ÀflfiLÀftD DAfLÎ tttJÍÑQS 1*ÀGB FOUR Tknfsdaj', TkVPinker 1M, Í0JÉ1 ■ M M i C alifornia Speeders— H ealth Bread. L. A. Kingsley and F ran k Kendle, Tw ins— 10 cen ts Ashland News in Paragraphs P u re M alted Milk Never worry over the fellow who A Douglas county clip was pro­ Oakdale ........................... 8 9 tf boasts th a t he is going to lick you nouuced by a buyer equal in quality Perrydale ......................... 78 26 10 10 . of Los Angeles, left Portland Tues­ at sight. His eyesight Is probably to any produced In the United States day morning at 9 o’clock and a r­ There will be a dance at Kings- j poor. i which indicates that we have here 192 Total .......................1080 Locai and Personal rived a t Hotel Ashland late In the bury Springs December 17. 89-3 ---------------------------------- in western Oregon unusually good O ther County P recincts evening of the same day. They ex­ ■■ - — Side Lights--------------------- NORTHWEST NEEDS natural conditions for the produc No Yei pected to "m ake” Sacram ento yes­ Elks Dance Merrily— WOOL MILLS, SAYS tion of flne wools. 16 E. Phoenix ....................... 26 Candy and hand made gifts of all terday. The E lk s’ semi-monthly dance was GROW ERS’ H EAD The chief reason why so much of W. Phoenix ..................... 24 34 Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 kinds. Buy your Christm as presents enjoyed last night by about eighty ---------- ' our wool is graded out and sold at Rock Point ..................... 8 11 R. A. M. You owe It to yourself and fam-i couples. at the Parent-Teachers sale Satur­ Carl Loveland’s seven- (Continued from Page 1) fa low price In iuferiority of a n im als/ Rogue River .................. 25 25 M asonic H all, A shland. day night at Hawthorne entertain- ily to trade where your dollar goes piece orchestra furnished the finest due to poor breeding. Only 1000 Rovy Ann ....................... 30 13 so long as the buyer is told just 89-2 farthest. D etrick’s Groecteria. 89eo kind of music for the m errym akers. ment at High school gym. pounds was graded out of my 18,000 Sams V a lle y ..................... 11 34 w hat he Is getting. Notice of Mectinsf. The E lks’ New Year ball, which will 3 25 ‘‘It is'com m only believed th at su­ pound clip of Merino and Ramboull- Griffen Creek . . S tated convocation, this (T hurs­ V isitor from P in eh u rst— be given Jan u ary 2, is one of the big W ill L eave for Lane County— let wool. At the W inter F a ir last 10 N. Jacksonville . 37 perior climatic conditions are re­ day) evening, December 15. Degree J. J. Tracy came over Green Thomas McKinnis and family, of social events of the season in Ash­ sponsible for the superior fineness of week many visitors were astonished S. Jacksonville 41 5 petitions to dispose of. Election of Springs mountain from Pinehurst Factory street, expect soon to go to land. to see a fleece weighing twenty-four Barron. ................ 4 19 New Zealand and A ustralian wool. officers and routine business. Re­ yesterday and registered at Hotel Lane county for a time to look after pounds. I had six bucks which Butte Falls . . . . 5 19 freshm ents. Visiting companions Ashland. H ealth Bread. Pure M alted Milk TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY property interests there. sheared thirty pounds each. N. Central Point 6 85 welcome. V. V. MILLS, H. P. 8 9 tf T w ins— 10 cen ts "The present price of Oregon S. Central Point ------- — 20 77 FORD TOURING 1919, a bargain if wnn , / / « 7 n il, T W. H. DAY, Secretary. Quality the best— prices th e low- ! Our line Is complete in Holiday; taken at once. Call Buick serv- w° o1 ,8 15 to 2b ceuts- Ohio sheeP Eagle Point ..................... 34 24 There will be a dance at K ings­ goods, such as you may want for the est. D etrick’s— on the Plaza. 89eod' ice station. 89-2* men> who are well organized, were Gold Hill 24 61 bury Springs December 17. 89-3 Christm as tree favors a t Rose kiddies. W hite House Groce»Peria. j — —— ----------------------------- able to sell for 40 cents.” ] ■ i ----- ?-!:------._______________ FOR SALE— 20 acres on highway. | ______________________ _ Brothers. W here $ 2 0 0 0 W ent— 89-2 S. & W. D em onstration— This is a bargain. Masou & Man- (« o i - v ' ty h a t h cR r»iTv ii Miss G ertrude Blede, city record­ nlng, T alent,'O r.» 89tf hAIK GROUND The Holmes’ grocery at 98 North We ask every family to try Malted er, explains th at over $2000 of the ELECTION CARRIES Don’t forget to see the Mora Main street, have fixed up a very FOR RENT— General store, good Milk Twin Bread. If you find It not money received from the sale of BY VOTE OF 1 18« TO 1OOO Said a brown loaf to a biscuit, 89tf Pump at the Ford garage. attractiv e booth in the Renter of building, low rent, long time to be the best, your grocer will be I’ve been thin kin g rat her loose let property taken over by the city, be­ lease. Mason & Mantling, Tal­ the store, which will be used this glad to return your money by order (Continued from Page 1) Of the m aster’s keen enjoym ent ent, Or. 89tC Keep Ashland money in Ashland. cause of non-payment of special Saturday for dem onstrating S. & W. of the m aker. 87tf At your crisp and hot entoym ent. street assessments, was used to re­ Invest it in Mora Pump Company ' V‘ ^ledford .............. 