TWO » ! »as »» » » the value of natural beauty spots along the roadside. In such case the Established 1876 trees should be spared in order that »hed Every Evening Except the happy yuletide spirit as repre­ Sunday sented by the hillside greenery shall ASHLAND PRINTING CO. he passed on to future generations (RICIAL CITY AND COUNTY and the greener population that will PAPER eventually center about and in Ash­ -TELEPHONE 39 land. TtìÈ AÉtttAífD DAILY WWíGS Tuesday, December í». íéííi one year and over— First and Junior champion, Quarjo 992565, W. B. TUESDAY, Lindsay, Merlin, Or. Females— Four and over— First, WEDNESDAY Lady Barrington 5420.52, Ellon Bee­ son. Talent; second, Laurel Frantic 132369, Elton Beeson, Talent; two years and over— First, Wagner Las­ sie 816671, Elton Beeson, Talent; ip tion P rice D elivered in C ity: second, White Beauty 052384, Elton lonth .................................. $ .65 Beeson, Talent; one year and over— m o n th s .............................. 1.95 Months .................. ............ • 3-75 First, Wagner Duchess, Elton Bee­ Starring rear ............................; . . . 7.50 son, Talent; calves (not named— Mail and R ural R outes T he P u b lic Forum colum n is a First and second, Elton Beeson, lonth .................................. 5 .65 m edium for th e exp ression s o f Talent, Or. months .............................. 1-35 T idings readers. A rticles su b m it­ inths .................................. 3.50 Herefords— Bulls— Two years and ted for publication m ust not e x ­ rear ..................................... 6.5( over— First, J. N. Edington, Gold ceed 4 0 0 words. V iew s exrpessed under th is h ead are not to be con­ Hill; second, A. C. Joy, Ashland; ADVERTISING RATES fu sed w ith th e ed itorial opinion of Display Advertising one year and over— First, J. N. Ed- Alf wanted a home and the new spaper, th e T idings being insertion, each in ch ........... 30c —Also— tngton, Gold Hill. w illin g to a llo w presen tation o f YEARLY CONTRACTS happiness, but he rub­ Females— Two years and over— both sid es of any question except D isplay A dvertising First, A. C. Joy, Ashland; one year bed the button t h e BIG TWO REEL COMEDY politics and religion . ’time a w eek.......................37%« times a week...................... 36 c and over— First, A. C. Joy, Ashland; wrong w ay—and look iry other day......................... 20 c six months— First, A. C. Joy, Ash­ what he got! Local R eaders Editor Tidings: land. jh line, each tim e......... 19o I see our mayor holds to the the­ .Goats— Toggenburg doe —• First o ran every other dtoy foe one month, each line, each tim e ,. 7c ory that we have plenty of water to and second, B. M. Heath, Ashland. THURSDAY ONLY To run every issue for one month Irrigate with and nothing will coi* or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c vlnce him until he has an expert MAIL EARLY AND OFTEN C lassified Colum n farm an acre of ground to find out One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month the amount of water required for in— or more, %c the word each time. that acre. I am from Missouri. You The Chrlstmastlde is drawing near, «» When parcel post looms high. L egal R ate will have to show me that one acre O N E W IL D W E E K ” First time, per 8-point lin e......... 10c The clerks and postmen plead with test would be sufficient where we Each subsequent time, per 8- you: point line • • • • • • • • • • • . « • « . • 5c have a dozen different kinds and “MAIL EARLY” is their cry. Card of th a n k s .................. .. 81.00 depths of soil, from the coarse gran­ Obituaries, the l i n e ...................8%« ite to the heavy adobe soil. 1 F raternal Orders and S ocieties While I was in Yolo county, Calif., Of course you want your friedns to Advertising for fraternal orders get or societies charging a regular initi­ recently, I Investigated the method ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ of Irrigation there. The water is Their gifts by Christmas day, ligious and benevolent orders will \>e brought In canals over 100 miles and And Uncle Sam will back you np w w » a charged the regular rate for all ad sold to the farmers at the rate of $6 If you mall them right away. vertlsing when an admission or other to ? 9 per acre and it takes from six charge IB made. J r i (Í to nine feet of water in depth. This But if you keep on waiting What Constitutes Advertising N EW Y O RK , Dec. 13.