r A 3HLAND climate, w ithout the aid * * of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a I proven fact. A shland D aily T idings A. ^ (In I n te t e rn r n a a tio t i o n n a a l l News N aw s W W ir « Service) ire VOLUM E 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Vol. 43) ▼ ALARIA germs cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps. A SH LA ND , OREGON, TH URSDAY, D ECEM BER 15, 1921 No. 89 FLOODS COVER WASHINGTON TOWNS I. WEST NIEIB ¡' HEAD S. N. GHOSE ....................................... iC? v ™ A* w w W. H. DENNIS COLD WEATHER l AVERTS SEATTLE County Fair Ground E lectio n C arries u City's Auto Park Gains Fame In Lightest Vote In History of County; Tulsa Oil Fields 1,486 to 1,000; Ashland Defeats FRED HERRON HAS DIFFICULTY' IN ORGANIZING K L A M A T H COUNTY WOOL GROWERS; BUT WINS OBJECTORS. New AsMociatlon 'Will Try to Remedy M arket Condition*; Now Forced to Ship East and Pay Freight Bark to W eatem Woolen Mills. ASHLAND CAMP IS USED AS AN EXAMPLE OF TULSA i PARK IN PROSPECT Issue. SECTIONS GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD TORN OUT; DIKE 1IREAK RELEASES FI AMID OX STANWOOD AND MILLTOWN. IB Crest of High W ater in PugK Sound Country Is R eached and Chilly W eather Stops M enace; T raffic to Tacom a, Valley C ities R esum ed. W ith to ta led reports from all b u t tw elve far o u t county precincts j com plete late today, Jackson cou n ty resid en ts yesterd ay decided in Into the far reaehe« m f“T° r ° f a vote o f 148« to IODO. M edford, w ith a vote o f 108« to 192, i nH,b a n » SoUth’ tbe iam e o f Aab*; saved th e day for th e county fair im p r o v e m en t project, precluding de- ald, promoter of the ‘nternational frosty w eather chilling the thawing Fred Herron, whose farm home is ff in the Valley View neighborhood north of Ashland, and who is one fishermen’s race and donor of the in- j snows in the foothills, and a cloud- of the leading sheep breeders of ternational trophy. Mr. Dennis took less sky, the Puget Sound countrv is Southern Oregon, spent last week! 8. N. Chose, a Hindu political exile, m anv friends m ade for A c io t.a ,.......... y th " e V <* e ’ J a m a jo rity seven ty-six. T he votin g a very strong stand in demanding that on the road to recovery from the many friends made for Ashland by throughout" ------- *«” 'o«.ng in K lam ath county signing up new *ho, because of his activities against iu . ,, , h te he camp, the (ollowlng com m end.-; • „ inr*>l,gn la to r, ou t th e count) is c o n sid e r e d to be one o f th e lig •'“ *“ st * in t h e . 1 conditions of the deed „ „ of i o aift i ," in con 1 «■ flood menace which atartod Sunday members for the Oregon Wool he British government in India, was The am ount to be re>1 1 nttldly adhered to and that only bans- he“ V)' a "d Growers association, of which Mr. forced to retire from that country, non Is taken from The W orld,, — ' I “ fide, J - practical ------ . . . . deep-sea . - fishermen - i lie crest of the high w ater mark H erron is president. He reports the ’as opened offices in Washington and Tulsa, Okla., as part of an o p e n : tr be the tax authorized at yesterday’s ' K lam athons pretty hard nuts to * i,1' b*apd a “ ’"’"’¡«•¡on to Promote forum letter published in th at pa­ was reached yesterday. Traffic to , i allowed to compete election is estim ated a t $27,412, o f _______________ . , , ielf-government in India. per and w ritten by Mrs. H. H. Firey, — Tacoma and other valley cities ha« crack, because they have had bo ____ . ______ _______________ which only about one-third w ill' ! been resumed. who passed through here last sum ­ many unfortunate experiences in coine from the farm ing population.1 mer, in answ er to protests made m arketing their wool. They are, i R ailroads and other corporations against a Tulsa to u rist camp. | STANWOOD, Wash., Dec. 15.— nevertheless, able, says Mr. Herron, will pay about 40 per cent of the e n -1 “At Ashland, Or., in Lithia Spring ’ Milltown and Stanwood were flood­ to see the advantages of the right S' ~ i tire amount. park, one of the most beautiful parks ed to a greater depth today than at kind of co-operation and several Tentative plans for the Jackson I ever saw, with springs of pure wa­ any time before in the history of signed up the five year m arketing county fair grounds have been made ter and soda, sulphur and other ; the two towns. The Inundation is agreem ent. by Prof. Peck, of the Oregon Agri-! kinds ad libitum , with beautiful a result of a break in the Skagit Mr. Herron explains th at members ¡cu ltu ral college, and are saidl to be dike between here and Mount Ver­ lawns, walks, shrubs and trees ga­ of the new association were first ob-' i the best planned fair grounds in th e ! non Wednesday night. lore, a real park, was a to u rist camp tained west of the Cascade moun- state. The following buildings h av e1 ___________ ! G reat sections of the Great th at made the dreary, dusty tourist tains, because the sheep men of been proposed: horses; cattles, sheep' N orthern railroad have been torn feel like singing some one’s praises W estern Oregon had g reater need of I , and hogs; poultry; forestry and Postm aster E. J. K aiser announces j out by the rushing waters. More to high heaven. getting together for m utual help TXritfLl PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 15.