PÀofl tw o fri» abhlánd o liti ttíwieoi Por Xmas candies, nuts, raisins, etc., try D etrick’s. Cliff Payne makes foot stools. COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS A pples Going to ’F risco— ä n ts It A carload of apples, odd varie­ ties, was yesterday started roll­ ing for San Francisco by the Ash­ land F ru it an d Produce associa tion. M anager A. C. Briggs re­ ports the apple m arket still very quiet, but strengthening in antici­ pation of the early w inter apples being soon off the m arket. The annual m eeting of the ossociaQon will occur January 7 of next year. you can obtain a t this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desive in pots, pans and preserving ke>- tles. A little Journey through our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. SIM PSO N’S HARDW ARE See H aw thorne children at H. S. gymnasium Saturday evening. C antata, drill, special music— High school gym., December 17, at 7:45 p. m. Spend W inter in C alifornia— Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, of Glenn .avenue, left this week for south­ ern California, where they expect to remain this w inter. A remarkable offering that will be snapped up by Discriminating Men. selections of Men’s Neckwear ever shown in Ashland. inspection. Just Arrived! Everything at this store will stand the most critical Workmanship and materials are excellent in every desirable shade. They won’t last long. One of the biggest At extremely low prices Better come early and make your selection. Keep us in mind for Christmas Gifts for HIM M I T C H E L L ’S BY THE POST OFFICE Local and Personal ■■ For sale by P. F. CLOSE, Agent Riverside Garage 132 So. Riverside, Medford, Ore EXCURSION TICKETS Will be on Sale at ONE AND FARE for the ROUND TRIP daring Christmas Holidays Between All stations where the one-way fare doe» not exceed >25.00 Minimum round trip fare— >2.50 Sale dates— December 22-28 and 24th Final return limit January 4th For fu rth er particulars, ask Agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. PLAZA MARKET FRESH LINE OF XMAS CANDIES AND NUTS Best Quality and Lowest Prices We Always Lead in GROCERIES AND MEATS PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET D etricks’ P laza.” G roceteria “on the If you haven’t taken up this sport, why not open either iiuSvidual First National Savings Accounts for all the members, or one big th rift ac­ count? • M cM innvill inns H ere— C. J. Reid, Jam es Reid, their wives and children, arrived yester­ day from McMinnville and are stop­ ping a t the Belle rooming house. Dort like a W ort— hard to wear out. New Dort Motor Car— see the I Four-Site Sales Agency. 87-1 moi You couldn't give the family a bet­ ter Christm as gift, for it lasts the whole year. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon See Santa Claus and Star Queen i Saturday night. Ashland News in Paragraphs The Liberty Six Touring Car Help Ashland keep the Mora Pump ; company. 89tf ir you can get the entire family playing the th rift game, it will prove more fascinating than cards or ten­ nis. ; R eturns from F riseo ^- D. Perozzi returned last evening . from San Francisco, where he went ■ last week on business. FOR TH E CHRISTMAS TABLE we have all sorts of reiishea and table dainties. Nowhere else will you find so much grocery quality coupled with economy as here. Come and leave your order now for de­ livery when you like. When you find out how much better our groceries are and how much you save on your order, you’ll be thankful you accept­ ed our iuvitatlou. —- Side Lights — One hundred children H aw thorne school— High school gymnasium, Our Netted Oem potatoes are still , NOTICE Saturday evening. >2.60 per 100 pounds. White House ______ Roller skating rink open levdry Groceteria. 89-2 afternoon and evening from 2 to 5, Sweet cream for sale. Rpse and 7 to 10. At the Nat. 88tf Brothers. 87-5 | Sprained Ankle— . Miss Bernice Yeo, who is study­ Returns to Medford— Barber Shop E n larged— ing music at the University of Ore- Miss Claudia Klum has re tu rn e d 1 The F ourth Street barber shop has gon, had th e m isfortune to sprain; home from Ashland where she s p e n t!been enlarged by the addition of a n ­ her ankle recently. She is expected the week end as the guest of Miss other room, which provides a pleas­ home Saturday to spend the boll M arjorie Fifleld. — Medford Mail ant place for railroad men and oth­ days. ers to spend th eir leisure time, as Tribune. It Is fitted up like a small club. An Have your olothsa cleaned thia P arent-teacher entertainm ent extra bath room has also been a d d e d .; week and avoid the Obstetatfa rush. High Bchool Saturday night. Panlseruds. 86tf The Baptist ladies w|ll hold a I Hotel Ashland Grill caters toi food and fancy work sale at Enders Saturday th e 17th Will be the last home-folks as well ae to commercial I grocery Saturday, December 17. 