61 canned goods. Mr. Holmes has FOR SALE— Several good farm s— place money borrowed from the wa­ 12 stock. 89tf 41 acres; 43 acres; 63 acres; 42 O rchard Home .............. 10 (See you tomorrow) Rowley Home Sold— te r fund. Exactly w hat disposition spared no expense in m aking this acres; 34 acres; 32 acres; / 10 N. Main .......................... 99 18 dem onstration a very attractive a f ­ The Alva Rowley family expect Com ing Home Sunday— will be made of the proceeds from acres; 5 acres; 8 acres. Wo will g. Main .......................... 43 CHERRO FLOUR 17 fair for the people of Ashland. He soon to move to the north part of be pleased to show you this land. N r »n tr„, ci Mrs. Pearl M. Dodge, who is era-) the sale of additional properties has 13 A Hard W heat Flour o f Fam ous will dem onstrate over sixty 'varie­ Mason & Manning. Talent, Or. 89tf _ ’ ' ‘ ' .................... town, their present Residence on ployed in the tre a su rer’s office of not definitely been decided. -------- ------------------------------------------- S. Central ..................... 130 13 Blend— G uaranteed ties. Invitations have been mailed East Main street having been sold. FOR SALE— Good four room house N. Riverside ................. 72 the Southern Pacific Railroad com­ 6 and garden, ,$250, balance like. ■ ---- Our goods are priced at the rock- to the housewives of the city, invit­ pany at Berkeley, is expected to ar-j ing them to be sure and be on hand rent. Price $650. Mason & Man­ H ealth Bread. Pure M alted Milk rive in Ashland Sunday morning to bottom. “ Why pay m ore?” Det­ ning, Talent,' Or. 89tf Saturday. 89- Twins— 10 cents 89tf visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H rick ’s. 89eod LET US FURNISH you your Chrits- Johnson, 165 North Main street. H ealth B read. P u re M alted Milk mas tree, Oregon grape an d mis­ Volley Ball G a r n e r - The B aptist ladies will hold a T w in s— IO cen ts 8 9 tf tletoe. Bernard and Richard food and fancy work sale at Enders Honors were even In the volley There will be a rtince at K ings-1 Joy. Phone 228-Y before or af grocery Saturday, December 17. 87tf bu' y Springs I ecemb« / 17. 89-3: ball games played at Medford last ter school. 89-1* night between two Y. M. C. A. team s WHAT CAUSES ON GAS THE STOMACH? FOUND— Man’s bicycle. See C. W. » Stop at the Ford garage and see Pa rifired to H ighest 'Udder— from Ashland and an equal num ber Fraley, 311 Mountain Ave. 89-2* the Mora Pump. 89tf Fine $600 lot with peach trees from Medford. A shland’s first team It Is caused by ferm enting, sour, i a id t.lmond trees on N ursery S* . won three games out of four, while waste m atter In the intestines. This! DIAMOND RINGS-—Must sacrifice' for cash, beautiful $150 stone at Mrs. E lla W hite 111— next to co: t of I’ock St. W 11 s< 1 the second team lost th ree out of old, foul m atter should be thorough­ $65, and a larger $200 one a+ ly cleaned out Twith simple buck­ Mrs. Ella W hite is quite ill at her lor ash or term of $25 down ati.l four. $85. Please w rite to D. R. care thorn .bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed home on M ountain avenue at pres­ $1’ per r onth. Mai. > me an offer. of Tidings. 89-1* in Adler-l-ka. This acts on BOTH ent. Mrs. W hite received a beauti­ W hat w 'l you give for it? Here is Everything new and clean a t Det­ upper and lower bowel, removing j ful blooming plant from the flower chance for a n: e home place. W rite rick’s Groceteria. old accum ulated m atter you never FOR RENT— Furnished large first floor front room. Gas for cook­ thought was In your system. Adler- mission departm ent of the W. C. T. F. E. Conway, 8 2 3 ' ; W est Pico St., ing. 153 G ranite. Phone 411-R. i-ka relieves ANY CASE gas on the U. ladies. Los Angeles, Calif. 89-3 89-1 A dollar saved is a dollar earned. stomach. EXCELLENT for sour Moral— Trade at D etrick’s. 89eod stomach and chronic Constipation. FOR SALE— Ford roadster, $1 7 5 / This stock must be closed out as soon as possible. Our Chocolate creams of quality. Rose NOTICE Guards against appendicitis. T. K. prices are moving merchandise in large bundles— part terms. Inquire 44 Church Brothers. 87-5 ! Card party Masonic hall Friday Bolton, Druggist. NOTICE St. 89-4* hundreds of customers are saving real dollars by pro­ evening, December 16. Refresh« . Armenian lace sale a t the Boot Wholesome and healthfull- -Malt- ments 25 cents. The public is cor­ viding themselves with goods needed in the future. Shop Friday, beginning 1:30 o’clock ed Milk Twin Bread. 