could be accumulated from year to year, and co-operation prac­ ticed in advertising the enterprise as one of the big tourist attractions 1 »»1»» «' ' « • « Interest, with lec- of the West.” 1 including the tragic murder of Gen- Portland Ht* dent h eral Canby and other peace com- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leach, oi _______ missioners. The nearby wonderful Hotel Ashland, are enjoying a visit ice caves could be visited, in con­ from their daughter, Miss M arion nection with a trip to the Lava Beds, Leach, who arrived Monday night supplemented, of course with camp from Portland to spend the holidays fires and barbecues, as at the other here. Miss Leach is a freshman in at academy and college, places. St. Mnrv’s Marys academy «At each of the four places, side class ot 1926. and making an « be H ere— We have the Goods— we have the Hams, Bacon, Eggs, the 8 0 tt Price. Twins— 10 cents right goods and quality. White 95-2 House Groceteria. Adjustor Arrives— K. MASONIC LODGE MEETING Ik, W. Withers, of tbs Pacifie Coast Adjustment Bureau, arrived visitors from Corv allis— _ . ___ o/L to ad' t — J. T A. A Cook, / Mr. and « i Mrs. of Cor­ ¡from Portland this morning Mor- vallis, are spending the holidays . just the loss on the Charles E. ,.»»*», -------~ - Special communication of Ashland home> Ashland street and Eu- wtth Mrs. cook’s parents, Mr. and lodge No. 23, Friday evening, De*; clid avenue> which was destroyed b y !Mrs o H. Cole, lower Oak street. cellent record cemher 23, for work in third degree. fire early Tuesday morning. A - total ’ Mr. cook is taking -- - - - - - . , students are attending this u tn o iu . e a — vocational Meet promptly at 7:30 o’clock. Vis­ of >3,000 insurance was carried, of training course at the Oregon Agri- co ege _______ hoy a bicycle, Fixit iting brethren welcome. ! which >2,000 was on the house and cuiturai college. He will complete W. E. BUCHANAN, W. M. the course this year and expects to ghQp 95tf balance on the contents. The N iag­ W. H. DAY, Secretary. ara company, represented by A. M. locate in Ashland next year. B oost for Gold H ill W restlei—- Beaver, A had and the Hartford _ DCftWA, A »v* >2,300 ---- The next middleweight wrestling We have a few uncalled-for suits company, Fred Engle, agent, >700 Divorce Granted— champion of the world may sign and overcoats which are exceptional Saturday in the circuit court, Yeo, of 86tf Auto accident insurance, values. Paulserud’s. Judge Calkins granted a divorce to “Gold Hill, Oregon,” after his sig­ 83tf course. Mary Gomez from her former hus­ nature on the hotel registers, ac­ Poet Officers at Medford— band, Eduardo Gomez, both of Ash­ cording to M. D. Bowers, member of Don’t forget your candies and For the ensuing year the Medford land. Miss Nellie Dickey was the the state lime board, druggist, and post of the American Legion will be, nuts for Christmas. The pi ice .is promoter of boxing and wrestling attorney for the plaintiff. piloted by Elmer Wilson as com -'right. White House Groceteria. 95-2 bouts in the municipal pavilion of mander and Dr. Bert R. Eliott, as Fresh hen’s eggs, 45 cents per Gold Hill. The prospective candi­ vice-commander. Other officers were Health Nurse H ere— dozen at White House Groceteria. date for grappling honors is Ralph elected as follows: Adjutant, A. J. . Miss Van Scoyoc, Medford and 85-2 Hand, a protege of the Gold. Hill Croee; treasurer, M. E. Schuchard; Ashland health nurse, has been sportsman. “Interest in wrestling historian. George Codding. Four ex­ working in the Ashland schools this in our town is keen,” said Mr. Bow- P enn iless Traveler I l l - ecutive' committeemen were chosen week Penniless and suffering from erB at the Imperial hotel yesterday. and instructed to select a fifth man “We are trying to show the sporting Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- cramps Induced by cold and hunger, to srve with them. The committee 92tf but still cheerful, William Rodgers, world that wrestling can be kept includes Frank Farrell, Paul Mc­ land Lumber Co., phone 20. clean and free of the crooked ele­ eighteen year old “traveler” via Donald, Fred Scheffel and Dan Her-I Checking Up Books—-• freight trains, was picked up yester­ ment who have brought this xcit- ring.