PAOB FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Detrlck's Groceteria sells for less. R eturns from C a lif o r n ia - Christmas Parcel Post Information— to look a f t e r th is m a tte r a n d d e ­ cern 30 a n d w ill be show n in th e P o rtla n d , fo r th e ir C h ristm a s c h e er. Mrs. J. M. Pool, 257 Third street, Tell the receiving clerk what your te rm in e w hy th is re m a in s u n p a id M eth o d ist E p isco p a l c h u rc h . I t is T h a t is a sp len d id th in g fo r th em Sw itchm en Sw itched-— has returned from Fort Jones, Calif., parcel contains, advises Postmaster fo r a n d how p a y m e n t w ill be effect-! C layton S ta p le s a n d his w ife E s th e r, to do, a n d we can g lad ly a s s u re th em Diamond rings— m u « law ifl«» tor B. M. Sherman and A. H. Trafton, where she has been visiting Mrs. B. J. Kaiser. There are three items ed. W h ile th is is believed to be a w’ho a r e e x c ep tio n a lly good a r tis ts t h a t A sh la n d P o st a p p re c ia te s th e ir cash, beautiful $150 stoba at X 5 , Southern Pacific switchmen, hate John King, of that city, tor th? past necessary for the clerk to know:| pu b lic d e b t, th e L egion is g r e a t ly 1 in “ c ra y o n a n d s a n d .” I t is s ta te d a c tio n . and a larger $200 oho at $85. Please switched places, the former going to fifteen days. First, the classification he should in te re s te d , so m u ch so in fac t, t h a t t h a t th e ir w ork is so good a s to write D. R., care of Tidings. 90-1 Watsonville, Calif., and the latter apply; second, whether he should- it ra ise d $75 by su b s c rip tio n am o n g be h a rd ly d istin g u is h a b le fro m re a l TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY coming here from that city. Armory Dance, Saturday n&ht. apply on the parcel the “fragile’’, its m em b e rs in a b o u t th re e m in u te s, j p a in tin g s. T hey h av e a very p le a s­ A nother F ly in g B eaver— LADIES FREE. 90-2 mark; third, whether he should ap-’ • » • ing e n te r ta in m e n t in a d d itio n to FO UN D— W’oolen shaw l. O w ner call There will be a dance at Kings­ a t T id in g s office a n d pay fo r a d , Aldred was the “flying Beaver*’ ply the “perishable” mark. T h e1 A sh la n d Po^jt is m o re th a n p le a s - ’ th e ir p ic tu re w ork. 90-2 bury Springs December 17.. 89-3 who came down from Portland last Events arranged for all classes of question of applying thes^ marks is ♦ ♦ ♦ ed w ith th e lyceurn c o u rse w hich i t • week, Mederlth being a student In shooters. You will have an equal determined by the clerk on the con­ T h e U n iv ersity of O regon glee club is sh o w in g to th e A sh la n d pu b lic | the state university at Eugene, and P astor Is Lucky H u n t e r - chance for a prise at the big turkey tents, and not by the container. h a s can celled its d a te w ith us fo r th is w in te r. T h e ta le n t so f a r show n Rev. C. F. Koehler, who Is- holding shoot next Sunday. expected home this evening to Bpend 90-1 h a s been e x c e p tio n a lly good, w ith th e p re se n t, on a c c o u n t of re a so n s special services every night this the holidays with his folks, who T u rk e y sh o o t n e x t S u n d ay . F o o t e v e ry re a s o n to believe th a t th e tw o know n only to th e m , b u t a r e s u re Why h is face is glad w ith live at 916 Iowa street. week in the church at Merrill, is en­ S teven s R estau ran t S o ld — pleasure, of O ak s tr e e t, b e g in n in g a t 10 o ’clock n u m b e rs y et to com e will be even to be w ith us on th e ir a n u n a l sp rin g joying some early morning expedi­ The Stevens restaurant, 652 A a. m. 90-1 b e tte r. W e will be m ig h ty glad to Even though you enjoy leisure, M adam K lu g sd o rf a p p e a re d j to u r. Chocolate creams of quality. Rose tions after the wild geese of Klam­ street, was sold yesterday to W. R. As you enter to Ills presence w elcom e th em to A sh lan d , because w ith h e r co m p an y a t th e B ap tist Brothers. 