87tf dially invited. P- m. 89-1» CHERRO CHIMES T H E B IG Our Days are Numbered THE MORE YOU SPEND THE MORE YOU SAVE One hundred children H awthorne school— High school gymnasium, Saturday evening. ifnrnia R oller Skating— Tuesday evening the N atatorium dance hall was opened to roller skaters, of whom a half hundred or more thoroughly enjoyed the sport on the opening evening. Sweet cream Brothers. for sale. See Santa Claus and Star Queen Saturday night. Taken to Salem— Constable W. DeLong came down from Salem yesterday m orning and started back on the evening train with Ernest Hill, w anted there on a charge of grand larceny. Help Ashland keep the Mora Pum p 1 company. S9tf Just a Few Items Picked at Random: ^Sunshine and Oranges Luxite Silk Hose ..................................... Misses’ Knit Bloomers ................................19c Why not go to C alifornia’s Sunny Southland thin w inter? There you will enjoy the w arm th of an un­ clouded sun, the bathing beaches outdoor sports and the fragrance of flowers and oranges. Fines Laces, values to 15c, per y a r d ......... 4c Plain and Fancy Wide Ribbons ................. 29c Landies’ Bungalow Aprons ........................ 89c Through Sleeping Cars O bservation and D ining Cara via The Scenic Stiasta Route Provide all the comforts of modern travel. The rail journey affords an opportunity of seeing mauv interesting places on the way. Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale to Santa Barbara— Los A n geles— San D iego For fares, train schedules, descrip­ tive folders or sleeping car reserva­ tions, ask Ticket Agents, or w rite SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, THE WORLD’S FOREMOST E N G IN E E R Good Quality Bleached Muslin, yard..........17c Ladies’ Sateen Underskirts ........................ 89c 25c quality Ginghams ........................... W ere it not for the assistance the Department of the Interior has rendered, our wonderful irrigation systems, waterworks and similar Ladies Fleeced or Lisle Union Suits. . . . . .49c projects could never have been developed. Progress such as this is vital to all of us. This phase of our Men’s Silk initial Handkerchiefs...............13c government s endeavors to further prosperity is graph­ ically told in the fifth of the series of articles which All Blankets, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Men’s and Boys’ Mackinaws, Sweaters, Men’s and Boys’ Odd Pants and Shirts—All at CLOSE OUT PRICES. w e issue each month. Don’t Fail to Visit the Balcony Where All Kinds of cost to you— nor are you placing yourself under any obligation. Furnished house for ren t; also furnished ^ p a rtm e n t; see Billings Agency. 89-3 HOLIDAY TOYS are on Sale at Close Out Prices Citizens Bank oi Ashland Sm art appearance, reasonable price, dependable service, low up­ keep, slow depreciation. New Dort Motor Car. Four Site-Sales Agency.) 87-lm o 16c Heavy Weight Outing Flannel — y a rd .... 13c T o receive thia story and the ones previously pub­ lished send us your name and adaress. There’s no See H aw thorne children at H. S. gymnasium Saturday evening. 79c Children’s Knit Waists .............................. 15c Appeal to cou n tless thousands each year « Rose 87-5 Dort like a W ort— hard to wear out. New Dort Motor Car— see the Four-Site Sales Agency. 87-lm o AT THE CLOSING OUT SALE - $ I F E R G U S O N ’S Deuel’s Christmas Sale of Silks VERY beguiling article of personal adornment is suggested in some lovely phase in this assortment of shimmering, gleaming Silks. From party frocks to corsage sachet for Christmas giving, the correct and beautiful fabric is here. E FRIDAY SATURDAY Crepes—Canton, Crepe de Chine, Taffetas, Satins, Georgettes, in endless variety, each with its special inducement of a Christmas sale price. Some of the bargains: $3.00 heavy white Pongee.........................$2.65 Crepe Jersey for delicate lingerie, $3.75 quality —will sell for $3.25 • tr i Natural All-Silk Pongee $1.25 Two-toned and Plain Taffetas $2.50 values—for $2.15 Heavy Silk Shirting, formerly $2.75, for $2.45 z A pattern of Silk for one of your gifts A Crepe Back Charmeuse, $5.00 quality. On sale at $4.25 Skinner’s Satins in all colors...................$2.69 Fiber Silk Shirtings ..................................$1.25 LL Silks greatly reduced to increase the value of your Christmas dollar. • For example: Crepe de Chine in all colors— Formerly $2.25 yard. Will sell for .. $1.95 Formerly $2.90 yard. Will sell f o r ... $2.55 Formerly $1.65 yard. Will sell for . . $1.35 Canton Crepes, regularly priced at $5.25, reduced to $4.25 Black Taffeta and Messaline,^ only $1.95 (* qqg’T1! The best quality heavy Geor gette Crepe—$1.79 We Have Opened a Dressmaking Department in Charge of an Experienced Designer and Seamstress—Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed e Visit Our Art Department—Orders Taken for Hand Made Novelties &