Monday, December 12, HWi fa» ash L àw » dàîlt ronron Pacific Intern atio n al stock show re­ cently held a t Portland. Mr. Lowe believes the Belgian hare business is Good used piauo for aale at Rose of sufficient Im portance in this re­ Sroa. 83tf gion to w a rra n t a separate d ep art­ m ent at A shland’s big W inter P air. “ Hares and feathers don’t mix w e ll,” V isitin g M inister L ikes City— he explains. Rev. W. Alexander Smith, who preached in the Presbyterian church W ith m odern ap p aratu s we can yesterday, rem ained today to enjoy make your p o rtrait a t night as well the beauty of Ashland parks an d as in th e daytim e. Make y o u r ap­ hills. Mr. Smith, who is the author pointm ent today. Phone No. 8.— of “ Occident and O rient,” a book of Darling Studio. P o rtra its th a t his travels In Egypt and the Holy Please. 83tf Land, and now retiring from the act­ ive m inistry after forty years of ser­ Phoenix P u r F actory— vice in home missions, is convinced It is an open secret th a t not all th a t southern Oregon is a beautiful furs which are sold for silver fox and peaceful place for a home. and royal erm ine are genuine, bu t few realize to what ati extent Belg­ Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, ian hare skins are sup p lan tin g those 20 cents. Endfers Confectionery.62tf taken from wild fu r-b earin g an i­ mals. At the W inter F a ir, W . P. Study Stars— rhe M artha G illette chapter of Pracht, of Phoenix, displayed a num - W estm inster Guild are ha . ing espec- ber of rem arkably fine fu rs tak en ially good program s this winter. from Belgian hares, in ad d itio n to a Some of Last evening Mrs. H. E. Badger gave num ber of live rab b its. an illustrated talk on the stars, and the skins were of such excellent elect. comets, developing the I,,,, thought uiougni that tnat quality as to deceive th — e very ------- the heavens declare the glory of God 1 pure white and b>ack a re con- - am ent showeth His 9idered the moSt valuab,e, a lth o u g h and the - firm the reds and the w hite-an d-black handiwork. spotted sell nearly as well. Belgian Dew Drop Inn for special hot bare hi(4 acres, good house, barn, chicken house, smoke house, PHONE your next job of plumbing garage, good fences, 3 acres ap­ to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building ples, 8500 down, balance easy Phone 138. terms. Phice 82500. One mile EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- from Talent. Mason & Manning. Talent, Or. 83t£ icg. Li thia Garage, phone 114 LET TH E LITHIA BE YOUR BAKER E astern Htar Card P arty— PHYSICIAN’S. WANTED— Will deliver wood and DR E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practice take wood for pay. 2 67 Eighth lim ited to eye, ear, nos® and St., A shland. 85-2 throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6^ Swedanburg Bldg., Ash- FOR SA L S. iand, Ore. 73. lf APPLES— Splendid for cooking and eating. A few more boxes left. (IR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to 50 lb. box $1.00 delivered. Phone eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses 9 -F -ll. supplied. Oculist and aurlst for FOR SALE— Team bay horses, 8 : 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. É. and H years old, also harness a n d wagon. | Bldg., Medford. Ore. Phone C67 Inquire R hinehart pool hall at de- i pot. Phone 182 or 204. 85-3 i DR. MATTIE B. SHAW*— Special a t­ tention to m others and children. Internal secretions and endocrine FOR SALE— Jersey heifers. Also glands. Res. and office. 108 Pio­ yearling bull. Investigate. C. T. neer avonue. Telephone 28. Of­ Payne, 1410 Boulevard. 82-4* fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 6 FOR SALE— Dry wood of all kinds. p. m. Phone or w rite L. D. Dollarhyde, Siskiyou, Oregon. 78-lmo* DR. SHAW’— Physician and Surgeon — Eye, ear, nose and th ro at spec­ FOR SALE— Good dry body w ood,! ialist; glasses fitted. Office 402 83 per tier. W A. Conner, Glen ■ Medford Bldg., Medford. 10:30 a. View Drive. 62-lm o 1 m. to 5 p. m. Residence. P io ­ neer Ave., Ashland, m orning and FOR SALE— Second hand! lumber. ¡ evenings. Phone 28, Sm ith’s Barn. 83-5*, ATTORNEYS. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apt. and rooms, close ini. 573 E. Main. 85-3* T h at’s w hat every m em ber of your family will say when they have tasted o u r delicious F ru it Cukes, which are rich w ith fru it and nuts, and nicely decorated for th e occa­ sion. The finest C rater Lake pictures on the m arket. “ P atterson P ictu res” a t D a rlin g Studio. 85tf Car- 82-6 MEDFORD: SACRED HEART HOSPITAL 8 to 12 a. m.—Phone 714 WANTED. GRANTS PASS CHAMBER OP COMMERCE Dew Drop Inn for hot waffles an d M. J. B. coffee. 84tf Em pty oil b a rre ls for sale. son-Fow ler L um ber Co. X-RAY DIAGNOSIS 1 to 4 p. m.—Phone 126 Dr. Sands and wife, of the Talent ice cream, ¡ty tam ales neighborhood, are both patients at .nd tra d e is a local hospital, being doubly af­ os. 83tf flicted w ith serious illness. They ■— F" came to Jackson county from Colo­ rado. Oregon Life Poftey iliiKW'hV i ? / (B o rat f o , O r e g o « o „ ,, O R E i; o \ i L id IFE B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L T alent P e o p le 111— We have njade o u r- fresh candies and qiauf for 15 years.. W ith AsttHi Ashland ma,de. R ose ffs ---------------------------- - g - - ’- Try a hot chocolate served In our silver service. Rose Bros. 83tf _ and volley Fancy w ork exhibit, Masonic hall, ford Wed- Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 13. 85-2 te r city. I Ma