AgfltÄj«) bAttà Ttonrofl «MM« . NEW MICROBE IS FOE OF DISEASE French Doctor Makes Important Scientific Discovery. ■ WILL BE AID IB EPIDEMICS Ultramicrobe la Parasite on Bacteria and Effects Cure of Such Diseases as Dysentery, Typhoid Fever, Hem­ orrhagic Septicemia and Bubonic Plague— Added to Drinking Water It Would Play an Important Part In the Control of Epidemics. T he discovery of an ultram icrobe, * which Is a p a ra site on b acteria, and w hich effects a cure of such diseases a s dysentery, typhoid fever, hem or­ rhagic septicem ia and bubonic plague has been announced by Dr. F. d ’He- reLle of the P a s te u r in stitu te of P aris. » T his pow erful, m inute organism will be able to play an im portant p a rt in control of epidem ics, according to D octor d’Herelle. H e has been able to m ake men, buffaloes and birds re­ sista n t to various diseases by simply Introducing into them the ultram icrobe . which had become accustom ed to preying upon the p a rtic u la r bacterium th a t causes th e disease. All th a t would be necessary to stop p u epidem ic of some disease, typhoid fo r instance, would be to pour Into the drinking w a te r supply a very small am ount of the proper stra in of the ultram icrobe. D octor d’H erelle de­ clares. T his would Infect all of the people w ith th e h arm less ba<ÿeria-dis- Aolvlng ultram icrobe which will pro­ tect them and prevent an epidemic. T he ultram icro b e is taste le ss and for all anim als and m an it is absolutely harm less, D octor d’H erelle has found by experience. • T his w onderful p a ra s itic u ltra m i­ crobe has been nam ed the “bacterio­ ph ag e” o r b a c te ria -e a ter by D octor d ’H erelle. B rought to m ind by th is new dis- covery Is D ean S w ift’s often-repeated 'q u o tatio n : So n a tu ra lis ts observe a flea H a s sm a lle r fleas th a t on him prey^ A nd these have sm aller s till to bite ’em. And so proceed ad lnflnltum . p arasitism on a very large num ber ol species of bacteria. A stra in active a g ain st one bacteria can be tra in ed In a te s t tube to become v irulent to­ w ard a to tally different one. The bacteriophage is, of necessity, I a p a ra site th a t is not able to develop except by pen etratin g into th e in terio r of a living bacterium , secreting a bac­ terial solvent, and then reproducing Itself by feeding on the dissolved mi­ crobe. It then sends fo rth the young bacteriophages to prey upon other bacteria. The norm al h a b ita t of the b a c te r­ iophage is the in testin e and it has been found in the intestinal tra c ts of nealthy anim als, both v e rte b ra te and Invertebrate. But it can be introduced in the blood as well ‘and act there. W hether the bacteriophages pro tect tiie anim al or not depends upon w heth­ e r the s tra in p resent is virulent to th e p a rtic u la r harm ful and invading bacteria. In th e case of the dysentery patien t it took six days for the b acter­ iophages to become active. In fact, the history of a case of contagious disease is th e reflection of the vicis­ situdes of th e struggle engaged in w ith­ in the anim al or person by the p ath o ­ genic bacteria and the ultram icroscop- Ic bacteriophages. But some bacteriu, such as those th a t live in a healthy anim al, a re able to acquire an im m un­ ity to the bacteriophages, Dr. d’H erelle has found. T he bacteriophage is tra n sm itte d in the sam e way as the harm ful bacteria and an epidem ic ends because all of the people have been infected by the bacteriophages and have become bac­ teriophage carriers. D octor d’H erelle declares th a t his discoveries a re not an tag o n istic to the fact th a t th