57.5 ath county. The family at home are Hartman, of Portland, and formerly On a tray, w heat essence. they alw ay s give m o re th a n y o u r c h u rc h la s t T u e sd a y n ig h t, a n d if enjoying some delicious roasts as a interested in land development in w e m ay be a llo w e d to ju d g e fro m m o n ey ’s w o rth of e n te rta in m e n t. V isitin g F arm ers (S ee you to m o rro w ) consequence. eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hart­ * * • th e e x p re ssio n o f pleased s u rp ris e a t “Jack” Callahan, of the Ashland man are now looking for a house, CHERRO FLOUR such ric h ta le n t as show n by h e r, T h e A m erican L egion A u x ilia ry is Fruit and Produce association, has Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk intending to make their permanent A Hard W heat Flour o f Fatuous w e c a n w ell be s a tis fie d w ith o u r p la n n in g to send a big box o f joy to been piloting F. W. Merrill, of the Twin»— 10 cent» 80tf home in Ashland. F. C. Stevens, Blend— G uaranteed co u rse . th e d isa b le d c o m ra d e s w ho a r e a t Albers Milling company, Portland? former owner of the cafe, will re­ T h e n e x t n u m b e r w ill com e De­ p re s e n t q u a rte re d iu a h o sp ita l n e a r around among the dairy and poultry Ladles see the Dainty Holiday main in Ashland but will not engage farmers for several days. They ex­ Frocks Mrs. Larkin Grubb has made In any business for at least a month, pect to finish tomorrow. f The newly-opened roller skat­ for you, at The Home Dressmaking- he stated this morning. ing rink at the Natatorium is Millinery Shop, 114 Third St. 90-1 'proving an Irresistible attraction Candy and hand made gifts of all Forty-H our W e e k - to school boys, forty of whom kinds. Buy your Christmas presents R eturn from C alifornia— Beginning this week, the car shop­ Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Bateman .have at the Parent-Teachers sale Satur­ men of the Southern Pacific local played “hookey” yesterday after- day night at Hawthorne entertain­ returned from Long Beach, Calif yards, are working on a forty-hour inoon In order to “roll on the roll­ way.” Teachers became suspicious ment at High school gym. 89-8 and are now located at thetr home, w«ek, “laying off” Saturdays. 286 Vista street. Mr. and Mrs. Bate­ at the great number of absentees Armory Dance, Saturday night. man have been in Long Beach for If you shoot a gun, attend the and proceeded to do a little de­ LADIES FREE. 90-8 the past four weeks, called there by turkey shoot, foot of Oak atreet, tective work. Getting in ’phone the serious Illness of Mr. Bateman’s next Sunday. touch with parents and others, the 90-1 Comes Tomorrow— mother, Mrs. Charles Bateman, who truants were soon located, round­ John Anderson, a University of is now Improving. Mrs. Charles Bate­ Poet Office Slogan Today— ed up at tne “Nat” where their Oregon student, Is expected home man will be remembered by Ashland names were taken and later en­ Early to buy— early to mail— tomorrow, to spend the holidays friends as a resident of this city Early to reach the end of the trail. tered In the pedagogical record We Can and Will Save You Money on All Kinds of with his parents, who live at 480 about ten years ago. books. But— “WhaVs five min­ e Holly street. Oliver Anderson, who Armory Dance, Saturday night. utes -lickin' to five hours fun?" BUILDING MATERIAL Is attending the Oregon Agricultural After today, Tuesdays, Thursdays LADIES FREE. 90-2 boys inquire. » college, is expected home about and Saturday afternoons will be re­ Tuesday' served for women and children at Students Win the Natatoiium ¿Rating rink. 90 1 Following are the prize winners Our line Is complete in Holiday AMERICAN LEGION in the ticket sale contest for the goods, such as you may want for the Everything n^w and oleao at Det­ Winter Fair: Fay Parker and) John (Continued from Page 1) kiddies. White House Groceteria. rick’s Grooeteria. Fraley, watches; Lucy Davis, $10; ttacfiel '"Hurat pair o f\ shoes; Katie ■for all the ex-service men of the 89-8 Espee Men “Laid Off”— Buchanan, $6. The second aud last community. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING Student W orker H e r e - John Rigg was appointed to rep The Southern Pacific Railroad prizes were not offered, but were Robert D. Hall, recently of New company is reducing Its force at the given as extra rewards for unusually resent the American Legion in co­ York City, now of San Francisco, local yards, two assistants In the good work. The students sold about operation with the Red Cross and made a visit between trains Thurs­ store room having been “laid o f f ’ $400 worth of tickets, which equal­ the Ministerial association, in car­ day with the family of A. M. Bea­ and F. R. Byers, T. F. Carmony and led the amount sold by the Fair peo­ ing for Indigent ex-service men who ver, 916 Iowa street. Mr. Hall Is a T. F. Collum being slated for dis­ ple, who were much pleased with pass through Ashland, and ask as­ nephew of Mrs. Beaver. Mr. Hall is missal Monday. Decrease of busi­ the students' work. sistance. • * * employed by the World’s Student ness is given as the reason for less­ LUMBER & BOX FACTORY Christian federation, which is rep­ ening the working force. Ladles see the Dainty Holiday The Memorial monument erected resented In America by John R. Frocks Mrs. Larkin Grubb has made last year by the citizens of Ashland Mott, chairman of the Council of There will be a dance at Kings­ for you, at The Home Dressmaking- remains partially unpaid for, so Ash­ MEDFORD Phone 859 OREGON 89-3 Millinery Shop, 114 Third St. North American Student Movements. bury Springs December 17. 