— Medford Mail Tribune. Misses Blanche Hicks, Mary Nlver day evening by Patrolman Tom Rob­ ing sport into disrepute.’ Mr. Bow­ ers is the son of the late Benton Our fresh oysters have arrived— and Catherine Hanson, librarians, erts at the Depot Supply store on Bowers, Southern Oregon capitalist, White House Groceteria. 95-2 are busy taking the annual invoice Fourth street and taken to a local who in his youth was a member of of books at the city library. hospital for treatment. Rodgers the famous Texas rangers.— Port­ claims to have arrived *on a freight Our Fulper Pottery has arrived. See our Fulper Pottery for your train yesterday evening from Devil’s land Oregonian. Blhart’s. wife’s Xmas gift. Elhart’s. 94-2 Creek, N. D., and was on his way Health Bread. Pitre Malted Milk Local and Personal W • V* 9 A Check a Artist W anted— a _____________________ --------------------- “ The Quality Coffee of America! There is no better coffee than M J.B. Coffee regard­ less o f price“““ W H Y? $2.00 1.24 3 -lb. tin .42 Single Pound Tin 5-lb. tin Remember Wia Stand Behind It. W e Recommend That You Buy the 5-lb . Size ,____ « You Save More M oney99 = = W h i t e H o u s e G r o c e te r ia south. He will be under treatment SOUTHERN OREGON FETES ANNUALLY for the balance of this week. VINING SUGGESTS ------- antler m charge— - ___ (Continued from Page 1) Charles _____ Butler ____________ will have charge of Lithia park during Superintendent I Woodg camp and many other points, Smith’s absence. while telephone wires enable the watcher to send a fire alarm to any of the surrounding stations. V isitor from M e d fo r d - “Ashland has pre-empted Lake o’ Mrs. S. M. Andrus, of Medford, was In Ashland Tuesday visiting Woods and Mount Pitt, having— or soon will have— a good road to the Mrs. Ella . . . White of Mountain avenue, for the day. . , - - lake and from there to Pelican bay, » » •< on Klamath lake, connecting with a Mrs. J. M. Morgan Hl— road to Crater Lake. The road from X M. Morgan, of Mountain ave­ Klamath Falla to Lake o’ Woods nue, waB 111 the first of this week. leads through a rough country, which Klamathons would naturally To V isit D aughter— not be anxious for visitors to see. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Smith expect “Klamath Fallg, the fourth place to leave on number 53 tonight for in the Southern Oregon circuit of San Jose, Calif., to visit their scenic attractions, could take tour­ daughter and son-in-law, Mr. »ant ists through their rich irrigated and Mrs. P. J. Schrans. reclaimed lands to the Lava Beds, south of Tule lake. Here might be Of interest to you, read Army reproduced some of the thrilling in­ Goods Store advertisement (in (to­ cidents of the Modoc Indian war, day’s Tidings. 95-1 The police are loklng (or H. O. Ma, In«. Sc.™ H obo™ - p « i Trainmen report that sine© tne Mennen, member ot the Popular depar, ment adopted the put- Players troupe which played at the on mal„ ralM ther orders ot the marines are to shoot You m ill want” cendy from Rose; on sight, and sc eral wanderers have Brothers f«,r it is the best and costs been wounded by the marines shoot- no more tlh*n bran* not so good., mg through the mall coach doors at 93tf ■ men stealing rides._____ » o m n iu m v S •y jR E you looking for a home in the city, at reason- Xw able prices and some terms? Or a home in the " country within a mile to three miles from town, with or without buildings—we would be more than pleased to show you what we have to sell. We are always glad to write your insurance, and we can put you in one of the best Insurance companies there is in existence—no trouble to collect your losses. We will be pleased to see all of our friends in our new quarters—No. 15 F irst St., rear room in the Beaver Block Beaver Realty Co : ♦ M l l l l m n n m m » i i im m E. W. Redifer and family, former residents of Seventh street of this city, but who now reside at Myrtle Creek, are planning to go to Drain to spend Christmas with Mr. Radi- fer’s parents there, provided the snow doesn’t g e t. too deep in the mountains. Mrs. Redifer writing to Ashland relatives, states that there was an inch of snow on Monday and prospects good for much more at their home on South Myrtle creek 1 1 ■ ’ W .” ;• I L;{ . 