PAGA SCC ÄBfiLAN» » A M Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs Local and Personal side L i g h t s 1 ■ ■ N otice O ddfell * Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. A A. M. Special communication Wed­ nesday evening, 7:30 o’clock. E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. — W. H. Day, Secretary. Bachelor B u ild in g— The funeral of Brother W. R. Court, 662 B street, city, will be held at Dodge undertaking parlors to ­ morrow (Thursday, December 16) at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Odd­ fellows will meet at the I. O. O. F. hall at 1:30 o’clock sharp.— P. N. Snyder, N. Q. L. A. Roberts, sec’y. T O . XW UOVI or MÀXB, van off V aro tu * » ’ TALK! V M 6 M A M W M G R C O M » *» V NAOTÄRT ABOUT MOW TtÔMT MOWEM 1%, N6fcYALK\Kf H S RIGHT BACK INTO HtS SO TA ARB! John Kellener is building for himself a house on ad Avery street' Big? Eggsactly! — James Rudd, 324 Liberty street, lot which he purchased recently through the Beaver Realty company. has some hens which are part White Leghorn and part White Wyandotte Christmas tree favors at Rose that lay monster eggs, one of which measures six ,and one^half inches Brothers. around one way and eight inches the Made Chilly Trip— other. Such eggs should be sold by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Coffman today the pound. made a journey to Medford in a car Try Detrick’s Groceteria. “It’s a which took them there and back good place to trade.” before they had time to freeze up. Huti Time* CcrtaùuÇ? to ” J o ît ïiW -SlAkmptan» We ask every family to try Malted Winter is Here Milk Twin Bread. If you find it not * Otto Winter is taking G. G. Eu- to be the best, your grocer will be bank’s place at the Ashland State glad to return your money by order bank during the latter’B absence in A ddress P arcels in Ink— of the maker. 87tf California. Parcel post packages must be ad­ dressed in ink. A lead pencil ad­ Lyceum E n tertain e Malted Milk Twin Bread backed dress is not only difficult to read in The lyceum lady entertainers who by the International Co.’s one hun­ the swift handling of the mails, but appeared at the Baptist church last dred dollar challenge. 87tf it creates a situation that will lead evening, registered at the Columbia to erroneous routing. Address your as L. Ringsdorf, Chicago; A. M. Van Moves to Rogue River— parcel with a clean pen and ink. Hoose, Louisiana; Helen Hunt, Tor­ C. E. Sams and family, who have onto. been living at 468 Helman street, 6. It is a unique way McNair Bros, moved to Rogue River yesterday, ^ave of selling Hyomei, a guaran- Everything new and clean at Det- where they will ma! a their home on eed treatment for catarrh. Money rick’s Groceteria. a farm near that place back if it fails. Spends Week End Hi Malted Milk Twins 1% lb. loaf Likes Ashland Miss Claudia Klum, of Medforck 10 cents. A demonstration sale at “Cliff" Jenkins, who is employed spent the week end with her friend, all stores. 87tf at Roseburg, came home to spend Miss Marjorie Fifield, returning the week end with his family in home yesterday. Paint Gang Here— Ashland. This city looks mighty The Southern Pacific paint gang good to the temporary Roseburger, The Baptist ladieB wfll bold a food and fancy work sale at Enders is “touching up things” at the local who thinks that Jackson county has grocery Saturday, December 17. 87tf yards. Douglas county pushed off the map for climate. Made Speedy Trip— Demonstration of S. & W. canned A. B. McKenzie and T. J. Coff­ goods Saturday afternoon. Special S. A. Peters Jr. Moves— man, who last week drove to Port­ prices. Holmes Grocery. 