e w hite corpuscles of the blood provide a defense a g ain st bac­ terial disease, but th a t the b a c te r­ iophages act in the case of anim als w ithout n a tu ra l Im m unity or th a t ac­ quired by disease or vaccination. A m onograph of P a ste u r in stitu te now in the process of prin tin g will shortly be issued and will give a de­ tailed scientific account of Dr. d’HereLle’s researches on the b acter­ iophages. “ PERFECT PHYSICAL GIRL” IS FOUND IN CAMBRIDGE grade; third, Mark i grade. For the first t WORK thorne— first, Ruth A ly .) ° n d, E lle n F ra n c o ; Hawthorne; third, Orpha Arnold Junior high. Sixth grade— first, Ellen Fraley, Hawthorne; second, Rose Aikens, Hawthorne; third, Litha Mile«, Haw­ thorne. Seventh grade— first, Lawrence Powell, Junior high; second Mary Galey, Junior high; third, Raymond Cotter, Junior high. Eighth grade— first, Robert Foltz, i -------- Clawson. ixhibius F o u r th g ra d e — firs t ric k , J u n io r h ig h ; se< e f ir s t H u b b a rd , J u n io r h ig h ; h ig h — M arion, H a w th o rn e , g ra d e ; j F if th g ra d e — firs t, second H a w th o rn e ; second, E side of Ashland that contributed, and received three awards on its lower grads work. The names could not be found in order to designate them in the paper, though they had premium ribbons pinned en them. If the United States and Japan compromise on the island of Yap. they will have to use a microscope in making the division. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO T H E C H R IS TM A S STO RE fl!U Id BHlmaB» XMAS SUITS FOR MEN AND YOU M ake y o u r se le c tio n s now . A sp len d id g ift f, B est g ra d e all-w ool B lue S e rg e S u i t s l f ^ V«».1 n n AJ « W ° o1 S u its— priced O th e r^ Y Y° U' i at a t. Exhaustive Researches. B efore announcing his work on the bacteriophage. Doceor d’H erelle lias m ade exh au stiv e researches into the n a tu re of this u ltram icro b e which seem s to hold the possibilities of revo­ lutionizing ideas in m edicine and biology. D octor d ’H erelle explains th e ac- ’ tion of the bacteriophage as fo llo w s: T ake th e case of bacillus dysentery. If a sam ple of the feces of th e patient Is taken, m ixed w ith bouillon, and -then passed through a C ham berland filter, all of th e m icrobes visible un­ d e r the m iscroscope will b e ’ retained in the flue pores of the porcelain filter and the filtrate or th e liquid th a t passes through wUl be clear, will re ­ m ain so indefinitely and is in ap p ear­ ance sterile. Suppose th a t a case of dysentery is followed during Its course and th a t such u feltrate is pre­ pared for each of th e 30 days of the Illness. If 30 tubes of bouillon cul­ tu re s cloudy w ith dysentery bacilli \gere prepared, and If a drop out of each of the 30 filtrates prepared each day w ere added to the corresponding­ ly num bered cultures, the following would be th e result a fte r 12 hours’ in­ c u b a tio n : T ubes 1 to 6, no change, cloudy w ith dysentery c u ltu re ; tubes 7 to 18, perfectly c le a r; tubes 19 to 30. cloudy like the first six. A strange phenom enon h as occurred in tubes 7 •o 18 caused by th e adding of the drop of filtrate. T he bacilli have been dis­ solved. And a t the sam e tim e th a t Radcliffe graduute, m ountain clim ber this dissolving began to tuke place the and all-round ath lete, Miss B arb ara p atien t began to get well, and on the Bonnelle, in a series of strenuous eighteenth day the cure was complete. physical and medical te sts a t th e Cam ­ T h e presence of the dissolving p rinci­ ple und the cure coincide. T his has bridge, Mass., Y. M. C. A. gym nasium , been found