t««i* »Gl ti ÀSHL à V ü O à ÎLÏ OTDÎNftâ Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ■ i. ■ ■■■ ■ - Side Lights ■ ............. . Have your clothes cleaned thia Nell Creek VUltxxr— week and avoid the Christmas rush. Miss Wilma Gyger, of Nell oreek, Paulserud’a. S6tf was the guest o f Miss Janie Walker during the Winter Fair. Colonizing Dlsoouregett— Discouragement of proposed •f- Murphy’e Hot Pufew-- forts to colonize Oregon ex-servlee! The splendid Hot Point electric men on tracts of farm land featured, range which was viewed with admlr- a speech by Colonel George L. ation by many Winter Fair visitors, White, adjutant general of Oregon, was exhibited by the Murphy Elec- before the Portland Realty board trie company, together with many Friday. The majority of the appli- other useful and beautiful electric cants for loans under the Oregon appliances. soldiers' loan law are men with trades or professions. White stated, As long as this ad remains in this and desire to use their money to paper it Is not too late for us to purchase homes. While more than finish your portrait for Christmas. $1,300,000 in loans had been applied Darling Studio — Portraits that for, only about $400,000 In caah Please M tf bonuses had been asked. O elebrates OOth B irthday— Monday, December 12, IWi Annual Report Of County Nurse For Year's Work lim ita tio n , th e y w ill p a y o v e r th e sp e ct a n d tr u s t o f b o th m a n a g e m e n t tw e e n m a n a g e r a n ti m en h a s been ................. e n tir e sum a s k e d fo r as th e c o u n ty ’s and a n d n em m ployes n in v a . ” ’’ l lo o s s t t,” . ” s s a a id S o fT P ta rv D a v is “ I n : -------------------- --— id S e c re ta ry D avis. “ In j share In building the armory. „ . m ,, . ... . . S e c re ta ry D avis s a id t h a t he be- th e s e sp e cia l c o n c ilia to rs I see a w a y . E This armory w ill be b u ilt w ith a , , « . a aaa « .. . . , lie r e d t h a t dow n deep in h is h e a rt to re -e s ta b lis h a t le a s t so m e th in g of a b o u t $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fro m t h e s ta te , a b o u t . , t h a t lo st a n d v a lu a b le a sso c ia tio n . 5 2 0 ,0 0 0 fro m M e d fo rd a n d a b o u t ? " ; , "“ la , „„„ _ „„ , he 5 2 0,000 fro m th e c o u n ty . T h is as- A m e r t o “ w a n te d to g e t on “ “ «■ 1 “ “ b“ u,1 onennoa k *». a ln PeaCe- “ W h en w e h av e in d u s tr ia l com pì e h e n s ive u s e fu ln e ss of th e s e ra n c e o f to d a y by th e c o u n ty c o u rt; , ,, , . . The regular meeting of the Med­ s u ......... w a r fa r e ,” h e sa id , “ it is n o t fro m c o n c ilia to rs we p la n to h av e. I am in s u re s th e b u ild in g o f th e a rm o ry ford center of the public health as­ w ilfu ll ‘c u sse d n e ss,’ it is on a c c o u n t c o n fid e n t t h a t w ith t h e ir a id we ) a n d th e s t a r t o f c o n s tru c tio n w ork sociation was held December 1, when of som e d e e p -se a te d m is u n d e rs ta n d ­ s h a ll he re m o v in g a v a s t d e a l o f fric ­ detailed! reports of the work of the a b o u t J a n u a r y 1. ing. in n e a rly ev e ry case th e w ar­ tio n from in d u s try a n d liftin g a T h e levy fo r th e b u d g e t o u tsid e county nurse, Miss Falldine, were rin g p a rtie s a re only too g lad to heavy b u rd e n of w a ste fro m th e of h ig h school d is tr ic ts is 27.4 m ills, v S J ’S w heard. m a k e a n d keep peace. T h e d iffi­ back o f th e p u b lic — w hich a lw a y s in a n d in sid e h ig h school d is tric ts 28.8; There has been a general demand c u lty is only in a rr iv in g a t th e n e­ th e lo n g ru n pays th e c o st of every i s tr ik e iu th e fo rm o f h ig h e r p ric e s. I : : : q& SM E of a follow-up meeting of the recent­ m ills. c e ssa ry m u tu a l u n d e rs ta n d in g . O ur ‘‘W hen we h a v e e s ta b lis h