AóÈ rom» ÁtóUM» BAtt? ¥tttf»òl MUSMÈ ■M «■MM She K ills Chick Chinese tihoe Arrives— FRANCS WAIVES Misa J. Spears, thé ènterprlsin-g DEMAND FOR NAVY A tiny, pointed red Chinese shod, Medford girl, who is taking maga- not over three Inches long, has been G«or's Cockgrol ■* ’ zins subscriptions in Ashland to pay received by Mrs. O. F. Billings from (Continued from Page 1) J. A. Gear, who is going into the her * * 7 through collage, had a man- Miss Lura Hefty, formerly of Drain, .The five big powers of the Washing­ Chicken buslnsaj, yesterday received s i t e , Job on her hands when she hut now of China, where for a dozen ton disarmament conference failed from Mrs. C. Carey,* of Talent, a very tackled Ben Howe, thè busy butcher, years she has labored as a mission­ to settle the question of the French high-scoring Light Brahma cockerei. who excused himself on the ground ary for the Methodist Episcopal naval ratio at a lengthy secret ses­ that he had some chickens to kill. church. In an accompanying'letter, sion the Pan-American building « ,♦ ,,1 1 J1S . » • s « A was ww < S lO tl l in U III© A U lP riC a U U U liU Illg . ,, . * Hotel Ashland Urlìi caters to 1 11 kill ’em,’ ’volunteered the fair .Miss Hefty states that the shoe, ■ was * today. The matter was allowed to go sca n t i f you’ll v n l l ’ l l give » H -a m ■ iiK a n .ln - W n rn v a .n m n “if me a a a subacrlp- w on. h by a « grown worn»». W .b . OTer week. Md until another home-folks as well as to commercial j aSent MoIld„ men and tourists. < ltf tion.” The offer seemed fair, so C h u n g, .m oll .on. who w . . bom Howe agreed, whereupon the Med-,Chinese parents and has lived all his It was indicated at the close of . Escape» from H ospital — ford miss calmly proceeded to chop life in Ashland, was greatly Inter the meeting that the session had | Beecher Danford was todaiy re- the heads off a dozen chickens. Her ested __T_ in _____ the ____, tiny ________, footwear, _____ which been a tense one. M. Sarraut, head leased from a local hospital, leaving nerve made such a favorable im -w a s exhibited at the Billings agency, of the French delegation, is under­ the nurses disconsolate. ; pression that she {secured several stood to have voiced a formal pro­ subscriptions on the spot from In- It is not too late to have your por­ test over the manner in which the I While they last, 25 rolls toilet pa-‘ terested onlookers. trait made for Xmas, at Darling’s ! news of the French demand for ten per for $1.00. White House Groce- ------ SHrdlo. Portraits that Please. 91tf j Qew battleships was made public. terla. 91-tf Don’t fall to attend the W&Wthornj» school entertainment, (at ¡the h'igtt. £ There will be a dance at Kings­ N EW PROVISIONS E xp ected T onight— school gymnasium tonight. It Is bury Springs December 17. 89-3 REGULATE INCOME Miss Marie Porter is expected to aa unusually good one. Candy and REPO RTS FO R 1 9 2 2 arrive tonight from Eugene, where fancy work sale star»».at 7 o'clock; Playing Basketball— 9l-j 1 Will McMillan, former star basket­ she has been attending the state uni­ curtain at 7:45 p. m. (Continued from Page 1) versity, to spend the Christmas hol­ ball and baseball player in the Ash­ Here for idays here. land high school, is now a member corporations. ' ” - s.; Edwin Frasier arrived yesterday of the ’Varsity basketball squad, "The income tax on corporations Armory Dance, Saturday night. from the University of Oregon to which next week will play games In for the calendar year 1922, andj LADIES FREE. 90-3 spend the holidays In Ashland. the Willamette valley and eastern thereafter is Increased from 10 to 12% per cent.' The $2000 exemp­ Oregon, G oing South T h u r s d a y - Chocolate creams of quality. Roee tion heretofore allowed corporations' Mrs. W. D. Gill and her children, Brothers. 8 7-5 Dort like a Wort— hard to wear is to be granted only to those cor-| Lawrence and Nancy Lou, expect to out. New Dort Motor Cai*—eee the poratlons whose net income is $25,- leave Thursday for Oakland to spend Many New Four-Site Salee Agency. 87-lm o 000 or less. A few days ago forty-five new Christmas with Mrs. Gill’s mother. “Many persons are under the im­ freight cars were “ * ■ 1 through.j pression that the taxes on ice cream, M otored from _ There will be a dance at Kings­ Ashland, going north. They had' soft drinks, etc,, monthly returns of Oliver Anderson, Oregon Agricul­ bury Springs December 17. 