— By mines; stock judging; m achinery; that the Ashland post office has re- than a score of families have beeu “ Parking spaces for cars, all num ­ and protection. Most wool produc-j wo,k ing day and night, the findings j in dustrial; agricultural and horti- ceived a supply of the new $25 and forced to flee from their hom es, and bered, with a care-taken to look af­ ers in this part of the state are gen-! . . cu ltu ral; boys’ and girls' club and $100 treasury savings certificates many flooded stores have beeu era! farm ers, with only small flocks ° f the committee appolnted to make ter them, tnadb one feel th at their school work; dairy products; worn- which were placed on sale Decein- closed. of sheep, and therefore cannot af. suggestions for highway control car and baggage were in safe hands. en’s building; am usem ent pavillion; her 15. The local office made o n e _________________ ford the necessary expense of mar- will he completed and subm itted to Inside ,a lovely concrete building i grand stand. sale of a $20 treasury savings cer- BORAH FLAYii PROVISION keting their wool to the best ad- Governor Olcott by Friday. Mem- were lockers to correspond with the There has been a great deal The fair grounds are located just tificate this morning and it is ex-; o p PACIFIC AGREEMENT vantage. which left them at the bers of tbe committee have agreed num bers of car jppaces, and gas ; north of Medford, along the west pected th a t they will sell well when _ said of the conservatism of bank­ mercy of junk dealers or anyone th a t they will not discuss the find- burners besides, which a quarter-in- ers and as a rule, it is so. W ith­ side of the Pacific highway. The the public learns of (he m erits of WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 15.__ _ e se w o choose to buy their pro- ings until they have been made pub- the-slot m eter provided gas for three out analys/ng w hat conservatism grounds and present improvements these government securities. Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, duct. Big producers east of the lk. bv the governor. r ls the plan or more meals, and large sinks and really is, it is set down as a vir­ are valued at $23,000. In the cen- The $1000 certificates have not flayed the provision In the four<- inounta ns were better able to look to give the report the widest news- drain boards, and plenty of good ter is a large aviation field, Bur- been placed on sale over the coun- power Pacific treaty by which the tue, while, from a community o u r for their interests and had a clip paper publicity as quickly as pos- water provided splendid chances for standpoint it is always the g reat­ rounded by a one-mile horse track, ter at the Ashland office yet. being “ insular dom inions” of .Japan, -he de­ su tc ent > large to a ttia c t compet- sible, so th a t members of the legls- a good “clean-up,” the delight of the est deterent to progress. In its outside of which ls an auto track, distributed to offices of the first clared, would be guaranteed against . u^®r8, j latu re will be fam iliar with the re- dusty to u rist’s heart. final analysis, conservatism is protected by a safety zone. Most of class only. Mr. Kaiser, interpreting aggression, armed or otherwise, by “ Don’t forget for a m inute that e aw required that fifty per pOrt before assembling In Salem next No great ' the proposed buildings will be io- the instructions, says • the certifi- the United States Great Britain and the tourist who is made to feel that COWARDICE— fear. cent of the wool men join the asso- Monday. catefi between the highway and the cates are to m ature in five years and France. laurels were ever won through ‘iarnPd before ‘«corporation. | r js understood th at the commit- he is wanted and welcomed in a race track. bear interest at about 4% per cent Borah declared it seemed to him either fear or cowardice. People, Although organization was begun iee will recommend th a t policing of town is going to rem em ber th a t town The following are election returns compounded sem)l-annuaUy if held the United States would be bound not having analyzed conservatism only last .spring. 