A 3HLAND climate, w ithout th e aid * * of medicine, cures nine Vases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fa c t A shland D aily T idings , e tfae pasgage Qf tfae * I few months. high wate r some time ago took out “ We are overcrowded in nearly Nary, to this organization, “ by gov-i braced in a special treaty between wlde tax m easure to flnanc0 In B em storiT s Time ' part of the dam - but left It in, such every departm ent and greatly ham ­ ernm ent statistics th e significant de-l Tomorrow from 8 o’clock in t h e ‘ tbe United States and) Japan, as it 1925 exposition, to be referred to Wben Count Johan Von B ernstorff shape that fiab eou,d not K‘‘t pered in our work by lack of funds. cline in the tubercular death rate in m orning until 8 o’clock in the ev en -' d°es not directly concern any other the people, and the consideration of took his departure from W ashington through the opening. A nother pas- The new commerce building will be Oregon from one hundred and three ing, the citizens of Ashland will nations. much-needed legislation to regulate a rath er hasty m anner some five 9ageway was made and that served finished In a few months, but we in 1911 to eighty-six in 1920. I have an opportunity at the nine poll- W hile the term s have not yet the operation of trucks over o u r ' years ag0, Germany had need» for lit- the purpose tem porarily, but the need more buildings and more In­ congratulate the Oregon Tuberculo- ing places below mentioned, to re g - ibeen officially announced, it is un- public "highways and I tie envy In the m atter of her em- work to be done now WH1 make a structors adequately to train the sis association on its share in this re- ister th eir approval or disapproval derstood th a t the United States has W hereas, th e ’ 1925 fair tax w a8l bassy here- Her embassy was about C,6ar pa8Sage for Ush to go through 4000 students intrusted to our care. suit. I strongly commend your work of the proposed mileage tax for been given certain, definite rig h ts ! carried in the city of Portland bv a ' on a par with tb a t of most of the the dam ’ much to the de»ght of the Our teaching force and experim ent­ and sincerely hope th a t this four-1 m aking improvements a t th e J a c k -!on the island and in other islands vote of more than four to one and larger Powers. Today, however ! 8port8men and everybody, ers are doing splendid work, and are ---- -----------------~ ---------- teenth annual Christm as seal sale son county fair grounds near Med-j coming under the Japanese man-j W hereas, we women recognize t h e 'ia the ,ast of the big Powers to be accomplishing for the arm y of young great people things here and fo r k .! « 7 * “ “ e re a " y. i" ''re!‘s'‘d reve- tord- T“ « « 1« »»• to exceed »27.- d ate- T h e « Include rig h t of lan 3 broad educational and cultural a tl-: w lth° ut ‘ " ■ « » I'K fn t am bassadorial OF GERMANY; 5 YEARS Portland Club Women Endorse 1925 Exposition l/o/ers Will Pass On Fair Ground Issue Tomorrow Fiend Kills 50 Year Old Calif. Business Woman - -- . . . ’ . nue for your association. You may 412. As explained in yesterday’s !Ing slups and controlling cables. Ja- vantages to be derived from h olding! setting in W ashington. It is tru e the state generally, but many of our ¡count on my support.” Tidings, the average farm er will pay Pan will retain nominal control of a w orld’s fair within the borders of th a t G reat Britain still clings to a citizens do not realize the difficulties In 1920 the per capita sale of seals only one-third the amount. In other tbe islands the state, to say nothing of the adkl-1 rambBn,S ol(i brick, mansion, cov­ under which we labor.” was as follows in the counties of words, for every dollar they put into ; ------------------------- - ed general prosperity th at will ac- ered wBb iyy vines, but then the Oregon: Baker, 1.9 per capita; Ben- their fair grounds, other people will — . . . be-brassed British m arine and the crue to us, therefore,, ton, 5.1; Clackamas, 3.5; Clatsop, put in two. Furtherm ore, the tax f C h llu fC n 3f1u Be it resolved, th a t the Portland massive bull-dog th at guard the 4.6; Columbia, 2.9; Coos, 3.8; Crook is for only one year. Everybody1 Federation of W omen’s Organiza- ^ront d°or of the British embassy, POMONA, Calif., Dec. 13.