1 ws Imperial Lettuce You Will Want Lettuce for Your Christmas Dinner We have just received a shipment oi Imperial Valiev Head Lettuce, it’s the best on the market Grocery Phones 9 and 10 LOST— Young Collie dog, one ear torn, strap' collar. Answers to W - H «g J See Army Goods Store advertise ment on another page of this paper 95-1 n h > > > » •» Leave for C alifornian- on Illese Mr. and: Mrs; Ed Palmer, of Lin coin street, left on Tuesday evening tor California, where they pl^n to make an extended visit, lasting per­ haps for the winter or longer. —when I want $ good tire I go to KRUGQEL BROS.. Why make your fruit cake when , you can get a two pound cake for 95 cents at White House Groceteria. Quality Guaranteed. 95-2 "I can d e p e n d T ir e s Dependability—th a t’s their little secret! And when a motorist finds himself humptveight miles from nowhere, he feels mighty thankful that he’s bought the Right Kind of a tire. Always sure to get them at KRUGGEL E R 0 1 HERS TiRC U A R A kTE(D YUlCAS C |[s TEL.125 ASHLAND.ORLCON 9 IO A K S T TODAY ONLY TMC THEATER Ethel r » *-4** TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY May Spend Christm as Her e - ■ » E n R oute to C alifornia— Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Eastman left [ yesterday for Modesto, Calif., where i they will visit “Happy” Eastman [ and family. Mrs. Broker and Mrs. Conover have a window of fancy work at the Dew Drop Inn, which consists of a variety of handkerchiefs, garters, crocheted yokes, center pieces, chil dren’s and infants’ wear. Make them a visit and see what they have. 95-2 BEYOND A story of a ll the greatest things In h uman hearts, and SOME things beyond! Leaving the Joy o f her honeym oon, she journeyed half around th e world to save her brother from ruin. And after storm and w reck, w as stranded so long on a desert Island that th e w orld thought her dead. Friday—Saturday A Certain Rich Man The You Money Here is an UNIQUE Market Place—where you can buy your Christmas wants in Candies, Vegetables or Fruits, with Groc eries and Meats that cannot be surpassed in quality or price. PLAZA MARKET 61 N. MAIN STREET Winter Fair Report Tuesday— A complete financial report of the Winter Fair expediturea will be made by the committees In charge at a directors’ meeting to be held a t the Hotel Ashland Tuesday noon.- Our line of Lettuce Just received. 10 cents, two for 15. Celery accord­ ing to size from 5 to 13 cents. White House Groceteria. 95-2 E vening Entertainm ent— . — m— AL Miss Francis McWilliams, teacherj near Oakland, Calif., and Miss Ber­ nice Yeo, University of Oregon stu­ dent, were entertained yesterday evening by Dr. Mattie Shaw at her tome on ’ Pioneer avenue. A musical program featured the evening’s en­ tertainment. * We have the goods to put the fin­ ish on your Christmas dinner. White House Groceteria. 95-2 Just Received a Large Shipment of roofing THIS IS FIRST QUALITY MATERIAL—AND THE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ROOF PAINTS V isit in Dunsmuir^— Mrs. C. R. D. Jones, of Mountain I avenue, visited in Dunsmuir, Calif., I the first of the week. Leaves for Fortuna, C a lif .- Henry Gibson left Tuesday for j Fortuna, Calif., expecting Ito stop off at Santa Rosa to visit his sister. I Kippered Salmon, best quality, at] the White House Groceteria. 95-2 II PRICE IS RIGHT Dickerson Son PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAPER, ETC. 89 North Main St. ASHLAND - OREGON C H ER R O C H IM ES I liave watched you from my closet, Nothing m isses me or Dodget. T liat’s the nam e of my companion Here upon sh elf we s it on. (See you tom orrow) CHERKO FLOUR A Hard WTieat Flour of Famous Blend— Guaranteed