88-1 Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters Jr. have land in a car stolen from Mrs. Coff­ moved from 595 to 618 Iowa street. man’s aunt and afterwards recovered Trinity Guild— at Redding, Calif., made the going The ladies of Trinity will hold a Post Office Slogan Today— trip in twelve hours. Nearly as good business meeting Thursday after Helph make this Christmas happy; time was made on the return jour­ noon in the parish house. The mall ’em early, make it snappy. ' ney, although the car useck a Pack­ social afternoon announced has been ard six, was a brand new car, and postponed. notice averaged about twenty ¡miles per Roller skating rink open 'eveky gallon of gas. Practically no water Detrick’s Groceteria sells for less. afternoon and evening from 2 to 5, was used and less than a quart of and 7 to 10. At the Nat. 88tf oil. The car has since been sold to T rainm en T raverse H ighw ay— Clinton Harkins. G. Fagan, chief claim agent 70 CO. TEACHERS of the Southern Pacific Railroad ATTEND M EDFORD Chocolate creams of quality. Rose company, accompanied by the assist HIGH INSTITUTE Brothers. 87-5 ant claim agent and the traveling auditor, came in on number fifty- (Continued from P aga 1) Wholesome and healthfuil- -Malt- four yesterday, and traveled by auto ed Milk Twin Bread. 87tf over the highway to Medford, where Brophy, and Highland schools they again boarded the train. Thirty-nine schools had 96 per cent TIDINGS Elect Directors County Humane Society Meeting MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 14.— A very enthusiastic meeting was held Mon­ day evening at the public library under the direction of Mrs. F. W. Swanton, general manager of the Oregon Humane society, for the pur­ pose of organizing a Jackson county humane society. The meeting was called to order and the following of­ ficers were elected: President, Dr. E. H. French; vice president, Rev. William B. Hamilton; secretary, Mrs. Glenn Fabrick; treasurer, Miss Ruth Manning. Bard of directors: John A. Westerlund, Medford; W. J. Drumhill, Medford; Charles Palm, Medford; C. C. Cate, Medford, Mrs. W. E. Crews, Medford; Col. Voor- hles, Voorhies; C. D. Thompson. Medford; John M. Root, Medford; Mrs. Rose Schleffelin, Medford; C. M. Thomas, Medford; Jonas Wold, Medford; James O. Grey, Medford; C. W. Martin, Gold Hill; Allie Han­ ley, Jacksonville; Ed Staples, Ash­ land; Mrs. Roy Stanley, Eagle Point; Hon. Wm. A. von der Hellen, Wellen; H. W. Bingham, Medford; Slater Johnson, Antelope; George Mansfield, Prospect; Miles Cantrall, Applegate; Mrs. R. Paxon, Central Point; Royal Brown, Eagle Point; Mike Hanley, Lake Creek; A. C. Joy, Ashland, and Mr. Cottrell, Evans Creek. ,A meeting will be held January 7 at 1:30 o’clock at the public library at which all the directors and any on« else interested in the movement will be present. TWENTY-FIVE EXTRA MAIL CLERKS BETWEEN ASHLAND AND PORTLAND— HOLIDAYS The railway mall service will put on its Christmas holiday extra irews beginning December 16. There will be twenty-fixe extra railway mail clerks on the Portland and Ashland division, and in addition the regular crews will make extra trips. The Ashland-Gerber division rail­ way mail clerks with their residence in Ashland have also received their orders governing the situation, be­ ginning December 16. WOOL GROWERS AIMS BLOW AT SHODDY DECEIT Detricks’ Plaza.” Groceteria Sweet cream Brothers. for from Mc­ Genuine Mexican etuexen tamalea, a guest at 20 cents. E aters Confectionery.62t to remain health. V isits P ra t H ouse — “on sale. While passing through Corvallis last week, A. B. McKenzie vlsitec the new and sumptuous home of his college fraternity, the Sigma Alpha Rose Epsilon. 87-6 the or above, among them being Butte Falls, Ashland, Phoenix, Central Point, Sams Valley, Medford, Rogue River and Gold Hill schools. Boys and Girls’ club work is being discussed in the various schools ol! the county by Miss Elizabeth Burr, rural school supervisor, looking to­ ward the best alignment of club work yet undertaken In this county The University of Oregon exten­ sion department has a large selec­ tion of lantern slides to lend, and Jackson county is taking advantage of the opportunity. Slides have been recently shown at evening gath­ erings in Antioch, Willow Springs. Reese Creek, and Ruch schools, anc to pupils of the Jacksonville, Oak Grove, Applegate, Savage Creek Watkins, and Beaver Creek schools Rose Brothers have the most com piete line of high grade candy boxes Knapp’s Groceteria has been sold in the city. We Invite inspection to