e d th is ly held baby clinic. It was decided sp e cia l m en w ill be a b le to su p p ly to bold a weighing and measuring th a t n eed ed c o m p re h e n sio n to th e sy stem of sp ecial se rv ic e 1 am c o n ­ meeting on Thursday afternoon at fu lle s t m e a s u re , a n d I c a n n o t h elp vinced th a t we s h a ll h a v e fo u n d a the Red Cross rooms, December 15. th in k in g t h a t th e y w ill soon com e th in g long la c k in g a n d long w a n te d All infants and children examined at to be w elcom e fix tu re s in o u r in d u s ­ — oil a t p o in ts of fric tio n iu th e m e c h a n ism of A m erican in d u s try the clinic should be brought In at tr ia l sy stem . By F L O R E N C E W IL SO N t h a t h a v e n e v e r heeu p ro p e rly lu b ­ that time and place that a record T h e la b o r s e c re ta ry p o in te d o u t T h e m em b e rs of th e J u n io r H ig h ric a te ti b e fo re .” of progress may be kept. t h a t th e m en he h a d in m in d w ould glee clu b a r e : S o p ran o a— H e le n T 7 “; “7 u**uu w u“ *'; Scales for this work were report­ . . ¿iso be a b le to keep th e m a n a g e rs of It there were, we would k e r, A lice R e id e r, K a t h e r i n e ! ” " ' / -------- ~ TOO LA T E TO CLASSIFY ed as purchased for the use of the T P in handle it. Dependabil­ h lp p ,. R o n l u i d W ise, A lta P i c k e t t ,1 E K “ ‘ e n te r p r is e , re- county nurse. A long-felt necessity ity, service and value m in d ed of th e tr ia ls , th e w e a k n e sse s, FO R S A L E — T a n c re d s tr a in W h ite Is thus filled and hereafter the same D o rise M o n tg o m ery , M adge M itchell, th e s tru g g le s a n d a m b itio n o f th e L e g lio rn c o c k e re ls, ch eap if ta k e n are all important to us a t once, to m a k e room . Mrs. W. scales will be used for each weighing a n d M arie M itchell. A ltos— R o s e tta m an who to ils a t th e loom o r th e ami therefore we sell M cGee, L e th a D odge, S y lv o ra H a tc h , D. B o o th , p h o n e 257-Y , 264 and measuring meeting. . . __T . ., . ro lls o r in th e m in es o r in a n y ca- W e ig h tm a n s tr e e t. 86-1 Miss Falldine's report In detail A rle n e J o h n s o n , A lm a H ay es, Lizzie „ p acity in th e c o u n tr y ’s g r e a t 2in- brought out many interesting and O w en, E d ith H e n ry , a n d E ffie H a- j d u s trie s H O W A B O U T TH A T LEA K Y RO O F B loom field, pitiable cases that are now receiving zen. T e n o rs — W ay n e — N ow is th e tim e to r e p a ir it. “ I t is one of th e c a la m itie s of th e F o r f i r s t c la ss w ork see J e n s e n ¿c the needed personal attention. The H ugh G lllm ore, S tanley W aite, Ver- m o d ern in d u s tr ia l pro b lem t h a t th e H ood, 405 L ib e rty St., or 417 non Decker, Lester Beck, Frank report In general was as follows: old in tim a te , p e rs o n a l c o n ta c t be-! P a lm A ve. 86-6* N o Better 1 ire Known We will deliver sixteen lnsh oak L. L. Angle, well-known Ashland for $4.50 per tier In two-tier lots.— pioneer since 1895, Is hale and Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 81-6 hearty today while ol|servlng the passing of his ninetieth birthday an­ V alue A pples by Corn— niversary at his home, 116 South A news telegram from La Grande Pioneer avenue. Mr. Angle is rap­ Ore., says: “Oregon apples are idly improving in health after an Total number of visits, 147; nurs­ Bloomfield, Kay Neil, and Harold worth eight bushels of corn per box illness of the past few days. He is ing visits, 6; Instructive visits, 7; Kitto. Bass— Ward Jennings, Aldo In the corn belt, according to George the father of Orra Angle, employe of visits to tubercular patients, 11; vis­ Parr, Loren Culbertson, Sam Pres­ Marshall of Imber, who has Just re­ Irwin's cigar store. Mr. Angle first its to general cases, 10; infant wel­ cott, Fred Marrett, Robert! Folltz, turned