A8HLANÎI DAILY TIDINGS I A».H I u n "MB ■H s Arrange Schedule -d 4 17-6 Evening Ext a u » lo uC L i Sunday TÏTE ASHLAND PRINTING UO. For High School Gymnasium Use OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY TAPFER TELEPHONE 39 terview today, th a t his company is now in a position to furnish lum ber and all kinds of building m aterials at a gresftly reduced price. Both of the copany’s . mills . a r e . running daily, a t full capacity-, and the pro«- pects look b rig h t JToij a building campaign th is coming year. Mr. Gagnon also owns and operates the M edford Coast electric railw ay be- tween Medford and Jacksonville, which m aintains an excellent service between the two cities. He has lived in Mdford for the past fourteen years, and is well known in Jackson county. It Josephine Chample, pastor. Bible service a t 7:30; subject, “ Tidings school a t 10 o’clock. “A place for of Joy,” sermon by pastor, Tomor- everybody and everybody in his row is the day we m ake our Xmas.* place.” M orning worship a t 11 offering for Armenia and Russia, o’clock. Sermon topic, “ P ray er.” ■ Let us be generous in our giving to Endeavor a t € :3 0 , both Interm ediate these needy children. The glee club and senior. This hour is one of the j of th e high school will furnish the most valuable of all our church ser- music at the Methodist Episcopal vices. You ought not to miss it. E t -‘ church Sunday morning under the ening worship at 7:30. Sermon topic direction of Miss M arsters. in place ia “ C hrist’s picture of the sin n er.” of the regular choir.— Charles A. The Bible school will give a Christ- Edwards, m inister. mas program on Friday, December Trinity Episcopal Chureh 23, a t 7:30 o’clock in the evening, Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond.' --------- . F ir st CSiurch of Christ, Scientist Holy communion, at 8 o’clock a. n t. Morning , Pioneer vanue South. Sunday ser Sunday school at 9:45. service and sermon at 11. Everyone , vices a t 11 o’clock; subject of les son, “ Is the universe including man cordially invited. I evolved by atomic force.” Sunday ~ school at 10 o’clock. W ednesday CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF evening m eeting a t 8 o’clock. R ead­ ing room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and holidays. Owing to the num erous demands E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon for the use of the high school gym­ Postoiflee as Second-class Mail Mat nasium, which is the only one in te r. _ Ashland, the following schedule has vfo <$> .i i> -it There’s a feeling within U3 • nesday a n d Friday afternoons; Tues- th a t loves to revert To the m erry old tim es th a t • day and Thursday evenings and Sat- .♦> <♦> <•' »; • <3> 'S> <$> noon. Cliff Payne makes foot stools. High school girls— Tuesday and One of the most fateful of words Thursday afternoons and Wednes- is “ if.” It is half of life as th a t word day - evenings. Is spelled, and it is the pivotal word Y„ M. C. A. business, men’s club— ’, in perhaps half of all the im portant, pj-iday evenings. actions in life— possibly more than Ju n io r high school— Saturday ev- half. enings. . Presbyterian Chureh from E astern m ills ju st in. Con­ --------- • American Legion— Monday even- Sunday school a t 9:4-5 o’clock. M ethodist E piscopal Chureh siderable drop in prices on sam e. The w rath of men, vented in war- tngs. Morning worship a t 11. Rev. C. C. Sunday school a t 9:45 o’clock; fare, has brought more anguish a n d ------------------------------ GOOD CEDAR POSTS H ulet will preach both m orning and Dr G w Gregg, superintendent, ruin to this world than any o th e r, New prices on implements and re­ evening. Ju n io r C hristian Endeavor Morning services at 11. Hon. B. F. pairs. . New and used sewing calam ity. If ever the tim e w’ere at 4:30 o clock In the a ftern o o n ., Linda8i of Medford, will speak; sub­ machines for sale or to re n t.. . .