ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ S id e L i g h t s ----------------------------- Armory Dance, Saturday night. LADIES FREE. 90-2 --------- - Quality the best— prices the low- est. D etrick’s on the Plaza. 89eod • H ealth Bread. P u re Malted Milk 89tf Rose Twins— cents PAGB THREH NOTICE Make Kewpie dolls, all kinds, dkir- in spare time. We teach you to make the moulds and m arket your goods, Anyone can learn. Big profits. Send no money. Coast Art W orks, lO S’tfc 12th St., Portland, Ore. 91-1* ______ B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L PHYSICIANS. W ANTED— L ight w agon w ith sh a fts or Furnished house for re n t; also! Christm as tre e favors a t furnished ^ p a rtm e n t; see Billings Brothers. E u gene Student A rrives— Rum or H eralds On Agency. 89- 3 Harold Simpson, University of Mr. Larson, of North Talent, made i There will be a dance at Kings- — , , Oregon student, arrived in Ashland eq.» a trip over to Fern valley M onday1* .. . . - .. . Armory Dance, Saturday night b u ry Springs December 17. J , , this m orning to spend the Christm as k, - r ~ . very much interested in facaUon w„ h Ws n( . Mr an(J LADIES FREE. 90- 2 1 Hemstitching, 8 cents per yard, ¡th e prospects. There seems a t this Thomas „ S1 , 42 „ Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod j w riting 110 doubt but th a t oil has _. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. , , Main street. Mr. Simpson is study- --------- - 1 been struck. The frequent encounter . , . .. Moral— Trade a t D etrick’s. 89eod ~ , . , „ a , , x a , mg business adm inistration. Many County A ssessor R eturns— I of gas pockets wora a hardship on ... .. . . . „ t r> n 1 .. . ... will recall the rem arkably well- Speeding A uto K ills Sheep— B Coleman, county assessor, the ti.lller, m aking the work some- ... ... . . . , x . 1 _ * . j . . I I . „ 1 w ritten letters which he sent home Thursday of last week, one of the returned yesterday morning from what difficult. Rum or has it that from p rance and which were most inhum ane crimes against dum b Portlantl where he met with the tax another well is soon to be put down j ijshe(j ¡n the Tidl g C W* re pu the near vicinity . of the Trigonia.j ______ ‘ anim als, th a t has ever been perpe-j perpe revislon commission and also d — ro . p -'in . — =----- trated since the road was paved, oc- peti in at the convention, of the eoun-'T his, the report says, will be com Ladies see the Dainty Holiday 1 „ curred just above Talent. An un- ty and commissioners of the menced w ithin sixty davs. ______ _ ‘ Frocks Mrs. Larkin Grubb has made known auto driver overtook’ a man state occasionally, An agency for the Liberty car has V ' , driving a small band of sheep, and been esu b llsh e d at Medford. and t Shop. 114 T h M St. 90-1 Sm art appearance, reasonable drove through the band at breakneck speed, killing seven of the poor, j price, dependable service, low up-J anyone interested in them may see dumb anim als as he went. The own-| keep, slow depreciation. New Dort them at the Riverside Garage. P. F. e r was unable to get the num ber of Motor Car. Four Site-Sales Agency. Close is agent. 132 S. Riverside. 88tf We invite you to look 87-lm o the car, owing to the fog, which had over our stock of Let Friend Wife sleep In the come up in the afternoon, and the You owe it to yourself and fam ­ morning and go to the Hotel Ashland sheep running from th e speeding ily to trade w’here your dollar goes grill and get one of those fine car.— Medford Mail Tribune. farthest. D etrick’s Groecteria. 89eo special 60 cent breakfasts. Gltf Have your clothes cleaned this H ealth Bread. P u re M alted Milk When you think or Insurance, week and avoid the Christinas rush. Tw ins— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf think of Yeo, of course. 83tf P aulserud’s. 86tf — also heavy harness. 434-J. -------------------- Auto accident insurance, course. Yeo, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rapp, of Talent 83tf were visiting Mrs. Rapp’s sister, Mrs. Ray Coleman, of Jacksonville, Dew Drop Inn for hot waffles an d last Sunday M. J. B. coffee. 