8 7 t f l l 61tf day of our coffee sale. Come in and men and tourists. Stop a t the Ford garage and see supply your demands— the time to the Mora Pump. 89tf I “Pop” Gates for Governo: buy. White House Groceteria 89-2 If ‘Pop’ Gates, mayor of Medford decides to be a candidate for g o v er-' ^ ew Bel,e Landlady Remodeling Residence— Mrs’ G’ H ’ Stevens- form erly Mrs. James E. Fuller is remodeling his nor in the republican prim aries he; residence property at Laurel and will have th e solid backing of Jack- V. L. Strickland, of Gerber. Calif., North Main streets, now occupied by son county,” predicts Ben Sheldon, is the new landlady of the Belle his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and representative of th a t county. Mr. rooming house on F ourth street. Mrs. H. T. Elmore, and family. One Sheldon is in town getting inform a­ Christm as tree favors a t Rose of the downstairs rooms la being en­ tion on several subjects. For in­ larged and improved especially for stance, he is to meet with th e state Brothers. Mr. Fuller, who expects-to make his highway commission relative to H ealth Bread. P u re M alted Milk home with the Elmorea. The kitch­ work on the C rater Lake highway; Twin«— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf en Is also to ba enlarged and the he has been consulting with mem­ downstairs floors relaid with hardk bers of the special com m ittee ap­ Move« to E ast M ain— wood. A sleeping- porch is to be pointed by Governor Olcott to sug­ Mrs. Belle Butcher has rented the built over Mr. Fuller’s , room, the gest regulations for the state high­ Belle rooming house and moved to front porch widened and supported ways, and he has been sounding sen­ 573 East Main street. by a cement wall. This is consid­ tim ent relative to the 1925 exposi­ ered one of the finest residence loca­ tion and the various plans for financ­ Furnished house for re n t; also tions In Ashland, being on the Pa­ ing th a t undertaking. By th e end furnished ^ p a rtm e n t; see Billings cific highway ‘w ith a magnificent of the week, Mr. Sheldon expects to Agency. 89.3 v|aw of Grlzxly peak. have enough inform ation under his hat to enable him to meet the special I Keep Ashland money in A shland Santa Claus and Star Queen— session with a brave heart.— Port-, invest It in Mora Pump Company High school gymnasium, Saturday, land Oregonian. stock. 89tf December 17, 7:45 p. m. We have a large shipment of f COMRADES OF BURNSIDE POST: The finest Crater Lake pictures pears, peaches and apricots in the ______ on the market. “EVttetapn Plcturee” regular size can at 25 cents or four The removal of Comrade Charles at Darling Sttitllo. 85tf for 90 cents. White House Groce­ Ganiere from our ranks by death has teria. 89-2 brought to us a loss which words Players Leave Town— cannot tell, and which can be mea­ The Popular Players, who have Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, sured only by the sadness of ourj recently given a number of theatri­ 20 cents. Enders Confectionery.62tf hearts, when we recall what he has cal performances at the Armory, been to us, and to the world at la rg e .’ left for Hornbrook, Calif., yester­ Presbyterian Church Annex— and rem em ber th a t we shall see him! day. After spending two days in The Presbyterian church annex no more on earth. that city and a week in Yreka, the is finally completed. Architect W. We tender our sym pathy to the troupe expects to return to Ashland T. Hoyt, designer and overseer, fanllly a n d near friends; and while for another engagement, reaching did most thorough worlc. Con­ we realize th a t th eir hearts m ust be here December 27. tra c to r G reaser and his m en also filled with sorrow over him who was did a good job and th e m embers 30 much to them , yet we believe that For the New Year» present your­ of th e congregation feel happy many grateful memories wrhich come self with a new Dort Cgr, eoooomlcal over th e result. The dedication from such a life, as naturally as on tires, oil, gasoline. . Four-Site will occur December 29. Dr. W. odor from frankincense, will do Sales Agency. S7-lmo L. Van Nuys of P ortland and Dr. much to console their minds. W. O. Forbes, of Seattle, W ash., Comrade Ganiere has passed from | We hgve a few uncalled-for suits will be special guests of the oc- our ranks by promotion. He was and overcoats which are exceptional casion. nedeed elsew here. Let*us close up values. Paulserud’a. 86tf our ranks and march faithfully for-! Gardner Wins Appointment— Orres. Tailors for men and wom­ ward. County Judge G. A. Gardner has en. Cleaning, pressing and remod­ O ur ranks .a re w'atsting, Close up! : 85tf been appointed .a member of the leg­ eling. Close up! islation committee of the state as­ Life’s sun Is hasting. Close up; ' Beat Cullfornia butter, 95 cents sociation df county judges and 'com­ Close up! per two pound roll at White House missioners, which held its annual Evening and th a t last bugle call— 1 Groceteria., 89-2 Lights out: will come to one and all,! convention In Portland this week. But It need not our souls appall, ■ As long as thia ad remains In this Return te Medford— Close up! Close up! paper It is not too late for us to - Mrs. S. B. Sandifer, who lately (Signetl) finish your portrait for Ohrlstmas. w underwent a successful operation G. O. VAN NATTA, Darling Studio — Porttwlts that at a local hospital, was taken back "*'T J. P. SAYLE, Flaaaa. U tt ’ vi r to Medford yesterday. ; A. C. SPENCER. rAl L 'S 153EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 59 ®UAU TY CROCERY CEMERAL DELIVERY S Y S T E M « » E P V ir r W H EN you bring a tire or l ube Io our Shop to be vulcan­ ized, you can banish all doubts in your mind as tc how the job will he done Small cuts receive the same attention as a full section. Our work must he satis factory, or no charges. KRUGGEL BROTHERS ■ GUARANTEED VULCANIZING T IR E S A CCESSO RIES TEL.125 ASHLAND,ORECON 91 OAK ST. STARTS .TODAY W rnCATER BEAL'TOiX Two Minutes To Go —S tarring— Kcal Ray Action, Real Ray Humor, Real Ray Heart- punch in Richard A ndre’s quick-moving play of football, college and castles in the air. Such—a—thrill! ----- Also----- ■ THE POPULAR “ S K IP P E R ” 111 “ THE S K IP P E R ’S BOOZUM FRIEN D S” SUNDAY— CONSTANCE TALMADGE