BAGS FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ■ m as■ S h UHS naval armaments, but Just let some horrid man propose to déprive girls and women of powder puffs! the law. Said league should stand names and address signifying their for the enforcem ent of all laws. desire to do so. Established 1876 Doubtless there are wrongs In gov­ D. M. BROWER. Published Every Evening Except ernm ent and there are laws th a t are T he P u b lic F orum colum n is a Sunday m ed iu m for the, exp ression s of THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. hu rtfu l, but h u rtfu l laws may be re­ W ith modern apparatus we can T idfogs readers. A rticles subm it- pealed or made void an d evil9 th a t ike your p o rtrait at night as well OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY Scjd JTofP CA.* in th e daytime. Make your ap- PAPER Origan status third- among the cued 4 0 0 w ords. V ie w s exrpqseed are inherant In present forms of TELEPHONE 39 Pacific coast states and forty-first in under th is head a r e not to be con­ government may be gotten rid of by j intm ent today. Phone No. 8.— fu sed w ith th e e d ito r ia l oplniqn o f tr’.ing studio. P o rtraits th a t am ending constitutions. It was Ben­ Subscription- Price D elivered in City the nation in point of development. th e new spaper, th e T idings being jam in Franklin, I believe, that said One m onth .................................. $ .6! This is because Oregon' has lacked willing to allow " p resen tation o f in commenting on the original con­ Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.9£ sufficient vision or faith in its own both aides of any q u estion except Six months .................................. 3.7£ i resources to advertise. stitution, “The best part o fit was p olitics and religion . Ona year ..................................... 7.5( th a t it could be am ended.” There is California has advertised and B reak fast Bacon, 3S c; H am s, S5c; M ail a n d R u r a l R o u te s a legal way to remove ills from the One m o n th • • » . . « • • • • • • • . . . 9 *6£ gained 1,500,000 people— ~2% to the Shou lders, 2 5 c ; Lard, 15e; All social body, but we get nowhere and“ Three months .............................. 1.9S square mile. Washington was awake R oasts, 14-ltfc; Six m o n th s ...................................... 3.5( to Its Qwn Interest and now has 1,- we are breeding anarchy by the non­ Steaks, 2 5 c; One year ..................................... 6.5i B oiling B eef, 20c; W eenies, H am ­ enforcem ent of law. A good citizen 500,000 people, or 20 to the square will observe the law and will help ADVERTISING RATES burger and Sausage, 20c; Tur­ mile. Oregon lags behind with less Display Advertising the officials to enforce law ; regard"- than 800.000, and only eight people k eys, 40c; Chickens, 8Oc. Single Insertion, each in c h ........... 30c le8s of w hether they be so-called to the square mile. YEARLY CONTRACTS blue laws or not. .Oregon's governmental 'expense Display Advertising The w riter requests all readers of One tim e a w eek........................27 has caused high taxes. The remedy j Two times a week....................... 25 c to reduce taxes is to invite more county' this article who are willing to o r­ Every other d a y ........................... 20 c J . M. GRIMSLEY ganize a law enforcem ent league to people into the state to yay them. ’ ' His Local Readers eith er phone, w rite or call, give their Each line, each tim e .................... 10c- Automatically more people bring In- len-ged To run every other dby for one creased taxable wealth. it is t month, each line, each tim e. . 7c Oregon's exposition in 1925 la the s e lfa n To run every issue for one month vehicle through which the situation efforts or more, each line, each t im e .. 5c can be met. A state tax outside of they gc Classified Column One cent the word each time. Portland