I t t U W BAttï «»«(M AGB tO l'H Kinney << Save Children of Near East” Pleads Member of Relief Commission OCAl AND PERSONAL |j C orvallii S t u d e n t s - D avid W h ittle , R oss Sm all, and I r a N eville, O regon A g ric u ltu ra l col­ lege stu d e n ts, cam e hom e S atu rd ay m o rn in g to spend th e holidays in A shland. M rs. Florence From a Ash- • 92tf Journey thru the Levant, Says Scores of P erso n w ho took s tra n d green b ead s a t O rien tal G ift Shop is know n. R e tu rn a t once and th e re w ill be no tro u b le. 92-1 MRS. FLORENCE T “ I t ’s a Ash* 92tf D etrick ’s G rooeterla sells for less. C liff P ayne m akes glove boxes. Student Returns— Mr. and Mrs. H arold B echtel re ­ tu rn e d S a tu rd a y from C orvallis, w here Mr. B echtel is a s tu d e n t in th e , CHILD PLAYERS DELIGHT LARGE O regon A g ric u ltu ra l college. SCHOOL CROWD ment that they could hardly drag themselves along the ground, crying for something to eat at the gates of Near East Relief orphanages in Alexandropol and Erivan. The in­ stituions are already overcrowded, and unless additional facilities are provided, no more can be admitted. “This means a situation so horri­ ble that 1 hate to think of it, for Winter is coming, and winter in Transcaucasia is bitterly cold and the starvation and disease that is now carrying off scores every day vill grow worse. “If more American women could only see the sights that I saw, of babies dying in their mothers’ arms ; of youngsters who still need a mother’s care scratching in refuse for a morsel of something to eat; of others so shriveled up from starvation that they more resem­ bled mummies from some ancient Egyptian tomb than anything hu­ man; if they could only see these sights, and worse, I know they would see that America did not forsake a task that up to this time has been so wonderfully done.” Mrs. Duryea was the only woman member of the Commission to visit Transcaucasia, where she was the guest of the various local govern­ ments. m ill, th e A shland m ills, really de term in.ed th e fa c t th a t th e site of th e m ills would becom e a p e rm a n e n t W A N TE D ! Mrs. M ary Jack so n , of M cM inn­ ville, who is tra v e lin g by a u to to S o u th ern C alifornia, v isite d M rs. H a ttie Silsby on H arg ad in e stre e t, w hile m aking a sh o rt stop in A sh­ lan d la st w eek. favors in su ran ce, 83tf at Rose Christmas Suggestions Motometers, Spotlights, Tubes, Tire Gauges Tools, Jacks, Windshield Cleaners, Pumps THE “ W hat Is Ao. Old Maid ? ” AUTOMOTIVE SHOP 1OO Main St. • T he b u d g et of th e M cM innville schools is $2000 less th a n in 1921. • i » Phone 44 LEAVING TONIGHT TH E TMEÀT It w a s . , - -In - WOMANS’ PLACE GO TONIGHT! STARTS TUESDAY— ■X S a lv a tio n N ell “ A lady in waiting,” answered Lois Wilson, who is featured in William deMille’s forthcoming Paramount picture of the Broad- way success, “Miss Lulu Bett. “That’s an old maid, and that was Lulu Bett—waiting her life out as a household drudge—until the _ ) ^ s s a ^ a n , W v d St. K inder --------------- -------------- ----------- “ MEN W ANTED— At W a ite s B arber .» b o p opposite depot. H air c u ts, F irs t 35 U cen ts; shaves. O fcjM W -a — — » 15 cen ts 92-lm o* class w ork g u aran teed . OLD RAGS W ANTED— Nice larg e ones. A utom otive Shop. 5 cents a pound. 92-12* W ANTED— H orse, lig h t rig and h a r­ ness W ish to re n t for one or two m onths. P h o n e 257-J o r call at 1177 Iow a St. $ 2-2* FO R SALE OR EXCHANGE fo r a good 2 y ear old h eifer fresh or com ing fresh, an excellent light sp rin g w agon. R. D. S anford, 399 Beach St. 92-1* FO R SALE— G eneral sto re, good building, low re n t, long tim e lease. Mason & M anning, Taft n t, ,Vr- 89tf MANN’ S No Matter What the Price The Christmas Store With a Christmas Spirit Is Now Ready to Solve Your Every Gill Problem In a Most Satisfactory Manner SHOP EARLY TUESDAY EVERY WOMEN WANTS AND NEEDS ONE THING SHE DOES NEED FOR A NEW PETTICOAT CHRISTMAS New Jersey All Silk Petticoats, good colors, You can please your friend and feel cer­ special, each .........................................$2.48 s ’ tain you have selected the “ one thing she wants, if you get “ BLOOMERS J and Jersey, special each ................... $5.00 ; •/ for her. New “ F IT R IT E ” Bloomers in Jersey Silk and Pussy Willow Taf­ 100 exclusive new styles in “ F itrite ” Pet­ ticoats, in a wide range of bright colors feta, priced each from äaCMMvas $4.48 to $8.48 and combination effects, on sale Saturday, each ......................................