— T h e A m e ric a n P u b lic H e a lth so ciety , w hich Until the last few days. In order to allay a misunderstand­ is for rice. Rice has to have six c e le b ra te d its f if tie th a n n iv e rs a ry in New Y ork N o vem ber 14 to 18, ing among some as to what consti­ inches of water standing on It con­ There’ll be congestion in the mails w as fo u n d ed h a lf a c e n tu ry ago b y Dr. S te p h en S m ith , w ho w as born tutes news and what advertising, tinually until it Is ready to harvest And terrible delays. on a fa rm In New Y ork s ta te F e b r u a r y 19, 1823. T oday, a t th e a g e of we print this very simple rule^ wWch i The difference in depth of water is I n in e ty -n in e , D r. S m ith d e c la re s t h a t a m an is only a y o u n g s te r u n til he ! t is used by newspapers to differentl- the difference in depth of soil. The Just think how disappointed ate between them: “ALL future is p a s t sixty. events, where aa admission charge farmers that are not under the ditch The kiddles all would be. D r. S m ith once s u ffe re d p o o r h e a lth u n til he d isco v ered t h a t he w as i Is made or a collection is taken 19 pnmp the wator from the ground, If their presents came too late e a tin g too m uch. Since t h a t tim e h e h a s lim ited h im se lf to a d ie t t h a t ; ADVERTISING.” 'This applies to from a depth of 40 to 60 feet. This To hang on the Christmas tree. organizations and societies of ever# coats them from |1 0 to 8 i5 per aere. c o n sists c h ie fly of v e g e ta b le s, f ru it, n u ts an d m ilk . H e re a d s an d w rite s kind as well as to individuals. w ith o u t e y e g la sses, an d a ttr ib u te s h is g o o d e y e sig h t to th e fact t h a t he i All reports of such activities attar As the water runs on the rice con* Your gifts need not be opened does n o t chew , sm o k e n o r d rin k in to x ic a tin g liq u o rs. H is hom e is a t stantly day and night, the evapora­ they have occurred Is news. If a paater you will use; M o n to u r F a lls , N. Y. All coming social or organisation tion 1* considerable, of course, hut meetings of societies where ns they have to have the water or they “Don’t open until Christmas,” money contribution is eoliciteil, Initi­ Is a seal that you should choose. ation charged, or collecton taken IS don’t raise a crop, and it Is the same with raising fruit. NEWS. k*!*“ « If you don’t get the water whe» I wonder If you realise We make all quotations on The hardships of the clerks, you want it, it cuts down your crop, leavening strength. JOB WORK If you neglect to mail THIS WEEK, and there Is no sane reason that can inkl S n PRICK LdST And thus your duty abtrk. T U B FR ANK LIN be advanced for cutting down our of the can—or by the amount Same prices— reasonable price water supply. to all you get for your money. You I have « clipping from the Wood­ And picture the poor postman Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, land dally paper I wish you would Laden down with shoulders lame; must estimate it by the amount all Postoffice as Second-class Mall read carefully and see what he says For although 'tis “Merry Christmas” of baking powder used in each ter. They must all work Just the same. about “Water, Air and Light.” baking and the resultsyou get. Yojo counXy must compete with WHOLESALERS OF QUALITY CANDIES On this dear Jewel of my e other counties for population and So remember, friends, MAIL EARLY industry. In order to do so success­ If you’d spread the Christmas memory Fountain Supplies — Stationery — School Supplies fully we must offer homeseekers cheer, 4» My heart will ever dwell, more than other counties can offer. MAIL EARLY, and MAIL OFTEN + and fate In vain, Distributing Agents for National Biscuit Co. We have the land, the wide range And delays you need not fear. «< P o sse ssin g t h a t, essay to ----- and----- of products, the climate and the fac­ ♦ make me wretched. offered in Baking Powder—it ilities necessary for Increasing pro­ 4> — Lord John Russell. H O EFLER’S CENTENNIAL CHOCOLATES has greater raising “fored'— it duction. The one other essential is PO*OtR j goes farther than many of the energy that we can have in abun­ ¿ h>CA6O, J-fcA- MEDFORD OREGON other brands. You use only a The most confirmed provincial, dance by the proper development of rounded or heaping teaspoonful Phone 53-R Res. Phone 899-R living In the most distant portion of water for irrigation purposes and where many others call for two the country, has learned by this time latent hydroelectric power. teaspoonfuls or more. “Water, Light and Air belong to that Oregon Is not a wild frontier region overrun with savage Indians the people. They ought to avail themselves of what Qod has given from our bent upon scalping palefaces. all you’ll save when using them.” Calumet. You save baking mate­ STATIONERY DEPARTMENT That is Just what I have been ad­ Taking the far look, It is appar­ rials. Calumet never fails. The last ent that the United States will save vocating all along. If I have more level teaspoonful is as powerful — Loose-leaf Memos