89-3 been made at Sacramento and were tural college student; John Ander­ which are required, have been re­ of forty-ton capacity. son, Meredith- Beaver, aed Dwight pealed with the enactment of the Home Today— Gregg, University of Oregon stu­ new act. These remain in force un­ Leith Abbott, Troy Phipps, Ber­ Why pay 55 cents for eggs when til December 31, 1921. nice Yeo, Wilma Cattin, Kee and you can get strictly fresh hen’s dents, drove to Ashland last night ”No change is made in the tax on auto from Eugene to »pend the Edgar Buchanan, all University of eggs for 48 cents at the White Houae by holidays. admissions, except that after Jan­ Oregon students, arrived in Ashland Groceteria. 91tf uary 1, 1922, there will be no tax this morning to spend their Christ­ Don’t take stock In out-of-town where admissions is 10 cents or less. Homi for Holidays— mas vacation at home. Effective January 1, 1922, the fol­ N. il Shinn and Chester McCrack­ subscription promises and prices. H ealth Bread. P ure M alted Milk en, University of Oregon students, Try Elhart’s guaranteed service. »1-2 lowing taxes are also abolished: on musical instruments, sporting goods, Twin»— 10 cents 89tf are home for the holidays. chewing gum, portable electric fans, 3 La»t n |g h t» U autos packed In the thermos hotties, fur articles, pleas­ WHJliliiniMUNULWi Mm auto park grpqnd, of -w^ioh two ure boats and .pleasure canoes (un­ were from Missouri, two from Wash­ less sold for morq than $100), toilet ington, and one from California, ac­ articles, medicines and numerous ar­ cording to Park Superintendent T. ticles of apparel. “On and after January 1, 1922, F. Smith. Some tim e ago Portland was boasting that seven auto tour­ the tax on various works of art is reduced from 10 per cent to 5 per ists aambped there In one night. cent, the tax on candy from 5 per Why trust your magazine money cent to 3 per cent, and the tax on to out-of-town agents. Elharta are carpets, rugs, trunks, valises, purses, the home subscription agents and fans, etc., from 10 per cent of sales gnrantee delivery or money back. price in excess of specified amounts, 91-2 to 5 per cent of sales price in excess j of specified amounts.” J . ' ■ OCAL AND PERSONAL Dairy and Poultry Feeds Oar from Albers Bros Milling Company just unloaded The prices are right Ashland Fruit Association Genuine Chicken Hot Tamales at À The Fountain R. P. Porter, Proprietor ’ .’. ■f S i icps HE PROMISES ME A CAS FOR 0H R IST ÍU SÍ ‘ ” WHICH SHALL IT BE? A Packard, Hudson or an Essex? I ’ll have to see which one I like best at the CLASS A GARAGE. They will be glad to let me try them all, I know. Class A Garage ASHLAND HOTEL BLDG. Phone 30 Their location at 105 West Main Street, MEDFORD, OREGON With full line of VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, CLARINETS, SAXAPHONES, BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, A C C E S S O R I E S SHEET MUSIC AND INSTRUCTORS. HIGHEST GRADE PIANOS The Harmony Music Store EDWARD C. ROOT, Proprietor. We are Making a BIG CUT in Rocking Chairs, Dining Room Suites and many other goods before taking our Inventory. IT WILL PAY YOU to see us if you want anything in the House- furnishing Line. We can and will save you MONEY on any thing you want in our line. Everything we have in the line of CHRISTMAS GOODS is CUT TO THE LIMIT. Don’t fail to look over our stock if in need of anything. BELATED ARRIVAL OF DOLL CARTS AND JINGLE CARS J Veterans' Surgeon Appointed— Dr. Lance Briscoe, son of Prof, and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe, »13 Boule­ vard, has been appointed surgeon la charge of the War Veterans* bu­ reau, Portland, taking charge Wed­ nesday. Aged A shland» Dies— Nils A hl strom, an aged resident of Fifth street, died this afternoon. No further particulars are available at this time. ' 1 T. '■ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Do you turn yoru money over to FOR SALE— Wooc*, 16- inch body fir, 16 inch pine, manzanita and ouLof-town subscription agents. Try oak mixed. Phone 426-J, or call E lhart'f for SERVICE. 91-2 1219 E. Main St. J. M. Burns. 91tf Genuine M am an ttucaen tamalee, FOR SALE— A large size Silvertone grafonola, mahogany. In excellent 10 cents. End»rs Confectionery.62tf condition, with a large assortment of records, at a real bargain. Also Santo Says »‘Heilo!"— team, wagon, harness and hack, The eleven employes o f the local and electric washing machine. A. E. Maneely, Talent, Or. 91-3 office of the Pacific Telephone and) Telegraph company, are preparing to J AGENTS WANTED have a Christmas tree, with appro-1 WE PAY $36.00 WEEKLY, 75 cents priate decorations, exercises a n d ; hour spare snare time t i m e selling a e U in ? h hosiery n o io r v Guranteed wear four months. Fall presents, in their building Christmas line ready. Prewar prices. Free