»A«H TWO Tm? AStiUUTO BAHT TWtffGS tVednéadaÿ, December 14, KWH M U M1CK1E, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL VJERE BUGVEO, \ BELIEVE C opyright, 1921, W estern N ew sp ap er Union. F a ilu re is often the tu rn in g point, the pivot o f circum stance th a t swings us to a higher level. L ife is not really w h at comes to us, but w h a t we get o u t of It.—Jordan. » oA Cheap Way of Paying Your Board By Charles Sughroe • W estern Newspaper U n to a uarev clepk kweui vìe . neo 'fWRow os out , auo W lq \ IS TW S TW C lerk ’ come right up here , i BECAUSE OUR, B ill is G etomg SO LARGE -UAMÊOW.TEIN " CLERK, TUE SERVICE HAA J f qm , » SSE MOV», |'*K B ecome intolerable '. MERRASORRNjSlR,’ SEND UP OUR- B \U - A N O e A L L A TAXA'. VIE A R E GOING TO 'iU e W L L A R D EAT FOODS TO KEEP WELL. Fruits of all kinds are essential for good health. Fresh fruits, when rea­ sonable In price will be prefera­ ble; but the dried fruits are always in market, and m any unusual and easily pre­ pared recipes will be found to serve your purpose very satisfactorily. Fruit Bread.—Sift together one cup­ ful of flour, one and one-fourth cup­ fuls of graham flour, one tablespoon­ ful of sugar, four teaspoonfuls of bak­ ing powder, one teaspoonful of salt. Add five tablespoonfuls of shortening, beat two eggs until light; add one cup­ ful of milk and one-fourth of a cup­ ful of molasses. Stir Into the dry mix­ ture and add three-fourths of a cup­ ful of chopped figs, one-fourth of a cupful of chopped dates and six prunes chopped fine. Pour into a well-greased bread pan, and let stand 30 minutes. Bake in a moderate oven 40 minutes. Let stand 24 hours before using. One- fourth of a cupful of nuts may be add­ ed if desired. Prune Stuffing for Goose.—Mix two cupfuls of stale bread crumbs with two-thirds of a cupful of melted short­ ening, one tenspoonful of salt, one- eighth of a teaspoonful of pepper and one and one-half teaspoonfuls of sage. Add one apple peeled and chopped and one cupful of stewed, drained, stoned and chopped prunes. Moisten with prune Juice and use for filling the goose. Jellied Prune Whip.—Wash and cov­ er with cold water one-half pound of prunes, and simmer slowly until ten­ der. Add one-half cupful of sugar and simmer five minutes longer. Drain, saving the Juice; remove the stones and cut the prunes into very small pieces. Soak two tablespoonfuls of gelatine In one-fourth of a cupful of cold water for five minutes, and stir into the hot prune Juice. Add the Juice of one large lemon, and cool until be­ ginning to thicken, then whip until light and foamy. Fold In the prunes and the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Pour Into a mold or serving dish and serve very cold. Christmas Sale at Orres Tailor Shop now on. THE SERVICE \N1LL BE Moen IMPROVED, » ASSURE N gu S ir ’ 3 TWERe IS AN IMMEDIATC £PAJ4i¿£ IP VOU DES i RE OUR PATROMASe-. TW a VS — A l l , C.LÊRK. HAW.’ I i z** A * A knob surmounts the steering For measurement and control of column instead of a wheel In an au­ water in irrigation «fitches a port­ There were also hellctlte stalagmites, tomobile steering mechanism of Eng­ able dam, made chiefly of canvas, has been inventeA a formation which I had not before lish invention. noted. These helictltes are among the rarest and most Inexplicable of cave An inventor has brought out a Its inventor has patented a tiny phenomena. golf club with a handle of steel tub-J electric light to be so mounted on a “Beyond this region we came to a region of rock flowers, the most enor­ lng on which slides a grip to adjust fishing rod that it is switched on ; when a fish bites. mous crystalline flowers ever found. Its length. There are roses, chrysanthemums, daisies, lilies. They are ef a white­ ness that la whiter than snow. “Immediately beyond this garden of snowy whiteness is a less extensive but scarcely less amaslng display of Jet black crystalline formation of cal­ cium sulphate, colored by manganese dioxide. “Instead of forming flowers, these black crystals are mostly of the so- called ‘fibrous’ kind, forming needles two or three Inches long, and some- : imes so fine that the pendant masses seem as soft as the far of an animal. “Next Is the region of gigantic snow­ balls, easily a foot In diameter. There is nothing like It. It Is unique.” After a mile and a half the avenue suddenly narrowed to a mere pass. It became difficult. Instead of a level sanded floor the explorers found them­ selves climbing and scrambling over C h r is tm a s —from— The Vanity Shop MEDFORD, OREGON Silk and Philippine Underwear LEVELAND, O.