to be the case in other passed as the “perfect g irl” of 1921. diseases, e v e n ,th o se th a t a re not in­ She pu ts tennis and sw im m ing as her fav o rite sports. She a ttrib u te s her te stin a l in ch aracter. good health and splendid physique to And th is principle th a t ap p ears in sim ple diet, plenty o f fresh a ir and a th e filtrate is thousands of tim es more m oderate am ount of outdoor and in­ (tow erful than the most energetic a n ti­ door exercise. septic known. A billionth p a rt of a cubic cen tim eter of filtrate will dis­ solve a tubeful of dysentery bacilli. FATHER OF HUGE FAMILY And unlike a chem ical, the b a c te ri­ ophages will m ultiply them selves over Married Three Times and Two of Hi« an d over again. A m ere trace of the Wives Are Dead. liquid in th e tube of dissolved bacilli M am « C. B runer, seventy-six, is will clear up a n o th e r tube of culture, “daddy” to 33 children. and if the process is continued a tra c e B runer is one-quarter Creek Indian from the 999th tube will effectively and th ree-q u arters negro and m akes • ause the solution of the 1.000th cul- his home in Independence, Mo. He is i are. reputed to have the second largest But in the dissolved cu ltu re of fam ily of any m an in the Creek In­ bacilli th ere can be seen no microbes, dian nation, even if the most pow erful optical B runer says th a t he has been m ar­ m eans a re employed. In fact, the ried th ree tim es; his first tw o wives bacteriophages a re so extrem ely small a re dead. tliat Dr. d ’H erelle declares th a t w ith­ T he children range from youngsters out a doubt no hum an eye will ever of thirteen to m iddle-aged men and . ‘^ u b le to see them and determ ine women. T w enty of them a re girls and •.heir form even w ith th e aid of any th irteen boys. Tw elve of the sons are In stru m e n t th a t may be devised in the overseas veterans of the W orld w ar. 5 uture. T he volume-of a bacteriophage T he high cost of living did not i • practically equal to th a t of a mole- worry B runer as f a r as providing for < lie of album en. It is only by d ilut­ his fam ily was concerned. H e form er­ in g a c u ltu re of bacteriophages many, ly lived w ith the Creek nation in O kla­ > .any tim es, then adding a very small homa. T he governm ent allotm ent of i..n o u n t to a cu ltu re of bacilli and $14 a m onth for each man, woman and «•■unting the spots w here dissolving child m ade the provision problem ta k e s place, th a t the num ber o f the sim ple for the veteran Indian. t ..«jteriophage in a given volume could B runer served in the Union arm y t c determ ined and th a t its role in in th e Civil war. t ..tu re could be discovered. By this *• etliud it w as found th at th ere are Huge Chicle Crop for Yank«. .Hf ^least 2.500,000,000 bacteriophages T he chicle crop of the s ta te of 1>< r cubic centim eter. Cam peche, Mexico, this year w as up­ T rained to F ig h t w ard of 5,000,000 pounds, m ost of 'Pliere is only one species of bac- which went to the U nited S ta te s and t e . lgphages able to acclim ate itself to was m anufactured in to chewing gum. second, Kenneth Hobson; third, Jack O’Connell. High school boys—first, Victor Pieffer, on a chair; second, Elton Ramsay, on drawings; third, Marlon Costly, on a table. High school girls— first, Emily Wentner, apron; second, Katherine Pittinger, apron; third, Francis Green, apron. Neil Creek was the only one out­ • GIVE HER A HAND BAG FOR XMAS J u s t received a b e a u tifu l lin e of new B ags, re a l le a th e r, ra n g in g in p rice fro m $ 1 .0 0 to $ 1 2 .5 0 S te rlin g S ilv er to p s, w ith V elvet a n d S a tin Bags, price $ 4 .5 0 a n d $ 5 .0 0 S ilv er B ag T o p s ........................................ 