frj«» r»» A 3HLAND climate, without the aid * * of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fa c t A shland D aily T idings (International News W ire Service) VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, VoL 43) ALARIA germs cannot survive three months in the rich ozone a t Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1921 No. 86 FOUR KILLED IN WASHINGTON LANDSLIDE Made In Oregon Goods Is Boosted For Christmas Riot of Fun Ends Winter Ï Ï S X * r° “ “ Fair; More Prize Awards SEARLE STREET CREW INJURED State-wide interest is being creat­ GOLD HILL, Or., Dec. 12.— The ed in the appeal to “Give Oregon- bottom dropped out of the case made Christm as gifts.” Billboards against A. B. Gates, charged with and advertisem ents say to the violation of the prohibition law, Sat­ Christinas shopper: “ Why not an urday afternoon, when Jam es Oregon product?” And then to 1 (Shine) Edwards, the complaining SUNDAY CHRISTM AS AND HOLI­ make the idea ipTactical and' tell witness failed to appear in the jus­ HEAVY RAINS LOOSEN DIRT; DAY ON MONDAY SPE E D S POS­ folks ju st what good things are tice court at Gold Hill. The costs of RAINIER VALLEY INUNDATED TA L M ACHINERY TO AVOID made in Oregon, go on to list a r­ the action were assessed to Edwards ticles suitable for Christm as giving. HOLIDAY PARCELS DELAY. AND RESCUES MADE BY BOATS and the case dismissed. Gates is a It is pointed) out th a t he who in­ — TRAIN PLUNGES IN RIVER. special state prohibition officer, and cludes Oregon gifts is twice a Santa collected evidence against Edwards P arcels for Southern S tates and E ast Claus— he brighten Christm as for who was tried twice in the circuit F ifty R e s c u e s o f S e a ttle Victim « o f C hicago M ust L eave by D ecem ­ the payroll w orkers’ kiddies, too. E n gu lfed in Landslide; Five-1 neb couit on a bootlegging charge, the ber 14; C alifornia and State To reach the workers, the Associ­ R ainfall D uring Paet Forty Hour« ju ry disagreeing both times. An P oints by the 18th; W ashington ated Industries has distributed thou­ other indictm ent is on file — H ighw ays, Railroad» W ash «! Out. the 17th. sands of the “ suggestion lists” him. At the tim e of G ates’ arrest, • — ■ - through the pay envelopes. Em­ L iterally, joy was unconfined— his supporters charged it was a SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 12.— Two Prize lists aw arding places to the This year Christm as comes on ployes ini the large industries are even by the four walls of the Armory . entries in the W inter F a ir have not means to procure revenge, and firemen and four street departm ent Sunday and according to the rules of not only the best cash custom ers of — a t the closing program of the W in­ yet been completed for publication, threatened to stir up a tem pest in workers were injured today when a the game it will be celebrated on the retailers in the gift-buyfng sea- te r F air Saturday evening. Gener- i The following aw ards have been a tea cup for a time. Since filing landslide at West Seattle engulfed a Monday. As Sunday is a legal holi­ son, but they are most loyal to the Ously sprinkled with flying confetti. ■ made in addition to the list pub- the charge against Gates, Edwards crew of fifty men who attem pted to day, it behooves the Christm as gift home industry idea. They are among w reathed in smiles and aroused to has departed, and is now said to be d*8 out the bodies of Mrs. Samuel ! lished in Saturday’s Tidings: senders to make a strenuous effort the first to recognize th a t the suc­ clam orous evidence of a good time, operating a jitney line between Andrews and two chlldre n from Roscoe Applegate had the largest* at getting their parcels two days cess of the business in which they Ashland and Jackson county people Yreka and Weed, Calif. their mudcoveredl home which was pumpkin at the fair and F. C. Wedge ahead of the custom ary time in o r­ are engaged in as producers means turned from m undane pursuits to a buried by the slide Sunday night. der th a t the presents will arrive at a regular full-tim e Now th a t the W inter F a ir is the second largest. Ves Stevens had pay d iy , and riot of fun, crowding the large The second slide today burled most