from the middle west, where came to Oregon in 1885, moving to fare visits, 15; prenatal visits, 2; Norman Wells, Kendrick Watson. he attempted to market a large crop Ashland ten years later . visits to schools, 16; home visits to Frank Bently, Obie Bristow, and of apples. In parts of the middle Ladies Art d u b — school children, 18; visits to doctors, Henry Homes. west the apples found no market Regular mea.ing this evening of Notice the bungalow aprons at the business calls, etc., 68; routine In­ because of bad business conditions, the Ladles' Art club. Hostesses— Winter Fair, made by the seventh A spection of school children, 216; and a portion of the shipment has Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mrs. George Ste­ girls, and the towels made by the Three children taken to home for been placed in storage In Oklahoma vens. I,eeble minded. One patient taken seventh B girls. until market conditions are better. Thursday morning, Professor Stet­ i to tubercular hospital at Salem, one C liff Paj ne m ake« book stands. son from the University of Oregon i patieht to hospital A t Ashland, one NOTICE visited the classes of the Junior to Sacred Heart hospital. Announcement—— Card party, Masonic hall, Friday high school. Clinics held a t Medford, Talent, Roller skating rink at Nat opens evening, Dec. 16. Public invited, Red Cross seals are being sold by and Phoenix. Group 'meetings at Tuesday evening, 7 o'clock. Open refreshments. the pupils of the Junior high and every afternoon and evening from Ashland, Gold Hill and Central the fourth, fifth and sixth grades, j 2 to 5, and 7 ttf 10 p, in. 88tU Point. One tuberculosis cllnio held. Corvallis Tidings The grade that sells the most sea ls‘ Monthly weighing and measuring During his recent trip to Corvallis, Mbs Evelyn Paddock HI— will receive a silver trophy cup. meetings held at Ashland. Supplies O. H. Barnhill— who returned to Miss Evelyn Paddock Is reported of various kinds distributed to five Ashland thlB morning— found that SEATTLE STREET to be seriously 111 at the home of patients. the copies of the Tidings which he CREW INJURED BY her mother, Mrs. May Paddoek, on sends to Corvallis to Mrs. Barnhill Coleridge street. SLIDING EARTH MARKED SALMON are given by the latter to Miss LIBERATED BY FISH Violet Herbert, who passes them on Watch for S. A W. demonstration. (C o n tin u e d fro m P a g e 1) COMMISSION CAUGHT to Miss Myra Gunter, the last named Holmes’ Grocery, gg-j which is unundated in many places, lady giving them to Mrs. Mason, a H. G. Lambson, superintendent of and made the use of boats necessary sister of Mrs. VanFossen. Just Country Vtattore— the Mount Shasta fish hatchery and to rescue some of them from the how many other members of the Mrs. Vernon Chapman and Mrs the Klamath River hatcheries, states flood. Ashland colony in Corvallis read this Fred Holmes, who live east of town, this week that they have just com­ A report received here today stat­ Tidings before It is worn out was were visiting and trading In Ashland pleted taking 19,178,000 quidnat ed that George Irvin, fireman, who not ascertained. the latter part of last week. salmon eggs at the Klamathon was believed to have perished in a hatchery on the Klamath river. This train wreck, is safe. Irwin was be­ Orree, Tailors for men and wom­ Wednesday Afternoon Club— Is the largest take ln the history of lieved to have perished when a Great The Wedhesday Afternoon elub of en. Cleaning, pressing and remod­ the hatchery. The eggs were ship­ Northern mail train plunged into the eling. 