R. E. Detrick, 176 Church street, 87-6 who will continue the business as a first-class groceteria. Mr. and Mrs. Ju d ged C ostum es— Detrick came here from Vancouver, The Winter Fair carnival costume Wash., for their son’s health some judges were Dr. Mattie Shaw, Mrs. time ago and liked Ashland so well Guy Jacobs, and G. N. Kramer, who they decided to make this their per­ considered their task as difficult anc manent home. Mr. Detrick has had interesting as placing ribbons |on extensive experience in the grocery chickens and pumpkins. TOO LATE TO OLA » M ir y business and also other lines of merchandising. Mr. Knapp and For the New Year, present your FOR SALE— Mixed bunch cattle. family returned yesterday to their self with a new Dort Car, economical Call 13-F-4.| C. T. Morris. 88-4* former home, Grants Pass, where on tires, oil, gasoline. Four-Site FOR SALE— Organ, or will trade they have purchased a large groc­ Sale« Agency. 87-lm o for wood. Inquire 573 E. Main ery store. 88-3* G roceteria C hanges H ands— C hristm as Trees A ppear— For Xmas candies, nuts, raisins, Many beautiful evergreen trees etc., try Detrick’s. have lately put In an appearance in Ashland store windows and along Dort like a Wort— hard to wear the business streets. At the door out. New Dort Motor Car— see the of the Tavern cafe there stands a Four-Site Sales Agency. 87-lm o fine evergreen which reaches to the top of the building and at night Is W illiam R. Courts illuminated with colored electric William R. Courts, 60, died at his lights. home, 662 B street, at 12:30 o’clock this morning, after a prolonged Ill­ Cliff Payne makes foot stools. ness. The body was taken to the J. P. Dodge and Son undertaking H igh School P a p e r - parlors, from which place the fune­ Students of the Ashland high ral will be held at 2 o’clock tomor­ school will issue December 23 a six- row afternoon. Interment will be page paper, the Rogue News, devoted made in the Mountain View ceme­ principally to student body activi­ tery. The dead man. is survived by ties for the first semester. It is not his widow. Mr. and Mrs. Courts have designed to take the place of the been Ashland residents for the past annual, and but one Issue will be year and a half coming to this city printed. This will sell for 20 cents from the McCloud Lumber company a copy and be delivered only to camp near Weed, Calif., where Mr. those who order copies In advance, Courts was formerly employed as a not later than the first of next week. steward. Dale Young is the business mana­ ger; Marjorie McElvaney the edi­ Smart appearance, reasonable tor, and Lucille Perozzi assistant price, dependable service, low up­ editor. The reporter for the senior keep, slow depreciation. New Dort class is Thelma Heer; juniors, Mar­ Motor Car. Four Site-Sales Agency. garet Campbell, sophomores, Marlon 87-lm o Cosley; freshmen, Barnard Jay. Successors to C. H- Vaupel. (C o n tin u e d fro m P a g e 1) fu l in te r e s ts t h a t d ire c tly o r In d i­ re c tly p ro fit by sh o d d y ’s c o u n e rfe lt- ing v in g in w ool, a re u rg in g upon c o n g re ss th e sam e old excuses, a l­ le g e d to be re a so n n , fo r n o t e n a c t- i ing th e “ tr u t h in fa b ric ” b ill th a t w e re u rg ed a g a in s t th e p u re food law s by th e in te re s ts th a t p ro fite d by th e s a le of s u b s titu te food a n d d ru g s a s th e g en u in e. T h e p re s id e n t, in th is p e titio n , is e a rn e s tly re q u e ste d to exercise ev ery p ro p e r in flu e n c e w ith in h is pro v in ce to acco m p lish th e sw ift e n a c tm e n t of th e C a p p e r-F re n c h “ t r u t h in fa b r ic ” j bill. THE QUALITY S TO R E Bring m the Old Fasioned ristmas HEN the ground is covered with its mantle of white, when the hilltops once green are covered with snow, when the trees crack like pistol shots—doesn’t it remind you of the Old Fashioned Christmas? To make this vision come true, visit our store with all its gorgeous beauty and cheer. You will find it a pleasure to do all your •shopping here. 1 1 7 VV ONLY 9 MORE SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS /- 4 - AT THE PAGE THEATER MEDFORD Matinee aud Night WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21ST in two brand-new programs, with nine eminent soloists x PRICES Any one ot these Ilycrest Hand Bags would make a most attractive gilt. You will find in this selling, unus­ ual styles, serviceable to the utmost. Every Hycrest Bag offered is decidedly worth while and affords considerable savings. Each Hycrest Bag lias been carefully made, and has all the fetching little details wlneh makes it so femi nine. We have only illustrated a few of the styles. Come to the store and look over our entire display. Priced—$1.75 to $9.98 N ig h t— L ow er f lo o r .......... $2.50 B alcony, firs t 8 ro w s. . . .$ 2 .0 0 B alcony, la st 5 r o w s . . . . $ 1.50 M atin ee,— L ow er f l o o r .. $2.00 B alcony . . . . $ 1 , 5 0 a n d $1.00 P lu s 10 p er c e n t w a r tax M ail o rd e rs now to P a g e T h e a te r, M edford, O r. T ic k ets m ailed only in sta m p e d se lf-a d d re sse d envelopes SEAT SALE OPENS MONDAY DECEMBER 19th Dresser Sets lor Her Christinas Dresser sets are on so many shopping lists just now, with Christmas only a few days away, that this selling will be more than welcome. Pieces from 59c to $5.48 each Manicure Sets Manicure sets such as these will make a practical, de­ lightful Christmas gift. Each contains a file, scissors, buf­ fer, knife and emery boards. You will do well to purchase a set at $3.75 each. The Plaza Shoe Shop 71 North Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON Cairies a line of high-grade Footwear for .Men The Bergmann, The A. A. Cutter and Bucking­ ham & Hecht’s Manufacture. We also cater to those who wish first-class Shoe Repairing. Sol­ iciting a fair share of your patronage I doff my Chapeau and chirp the compliments of the season to all. An Umbrella for Umbrelbs Your Christmas On a hard rainy day what is welcomed more than a good quality umbrella .’ Some are. pure silk or silk warp, and we also have others ol cotton. Men’s, women’s and children’s umbrellas are liree with all styles and shapes of handles. Add one to your list as a gift to yourself. Priced $1.75 to $9.98 Handkerchiefs for Xmas Gifts a a The Best is None Too Good for Xmas Nothing you could choos as a Christmas gift coub please the average woma in o re than embroider© handkerchiefs. It is a git that is always acceptable You can find very beautifu ones here, and at very rea sonable prices. Priced 15c to $1.25 ea. WANTED— Light wagon with shafts — also heavy harness. Telephone 434-J. 88-6 FOR SALE— 100 White Leghorn pullets, >1.00, May hatch. Ash land Realty Co. 88-1 FOR DRESSED SPRING CHICKEN phone 343-L. 30 cents pound de­ livered. 88-1 Holiday Slippers FOR SALE— Good fresh milk, 10 cents per quart. 399 Beach St. R. D. Sanford. 88-2eod* OHERRO CHIMES th is tow n To introduO this Cherro Flour And fix up right my job tomor­ row. (See you tomorrow) OHESBO FLOPS A Hard Wheat Flour o f Famous — J Hand Bags Make Ideal Gifts TO RENT— To respectable people, „ few rooms with steam heat, hot and cold running water and use of bath. One person, >5.00 per week; two persons, >8.00 per week. Hotel Ashland. 88tf TJs S o’clock—am sitting down— Have fought for hours around • ,1 I u H ere for H ealth—— A. Braley came down Minnville Monday and is the Columbia, expecting here awhile In search of E. R. I S A A C & Co. tKiiOThf,.... Ashland Poultry and Fish Market W e are h eadqu arters for P o u ltry and F ish, Choice Salm on and H alibut, Sm elts, Shrim p and Grabs and O ysters, Sm oked F ish, Bacon, H am s, F resh E ggs, B utter and C heese, P ick les, Salads, Cold M eats, Lard, and Canned Goods. f We Pay Cash for Poultry and Eggs Phone 104, and we will deliver 67 North Main Street When you’re home for the evening and the fire place sheds its warmth, a pair of felt house slippers lends the final touch to real comfort and repose. Men and wom­ en, alike, will be happy to receive a gift of these com­ fortable felts. Priced $1.98 to $3.48 The Store Where Your Patronage is Appreciated Ha\c your Hemstitching and picotiug done her