$5.98 to $12.50 c5 j Christmas Clearance Sale of Ready-to-Wear Garments SKIRTS DRESSES SUITS COATS the I Every Wool Skirt in the Every W inter Suit in the Every Wool Dress in ’ house on sale at house on sale at Women’s W inter Coats that store going at 20 PER CENT OFF 20 PER CENT OFF ONE-THIRD OFF sold up to $40.00, now $19.98 ALL MILLINERY Women’s W inter Coats that Children’s W inter Coats, all going in this sale at Every Silk Dress going at i sold up to $60.00, on sale going at ONE-THIRD OFF 10 PER CENT OFF 20 PER CENT OFF a t ........; ....................... $29.50 XMAS SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS XMAS SALE OF HANDBAGS $1.00 Sample Hand Bags.............. The Best Stock in Medford 66c $1.50 Sample Hand B ags.............$1.00 $2.00 Sample Hand B ags.............$1.34 $3.00 Sample Hand B ags............. $2.00 $4.50 Sample Hand B ags............. $3.00 Women’s fancy Embroidered Hanker- chiefs, each, from .............. 10c to $2.25 Children’s Handkerchiefs, put up three in a box ................................. 25c to 50c Women’s Initial Handkerchiefs, fine quality. Special, each ..................... -5c See our hig line of All Leather Vanity Women’s Fancy Handkerchiefs, three in a box, f r o m ................. 50c to $1.50 box Cases in black and colors. Priced from $5.48 to $10.00 XMAS SALE OF GOOD HOSIERY XMAS SALE OF FANCY LINENS Dresser Scarfs, trimmed with filet lace. Very special. each ................................. 69c Filet Center Pieces, $1.50 values. Special, each.. $1.39 Filet Tray Cloths. Very spe­ cial, each ........................98c Fancy Bath Towels, heavy quality, large size, 69c grade —each ............................. 48c Hand made Cluny Plate Doilies, 89c values. Special each ................................. 69c Tapestry Table Runners,— each ..............$2.48 to $5.00 Three piece Bath Towel sets —per Set ......................$1.59 Fancy Colored Bed Spreads $6.50 values. Special, each ......................'...$5.48 Women’s Silk Hose in black | Women’s “ La France” Silk and colors. Very special— H ose in black and pair ............................. $1.00 Very special, pair ....$2.75 Children’s Wool Hose, spe- cial „air ..................... $100 I IU I, , Women’s fine grade Silk Hose in black and colors Special, p a i r ............... $150 Women’s fine Kid Gloves, per pair 300 to Choose From from ...................................$2.39 to $3.50 “ Madame Herndon” Talking Dolls,— Women’s fine Gauntlet Kid Gloves Special pair ..................................... $3.98 each, from ......................$1.25 to $12.50 See the large life-like Walking Dolls. at, each ..............................................$9.98 50 New Dolls. Very special........ 98c 50 New Dolls. Very special.........$1.48 50 New Dolls. Very special...... $2.45 Women’s Wool Gauntlet Gloves. Spe- ..........$1.25 cial, pH II* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Children’s Kid and Wool Gloves at special prices Buy Glove Bonds Buy Merchandise Bonds 34 inch imported — ¿ y DON’T FORGET THE Mann’s Department Store Edward Sheldon’s Famous Play, Profounder, Finer Still | on the Screen. A Masterpiece in Itself, Presented by I Pauline Starke as Salvation Nell cheap at $1.50. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM— • WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT Ma.il Orders Promptly Filled—Postage Prepaid. Very Kayser’s Italian Silk Hose Special, p a i r ................ $3.75 XMAS SALE OF GLOVES . XMAS SALE OF DOLLS PONGEE SILK Children’s Silk and Wool Hose with fancy tops. « Spe- . 0 9R cial, pair ..................... Women’s ertra fine Lisle Women’s Moot Hose in a Thread Ilose, 85c values ! great variety of styles— Special, pair ................. 