85tf the Presbyterian church will meet this coming Wednesday at the home ped to the Sisson hatchery and the Miller river near Kkykomish, dhe to a washed out bridge Sunday. Samuel of Mrs. Fred Wilson, who w ill be Fall Creek hatchery. Maocabee Ladles Elect Officers — In the fall of 191», 25,000 small Hileman, mail clerk, was drowned at | Margaret Review No. 22, Ladles assisted by Mrs. Curry and Mrs. salmon were liberated in the Klam­ the time of the wreck. of Macabees, lected the following of­ Whittle. All members and women ath river. All were marked by hav­ ficers Wednesday night for the en­ of the congregation are Invited to ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 12.— ing the right ventral fin and the suing year: Past commander, Mabie attend. Everyone Is asked to bring Engineer Willis, wife and baby, little, adipose fin cut off. Ross Moor; commander, Ruth Guls- their shears, as the club Is to mak< This fell twenty-four of these were killed fifteen miles southeast lnger; lentenant commander, Geor­ the Christmas decorations for the marked grilse were caught in the of Aberdeen last night, when a lancV gia Stewart; collector, Josephine church. company train down a steep e m -1 Klamath river. Wallace; record keeper, Annie Hen­ slide hurled a Clemons Logging Officials of the fish and game sley, lady-at-arms, Florence Brook- Art Club Ladle»— bankment. commission had not hoped for this The Very artistic display of the miller, Bergeant, Ida Jennings, chap­ E. Olson, laborer, member of the return this year. This Is very en­ lain, Dora Payne; picket, Goldie Ashland Art club made at the Win­ rescue crew that was hurried to the couraging to the officials. Jordan, sentinel, Bessie Smith, cap­ ter Fair was the work of several At the present tim«i they are tak­ scene of the tragedy, wap killed tain, Izora Oscar; musician, Mabel other members whose names were ing trout eggs at the Mt. Shasta fish when the second slide occurred. L. not Included In the paragraph In Jacobs« hatchery, and this year’s take prom­ Linn, laborer, crushed by the earth Saturday's Tidings. The two large ises to he as great as that of last and rock, may not live. SHOUT FOR ASHLANDI rocking chairs were made of native The first place in the state to re­ manxanlta by J. M. Kirkpatrick. »9 year. It will be remembered that VICTORIA, B. C., Dec. 12.— Many! the 1980 take was the largest in turn to pre-war prices of bread. A Leonard street. the history of the local hatchery.— sections of the city are flooded to drop of 3 to 5 cents per loaf to take Dunsmuir (Calif.) News. day as the result of the heaviest effect Monday, December 12, 1921. A Christmas Present— rainfall here since 1872. Having contracted for a large Where could you find a better or With drive wheels which are amount of flour at the lowest mill more valuable Christmas present for •rge, hollow, airtight drums, a rice SECRETARY OF LABOR prices of the season, and the cost of your wife and children than a forty- DAVIS HAS PLAN isrvesting machine has been invent­ operating our plant at half capacity acre tract of the Jacobs reclaimed STRIKE PREVENTION ed which works well ln the wetest of is nearly as much as full capacity, and irrigated landi at present prices fields. and In order to induce every family and terms? This is an even better (Continued from Page 1) In Ashland and surrounding country investment than a life Insurance pol­ To prevent overloading of motor to try and be convinced that Malted icy, because It will increase In value the employes. But, above all, he! trucks there has been Invented an Milk Bread Is the most wholesome, faster and you can help your loved must be a man to command the re- j healthful and superior In the class ones share the proceeds of your pay­ oil-filled hydraulic Jack with a dial of food, we have decided to demon­ ments. That the land will Increase on one side to show the weight of their cargoes. strate and prove the above state­ In value $200 per acre over and ments to your satisfaction by reduc­ above the present cost price Is the Production of syrnp from sweet ing the price for an unlimited time belief of the best farmers and busi­ potatoes having reached the