— One of 5.5; Curry, 5.8; Deschutes, 2.9; benefits by an agricultural fair, di- tions, comprising eighy-eight a ffili-ig-ve far more impressiveness than the most fiendish m urders In the Douglas, 2.9; Gilliam, 4.2; G rant. I rectly or indirectly, because agri- ated bodies, and representing an- granite portococheres and grilled « ... 1.6; Harney, 2.9; Hood River, 3.9; culture Is the basic industry of the proximately 7000 voting women, bronze doors could ever contribute. i anila b OI 8° p eni California occur- Jackson, 4; Josephine. 7.4; Jeffer- country, and especially of Jackson does hereby commend the governor France has an embassy here th at *d' 5 ’ " S m orniug’ * ben son, 1.1; K lam ath, 6; Lake, 3.6; county. to r calling the special sc8sl„ n . and 18 » " » t'l'lte c ta r .l monument. J 8- | , „ r. ' ¿ . ‘ boJnd’ Lane, 3.1; Lincoln, 2; Linn, 3.1; The following polling places have DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 13.— J o s-, believing th a t the whole state w ill1 pan 8 d iPlom ats are housed in a fine WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 13.— Malheur, 2.7; Marion, 2.8; Multno- . been nam ed: Precinct - 1, - at - library; -------Jt eph W aken and his seven children be benefltted, we endorse the m eas-! raansion- Italy’s am bassattor has gugM ‘ an\ urned to death by an The w ater supply of the city of To­ ma outsi e of P o rtlan d ), 2.5; ¡O. W inter, judge; J. M. B eaver,: ranging from two to eight years, ure of a state-w ide tax for the 1925 no need to invite his diplomatic col- 11 ansa a n t' ll io is almost completely cut off as o 1 5 ’ Polk' 2 9 : Sberm an, | chairm an. Precinct 2, east and cen- were burned to death when the two fair, and we earnestly imnlore the ,eagues to bi3 borne, and even China t " ,° n J th ° m urderer seek . 3 : Tillamook, T l llQ m o n k 9 « Union. o 2.2; o . Uma­ ____ _____ r n G D llL f ir a t P a 11 f r n p o u zxf the result of an earthquake which 2 2.3; 2; ob,it®rate aB traces of the ___ mur- tral Ashland, at city hall; Lillian story fram e building which they o c-' members of both houses of the le g -:ba9 a legat‘on th a t is nearly as im- r.tcked the city several days ago, ac­ tilla, 7.8; Wallowa. 2.1; Wasco, 3.1; Provost, judge, and C. C. W alker. cupied near this city was burned to .'ialatu re to confine themselves exJ P res8ife as the yellow-skinned gen-\* F 'V , urning tbe * wa>n store and cording to advices received by the W ashington, 3.2; W heeler, 2.5; chairm an. ------- ground ------- today clusively to the consideration o t : t'om an who answer» the door. t«™ 8. »nt he also tired the o ttlce. Precinct 3, west and the consideration o t <;„b. Onwtrip» O erm nn, : 8,‘d »^rehouse of the Hinman Fuel Japanese embassy here. Yamhill, 2.3; Portland, 8.2. central Ashland, a t McCarthy build- The fire started when Mrs. Waken those questions named in the gover­ Five per cent is the minimum set Ing at Main and G ranite streets; A. i lighted a fire by pouring kerosene Many * of small powers have far n,m .. pany' . next nor s call, to the end) th at the session __ the — -------. » m door. wbich resulted WILL HOLD ANNUAL RED may not be prolonged to unreason- outstripped Germany in the m atter — b " 83 e” Many CltiCS CX’ E ‘ Kinn0U iaSt night> but wiH $et you the Many a person misses the good tainers, pasteboard boxes with tin spit the fact th a t Mexico has no dip­ next tim e.” The threatened woman tb-ngs of life In trying to hog those or lead foil linings have been invent­ chairm an. Precinct 9, Valley View children grouped aro u n d him, the man legislative committee. told the police, to whom she gave school house; Ralph Billings, judge; flames coming closer and closer u n ­ Passed at Portland, Or., Decem­ lomatic representatives here, she ls tb it are useless. ed in Denmark. the note, th at she knew of no one D. M. Lowe, chairm an. til finally enveloping them. ber 10, 1921. (Continued on Page 4) who bore her enmity. Quake Cuts Off Water Supply of Japanese Capital Father Die in Burning Home tt v l io