90-1 land Post has appointed a commit­ tee consisting of Don M. Spencer, Don’t forget to see the Mora Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk chairman, V. V. Mills, Dr. Gordon Pump at the Ford garage. 89tf Twine 10 cent» «otf Twtta—-io osata W tf MacCracken, and S. A. Peters Jr., LOCAL AND PERSONAL CHERRO CHIMES Students Desert School For Nat Roller Skating Let Us You Build That New House We operate two Saw Mills»» One at Medford and one at Jacksonville J. T. GAGNON Grocery Sale JBIG STOCK—SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH TO BE SOLD Ai"* il.. » ! Prices Cut and Slashed to the U m it to Unload -i • -- Our Grocery Price Convincers Will S a ve You M oney t Sale L J « Friday, December 16th 00M B IN AND SEE AND H E L P E M PT Y O U R G ROCERY S H E L V E S B E F O R E C H R IST M A S DAY We quote a few prices to show what this Sale means to buyers. T h is stock of Gr< iceries m ust be sold Highest grade Coffee, vacuum packed iu Economy Glass Jars. Regular value 45c. Sale p rice.. 39c 1 pound Bulk Coffee, regular value 30c. Sale price ................ .......... ..............................19c All Red Can Coffee, regular value 45c- Sale price ........................... ..............• .............. 40c 3 pounds Bulk Coffee, regular value $1.20. .Sale price .................... .....................................................98c Folger’s Red Can Coffee, 2 1-2 pounds, regular value $1.10. Sale price ............. ............................. 85c Package Japan Tea, regular v in e 25c. Sale price............................................. ..............18c, 2 for 25c 1 pound Young Hyson Tea, regular value 60c. Sale p r ic e ................... .....................................35c 1 can Sardines in oil, regular value 10c. Sale price .-......................... ............................................... 5c Package Arm & Hammer Soda, regular value 10c. Sale p r ic e ............................... ...... 7c, 4 for 25c Package Vitos Cream of Wheat, regular value 35c. Sale price ................ ......................... q ........ 24c SPECIAL LOW PRICES’ ON ALUMINUM WARE •- ■ • r . . . ? B ottle Cane and M aple S yrup, r e g u la r value 35c Sale price ......................................................................21c P ackage P an ca k e F lo u r, re g u la r value 15c. Sale p rice .................................. 10c 4 pound sack P an cak e F lo u r, reg u la r value 60c. Sale P rice ........... *.................... 35c Package L ong C ut S m oking T obneco, reg u la r v a lu e 10c. Sale price ....................................................... 5c Iv o ry Soap F lak es, package, régula r value 15c. Sa le p r i c e ........................................................ 10c, 3 for 25c P e a rl W hite L au n d ry Soap, r e g u la r value 5c. S a le price ................................................ 25 bars for $1.00 T oilet Soap, re g u la r value 10c. S a le price ............................................................................. 25 bars for $1.00 P e a rl H om iny, 9 pound sack, r e g u la r value 35c. Sale price ..................................................................... 30c P lum P u d d in g , re g u la r value 40c. Scale p r i c e ........................... ..................................................................... 30c C orn Meal, 9 pound sack, re g u la r v a lu e 30c. S ale price ................................................................... . .. 27c . / • A L L G R O C E R IE S RED U CED a ALSO SPECIALS ON UNDERWEAR, RIBfcONS, SWEATERS AND MEN S SHIRTS REMEMBER WE CARRY DISHES, DOLLS, TOYS AND CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES £ ~ T ’Z S - a S S S g J S ' •;?. - - W O W ILL SAVE MONEY BY TRADING AT OUR STORE , V TRUAX STORE Th« Truax Co., Props. / A J MEDFORD, OREGON