pagm mkh AMItt AWB DA ttî m o r o s ’ low.'fc Visits .E a X c n Star Installation— I r.n D. I.Iowat, form ar city ed't- It is cot yet known w hether the or 1-3 A shland T id'nsa, was la installation of Eastern S tar officers town last week visiting his parents, will be December 27 or Jan u ary 3. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mpwat, of Beach --------- ■ -- Side Lights------ Avenue. Mr. Mowat has been Returns to Talent— i storm bound in E astern Oregon for Mrs. M. E. Frazer, who has been W ill L eav e f o r Id a h o — days and was hastening on to Calif- nursing Mrs. Cathryn Alford, of tr. ami s. W F. B uehrer, who ornia again to tak e up his work, Talent, returned home this naorn- recentF, sold th eir place east of stopping here enroute to see the ing. Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & town, e: ; »et to > to Idaho after home folks a few hours. A. M. Special communication W ed­ Christmas. Mr«. Buchner plans to -------- - Sweet cream for sale. Rose nesday evening, 7:30 o’clock. E. A. sto p in Caiii'o a ia enroute to v i.’t Chocolate cream s of quality. Rose Brothers. 87-5 degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Brothers. 87-5 for a tim e with her daughter. — W. H. Day, Secretary. Dort like a W ort— hard to wear Cliff Payne makes foot stools. Malted Milk Twins, 1% lb. loaf out. New Dort Motor Car— see the All who intend purchasing the a t­ 10 cents. A dem onstration sale at Four-Site Sales Agency. 87-1 mo tractive Kewples displayed In the all stores. 87tf Post Office Slogan Today— -------- «q Bazaar show case, will have to h u r­ — ; Mall early for C hristm as— B etter Improves Home— ry. The first shipm ent is selling fast M;lt<