enormously by scrapping warships, energy and want to breathe more as the/irsf. Calumet is perfectly — Writing Cases as projected in the Hughes plan, air, that is my privilege. Same way manufactured—keeps perfectly- — Playing Cards even though these craft cost, in toto, with light and the same way with and is moderate in price. — Crlbbag* Board* M any fo lk s a re w ish in g th e y h a d a water. So long as I do not Infringe hundreds of millions originally. Y ou e a v e w h e n y o u b u y It. — Llne-a-Day Book* s n u g sum tu c k e d aw ay in a h a n k . on my neighbor, and I oan read Y o u s a v e w h e n y o u u s e It, — Address Books I t w ould sav e th e ir sc rim p in g to get Stefansson says polar explorers God’s word right, there is no man — Faney Boxed Stationery One trial will satisfy you of these C h ristm a s g ifts, o r b u y in g c h eap have been evasively fibbing by lead­ or set of men that have a right to facts — and dem onstrate beyond doubt — Fountain Pens th in g s in ste a d of th e w o rth -w h ile th a t “Calum et spells economy.” ing the world to believe that the make a profit off of something that — Bversharp Pencils ones th e y w a n t. Arctic region is a place of eternal belongs to the people, over the first —"Framed Mottoes Your grocer sells it on a guaran­ ice, whereas, says this famous ex­ cost and maintenance. tee of money back if you are not pleased I t ’s to o h ad, b u t th e r e a re o th e r — Framed Pictures with results. S. PATTER8ON. plorer, the summers up there are C h ris tm a s se a so n s co m ing, so d o n ’t — Narcissus Bulbs warm. Surely this grim Scandinav­ Calumet contains only such ingre­ re p e a t th e m is ta k e , b u t open up — Xmas Cards dients as have been approved officially by ian traveler of the Ice fields Is not MOTIONAL LIST OP F ir s t N a tio n a l S avings A cco u n ts as — Greeting Cards the U. S. Food Authorities. going to put some more explorers in soon as possible. PRIZES AWARDED Q U A L IT Y the Ananias class with Dr. Cook. SHOP EARLY AT WINTER PAIR AW ARDS I t ’s p la n n in g a h e a d , a n d a c e rta in I sy ste m t h a t c o u n ts in sav in g . Public Forum Column L ivestock Awards The Tidings is pleased to note the Shorthorns: Balls— Three years many interesting viewpoints that O B S E R V E TH IS and over— First and grand cham­ have been expressed by readers in pion. Villager Lad 737218, Elton A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some Ashland, :: :: •: articles written for the Public Forum O regon Beeson. Talent; two years and over (‘ •Start baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. column. Letters on either side of — First in class, Avalon’s Goods questions concerning the city are not cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. 847748, W. B. Lindsay, Merlin, Or.; only welcomed by the Tidings, but arouse keen interest and spirited discussions among those interested u s u cfu e rya i snenerDanlc in the city’s welfare, a condition re­ sulting in clarifying many Issues RENTS INCREASE FROM 20 PER CENT IN 1913 TO 40 PER CENT IN 1921, OF THE AVERAGE INCOME which may be bones of contention. Although the Tidings Is desirous of publishing all communications, letters exceeding 400 words in length must be either condensed to that limit or refused, beginning with today’s issue. Many articles sub­ mitted in the past have exceeded the The FORGE OF PUBLIC OPINION ought to be brought to bear by all classes to PERSUADE EVERY RENTER TO BEGIN PAYING FOR A HOME limit, occasioning serious mechanical LOYALTY TO YOUR HOME TOWN ought to induce every person with any money to loan, to place it with our Association, where, in a few hours it will difficulties at a time when news and advertising matter must be set In be at work making some family happy and contented because they can begin paying for their own home. type for the other columns of the paper. Tidings Founder of American Public Health Society Is Ninety-Nine Years Young A LPS BUTTON L E Public Forum S L IE HENSON The value of bak­ ing powder is based on its You can’t judge it by the size CALUMET is the greatest value ever Xmas Gift Suggestions But Baking Powder is not HIGHEST McNab Bros. First National lank n» G E T T H E SE F A C T S NO STATE NEEDS HOMES AS BADLY AS OREGON. "Spare That T ree!” Great care should be exercised by seekers of Christmas trees that the scenic beauty of nearby Ashland roads Is not destroyed. Many com­ plaints have been made by residents in the hill districts that depredations of tree cutters during the holiday* of previous y e a n have depreciated IT ’S UP TO YOU—BE LOYAL OR QUIT TALKING ABOUT IT. J H C K S O N C O U N T Y B U IL D IN G & L O A N A S S O C IA T IO N 0. M. KIDD, President MEDFORD, OREGON O. C. BOGGS, Secretary