s Thnnday, December IS, IMI ASHLAND DADLT TIDINGS We have a few uncalled-for suits Rose Brothers have the most com­ and overcoats which are exceptional plete line of high grade candy boxes values. P au lseru d ’s. 86tf in the city. We invite inspection. When you think of insurance, 87-5 Lets Lightning Do It— think of Yeo, of course. 83tf Mrs. G. L. Bullen, whose cordial Visitor from Roseburg— invitation, “ Dew Drop In n ,” has W ent to C orvallis— J. F. Smith, of Roseburg, was vis­ Lee Fifield went to Corvallis yes­ brought many curious visitors to her iting relatives In tow n. Tuesday and terday morning, to be gone a few tasty drink and luch parlor on the W ednesday of this week. Mr. Smith Plaza, has a system of electrical days. was en route home from SawteHe, cooking which should interest house- Calif., where he has been visiting w ives. There is an electrical range, We m ake our own candies, ice pressure cooked, waffle iron, toast-! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith. The la tte r lived in Ashland cream and tam ales. Enders Con-i er and many other appliances elec­ fectionery. 62tf twenty-five years ago, and Mr. Smith trically operated. Even the w ater kept a racket store, and was com­ is heated with lightning quickness Sparks Fly Fai—- monly known at that tim e as “ Rack­ by electricity. To a man up a I. T. Sparks, the genial freight et Store Sm ith.” agent of the Southern Pacific rail­ Christm as tree it looks like cook­ ing made easy. a road company, came in from Eugene; Soft shell w alnuts, Diamohd yesterday bringing the inform ation, brand, 35 cents per pound at White! Santa Claus and S tar Queen— House Groceteria. th a t the interview which he gave the 89-2 | High school gymnasium, Saturday, Tidings a month ago was copied by newspapers and magazines all over December 17, 7:45 p. m. 9. McNair Bros, guarantee Mi-O- the country. Na stomach tablets to promptly re-i The finest C rater Lake pictures lieve dinner distress and indigestion! Orres, Tailors for men and wom­ on the m arket. “ Patterson P ictu res” or money back. en. Cleaning, pressing and rem od­ at Darling Studio. 85tf I eling. 85tf VJpit at H oward H o m e - Flying B e a v e r s - Will Mitchell and family, of Med­ i 1 1 F or C hautauqua $<¡27— Mr. a n d Mrs. M eredith Beaver ford, were visiting a t the Jeff How­ C. B. Lamkin. says he has been and two children came down from ard home on Mountain avenue thef too busy the past two weeks atten d ­ Portland- last week for a few days first of this week. % ing to C hautauqua business and oth- visit with the form er’s parents. Mr. er im portant affairs to sell real es­ and Mrs. A. M. Beaver, 916 Iowa For the New’ Year, present your­ tate. As a mem ber of the retirin g street. The trip was made in a C hautauqua board of directors, Mr. Standard Eight car, which left P o rt­ self with a new Dort Car, economical Four-Site Lam kin says he did not like to turn land at 4 o’clock one afternoon and on tires, oil, gasoline. Sales Agency. . ' 87-lm o over a deficit to the new board, and arrived here at the same time the therefore has, with the help ot his following day. The night was spent We have a large shipm ent of associates, raised $627 to apply on at Eugene and one hour lost fixing pears, peaches and apricots In the the debt. a tire. Mr. Beaver is sales m anager, regular size can at 25 cents o r four for the Portland Standard E ight ( for 90 cents. W hite House Groce­ As long as this ad rem ains In this garage, which sold 122 cars in a teria. 89-2 paper it is not too late for us to single month. finish your p ortrait for Christm as To Sell A shland Home — Dew Drop Inn for hot waffles and D arling Studio — P o rtraits that J. B. Duncan, of K lam ath Falls, 84tf Please. 85tf M. J. B. coffee. was in town a few days this week. He came over to sell his residence Have your clothes cleaned this Woodshed Seance for Speeders— property in this city since his rail­ Samuel L. Leonard and son H ar­ week and avoid the Christm as rush. road work calls him to K lam ath 8gtj old, while on their s e s e e e s e s ...................... e i e > > e sem a ■ - - - n i i m i i i i u n tn u _______ a t t o r n e y «. L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law TO RENT— To respectable people, a Rooms 6 and «, Citizens’ Bank few rooms with steam heat, hot Bldg. and cold running w ater and use of bath. Ona person, $5.00 per PLUMBING week; two persons. $8.00 per PHONE your next Job of plumbing week. Hotel Ashland. 88tf to Jerry O’Neal. Beaver Building FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Phone 138. Allen Building. 87tf EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- VISTA APARTMENTS— Two and icg. Llthla Garage, phone 114. three room furnished modern ---- ---------------- -------- - apartm ents. Inquire 166 Harga- TRANSFER AND EXPRRSS. dine, phone 122. 79tf — "---------- FOR prompt and careful service, « I K SAI»E— REAL ESTATE. auto trucks or horse drays, call W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone 11? FOR SALE— A splendid furnished Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel residence, about one acre of o r­ Ashland. 66tf chard and berries, $1000 down, .balance easy payments and low T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FER — Good team and motor- rate of interest. If not sold quick will ren t to right party, on ac | trucks. Good service at a reaaon- ___ owner _____ _____ o „„...... Onp able price. Phone 83. count leaving town block from Citizens Bank. 24 4 H argadine St. 8 7 tf' | XPERJ CAR REPAIRING at rea- TJtliia. Ohrage. ---------------------- ------------------------- 87tf --- ! 1 eonable prices, FOR SALE— A dandy 7 room a n d ! ROOFEKH bath cottage, beamed ceiling i n ! dining room, many built-in fea­ tures, outside brown stain with HOW ABOUT THAT LEAKY ROOF — Now is the time to repair it. white trim , two wells, windmill For first class work see Jensen & an d tank. 11 acres fine land all Hood, 405 Liberty St., or 417 cleared, 5 acres orchard. $350 Palm Ave. 86-6* cash, balance easy term s at 6 per cent. W heeler, 204 North Sixth, | G rants Pass, or E. E. Phipps, Ash-! C. B. L A M K I N land. 87-6*, DAIRY RANCH— Equipped and pro­ fitable. one of the best in the valley. F or sale by H. C. Galey, 570 Fairview St., phone 4 31-J. 79 BARGAINS ÍN Real Estate City and Bunch Properties Honseo to A eui. CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING INTEKVRBAN AUTOCAR OO, Effective March 20, 1020. Daily (Except Haaday) AUTOMOBILES Ly LV. ASHLAND 7:16 a. m. New Dort Motor Car, Reo passenger 8-00 a m 8:00 a. m. cars and Reo Speedwagon, Cole 8:46 a^ nr 2:46 a. m. eight and Marmon cars; also used 9:30-a. m. 9:3 0 a. m. cars. 10:15 a. m. Four-Site Sales Agency, i a' m Beaver Block, Ash ? } g : 00 N o T à 11:00 a.m . Telephone 12:00 Noon land. 8 7 tf, 12:46 p. m 12:46 p.m. 1:30 p m 1 :S0 p. m. 2:15 p. m 2:15 p. m. 8:00 p. m 3:00 p. m. 3:45 p. m 3:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m 4 p. m. BA R BER 6:15 p. m 5:16 p. m. 6:OQ,p in 6:00 p. m. C hildren’s W ork A M 7:00 p. m 7:09 p. ni. 8:45 p. in Sat. cM y Specialty 8:45 p. m. 9:30 p. m ÍTSO p.m . Sat. only 12:15 Safety blades resharpened 1 0 :3 0 p SUNDAY ONLY like new. Single bit, 30c LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. 9:00 a.m . 9t09 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a.m . 11:00 a m. J 1:00 a. m. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. m. CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF 1:00 p. m. w 2:00 p. m. 2 00 p. m. 3:00 p. ijj . 3:00 p. in. 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. in. 6:3 0 p. m 6:30 p. m. from E astern m ills ju st In. Con­ 9:30 p. m. 9:«0ja m. siderable drop In prices on sam e. Ashland W aiting— Eant Sida Una far- GOOD CEDAR POSTS macy. jacksonville - mkdixxrd New prices on implements and re­ DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY pairs. . New and used sewing Effective Nov. 0, 1031 machines for sale or to re n t......... LV. J’S’NV’LB LV. MEDFORD 7:00 a. in 7:40 a. pi. Peil's Corner 7:20 a. m. 8:46 a. m. Í 8:15 a. m. 0:60 a. a . 9:20 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 10:46 a. ra. 11:16 a. m. 12:00 noon 18:20 p. m. i 1 :20 p. m. 1:60 p. m. 2:45 p. in. 8 :20 p. m. 3:45 p. in. 4:20 p. m 6 :00 p. m. 6:30 p. ra. 5:65 p m. 1 7:00 p. m. 9:30 p. in. , 8:00 p .m . Sat. only 7:20 p .m . Thirty acre tract near Ashland 9:50 p .m . 8at. only 10:30 p. in. SUNDAY ONLY for $4000. Several acres of fine LV. J’S’NV’LB LV. MEDFORD bottom land. Nice place for a 8:00 a. m. 8:50 a. ra. home. 9 :2 0 a m . 9:50 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:16 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 12:45 p. m. 1:20 p. in. 1:60 p. m. Six Jroom dwelling with nice 2 : B0 p. m. 3:20 p. m. furniture, well located—at a real 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. ra. bargain. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. in. 7:00 p. m. 9:60 p. m. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG Daily and i Dally S ttM ^ One acre tract of fine land with LV. MEDFORD LV. RO8BBURQ five room modern house for 1 0 0 p.m . $2100. A nother for $1300. These 11:00 a. m. MEVFORD-GRAN3B PASS are both good properties. Daily nhd ^nnd iy LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’8 PASS 8:00 a .m . 10:00 a .m . H1K.O© a? m. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. A. 4:30 p. m. 6:15 p. m. REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE G rants Pass Waiting Room— The Established 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main St. Bonbonniere. Phone i60. and Waiting Roonu „ Office „ _________ No. 6 I S. Front St.. Naah Hottì Building, W. A. SHELL Fencing For Sale Billings Agency Music Room—select thç machine and we will hold it for you Genuine Mexican chlcxen tamales, 20 cents. Entfers Confectionery.62tf FOR SALE— Good fresh milk, 10 DR- MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at- cents centa per »wr quart. 399 oûo Beach St.' tention to m others and children. R. D. Sanford. Internal secretions and endocrine 88-2eod’ glands. Res. and office. 108 Pio­ APPLES— Splendid for cooking and neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ eating. A few more boxes left J fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 50 lb. box $1.00 delivered. Phone p. m. 9 -F -ll. OR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon FOR SALE— Dry wood of all kinds. — Eye, ear, nose and th ro at spec­ Phone or w rite L. D. Dollarhyde, ialist; glasses fitted. Office 402 Siskiyou, Oregon. 78-lmo* Medford Bldg., Medford. 10:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Residence, P io ­ FOR SALE-—Good dry body wood, neer Ave., Ashland, morning and $3 per tier. W A. Conner, Glen evenings. Phone 28. View Drive. 62-1 mo FOR SALE— 9*4 acres, good house, barn, chicken house, smoko house, i garage, good fences, 3 acres a p -, pies, $500 down, balance easy! terms. Phice $2500. One mile from Talent. Mason & Manning, Talent, Or. 8St! Auto accident insurance. course. ........ FOR SALE— Mixed bunch cattle. OR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Call 13-F-4.| C. T. Morris. 88-4* Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, oar, nose and throat. GlasseE FOR SALE— Organ, or will trade supplied. Oculist and aurlet for for wood. Inquire 573 E. Main. 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. 88-3* Bldg., Medford. Ore. Phone 507 FOR SALE— F our room cottage, en large lot, out buildings. Cash or, terms. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Lane, I Tidings. 8S-3 ■&* PHYSICIANS. , W ANTED— Light wagon with shafts DR ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice - —also heavy harness. Telephone limited to eye, ear, nose and 434~J - 88-6* throat. Ofpce hours, 10 to 1J and ‘ to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Aah- l»nd. Ore. 78„tj FOR SALE. FOR RENT. CHICHESTER S PILLS $1.00 Profit Christmas Sale at Orres Tailor Shop now on. Don’t Miss It. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-RAY DIAGNOSIS Governm ent .Job R u lin g— Our Netted Gem potatoes are still Mrs. John E nders H e r o — Twenty-five thousand ex-service $2.60 per 100 pounds. W hite House Mrs. John Enders, of Klam ath 8g_2 men and women are affected by the Groceteria. Falls, is visiting relatives in Ash­ recent ruling of A ttorney General land this week. Daugherty th a t form er service men New Business D istrict__ Seven new stores on Second street and women will not be throw n out of NOTICE ju st off East Main, constitutes a th e ir governm ent jobs as long as R oller skating rink open 'eve^Ty they are rated “good” by the bureau new business district which has a afternoon and evening from 2 to 5, of efficiency. This inform ation has very advantageous location, being 88tf been received by departm ent head­ close to a bank a n d theater, and and 7 to 10. At the Nat. q u arters of the American Legion, in lighted a t night by the ‘powerful electric lights of the Union Oil sta ­ Portland. tion. The Beaver Realty company THE D IA M OM O N I» D BRANI» C ßA N D . “ •4K-X. w i _ f THE DIAM ? J o u r D r u < ff b t for < I.Lclien-fer• Diamond An agency for the Liberty car has is to occupy room 2 of the Beaver 1 ?****• «old raeîilhX been established at Medford, and block, which will be vacated by I E R V anyone interested in them may see Jerry the plum ber” as soon as room , years known as Best, Sätest, A lwa-s Rrifa'i them a t the Riverside Garage. P. F. 1 of the Beaver annex is ready for SOLD BY »GISTS fVERYWH-R: Close is agent. 132 S. Riverside, 88tf his stock of plum bing fixtures, which will probably be within a few ' >r< hard Increases Crop— days. J. L. F a rre ll’s Home re sta u ­ The Riverside orchard this season rant will do business in room 2; L. mad» a small increase over their H. Jac k ’s “ Fixit shop” will be in ou tp u t of last year in spite of the room 3; P. J. A m er’s stock of can­ fact th at owing to w eather condi­ dy , sporting goods and miscellaneous tions the worms were more abund- m erchandise in room 4. The build­ r nt. Their total crop from the one ing ju st below is occupied by Wil- orchard is eleven cars of which ilam Depu’s lunch counter and shoe about one-fourth were Spitz and the shining parlor. Room 1 of the Bea balance were Ben Davis and New- ver block is now occupied by Les­ i iwns.— Gold Hill News. lie P rice’s candy factory. On« cent the word each time.