1825 members have the state highw ay, will be placed In I “? d BP / e «»y lege. P arents are often disappoint­ men in the west are organized, we bus companies wink at violations by i ° WD 3 9Ca ing ladder H ealth nursing is com paratively again,” he replied. LONDON, Dec. 15.— Sir Jam es ed when th eir child fails to make a new, having been successfully start- hope to keep our wool from going drivers, the public service commis- « . — — - . __ ________ ______ to Boston, and put a stop to our be- 3,on may be requested to revoke the I A sh,and Pionec»’ Die»— - •’«ig, head of the unionist govern­ grade, or keep high class standing, ed in 1903, but is well worked out Three Speeders A irested__ I ig forced to pay tribute to the bean ’ company’s franchise. ! Jobn W ’ Jacobs- son of the late but seldom realize th a t a physical in many large schools. ment of Ulster, notified Pren.ie» M. K. Wise Career and R. R- Lloyd George today th at it would caters of the Bay State. P ortland is , A. S. Jacobs, one-time sheriff of 1 condition may be the 1 cause of it It! ___ “ _____ The follow up” -#____ system — is - a good Howie, both of California, were ar- ka t. Ready the second largest wool mar- People they are ____ forced ¡one. thinks* ___ Miss Thornely. This _ to adulter- dackso» county^ d le d a t his home at has been found th a t two decayed . __ , _____ *»•■£, rested for s e d' S I ’ impossible for U lster to enter the ! ate with this cheap m aterial. The C! ntral Point W ednesday, aged fif- teeth retard a child six m onths in lists children according to diseases, i ‘ PrItisS* association of nations as an ket in the United States.” ........ , J 1 fer’ 8Pecial «tate police, and fined Iriob fr ' Mr. Herron was asked if it w ere*,aw which sheep men are trying t o l ty_Bve years, eleven, m onth and school work— adenoids re ta rd him „ For example, diseased tonsils in one by Justice Gowdy $20 and $25, re- tru e th a t shoddy was shipped from bave enacted for the regulation of i tw enty"nlne days. Pneum onia was one year. Miss Thornely says th a t class with special treatm ent given spectively, the latter Wednesday, the Isaac Child ret h r„ J .AK,IS’ 1 5 ~ Tbe a ’Had ihe Balkan states of Europe by the woolen, factories, does not prohibit cause b*9 death. The deceased th e child who has these defects and to these pupils, records are kept and i form er Tuesday. n r load and used by Oregon mills tbe use of shoddy, but merely re- W&3 b° rn ln YambB1 county, and keeps up to grade does so with an developments noticed. i Of thsi citv w»a < . ' rePa ra tl°ns commission today to ad u lterate woolen goodb. He ad- duires th at goods into whose com- T*1®“ 8 ChHd th ® fami,y moved to added am ount of energy put forth.! u L e etters u e rs or suggestions to the par- h » u Ce*V where he was raised. Be- Often a c h ili considered m en tally ! ents from the health nurse are speed lim it Jtoast t i e t ernm ent stafing that Germany will deplored a condition which forces 30 the buyer may know just what he 9*de9 h,S W,f6, he leaves one d augh- deficient is merely suffering from; m eant as kindly, helpful informa-1 school. Justice P '1 ” •• • " ’ u b secretary of the E lks’ lo ahiand/ _ now Class rooms are breeding places for board, medical inspector, dentist and du try. j ers in fighting the law which forces XT * ern Pacllie heap,tai a , th at piace. re c e n t,, underwent a “ Our woolen m anufacturers say them to sell b u tte r substitutes as * ° man PVer becomes so great as germs. The child himself may not nurse. This board gets out health ________________ _ It’s an old savin? th«» a operatioP’ from which complications th e ir machinery is made to handle auch No one objects to the manu to be totally forgotten. The press take the disease, but may carry It to bulletins, supervises buildings, play some one elae. The health oarae in grounds and swimming pool,, n i l — ‘ - l,a, lnurder ar" shoddy, also (hat in order to pro­ facture and sale of oleo and shoddy, still prints a word or two about Mr. T aft and Mr. Wilson when there is ¡testin g children may find symptoms looks after the general health of will out, but it would be more t o 1 duce low-priced clothing for poor the point to see the murderers (Continued on Page 4) no other news to be had. Some people get all they •yin and and, by treating the ch ify prevent the children ln the city. snuffed out. try to get rid of moré fta q they get. H az JÇik FICE GEIS LARGE SÜPPLY OF TREASURY SI BEPORI IS SECRET; QUIET IN COAL FIELDSJF KANS. Work ot School Nurse Raises Standards of School Work 0. A. C. Professor Gives Pointers m i