t ïtiùndMÎ. b*ee«ker «u. ¿(Mit iriítát m it «tettai Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening t it t Except ASHLAND PRINTING OO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER Christmas Canttes May Be Made at 1 Says Expert public Forum The Public Forum colum n xtaeattum fix- lb » e x p w d w w £ Tidings readers. A rticle* snbmX> ted for publication m ust not ceed 4 0 0 words. V iew s exrpe under th is head are not to be con­ fused w ith th e editorial opinion o^ .the newspaper, the w illing to allow presentation of both sides of any question except politics and religion. A Last Word w»> » - . , j« .t - « . . a » « « _ * * - It ---------- tip o f a teaspoon onto slightly oiled confectioner’s and much 1 »» expen­ paper. Each part should be flav­ Genuine Chicken Before Xmas Don’t fail to see our wonderful sive. You’ll have the advantage of ored and colored differently. These assortment of Practical and Use­ telephone 39 knowing just what ingredient» have create« WIH harden at once, but ful Gifts for Everyone— Entered at the Ashland Oregon, been used and the added pleasure ot should n ot b e removed from the pa­ Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ per for an hour or two. Pepper- j — Cameras from $‘2 .50 to $64.00 contributing to the enjoyment of ter. r-^^—— — w g « a d i— e mint, Wintergreen, chocolate, lemon, — Safety Razors, $1.00 to $7.50 your family and friends, for , good, and orange are the best flavors to SuMflEttPLAYGROUNOy Editor Tidings: home made candy is always consid- use. Perfectly harmless vegetable — Perfum e Sets, $2.50 to $8.00 ‘ OFÀMEWCAG Ì I wish that we held all our meet a great treaL It makes suit­ colorings come in a paste form, anj^ — Fancy Box Candy, $1.00 to $5 ings in the meeting- houses, like w e. able gift9> t00> neatly and attractive- it requires only a small amount to — Alarm Clocks, $2.00 to $« used to do. before this new idea of ly packed in bright colored boxes. produce a delicate color. They come ~ «kA„t got T . _____ It . . is not nn»v only the candy that is ap- ap­ in tiny jars and will last for several, — Stationery, 50c to $10.00 city hall came about: We We lust just , »got better action. People won’t do the preciated. but the labor and thought years, so are not expensive. — Ingersoll W atches, $1.75-11.50 things in a meeting house that they that prompted the gift. ^ rP yralln Ivory iu Brushes, Mir­ The base, or foundaion, of all Stuffed Prunes will do in a city hall. The ministers A very satisfactory candy, easily I rors, Trays, Powder Boxes, etc. cream cauuico candles *» is fondant. — If dlrec- just will WASHINGTON 5 w ill not stand siana for iur it. That’s - - -----cream made and good for the children. at prices to suit all BRITISH COLUMBI/ the reason that we have got more tjons are carefully followed fondant Wash prunes well, then place in a I ¿RIGHT. COOL ( W S __ , easily respect for a church than we have can „otl ^ „u v be made, and from this — Fountain Pens, $2.50 to $6 A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT, j steamer over tibt water or in a very for hall. Not because the foundation an almost endless varie­ IUI * a » city --- moderate oven until they become __Uversharp Pencile, 50c to $5 Lord is more interested in a meet­ ty of combinations. As sugar syrups m u««»-..«------ are easily affected by atmospheric, plump, but not soft or broken Cool, __la t e s t Fiction by W right, Cur- ing called to start a Sunday school How fleet is the glance of O than he is In one called to build a conditions, it will be advisable to se- remove pit and stuff with vanila or wood, Conner, Porter and other chocolate flavored fondant. Roll the Popular Authors <§> the mind! reservoir. No man was ever known lect a clear day for making candles. fondant in balls before stuffing the Compared with the speed of to slip a geranium looking like that M aking Fondant Im portant Factor ^-Narcissus Bulbs w ith fine P ot­ its flight, Put four cups of granulated sugar, prunes. Or fill prunes with marsh­ cactus, that our mayor polked into tery Bowl in neat g ift boxes, mallows. For a dinner confection. The tempest itself lags be- the bond issue to build the reser­ one-half teaspoon of cream of tartar. ----------- 75 cents to $5.00 4»> hind, voir last fall from a meeting house. and two cups of boiling water. Mix, stuff prunes with salted almonds or CHRISTMAS CARDS <•> And the swift-winged arrow It can only come from a city hall, carefully until sugar is dissolved, to j walnut meats, < S > __Heals and Stickers—-everything of light.— Cowper. avoid any possibility of sugar grains Chocolate Creams ...

' ta,,nM rlod. Estimating the same aggre- the stockholders, but it belonged to wooden spoon until the syrup has gate savings in naval expeditures by tbe depositors first, that if there changed to a white, creamy mass, too l»„d . X . ^ o i ' who he would like to buy « inttoor C u e .I e _ the other two major maritime pow- wa8 anything left after the deposit- stiff to stir. Turn on to a molding ^rounds furniture and ail. The Queen was astounded. VUiat ers in the agreement— Great Brlt-jor8 WPre paid, that it belonged to board and knead Just as you would man could have so much m oney? She sent one o f her m inisters ain and Japan— this historic com- j the stockholders, and he referred to bread.’ The lightness of the fondant to find out. And the m inister reported that the man who wish depends upon the amount of knead- < to buy W indsor Castle was an American plumber. pact will release, for investment in m t l e Mary’s account as an example, F ^ m that joke was bom the idea that plumbers nuike en o.- non non ooo and flald that if it was not for ac­ ing it has received. Place in a bowl . --------- peace projects, some •« $3.000,000,000 moue. P»ofl»— thu. «he, are The .ru th b, «to j t a h within the decade, This shows how counts like hers that the hank could or jar, cover with a damp cloth and er’s net proHt to v e n sm all. It costa m o n o, to do business. I>e stay open a wees; week: that duct labor rent, service and all that goes into good work, and iu stupendously the agreement will not 8tay iu»«- they paid set aside in a cool place for several average plumber does not fare as well as the average man in other hours, when it will he ready for the benefit the world in a material way. j their cashier mine money for his It is to be hoped that, following | 8ervlce than they could get on all various typbs of cream candies. If ^ ^ u y W indsor Castle! Why, m ost plumbers think t h m s d « * _______ o f f o n t 1 n I? a a lnftflPd . • loaned OUt out ftt at well made, fondant will be very this epochal agreement as affecting their capital i f if i t it w was lucky if to their w hole lives they can save enough to buy a com ­ naval armament, there may be sim­ once. He Just made John and Mary white, glossy and satiny in appear fortable hom e and a store in which to do business. ilar agreements ere long among the feel like real stockholders and own­ ance, and should be as smooth a s 1 principal powers of the world to re­ ers of the bank. I can see Mary butter when rolled between the fin, duce land armaments. This, if ef­ as she glanced over at that little gers. Sometimes fondant will be­ fected, would mean additional sav tadpole of hers, “that Mama calls come grainy, or sugary? and if this iugs of hundreds of millions of dol­ Willie, and eister calls Will, and condition should happen, put in a father calls William, b ill the boys, saucepan, add hot water to cover, lars annually. The cause of peace-promotion they just call him Bill.” 'She was stir until Assolved, and cook again should not be permitted to hibernate thinking of the time when Willie to the soft-ball- stage. after the arms conference adjourns. would be cashier of a bank and rid­ Brown Sugar is U seful in Candy Maple fondant is made with two There should be other conferences ing in a super-six, but was thinking of the time when he would go out cups of brown sugar, one cup of and other triumphs for peace and maple syrup, one-half teaspoon of and render Brevlces like Uncle Si. reduction of armaments. People were not so busy in thpse cream of tartar and one cup of boil­ Construction will soon start on e days; they did not wait to send ing water. Mix carefully and cook their notes and flowers by the un­ in the same manner as the white new $750,000 hotel In Portland. dertaker, when the recipient was in fondant. Orres, Tailors for men and worn no condition of body or frame of The following rules should he en. Cleaning, pressing and remod­ mind to receive them. Uncle Si did constantly kept in mind when cook­ eling. 