50c, $ 1 .0 0 to $2 .5 0 SO S o u th s ’ S u its of O regon A ll-W ool C a sh m ere « $ 1 0 .0 0 Big lin e o f M en’s O v erco ats, M ackinaw n , W ork Coats ^ B o v s ^ M ^ J ’ SllUS’ PrlCed f r o m ” ’ -W -™ Tf t d M acklnaw s. O vercoats and Work H th e re is a n y th in g c lo th ln g yol, _______ haven 1 got« we Will get it fo r you Big lin e fo r C h ristm a s, p r ic e d .................... ™ « 8, p r k e ‘' ............... **•<•». « .» X F a n c y back a n d sid e com bs, priced fro m . .5 0 c to $ 2 .5 0 Com e in a n d look th e se over BOX STATIONERY MEN’S FURNISHINGS FOR s ;« ” HAIR ORNAMENTS V ord' ” ' ' ‘ XMAS HOUSE SLIPPERS l u re L inen H a n d k e rc h ie fs, priced a t S u sp e n d e rs in X m as B o x e s.1. . . . . . 1------ B elts in X m as Boxes a t TÎeSeR?HPPOHte^ an d ’B elt S e t’ X m a« Box T ie. B elt a n d H ose S u p p o rte r Set, X m as I T ie a n d B elt Set, X m as Boxes a t Big a s s o rtm e n t H ouse S lip p ers a n d M occasins for L ad ies, Men a n d Children,. R ea so n a b ly p ric e d . Shop Early while the Selections are Good CHRISTMAS HANDKE b est line of im p o rte d , h a n d e H a n d k e rc h ie fs in S o u th e rn „ . , Com e in a n d see th is H a n d e m b ro id e re d , a ll p u re L inen, m $ 2 .7 5 H an d e m b ro id e re d p u re L in en , m, IVORY GOODS T he H and e m b ro id e re d S w itz erlan d S w itz erlan d 11 p u re L in en , mac»» in S w itz erlan d $ 1 .0 0 e m b ro id e re d all p u re L in en , m ad e in Ire la n d »Oc, $ 1 .0 0 H an d e m b ro id e re d , all p u re L in en , m ad e in Ire la n d , 35c to 50c Q u a rte r doz. H a n d k e rc h ie fs, h an d so m e ly boxed, h n . e m b ro id e re d , box— $ 1 .1 5 B e a u tifu l lin e o f e m b ro id e re d Sw iss ’ H a n d k e rc h ie fs Di ice irorn 5c, lOc, 15c. 25c. 3 5 c a n d in., RIBBONS P la in an d fan cy rib b o n s, all r a n c y fig u re d a n d R om an s trip e i n , t . b a g s— price, 3 5 c to $: One lot fancy s a tin rib b o n , pric< O ae lo t fancy ta f f e ta rib b o n , nri m ilita ry tsru sn e s ................. S h av in g S e t s ......................... $1 .4 5 , » 2 .8 5 , » 3 .0 0 to » 5 .0 5 P in C u sh io n s ......................... ............................................... » 2 .0 0 N ail B u ffe rs ......................... H a ir R eceiv ers .................... ............................................... $ 1 .4 5 Jew el C ases ........................... P e rfu m e Boxes .................... T alcu m P o w d er C ans . . . ........................................05c, 95c C lo th es B ru sh e s .................. ........................... » 3 .3 5 to $ 1 .90 H a ir B ru sh e s ......................... .........................» 4 .9 0 to $ 5 .0 5 C u ticle K nife ....................... .................................................... 35c M irro rs ................................... ..................$ 3 .3 5 , $ 5 .0 5 , $ 0 .0 5 DOLLS a ll k in d s. K id body d olls, c lo th bofiy dolls d o lls fo r a ll th e c h ild re n , C loth body d olls, re a l h a ir an d go-to«sleep eyes «1.(15. « 1 .9 0 to $ 2 .1 0 body d olls, re a l h a ir a n d go-to-sleep eves $ 1 .1 0 , » 2 .4 0 to $ 4 .5 0 h e a d s, u n b re a k a b le , each ........................................ 25< h ead s, c h i n a w a r e .......................................... $ 1 .0 0 , $1.1.1 w igs .......................................................................25c to 5O< Golden N o rth C e n tra l Ave. 42 P h o n e 246 M edford, Ore o » 1**45« I! -Ii ix S I S