69c ............. $1.50 to $3.50 BEAUTIFUL There isn’t a man in town who can stop Connie being M ayor— but, gee! arent some women rough on a pretty girl? e *arfar<, which has not yet ceas­ ed in the Near i ast, and we mu-'t c itinue while the present need L.istS. "Tl ” xh much of our work has been done a t will require j ” ;t a little more effort ,o complete the task, the situation this vear r. ’kes immediate and effective <±ction nec­ essary. Due to invasion ana dis­ turbed political conditions an addi­ tional burden has been thrown upon us, especially in Armenia, where there are thousands of little tots facing a dreadful death unless we answer their appeal. “I saw hundreds of children, so thin and weak from under-nourish- New A uto Licenses— C hief of Police H a tch e r w arns au- to ists n o t to replace th e ir 1921 num ­ b e r plates w ith 1922 p la te s until J a n u a ry 1, as such action will re n ­ d e r th e d riv e r liable to a fine, th e sam e as if no n u m b e r a t all was used. C h ristm as B rothers. “ .»Bdtt: DURYEA Dying Daily Dunsm uir Visitor— Mrs. A. A. D erby, of D unsm uir, is visitin g h e r m o th er, M rs. D unlap. W hen you th in k of th in k of Yeo, of course. ? . X E d 1 lan d . SPENCER Children are W hile they la st, 25 rolls to ilet pa­ p er for $1.00. W hite H ouse G roce­ te ria . 91-tf Nice Dry W ood! also Blox. land L um ber Co., phone 20. H e r b ro th e r W ill is th e h ead nam ed W h ite w as shot a n d killed FOR t SALE— Bicycle, like new — 92-2* 132 F ifth St. _____ H anley w ere sch o o lm ates of m in e .! of th e leg al d e p a rtm e n t of th e South- o \e r a d itfeie n c e o t h e 'm e n 'w h o __ $28.50. Ed H anley lives In A lask a a n d Seat- e rn P acltlc and lives In San J “ “ T rlm ble WIS L 0 S T _ A b e a ver lu r. betw een N or- " M ay, M ike, B ill a n d CHERRO CHIMES Sedie RA'sidcncv— E d w ard H adfield, S o u th ern P a ­ cific com pany em ploye, h as sold his residence on E a st Main Street, and m oved ln to a house one block w est, w hich w as ta k e n as firs t paym ent on his old hom e. T ry D e tric k ’s G roceteria, good place to tra d e .” F lo ren ce itic ia n and law y er Ben B eekm an tw o trip s to th e m o u th of L ost river. SY- H e th o u g h t he sa* an In d ian , itic ia n a n a la y i rit, in w hich we b ro u g h t and so he raised up to get a b e tte r also lives In P o rtla n d T be n l s t , I d ro v e U e “ ’ X e ^ m o m m “ view and tell back d e a f. I. was an have sc a tte re d h ith e r an d yon. o u t M eacham tb p* ' m d ia n he bad see„ and , be i ndlan “ In th e early ’70c I took a band of sioner. He haO been knocked on c a ttle over th e G reen S pring tra il th e head and p a rtia lly scalped. L a te r - 1 L1-‘“ - n o n - . . -e __ _ to K la m a th county and we took u p 1 he, w ith an asso ciate, got up a I11- a place in L an g ells valley, n o t fa r d ian show an d took it east. Some ■ from L inkville. L in k v ille — n o w ! of his In d ia n s c o u ld n 't stan d the K la m ath F a lls— a t th a t tim e h ad b u t east, so th ey go t aw ay and m ade I regard you still, with envy, one sto re and a hotel ru n by Uncle th e ir way back to K lam ath county. How your raising, short and G eorge N urse. Mat L angell w as a 'T h e p ro m o ters had all so rts of evil trembly, sh o em ak er a t Jack so n v ille. His lu ck ; so th e show b ro k e up. “ In th e e arly days packers got From a dough, I know no better, b ro th e r A rth u r was a sto ck m an . The ’Tis to you a noble debtor. valley w as n a m ed fo r th e se b ro th e rs. n in e cen ts a pound for b rin g in g in fre ig h t on th e pack h orses from My son, Iv an E. K ilgore, b o u g h t th e (See you to m o rro w ) A shland to L inkville. L ots of th e 2800 acre ra n c h ow ned by A rth u r CHERRO FLOUR L angell. L an g ell was k illed In a fre ig h t w as w et goods and it flQwed A Hard W heat Flour of Fam ous As a consequence, d isp u te over a p a stu re b o u n d ary . I p re tty freely. Blend— Guaranteed m a rrie d N ettie H erro n of A shland. th e re used to be occasional killin g s H er b ro th e r Dave lives h ere in P o rt- in th e saloons. I happened to he i n , Xotice— If th e p a rty who took th e ro be from Dr. S w edenburg’s F ra n k ­ lin c a r w ill re tu rn sam e a t once, I n oth in g w ill be said; o th erw ise th ief w ill be exposed, as p a rty was seen. 90-1* Nice Dry W ood! also Blox. land L um ber Co., phone 20. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Alvin and D ave C ardw ell, land an d h e r b ro th e r F re d in Ash- one of th e saloons w hen a m THE STORE FOR EVERY F^pDY special, yard .......... 98c MEDFORD, ORE. BABY Special values in the Infants’ Department Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns