ToMday. PéHHfc» >1, i—* ¿ggtAWfl PAILt TOCTG8 ------- ñsTrZ Malted Milk son, anti-League of Nations, and an- P u re Malted mea8urefl candidate. He free- Christian Endeavor E ntertainm ent— Christmas Exercises— j admlts and is proud of the fact The Junior Christian Endeavor Twins— 10 cents Good speaking and music will be ,it,. a ! that his publications opposed the « Phrutmas enter* entertainment will be çiven at the a a t East Presbyterian church T »«4»y lustea.) good place to trade. other war measures. Throughout the tainment at the _____ unndav of next week. Malta Co*nmandery No. 4 period of America’s participation in Knights Templar For Xmas candles, nuts, raisins, the war, these publications railed at - S ^ o ’cLVk. T b ^ welcome! Our Fulper Pottery has arrived 94-2 etc., try Detrick’s. the government, attacked the arm> Masonic Hall Elhart’a. to attend the entertainment. ‘on the and the draft law and ever since — ------- i * Detricks’ Groceteria have attempted to make it appear Stated conclave Wednesday even-, See our Fulper Pottery for your The roller skating rink at the Nat ( that this government did wrong in ing. December 21. Installation and Wl,e 3 Xmas gift. Elharfs. 94-2 will be closed .11 day Chela«,.». De- f Red Cross work. Supper at 6:30 entering the war. 93-4 cember 25. Auto aceident insurance, o’clock. Visiting and sojourning Orres. Tailors for men and wom­ course. Sir Knights courteously invited. en. Cleaning, pressing and remod- We must move a lot of wood at . P. K. HAMMOND, E. C. Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- ellng. “ “ once on Main street lot, so can sell 92tf W. H. DAY, Recorder. dry 16 inch pine cut from live body land Lumber Co., phone 20. The sight they enjoy truly, trees at $3.75 per tier delivered. You will want candy from Rose Tho your tem per Is unruly, Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 93-2 Brothers for it is the best and costs W hile the fire is thrashed about, no more than brand» not so good. And you use it till ’tls out. 10. It’s the simplest thing In the world to use Hyomel and end (See you tomorrow) catarrh. Breathe the medication Christmas tree and entertainment CHERRO FLOUR through the little inhaler In every Are offered by all of our local merchants, and we com- at the Belleview school house Friday outfit and you will get relief at on ce.,— — - , A Hard W heat Flour of Famous Money back if it falls. McNair Bros., night. Everybody welcom ■ Blend— Guaranteed mend their stocks to you for selection. •*AOB FOVB « H ealth Bread. Genuine Chicken LOCAL AND PERSONAL Hot Tamales CHERRO CHIMES The Fountain Appropriate Christmas Gifts Here at the bank we also have one Christmas suggestion tn make I t ’s the gift of a savings account-appropriate for •’everyone^but especially to be considered among the gifts for the kiddies. Such a gift will prove a great encouragement for the development of habits of thrift, and success. The Citizens Bank O regon Ashland, TO GLADDEN R. P. P o rter, P ro p rieto r clubs - churches PR EPA R E XMAS The Elks’ Ladles will meet at the FOR CITY’S POOR E lk s’ Ladies to M eet— club parlors tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. (Continued from Page 1) Our new Fulper Pottery is now are planning to send their dollies on display. Elhart’s. 94-2 and picture scrap books to an orphan asylum in either Portland or San Rose Brothers are making candy Francisco. canes today— buy youra soon. 93tf The Christian Workers’ Band and the Epworth Leaguers will sing Rose Bros are making cream Chri8tmaB carols early Sunday morn­ mints and candy canes Buy early. ing to invalids, the aged and others 93tf in special need of Christmas cheer. If anyone knows of any children who are apt to be overlooked by Santa Claus and will communicate I with any one of the churches or other organization mentioned they j may be assured of a liberal response. Everybody wants this to be a happy Christmas In Ashland and appears willing to help in every way pos­ sible The merchants report that Christ­ mas shopping began unusually early this year, about December 1. GULL) anything please Her more than fa tine string ot Indestructible Pearls? A new lot of them just in today. From $7.50 to $75 HEARTS on Christmas**and every day thereafter The Carson-Fowler Lumber com pany, who do a large business in fuel have added coal as a permanent line. For the past year they have handled coal in a small way. This part of their business has grown so that it has necessitated their building coal bins on the tracks. They have recently built three bins at the foot of First street on the Southern Pacific railroad tracks, and aim to always have coal on hand. They will handle both Rock Springs and Utah coal, but will spe­ cialize and push 'their King and Royal coal because of the heat value contained in these coals. 94-1 If vou would show the acme of discrimination > in the selection of your Christmas Gifts; if you would combine the practical with the beautiful, if vou would give something of lasting charm i d durahility-GIVE ELECTRICAL GIFTS . In this complete Electrical Shop we have gathered a huge assortment of gifts that will afford lasting satisfaction. Murphy Electrical Shop ON THE PLAZA PHONE 82 Are you interested in a Oia- mond? Look over our stoek We have some real bargains in fine blue white stones trom $290 to $350 per carat in quar ter to one carat sizes. Fine quality. Ivory goods, wrist watches men’s watches, rings of every description, chains, la valieres, silverware, leather goods, etc _for today and until Saturday evening we will make som< splendid offerings in fine git1, goods. CARStW -FOW LER LUMBER COMPANY IMPROVES LINE Give Electrical Gifts ASHLAND * ' O.H. Johnson o AtKfcAM - r f - (Continued from Page 1) palgn. and sent a letter to senators demanding that his seat be forfeited. Watson’s great ambition Beems to be that of an anti. He does not con­ fine himself to personalities, and woe betide the ^unfortunate man crossing his path. He will threaten a fist fight, a duel, orf else a speech. His election to the senate followed a three-cornered fight in his own state for the democratic nomination, in which he stood as the antl-WH IS A A G & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL t u c m ilA IIT Y S T O R E ? TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .A STENOGRAPHER WANTED— A be­ ginner will do if educated for work. State age, qualifications and salary to start with. B u s in g Man, care of Tidings._______ 94tt FOR SALE—.Fertilizer. Inquire of ¡J P D Owen. 519 Mountain Ave- 9 4-4* nue. FOR SALE— Good team, wagon and harness. 143 Garfield St. 94-2 Deep Down in the Heart of every Man Gifts for the Whole Family Shop Early in the Morning The glad time has come again ' ‘‘^ ^ ' ' t h ^ ^ t h ' o f friendship is manifested hy J generously giving. • i ♦ Eafnrp ns It beckons us for early prepa- run with busy shoppers. . • L- A irift seekers to - select early in the da>. - d c a r ta in ty a tte n d X those who follow this suggestion. • r„iiv „renared for a bounteous Ynletide. It is °,UI' ith the finest things to he had for holiday giving. S ur r r JEWELER SENATOR WATSON IS STORMY PETREL AMONG WASHINGTON LAWMAKERS X is the longing for good clothes and neckwear,—and it’s a fact we have one of the Biggest Selection to choose from ever shown in Ashland. Workmanship and ma­ terials are of the best. We advise you to come early and make your selection, as they won’t last long. “ Just Keep in Mind—Xmas gifts for Him.” May Christmas Day be with you today and every day hereafter, is the sincere wish of M IT C H E L L 'S * / « .................... - - •" — M EN Store Open Evenings Thursday, Friday and Saturday MITCHELL’S B¥ THE POST OFFICE STOKE HOURS 8:00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. the STORE WHERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED