PAOS TWO A88LA1TO DAILY TTDIÎTG8 •«& tlon are “ Skookum an d the Bliz- Scout w orker and Is much adm ired zard” ; "The Gold from Pine Ridge," by boys of the ’teen age as a "real “ Old Sprangle Paw ,” and a half fellow.” Mr. Stovall began his -writ- dozen others. These tales are the {ing career while working on the very best of th e hundreds and hun- G rants Pass Observer, his first fic- dreds which Mr. Stovall has w ritten tion being pioneer mining stories, in the past eight years. Although In his busy workshop at Fernwood. wholesome and morally sound, they which is near the village of Philo- are so much b etter than the average m ath, seven miles west of Corvallis; goocJy-goody tales of the “ sissy” there are many original drawings of type as to be in a class by them- the pictures which have been used selves. to illustrate hrs stories. More or- The w riter is personally acquaint- dtjrs are receixd from appreciative ed with the au th o r of “ Shang Kam- editors than this industrious author bu— was in his Sunday school class can fill. McNair Brothers have or- at the Corvallis Methodist church dered “The Spell of the Shank Kam- ju st the other day— and knows him bu,” which is just off the press, and to be one of the finest, cleanest men it can doubtless be procured from in the state. He is an activu Hoy other dealers. Ashland -,t£> Tidings Established 1S76 Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PlttNTlNG CO. - - - _ > - - r — --- - .-- - OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Published Subscription Price Delivered In City: One month .................................. $ .65 Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 Six m onths .................................. 3.75 i One year .................................... 7.50 Mall and Rural R outes One month .................................. $ .65 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.50 One year ......................... * . . . . . 6.5f ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c Two tim es a week.............................. 25 c Every other d a y .................................20 e Where Do You Buy Your Groceries Local R eaders C lassified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month □T more, %c the word each time. L egal R ate F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c Each subsequent time, per 8- point line .................................... 5c Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 Obituaries, the line ......................2% c F raternal Orders and Societies JOHN PHILIP SOUSA County Pruning Talks To Start 8E B E DANIELS F o r C h r istm a s O ne W ild W e e k Is th e S tory of a G irl w ho h a d n e v e r h a d a n y fun. FRIDAY—SATURDAY CHAS. R A Y Mi ’’ Hi * > — m- T w o M in u tes To Go Detrick’s Groceteria Formerly Knapps B reak fast Bacon, 35c; H am s, 35c; Shou lders, 2 5 c ; Steaks, 25c; Lard, 15c; R oasts, All 1 4 -ltic; MAS IS burger and Sausage, 20c; k eys, 40c; Tur­ $ C hickens, 30c. City Market J. M. GRIMSLEY, Prop. —WE DON’T QUOTE PRICES— TEX T BOOK o f W A L L STR EE T m i E4m«a now ready for free distribution AT T1IE McCall, Riley & Co. Hembcn CoMoBdatad Stock B rrti— g» «E tU w York 20 B road S t., N e w Y ork PAG E TH EA TER Your privilege to inspect our stock before buying, we know vou’ll he satisfied. MEDFORD M atinee am i Night W EDNESDAY, DEC. 21ST S-7 in tw o brand-new program s, w ith nin e em inent so lo ists e > PRICES Xmas Gift Suggestions from our STATIONERY DEPARTMENT — Loose-leaf Memos — Writing JCases — Playing Cards — Crlbbage Boards — Llne-a-Day Books — Address Books -—Fancy Boxed Stationery — Fountain Pens — Bversharp Pencils —‘■Framed Mottoes — Framed Pictures — Narcissus Bulbs — Xmas Cards — Greeting Cards McNair Bros, ITta THE PAINT MAN SOUSA And we know you are looking for bargains. This being the ease we invite you to call and inspect our stock of army and navy goods, which includes hoots, shoes, shirts, underwear, blankets and socks, also a limited supply of army meats. B o ilin g B eef, 20c; W eenies, H am ­ -SHOP EARLY Dickerson & Son ' Follow the crowds to Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative Material. We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. ' IN Are you still following the charge and delivery system and thereby paying the other fellows additional expense and bad accounts OR have you joined the happy throng of cash buyers? Boys Adventure Book By Former Grants Pass Man ZT leaving tonight THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Pago Theatre Matizee and Evening, Wednesday, December 21 I ing a good share of his tim e in Eu- cne, where he owns seventeen In order to allay a m isunderstand­ apartm ents, which ren t for $20 to ing among some as to what consti­ ¡>55 per month. The rapid growth tutes news and w hat advertising we print this very simple rule, whirl: of the Un*versity of Oregon, says t f l U l l , k S C U I U I U Mr. GeBauear, Is com parable to th a t is used by newspapers to differenti­ ate between them : "ALL future of the Oregon ag ricu ltu ral college, events, where an admission charge and has resulted in overcrowded liv­ is made or a collectloq is taken IS Tho week beginning December 19 ADVERTISING.’’ This applies to ing q u arters in both Eugene and organizations and societies of every will be known as pruning week in Corvallis. Jackson county. The work will kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after s ta rt off with a public m eeting at A shland M ail C lerk H onored— they have occurred Is news. the library in Medford on Monday L ester M. Leland, a Portland All coming social or ’ .« e rn o o n a t "2 o ’clock, Here a dis- druggist, was elected president of' m eetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, initi- cussion on the latest methods of the Kiwanis club of Portland Mon­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS pruning will be presented by Clay- day. Mr. L eland was for many NEWS.______________ _____________ | ton Long of the Oregon A gricultural years a railway mail clerk on the ■ college, and a dem onstration by C. Portland-A shland division, and m ar­ We make all quotations on JOB WORK ' C. Cate on th ? application of the ried Miss Tiffany, a d au g h ter of O. fspm system. C. Tiffany, form er Ashland resi­ THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST P runing dem onstrations wfll be dent. Same prices— reasonable price— [ held at various parts of the county to all — ------------ —-— — --------- -——-------- ’ as follows: Entered at the Ashland, Oregon ’ , n „ _ __ Eastern Star Card Party— Postoffice as Second-class Mail M at-1 Tuesday 10 a. m.— Glasgow or- Friday night the E astern Star will te r 1 chan», Talent. give one of its very enjoyable card ” Tuesday, 2 p. m.— S. J. Evans, at parties. Prizes and refreshm ents. Ashland. The publid is invited. This will be We have been blessed;— tho * Wednesday, 10 a. m.— Roy Nich- the last Eastern S tar card party th is' <8> life is made ols, Central Point. year and a large gathering is ex- <§> A tear, a silence and a shade, W ednesday, 2 p. m.— Eddie C arl-! pected. <§> And years have left the va- ^ i t o n ’s, Table Rock. cant breast Thursday, 10 a. m.— Champlin <$>To loneliness— we have btien ♦ orchard, Rogue River. <♦> blessed! ® Thursday, 2 p. m.— Van Hoven- — G. D. Prentice. berg orchard, Sams Valley. & <»<$<$>&<$><& Friday, 10 a. m.— Alta Vista o r­ chard, Eagle Point. Friday, 2 p. m.— Vilas orchard, The great powers participating in the arm s conference have agreed up- ^01 district. op a "cooling-off” period before go- Saturday, 10 a. m.— Chester Fith, By O. H. BARNHILL ing to war over any dispute th a t South Medford. “ The Spell of the Shank K am bu” m ight arise. Time and the “ s o b e r ------------------------------ is a collection of red-blooded boy second thought” are great refriger- Romedelling Rooms— ators of anger in international con- Max GeBaner, who purchased the 9t° r Le9 by ° ennl8 St0Va11’ iorm erly troversies,’ the same as in personal building in which E. R. Isaacs h a S j° ra n ts Pass, now of Corvallis. his dry goods store, is rem odelling (Standard Publishing Cq„ Cincin- quarrels. a. nati. Price, $1.50.) These stories 1 the rooms above. Seven of the This tw entieth century— and this front rooms are to be occupied b y ; are chockfu11 of the lure of th e mys- first half of it, too— should make Mr. GeBauer and his family, which terlous and th rilling adventure. The w arfare a relic of the past. also-n,umbers seven. There are four tltle tale teHs of the mag,c P°wer of j --------- - beautiful bed rooms, bath, kitchen a 8ecret drug -obtained from th e ! Vigorous exercise in the open a ir and dining room, all finished and ancient Llamas of Thibet and called! is a strong antidbte for pessimism furnished in the popular w hite en- by them “ Shank K am bu.” O th e r! amel, as will Be all the rem aining corking good stories in th is collec-* and useless worry. ______ rooms. Two of the la tte r will be They are essaying to put more provided w ith private baths. The morals into moving pictures, Mix warm bright color mentioned lends We invite you to look in some more brains, too. j to the woodwork and modern fu rn i­ tu r e ’an a ir of brightness and cheer over our stock of P ioneer W oman DI— which is very attractive. As soon Mrs. M. A. Talent, eighty-four as ready for occupancy, these rooms year old pioneer of Southern Oregon will be rented to guests. Mr. Ge­ ls ill at the home of her daughter, Bauer is him self doing all th e work Mrs. J. D. Beeson, 167 . H argadine of rem odelling th e rooms, including street. Mrs. T alent Is the widow raln tin g , paperhanging and plumb- of A. P. Talent, a fte r whom ¿he ing, being a first-class w orkm an in town of Talent was named. all these lines. He has been spend- W hat C on stitutes A dvertising IX l i b Each line, e^ch tim e .................... 10c ; To run every other day for one month, each line, each t i m e .. 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c Advertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular in iti­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad vertising when an admission or other oharge Is made. Thursday, December 18, 1921 f Stori Night— Lower flo o r......... $2.50 Balcony, first 8 row s. . . .$2.00 Balcony, last 5 ro w s. . . . $1.50 Matinee,— Lower f l o o r ..$2.00 Balcony ... . $ 1 . 5 0 anil $1.00 Plus 10 per cent war tax Mail orders now to P age T heater, M edford, Or. 207 EAST MAIN STREET Tickets mailed only in stam ped self-addressed envelopes Center of all activities SEAT SALE OPENS MONDAY DECEM BER 19th W e a r e M a k in g a BIG CUT in R o c k in g C h a irs, D in in g R o o m S u ite s and many other goods before taking our Inventory. IT WILL PAY YOU to see us if you want anything in the House- G ear Road Ahead furnishing Line. We can and will save you MONEY on any­ thing you want in our line. Fresh candies packed in neat holiday boxes. See some of same on display in our windows. \\ ill have full line of chocolates and bon bons this week. Quality is the best and the prices right. * If you have a box or basket at home you would like to have packed with fresh candy for kome friend, we will pack it for you, no extra charges for packing. Enders Confectionery Safety signals are set for prosperity in 1922. Your dollar buys more now, and we are back to sane ideas of work and spending. Never will there be a better year for saving than 1922. So get your wife and all the youngsters pulling for prosperity. Everything we have in the line of CHRISTMAS GOODS is CUT TO THE LIMIT. Don’t fail to look over our stock if in need of anything. *#"" !!!* '"!!!" !" !" !"" "! !"! Why not a Christmas “Nationalized” Account for your wife? Or a joint family one? First National Bank Ashland, :: :: :: Oregon • 1 « Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant J. P. D o d g e & S o n s Reliable Housefurnishers