AfiHLANTJ DAILY TIDINGS for th e ir C hristm as cheer, splendid th in g for them we can gladly a ssu re them in d Post appreciates th e ir PA GB FOÜB Detrick’s Groceteria sells for less R eturns from California— Mrs. J. M. Pool, 257 Third street, h as re tu rn e d from F o r t Jo n es, C alif., Switchm en Switched— B. M. Sherman and A. H. Trafton, where she has been visiting Mrs. Diamond rings— mult sacrifice for Southern Pacific switchmen, have John King, of that city, for tfc^ past cash, beautiful $150 atohe at $«5, switched. places, the former going to fifteen days. and a larger $200 one at $85. Pleate Watsonville, Calif., and the latter write D. R., care of Tidings. 90-1 Armory Dance, Saturday n coming here ffom that city. LADIES FREE. There will be a dance at Events arranged for all classes of bury Springs December 17.. shooters. You will have an equal chance for a prise at the big turkey shoot next Sunday. 90-1 , is en- expedi- : Klam- ime are ts as a Chocolate creams of quality Brothers. 1 ed Milk 89tf Holidfey ts made making- 9Q-1 Candy and hand made gifts of all kinds. Buy your Christmas presents at the Parent-Teachers sale Satur­ day night at Hawthorne entertain­ ment at High school gym. 89-$ Armory Dance, LADIES FREE. Saturday Comes Tomorrow ■ ■■ Stevens Restaurant »oio— The Stevens restaurant, 552 A street, was sold yesterday to W. R- Hartman, of Portland, and formerly interested In land development in eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hart­ man are now looking for a house, Intending to make their permanent home in Ashland. F. C. Stevens, former owner of the cafe, will re- main in Ashland but will not engage ¡n any business for at least a month, be stated this morning. . ---------- Forty-H our We e k R eturn from California-— Mr. and Mrs. I. R- Bateman have returned from Long Beach, Calif;, and are now located at their home, 286 Vista street. Mr. and Mrs. Bate­ man have been in Long Beach for the past four weeks, called there by the serious Illness of Mr. Bateman’s mother, Mrs. Charles Bateman, who Is now improving. Mrs. Charles Bate­ man will be remembered by Ashland friends as a resident of this city about ten years ago. ■■ Beginning this week, the car shop- in of the Southern Pacific local rds, are working on a forty-hour kek. “laving off” Saturdays. If you shoot a gun, turkey shoot, foot of next Sunday. cel P o s t In fo rm a tio n — to look a fte r th is m a tte r a n d de- < eiving clerk w h at y o u r te rm in e why th is rem ain s u npaid is advises P o stm a ste r fo r and how paym ent w ill be effect-1 « T h e re a re th re e item s ed. W hile th is is believed to be a th e clerk to kn o w : public deb t, th e Legion is g reatly assificatio n he sh o u ld in te re ste d , so m uch , so in fact, th a t 1, w h e th e r h e sh o u ld j i t raised $75 by su b scrip tio n am ong / p a r c e l th e “ fra g ile ” its m em bers in ab o u t th re e m inutes. w h e th e r he should ap- * * * ris h a h le ” m a rk . T h e A shland Posjt is m ore th a n pleas- pplying th eap m a rk s is e(j w ith th e lyceum course which it T he U niversity of O regon giee em u y th e clerk on th e con- ¡s show ing to th e A shland public has cancelled its d ite w ith us foi it by th e c o n tain er. th is w in ter. The ta le n t so fa r show n the p resent, on acco u n t of reaso n s ______ h as been exceptionally good, w ith know n only to th em , b u t a re su re jot n ex t Sunday. F o o t every re a so n to believe th a t th e two to be w ith us on th e ir a n u n a l sprin g b eg in n in g a t 10 o ’clock n u m b e rs yet to com e will be even to u r. W e will be m ighty glad to 90-1 b e tte r. M adam R iu g sd o rf appeared , w elcom e them to A shland, because _________________w ith h e r com pany at th e B aptist t h e v alw avs give m ore th a n your c h u rc h last T uesday n ig h t, an d if I q I ) p e p Kf w e m ay be a llo w ed to ju d g e from d I/v d C i th e expression of pleased su rp ris e a t T he A m erican Legion A uxiliary is p lan n in g to send a big box of joy to , ! we can well be satisfied w ith o u r th e disab led com rades w ho a re at T he next n u m b er w ill com e De- p resen t q u a rte re d in a hospital n e a r For Nat such rich taieut 33 sh°wn by her> oiler Skating^0^. to school boys, forty of whom played "hookey” yesterday after­ noon in order to “roll on the roll- way.” TeacherB became suspicious at the great number of absentees and proceeded to do a little de­ tective work. Getting in ’phone touch with parents and others, the truants were soon located, round­ ed up at tne “Nat” where their names were taken and later en­ tered in the pedagogical record books. But— “WhaVs five min­ utes lickin’ to five hours fun?” FOUND— W oolen shaw l. Ow a t T idings office and pay CHERRO CHIMES Why his face is glad w ith pleasure, E v en th o u g h you e n jo y le isu r e , A s you e n ter to h is p resen ce On a tra y , w h ea t e s se n c e . (See you to m orrow ) CHERRO FLOUR A Hard Wheat Flour of Famous B len d — G uaran teed Build That New