practi­ as an Inducement for a universal ness men who have examined it and cal stage, a plant will be established teat. purchased tracts. ln Georgia for its manufacture to We make only pure Maltef Milk One of the nicest features of this test Its commercial value. Bread, derived from 35 years of ex­ investment Is that It can be made perience— most pure and wholesome. to pay for Itself both by rental In Yes, the world still wags, even If Beginning Monday, December 12, come and Increase In price. Foi the Malted Milk Twin Bread, weight those who do not wish to go on their the U. S. no longer **Jag».’* 1 H pounds, can be had for 10 cents. land and cultivate It, Mr. Jacobs will Two full pound Twins for 14 cents. accept a first payment of only $40 $8900 ALLOWED COUNTY Don’t be disappointed. Call for and per acre and give five years* time at AGENT ( BUDGET MEETING demand Malted Milk Twin Breed. 5 per cent on the balance due. He (Continued from Page 1) After trial, if approved by you, we will also have the ground planted to thank you; if condemned by you, the most valuable crops for which Guy Conner, to urge the epproprla- we will submit. it Is suited and allow the owner one- tlon to provide for on assistant BON TON BAKERY A CAFE— third of the crops, which can be ap­ county agent, and another delega­ J. W. Kistler. g|_g plied on the deferred payments. tion of American Legion and Na­ Land which cost the owner only $40 tional Guard men were present in per acre In the first plaoe w ill like­ the Interests of the proposed new ly be worth at least $800 per acre armory. at the end of the five years, during It was announced at the meeting And Wilson’s sister Sue which time It will hgv$. boon paying that the payment of the state tax Found her husband bine ae blue. for itself. Those who are familiar out of the county general fund which He had swallowed some poor dope with the history of similar lands had been estimated at $303,600. For his life there was no hope. elsewhere, know there is a solid sub­ would be only $250,000, according stantial basis for the above predic­ to authentic information received, CHERRO FLOUR tion In regard to increase in land and this big cut ln the state tax put ▲ special hard wheat Blend values. the county court ln snob shape that Satisfaction guaranteed Call on us for full information la that body gave assurance that as regard to this Ideal Christmas pre­ soon as a complete tabulation can Ask your Grocer s e n t Staples Realty Agency, Hotel be made so ae to make certain the (to be oautlnaed) Ashland Building. Ashland. Or. 8fr>l •canty la wttfela the aix per cent Only 11 shopping days until Christmas MASON CORDS LEAVING TONIGHT “ THE GREAT VINING TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY We believe we are offer­ ing our trade a tire that is unapproachable for hard service and de­ pendability — and the price — as low as any standard make. All this is hacked up by tile Mason Unlimited Guarantee and our own service, both of them the best ever. ?» f e a t u ri n if JAMES KIRKWOOD L et’s get together, LEEDOM'S , T IR E HOSPITAL V ulcanizing and R etreading 85 N. Main. Ashland LEAH HENSON at the L’ig Organ big f ir s t national attraction "ALF’S BUTTON” THURSDAY ONLY A Great M any P eo ple are Interested in the n e w JSVIOBIIl Four C ylind er Car We now re p re s e n t the Oldsmobile car in the S o u th ern Oregon te rrito ry The new Oldsmobile Four Touring Car is now on display in our salesroom . Call and in sp e c t it an d com pare it w ith any Other four-cylinder ca r on t he m a rk e t in its price class. I t is by far the biggest c ar value per d o lla r on the m arket. Look it over. We know you w ill like it. Over four hundred new Oldsmobile Fours have been sold in P ortland in the last six m onths. P rice F. O. B. Medford Cinly S1385.00 CHERRO CHIMES Busy Cor ner Motor Company Main a t Riverside