85tf not send down to the big city and ing syrup .for fondant: Scald the have his Xmas remembrances for his saucepan before using, to be sure no depositors all printed and put in the odor or taste is left from previous cellar and ordered sent out fry the use. Never stir -the syrup after the bank janitor two days before 'Xmas. sugar has dissolved and cooking has They were put in .his office, and in commenced. If stirred the finished m sEm a the little space left for the purpose product will A>e granular. When now ready for free he wrote his Xmas greetings. No testing the syrup, reduce the heat distribution one was ever known to change his under the saucepan or carefully re­ McCall, Riley & Co. bank account *^rom Uncle SU It move from the fire in order to pre- :n’t the len g th o f th e Xmas stock­ vent further cooking. Always cover Stock b c h a n c a o< H e w Toafc ing or what’s in it, that counts, but the saucepan until the boiling point ‘¿ o fe ro a d S L , Stew Y o rk Fresh candies packed in neat holiday boxes. See some Its the little note that says “with is reached. If any sugar has gath-' love” and signed by Tom, Ruth or ered on the saucepan, the steam ere- ‘ of same on display in our windows. Ella, Amy, Anna, Bill or John. Un­ ated by covering the utensil will J cle Si was a product of the meet­ remove it. Wash the hand» in cold | Will have full line of chocolates and bon hons this ing house, and not of the city hall. water before kneading the fondant. week. Quality is the best and the prices light. | JOHN H. DILL. Never attempt to make a larger j quantity at |pne time than recipe If you have a box or basket at home you would like calls for, even half that amount,' NT WILL m il l calls for, even nan mav GIRL’S STATEMENT to have packed with fresh candy for some friend, we HELP ASHLAND m lght be easier first. j f a quan- ■■ ' ■■■ ... is desired, ■_ n a n t make n o a o V . ---------- m .V . « I titv the recipe sev- will pack it for you, no extra charges for packing. Many women will profit by the fol- y mUch more lowing statement of one of their eral tlm !aex: “I was afraid to eat on account successful, of stomach trouble. Even rice d!d 1 Dro p s « ■ GET YOUR XMAS TURKEY not agree. After taking Adler-l-kaj the fondant inta several M c N a ir Bros. Hot Tamales The Fountain R. P. P orter, P ro p rieto r How Do They Do It? z Well, it’s this way— No bad accounts. No high-salaried bookkeepers.. No expensive delivery system to maintain. You simply make your own selection, pay a fraction of the usual price, pocket your change and away you go. Detrick’s Groceteria Christmas Formerly Knapps XMAS NEAR HAND TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET F R E E ! With every dollar purchase until Saturday night we will give a ticket for free drawing on a Turkey or Duck. First premium — Turkey. Second premium— Duck. Drawing Saturday night at 8:80. Ashland Poultry and Fish Market 03 N. Main moving foul matter which poisoned , stomach. EXCELLENT for gas on lithe stomach or sour stomach. Guards 'against appendicitis. It brings out I poisonous matter yon never thought ' 'was in your system. T. K. Bolton, Druggist. “ ln8 “b° “‘ r*6'“ “ ' CUPt ful for each portion; place one part ln a cup or bowl and set In a pan of water until fondant Is melted, s==a=s====- = s-9 = = = != = = ^ K != = : I The roller skating rink at the Nat 00020110010001000000014853015323022301000223232301000000 will he closed all day Christmas, De­ cember 25. 93-4 ---------------------------- -- , ! —WE DON’T QUOTE PRICES Bonds for a $25,000 new school] ■ I ' building wree recently voted at Tur- 4ner, Or.* Are offered by all of our local merchants, and we com­ mend their stocks to you for selection. Here at the bank we also have one Christmas suggestion! to make. I t ’s the gift of a savings account—appropriate for everyone, but especially to be considered among the j gifts for the kiddies. Such a gift will prove a great encouragement for the development of habits of thrift, and success. The Citizens, Bank) •Osaste supply ot army meats. Enders Contedionery Appropriate Christmas Gifts Ashland, And we know you are looking for bargains. This being the case we invite you to call and inspect our stock ol army and navy goods, which includes hoots, shoes, shirts, underwear, blankets and socks, also a limited _R uv a Victrola and make this the Happiest Christmas of your life! The ZbovJtrade mark is a guarantee of quality and be sure the Victor Dog is unde, the lid of the machine you buy. Easy terms arranged. Ask for home demonstrations. Victrolas—$25 to $1600 Your privilege to inspect our stock before buying, w<5 know vou’ll be satisfied. ARMY GOODS STORE 207 EAST MAIN STREET phone 213 Center of all activities ^Oredofl 1 i ♦/