House Post Office Slogan T o d a y - John Anderson, a University of Early to buy— early to mall— Oregon student, is expected home Early to reach the end of the trail. tomorrow, to spend the holidays with his parents, who live at 480 Armory Dance, Saturday night. Holly street. Oliver Anderson, who 90-2 After today, Tuesdays. Thursdays LADIEá FREE. is attending the Oregon Agricultural college, Is expected home about and Saturday afternoons will be re­ served for women and children at Tuesday. .i *, i £ <• AMERICAN LEGION the Natatoiium skating rink. 90 1 Our line is complete In Holiday (Continued from Page 1) Everything new and clean at Det- goods, such as you may want for the for all the ex-service men of the kiddies. White House OrocdUerla. rick's Groceteria. 89-1 Buchanan, $6. The second and last community. John Rigg was appointed to rep­ Eapee Men “Laid Off”— prizes were not offered, but were resent the American Legion in co­ The Southern Pacific Railroad Student W orker H e r e - given as extra rewards for unusually operation with the Red Cross and company Is reducing its force at the Robert D. Hall, recently of New good work. The students sold about York City, now of San Francisco, local yards, two assistants In the $400 worth of tickets, which equal­ the Ministerial association, in car­ made a visit between trains Thurs- store room having been “laid off” led the amount sold by the Fair peo­ ing for indigent ex-service men who dUy with the family of A. M. Bea­ and F. R. Byers, T. F. Carmony and ple, who were much pleased with pass through Ashland, and ask as­ sistance. ver. 916 Iowa street. Mr. Hall Is a T. F. Collum being slated for dis­ the students’ work. missal Monday. Decrease of busi­ nephew of Mrs. Beaver. Mr. Hall Is idhy The Memorial monument erected employed by the World’s Student ness Is given as the reason for less­ iade last year by the citizens of Ashland ening the working force. Christian federation, which Is rep­ Ing. remains partially unpaid for, so Ash- resented In America by John R. There will he a dance at Kings­ 90_X land Post has appointed a commit­ Mott, chairman of the Council of bury Springs December I t . 89-3 tee consisting of Don M. Spencer, North American Student Movements. HUk chairman. V. V. Mills, Dr. Gordon Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk BOtf MacCracken, and S. A. Peters Jr., Don’t forget to see tl 90tf Twine— 10 «rat» Pump at the Ford garage. We Can and Will Save You Money on All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL * We operate two Saw Mills-» One at Medford and one at Jacksonville GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING GAGNON LUMBER & BOX FACTORY MEDFORD Phone 859 OREGON Grocery , BI® STOCK—SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH TO BE SOLD Prices Cut and Slashed to the Limit to Unload Our Grocery Price Convinces WÜ1 Save You Money 16th Sale Commences Friday, December COMX IN AND S I B AND HELP EMPTY OUR GROCERY SHELVES BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY This stock of Groceries must oe su* VFe quote a few price» to show what this Sale means to buyers Highest grade Coffee, vacuum packed in Economy G lus Jars. Regular value 45c. Sale W ** - 3 * 1 pound Bulk Coffee, regular value 30c. Sale p n ce ............ ............ ...............* ” * 4Qc All Red Can Coffee, regular value 45c. Sale price r.,...................... .....................................................9 ^ 02484853480223234853532348232353532323535353234848484823484853 3 pounds Bulk Coffee, regular value $1.20. -Sale, pnce* . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 85c Folger’s Red Can Coffee, 2 1-2 pounds, regular value $1.10. Sale pnce • — - — Package Japan Tea, regular value 25c. Sale P1™6 • • • ’ 35c 1 pound Young Hyson Tea, regular value 00c. Sale p r ic e .................... 5c 1 can Sardines in oil, regular value 10c. Sale price - • • • • • • . ..................7c 4 for 25c Package Arm & Hammer Soda, regular value 10c. Sale p n c e ...................... ’ Package Vitos Cream of Wheat, regular value 35c. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . ud Maple Syrup, reg u la r value 35c M e pnee ake Flour, regular value 15c. Sale price Pancake Flour, regular value 60a Sale P nce , i Cut Smoking Tobncco, regular value lOu Sal lakes, package, reg u la r value 15c. * £ £ £ '' Laundry Soap, regular' value . regular value 10c. Sale price . . . . , Drice ___ _______ y, 9 pound sack, reg u la r value 35c. Sale Plum Pudding, regular value 40c. S ,a e p n te . Corn Meal, 9 pound sack, regular value 30c. &a.e pr.c , , ■ *> ALL GROCERIES REDUCED SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALUMINUM WARE ALSO SPECIALS ON UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, SWEATERS pu irE ifR E R /- , - - - CARRY PISHES, DOLLS, T YOU WILL SAVE MONE MEDFORD, OREGON 327 E. Main Street • . . . . ,, .- i . • • • J*. •,« * ..-.i ' ' -, i __ ______________ m. ^ ^ u^ , ^ | i |.|||1|||[l[||j|ni||ii|[ii[iiiuillillllulll[[ll|liHüW Üll|llll[il|ÍK[||!llllllíllitlinHI