•. ripe for abolishing bloody strife, it interm ediate C hristian Endeavor a t j je ct, “ C hristianity the base of dis- Those interested in having a mod­ 6:30; topic, “ My Conscience’ ; Fred arm am ent.” Epworth League, 6:15; is now. Peil's Corner ern home of th eir own should w rite , Koehler, leader. W estm inster Guild I. C. W ilson, president. Evening to F. E. Conway Co., Homebuilders, at 6:30; topic, “ O ur unfinished task at 823 % West Pico St., Los Angeles, among the im m igrants.” Evening Calif. service at 7:30. P rayer m eeting Mr. Conway is a form er well- W ednesday evening a t 7:30 o’clock. The P ublic F orum colum n is a m edium for th e y C. C. Cate on th e appli­ cation of the system. P runing dem onstrations will he held a t various parts of the county, as follows: Tuesday, 10 a. m.— Glas­ • from our gow orchard. Talent. Tuesday, 2 p. m.— S. J. Evans, Ashland. W ednes­ STATIONERY DEPARTM ENT day, 11 a. m.— Ala V ista orchard. — Loose-leaf Memos Eagle Point. W ednesday, 2 p. m.— — W riting Cases Vilas orchard* 401 district. T hurs­ — Playing Cards day, 10 a. m.— Champlin orchard. -—Cribbage Boards Rogue River. Thursday, 2 p. m.— — Line-a-Day Books Van, Hovenberg, Sams Valley, F ri­ — Address Books day, 10 a. m.— Roy Nichols, Central — Fancy Boxed Stationery Point. Friday, 2 p. m.— Eddie Carl­ — Fountain Pens ton. Saturday, 10 a. m.— Chester — E versharp Pencils Fitch, Medford., — F ram ed Mottoes — Fram ed Pictures -—Narcissus Bulbs — Xmas Cards -—Greeting Cards P R IC E ’S CAND Y FACTO RY Beaver Block, Ashland f h Turnover Toaster The World’s Best Toastmaker Percolator Set W onderfully A ttractive Ho'uehold Iran “The Iron that Women Designed** Chafing Dish The Life of the Party X m a s G ift S u g g e stio n s M i Waffle Iron Electric Waffles are Wonderful C ory Glow R adiator A ttractive. Effective, and S a /a • A ’ 7/eátii*idhoujo Toaster Stove i a Dosen Things Well Curling Iron Let the Ladies be Pleased! $ 1 .0 0 P r o f it Christmas Sale at Orres Tailor Shop now on. SHOP EARLY M c N a ir B ro s. Don’t Miss It. i Msg®* Water Heater Especially in the Nursery Electric W are for W orth-W hile Gifts Look for the window like the one above and you will find the electrical dealer who has a New Idea for you about Christmas giving. He is ready with a rather unusual suggestion that will help you solve the problem of selecting Sensible Gifts, in a way that is intelligent, tasteful and in perfect keeping with the spirit of the season. Appropriate Christinas Gifts Are offered by all of our local merchants, and we com­ mend their stocks to you for selection. Coffee Percolator kes Gfood Coffee Better gives you this New Idea in the “ 1921 Cl rictmas News”. All you have to do is walk into the store which has the Westinghouse Window and ask for this little publication on worth­ while giving. It will tell you of a plan for giving gifts of real and lasting value, Electric Ware, for Christmas. There is good news for everyone in the “ 1921 ” Christmas News. Sew M otor Many Household Uses Jordan Electric Co. Such a gift will prove a great encouragement for the development of habits of thrift, and success. Ashland, .W arm ing Pad F or C om fort and F or H ealth W @ s tm g h o u s e Here at the bank we also have one Christmas suggestion to make. I t ’s the gift of a savings account—appropriate tor everyone, but especially to be considered among the gifts for the kiddies. The Citizens Bank * Ashland, Oregon Traveler's Iron > 3 pound« F ob es S u p p ly Co. Wholesale Distributors, Portland, Oregon Hot Plate Light, Convenient and Clean Oregon .V