84tf When vou try our 28 cent bacon, T aylor-H argrove R anch Sold— we will have another custom er. Mr. a n d Mrs. C. J. Foster, former- W hite House Groceteria, 91tf ly of Weed. Calif., have purchased the Taylor-H argrove ten acre ranch Fram ed pictures, mottoes and two miles east of Ashland on the Pa­ Xmas cards at Darling Studio. 91tf cific highway near the end of the viaduct. Mr. and Mrs. Foster will We have a few uncalled-for suits engage in the poultry business. The and overcoats which are exceptional property, sold through the Yockey values. P aulserud’s. 86tf Realty, was form erly owned by Mis. _____ _ A ustralia Taylor and Mrs. Louise Visits Talent Friends__ Hargrove. Mrs. H argrove is now Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Henry, form er living at Vallejo, Calif. residents of North Talent, but now residing near Brownsboro, were Sacrificed to H ighest B idder— visiting old friendh in the neighbor- Fine $600 lot with peach trees hood last Sunday. Among them were and almond trees, on N ursery St., Mr. and Mrs. Noah Chandler and next to corner of Rock St. Will sell Jam es AIR a. son and wife, ______ . for cash o r term s of $25 down and! $10 per month. Make me an offer. For the New Year, present your- W hat will you give for it? Here is self with a new Dort Car, economical chance for a nice home place. W rite on tires, oil, gasoline. Four-Site F. E. Conway, 823 U W est Pico St J Sales Agency. 87-lino Los Angeles, Calif. 89.3 ---------- Rose Brothers have the m ost com- H ealth Bread. P ure Malted Milk Píete line of high grade candy boxes T w ins— 1© cents 8 9tf In the city. We invite inspection. 87-5 NOTICE R oller skating rink open 'evdry ! Wo make o ur own candies, ice afternoon and evening from 2 to 6, cream and tam ales. Enders Con- and 7 to 10. At the Nat.______ 88tf. fectionery. fi2tf Investigate Our Ideal Arcola H ot W ater H eating System for Sm all or L arge H ouses Our New L ine o f H eatin g Stoves A re Now In Provost Bros. AT TH E PAGE TH EA TE R m e d fo r D Matinee and N/ght* W EDNESDAY, DEC. 2 IS T in two brand-new programs,' w ith nine em inent soloists -' PRICES Night— Lower flo o r. . . . . $2.50 Balcony, first 8 row s, . . . $2.00 Balcony, last 5 rows. . . . $1.50 Matinee,—Low er flo o r. . $ 2.0 0 B alco n y ;----- $1.60 and $1.00 Plus 10 per cent w ar tax M ail orders now to P age T heater, M edford, Or. Tickets mailed only in stam ped self-addressed envelopes and other Decorative Material. Dickerson & Son SEAT SALE OPENS MONDAY DECEM BER 19th CHICHESTER S PILLS . “ /* T u G -v the diamond brand Pin« in Itrd and Gold rnetttlllA TH E I’AINT MAN years known as Best. S a in t, Always Rellal k SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I »>»«♦»> ♦ ♦ « « ♦ « ♦ < ♦ » ♦ ♦ » > ♦ ♦ ♦ M > ♦« C H R IS T M A S TIM E is V IC T R O L A TIME The Victrola placed in the home will make Christmas more merry, as well as every day in the coming year. It is no longer a question of blazing the trail. The Victrola holds a recognized supremacy and has come to be considered as much a re­ quisite of the well-appointed home as the piano was some years ago. iK h i! & L .’ . ¿fe ‘ / '• S ' -/ Music Room—select the machine and we will hold it for you 343 East Main Street Phone 173 H E A D Q U A R T E R S F O R C H O IC E M E A T S FOR SALE— Dry wood of all kinds. ! DR- MATTLE B. SHAW — Special at- Phone or w rite L. D. Dollarhyde,! tentiou to m others and children. Siskiyou, Oregon. 78-lrao*! Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Res. and office, 1 0 s Pio- FO R R E N I . neer avenue. Telephone 28 Of­ fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 FOR REJN.T—--General store, • good B-. m- .’ .buildjng, lo w " rent, long time ................. ......... * . lease. Maso'n’ r &* Manrting, Tai- SH AW — P hysician and Surgeon 1 ent, Or. ‘ • nn‘*1 o - - - .« — Eye, -« ear, nose - and th ro at spec­ 89tf i . :— ialist; glasses fitted. Office, 402 ]TG .RENT— To respectable people, a Medford Bldg.,'M edford, 10:30 a. few rooms with steam heat, hot m. to 5 p. m. Residence, P io ­ and cold running w ater ar.d use neer Ave., Ashland, ’morning and oi bath. Ono person, $6.00 per evenings. Phone 28. week; two- persons, $8.00 per week. Hotel Ashland 88tf ATTORNEYS. FOR RENT—»Furnished apartm ent. lUJUKRTS— Att^rney-at-Law Allen Building. ' 87tf - Booms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank __ Bldg. VISTA APARTMENTS Two a n d ------- PLUMBING three room furnished modern apartm ents. Inquire 166 Harga-I —---- --------- rjline, phone 122. 79 tf' HONE your next job of plumbing --------------;---- --------- =-*-----— ------ ? to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building FOB MALE— REAL ESTATE. Phone 138. FOR SALE— 26 »acres on highway. EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- Thls Is a bargain. Mason & Man- lug. Lithla Garage, ohone 114 nlng, Talent, Or. 89tf — -------- — — ~ ----------1 -------- — » -------- ------- ----------------------------------- TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. FOR SALE— Several good farm s—- ¿L?—--------- --------- -------------------------- - . 41 acres; 43 acres; 68 acres; 42 , Prompt and careful service, acres; 34 acres; 32 acres; 1 10 i ru5 ^ s or b? rs® drays, call W hittle Transfer Co. Phone 11?. acres; 5 acres; 8 acres. We will Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel be pleased to show you this land. Ashland. * 66tf Mason «fe Manning, Talent, Or. 89ti FOR SALE— Good four room h ouse1 T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS- and garden, $250, balance like — Good team and motor rent. Price $650. Mason & Man- trucks. Good service at a reason- ning, T a le n t,‘Or. 89tf able price. Phone 83. ___ •( FOR SALE— A splendid furnished EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- sonable prices. Lithla Garage residence, about one acre of o r­ chard and berries, $1000 down, FOUND. .balance easy payments and low _______ rate of interest. If not sold quick ! FOUND Woolen shawl. Owner call will ren t to right party, on ac- : at Tidings office and pay for ad. count owner leaving town. One -, ________ 90-2 block from Citizens’ Bank. 24 4 ’ H argadine St. 87tf . SUNDAY ONLY LV. J ’S’NVTJB LV. MEDFORD 8:00 a. m. 8:50 a. m. ---------------------- i 9 : 2 0 a m . 9:50 a. ra. 11:16 a. m. W. A. SHELL Former Location East Fourth Street Here’s where you get your money’s worth B A R B E R wfBmmniiinnraiin’ainifmnnnnniimninrinnini’HiHiiwiimffiiimiiiiHHn C hildren’s W ork A Specialty You’re Invited to Better Acquaintance with M ason T ires and Our Service le c te d M a so n T ir e s b e c a u s e t h e y d e liv e r th e k in d s e r v ic e y o u d e m a n d . Only 6 shopping days until Christmas of b e c a u s e o f a s to n is h in g d u r a b ility . It w as M a so n C ords th a t d r o v e fo r ty -e ig h t tim e s o v e r th r e e m o u n ta in r a n g e s a n d tw ic e a cro ss a b u r n ­ I t w a s M a so n C ord s th a t m a d e th e tr a mu c o n tin e n ta l p a th fin d e r tr ip fo r th e C h ic a g o M o to r m. m. in. m. ra. 12 :45 1:50 3:20 4:30 5:30 __ 9:30 p. p. p. p. p. p. m. m. m. m. m. m. MEDFORD-ROSER URG LV. G T ’S PASS 8 :00 a. ra. it) :00 a. m. 11K.00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 6:16 p. m. G rants Pass W aiting Room— The Bonbonnlere. Phone i.60. Office and W aiting Room; No. 6 S. Front St.. Nash Mote, Htillrilnr For Sale Thirty acre tract near Ashland for $4000. Several acres of fine bottom land. Nice place for a home. C lu b — h u n d r e d s o f s im ila r stu n ts. A n d o u r S e r v ic e -— it in c lu d e s f r e e in s p e c tio n a n d Enders Confectionery p. p. p. p. p. LV. M EDFORD C ar o w n e r s a r e tu r n in g to M a so n s b y th e th o u s a n d s in g d e ser t. 1 :20 2:50 3:45 5:00 7:00 Safety blades resharpened , Dally and Sunday L ... I^V. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG like new. Single hit, 30c 11:00 a. m. 1 00 p. m. doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. MEDFORD-GRANW PASS Dally ahd Siindi,v .. .. A s d istr ib u to r s w e w a n t y o u to k n o w th a t w e s e ­ If you have a box’or basket at home you would like to have packed with fresh candy for some friend, we will pack it for you, no extra charges for packing. iLm ited to eye, ear, nose and throat. O ffice houre, 10 to 13 and 2 to 5. Sw edenborg Bldg., Asn- land, Ore. 73-tf CITIZENS’ RANK B f ELDING H A M S, BA CO NS, ETC. AV ill have full line of chocolates and bon bons this week. Quality is the best and the prices right. .. in t e r u r b a n auto car CO ROSE BROTHERS Fresh candies packed in neat holiday boxes. See some of same on display in onr windows. w n n n c __ » A' VOOI>s“ “ PrM tle« E ffective March 2», 1920. FOR SALE— A dandy 7 room and Dally (E xcept Monday) bath cottage, beamed ceiling in LV. ASHLAND dining room, many built-in fe a -, LV. 7>1_ MEDFORD 7:16 a. m. tures, outside brown stain w ith, a ’ m- 8 :0 0 a. m. white trim , two wells, windmill I • m- 8:46 a. m. .a n d tank, 11 acres fine land all 9 :3 0 a. m. cleared, 5 acres orchard. $350 ' m' 1 0:15 a. m. cash, balance easy term s at 6 p e r , . , a ' m’ 1 1 :00 a. m. cent. W heeler. 204 North Sixth. m' 1 2 :0 0 Noon G rants Pass, or E. E. Phipps, A sh -! J , £ ioon 12:46 p.m. >“ "<*• S' 1 :30 p. m. 2:15 p. m. FOR SALE— F our room cottage, on 2:15 p. m 3 :0 0 p. in. large lot, out buildings. Cash or 3:00 p. m term s. Inquiro Mrs. C. E. Lane,! 3:45 p. m 3 :45 p. m. 4 : TO p. in. Tidings. 83-3 4:30 p. m 5:15 p. rn 6:16 p. m. 6:0Q.p m ROOFERS 6 :0 0 p. m. 7:06 p. m 7:00 p. m. Sat. only HOW ABOUT THAT LEAKY ROOF 8:45 p. m 8:45 p. m. — Now is the time to repair it. ¡ 9:30 p. m IT30 m m. For first class work see Jensen & 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 1 2:15 MTflgt ... SUNDAY ONLY Hood, 405 Liberty St., or 41 86-6* hV MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND Palm Ave. 9 00 a .m . 9.00 a .m . AUTOMOBILES 10:00 a .m . 10:00 a .m . 11:00 a m. 11:00 a. m. FOR SALE— Ford roadster, $175, 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon part terms. Inquire 44 Church 1 :00 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. St. 89-4* 2 : 00 p. m. 2 • 00 p. in. 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. FORD TOURING 1919. a bargain If 4:00 p.m . 4:00 p. m. taken at once. Call Buick serv-j 5:00 p.m . 5:00 p. m. ice station. 89-2* 6:30 p. m 6:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p, in. N»w Dort Motor Car, Reo passenger Ashland W aiting— East Sida Pnar- cars and Reo Speedwagon, Cole raacy JACKSONVILLE-M EDrORD eight and Marmon cars; also used DAILY EXCEPT SLNDAY cars. Four-Site Sales Agency. E ffective Nov. 9, 1921 Telephone 4. Beaver Block, Ash­ LV. J ’S ’NV’LE LV. MEDFORD land. 87tf 7:00 a. m. 7:40 a. m. I 7:20 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 9:50 a. a. C. B . L A M K I N 9:20 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 10:46 a. m. 11:16 a. m. ¡12:00 noon 12:30 p. m. BARGAINB ÍN 1:20 p. m. 1 :50 p. m. 2:45 p. m. Real Estate 3:20 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. ra 6:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 6:55 p. m. City and Ranch Properties 7:00 p. m. 9 : SO p. ra. H ouses to R ent. 8:00 p. m. Sat. only 7:20 p. m. 9:50 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. Call at For Christmas t FOR SALE— Mixed bunch cattle. Call 13-F-4-Í C. T. Morris. 88-4* '*R. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and ---------- ---------------- ------------------------ | Surgeon. Practice limited to APPLES— Splendid for cooking and ®y®. ®ar» dobo and throat. Glasses eating. A few more boxes left.! iupplled. Oculist and aurist for 50 lb. box $1.00 delivered. Phone $• p - Offices, M. i \ and H. 9 -F -ll. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 Paints Wall Paper Sanitas We willingly give prices and figure a mounts needed. 88-6* 8 FOR SALE. „ i “ “ V isits at Jack son ville— Telephone' E R N E ST a c o -o p e r a tio n in m a in te n a n c e o f ca r a n d tir e s a t lo w ­ e st p o s s ib le co st. Six «room dwelling with nice furniture, well located)—at a real bargain. MASON Leedom’s Tire irelHospital Vulcanizing and id Retreading 65 North Main St. One acre tract of fine land with five room modern house for $2100. A nother for $1300. These are both good properties. ÍX4E Billings Agency REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E . M ain St.