—Carl T. Robert­ son, naturalist, In the course of an exploration of Mammoth Cave, Ky., has made one of the most im­ portant discoveries In the history of this great natural wonder. His party entered Into a new env.-rn. His story, In part, fs as follows : “Then we came to a region of hellc- tltes which is, I dare snv, the most marvelous ever seen by humnu eye Heli< tites four or five Inches 1 ug a e considered notable. Here was i»ne f«mr feet long, i^id It hn.1 a hurls«> ni branch nineteen Inches long. T’aera were other helh tltes three feet loug, with branches extending horlzuntully and at every conceivable angle. “At another point there vas a hellctlte cascade from roof to root. rocks. C S u g g e s tio n s $3.75 to $6.00 Candles and Compacts of Powder and Rogue 75c to $1.50 Kerchiefs—Swiss and Linen—Handmade 50c to $1.50 Purses and Vanity Bags $2.00 to $7.50 MILLINERY AT 25 PER CENT OFF Some of our $2.45 hats are still left Hand Painted Cards and a lot of other Novelties- for Christmas at prices from Q that box to out-of-town To make sure that your oil heater will op­ erate at its highest ef­ ficiency, tell your deal­ er you want Pearl Oil, the clean-burning ker­ osene that is refined and re-refined by our spe­ cial process. folks without delay. Pearl Oil makes oil heaters most econom­ ical to operate because every drop delivers clean, intense heat. No waste—no smoke—no odor. are made in Medford for KBfcOSENE We specialize in packing and wrapping for mailing at the Holiday Season. Just give us the I t ’s just a nice little drive from Ashland to THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Main and Bartlett Medford, Ore. jlilllíl!llllliil!!llllll|l!llllllll|l||l!lll|l¡llllll¡lllll¡! !l||||||¡ll!l IMIllllllllllllilliiiillllilHlM Interest-Deceinber 15th Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere. Order by name—Pearl Oil. PEARL OIL Everywhere. HEAT AND UGHT S T A N D A R D OIL C O M PAN Y (California) If you have Liberty Bonds o f the first issue or Victory Bonds— get them out on December Iftth and clip the interest eou|>ons that are payable on that date. It may be a small sum, to be sure, an«l if you put it In your iKxjket you will scarcely know you had It. But if you put. It. in an account here, earning Inteiwut at 4 per cent, it will be a real boost for your oaah re­ serve. Add this little bit to what you have and it will ear* a little bit more. The Citizens Bank address: we will do the rest. 1 X MEDFORD Ashland, OREGON Oregon ■ B ill BIG SALE JEWELRY WE NEED THE MONEY We are putting our entire stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, IVORY, Etc., on the Market AT WHOLESALE PRICES 9 Thia will be a dean cut sale. We offer a good, dean stock of merchandise at prices that will save you dollars.lt will be a chance to make your aonars do almost double duty. We guarantee each artide sold. We have no shoddy or shop worn stock. This sale you must not overlook. Call and let us show you. You will be pleased, we are sure. Do not delay, as things will move fast at the prices that we will offer. W E MUST TURN OUR STOCK. - * S A L E S T A R T S W E D N E SD A Y , D E C E M B E R 14th OPEN S S ’n i'S E ’ &t St?riiiw saTer Thimbles, 20c. Seth Thomas Alarm Clocks, $2.65. Set Rings a t almost half price. One $150.00 Phonograph for $110.00. E V E N IN G S ■ 50c to $3.00 rigMf ie l tor your oil heater Don’t forget to send g Beth conibies and nighties—with real laee embroidery 010001021002000102050601022300534823485323535300020100010048000102000002010000020048482348235353234853484848532301020001000101010202010100000201020002000200534853000100024800000202000200010101000002 guaranteed. MAS’ New Marvels Found in Mammoth Cave Don’t Miss It. iilw n S S --T Q. Lovers of Good Candy $1.00 P ro fil B u t s e e t w a t GAVJNT t INDUCE NOU .To REMAIN? R EA LÍN .9R — In labor circles we presume a de­ cree of divorce would be termed a non-union document. When you find a husband and wife who think exactly alike it Is very evident that one doep the vers well , clerk , A good Waltham W atdi for $ 9 .2 5 - Phonograph Records, 35c each. FAY E. DIAMOND 115 E . M a i n , M e d f o r d