least on Friday in tim e for a S atu r­ freedom from th a t haunting fear of; building to capacity and dancing over, let’s take another hitch in the best squash, and J. Gyger the of the crew, although none were fa ­ day delivery. our trousers, get the hotel and best Hubbard squash. O ther prem ­ being “ laid off.” An appeal to th e m 1 until m idnight, the final hour of tally hurt. “ Our pations will kindly keep this to buy Oregon quality products for the second annual Ashland W inter sanitarium proposition into right iums awarded for vegetables and The slides were caused by the shape, and then go get th a t grains at the W inter F a ir are; in m ind,” says Postm aster Kaiser, Christm as giving naturally meets Fair, heaviest rainfall ever recorded In Beets: first, C atherine Estes; sec­ bonus. HAZ KIK. “ as the Monday celebration always with strong response. Jo recogni­ A rriving by car and on foot, singly this section of the state, nearly five ond, F. C. Wedge. Sugar beets— creates situations th a t may delay tion of this, many m erch an ts1 and by pairs and crowds from all ^avlng registered during the G. B. Tallm an. Cabbage— F. O. m atters. Joy is a great institution, throughout the state are featuring 1 parts of the city and county, the Smith. Potatoes— F. Holdridge. and the patrops of the Ashland of­ Oregon goods in their windows and funm akers jammed at the door and ______ __ • Hundred^ are homeless and the Onions— Amos Graves. Turnips— fice will find th a t th eir frienidb at in other ways. later esconced themselves in the I railroad service over the Cascades Amos Graves. Popcorn— J. Gyger. the other end of the line will get a beat available seats until standing SHANGHAI, Dec. 12.— A gigantic la paralyzed. All roads to Tacoma Yellow dent corn— first, Ves Stev- better ‘kick1 out of it when the pres­ room privileges were value a t a mass m eeting was held today for the are blocked, due to the floods and ene; second, W. B. Brlckley. W hite ent arrives before than they will af­ high premium, prepared for the car­ purpose of launching a movement land slides. Many homes have been dent corn— first, L. S. H eckler; sec­ te r the fun is all over.” nival where the garb of reserve was for the overthrow of the Peking gov-1 wrecked and sections of both the ond, Ves Stevens. Best display of P ostm aster E. J. K aiser has railroads and highways have been dropped an d pleasure became para­ corn— first, L. J. Heckley; second, ernm ent. schemed out a schedule th a t will in­ mount. Dem onstrations are In c re a s ln g wasbe< tbe farm er pays one-third ' “S ' , . „ highly technical and complicated at destination notice th a t your par­ Through the adoption of the R o o t,student gang <«Second Hand Rose.” and as th ere are 1250 farm s in the m es ic pa m en nature of these industries, and be­ cel is wrapped securely. The string proposals, the eight powers having |A cborus of ten high school girls county, the average cost to each f a r - ' "arJ es an es co ® oa © cause of our lack of tbe technical ‘ hould not only be drawn tight but interests in China have Pledged added much to < I canned v e g e ta b le s -firs t Mrs H H. Dregsed as a farm woman a n d ; There is not a farm er in Jackson I BlharL Largest and best collection knowledge necessary to a Just set­ it should be of sufficient strength to themselves to respect Chinese sov-| tlem ent,” he said. stand the trip, and a t the end of the ereignty and observe the ‘open door’ , ieadKng a bashful, backward, squeal- county but w hat would willingly; of canned fruits— first, Mrs. F . L. 1 rip be in shape to be strapped to a policy and guarantee Chinese neu- ing pIg of d | m| n u t| Ve 8jze Mrs E T give $10 or more of cash to have' N utter; second, Mrs. H. H. E lh art; “ N aturally the public Is also w ith­ third, Mrs. Eric W eren. Jelly, six city c arrie r’s bag. Address plainly trality in fu tu re wars. Delegates Elmore scored a distinct hit. out th a t exact knowledge.” he con­ good facilities f o r a first-class co u n -1 or more glasses— first, Miss N. R us­ ns well as completely. See th a t the from the eight nations have approv-! tinued. “ It lacks a clear idea of the Tbe s panlsh dance ot Mr. and ia ir- but as the railroads, gas.i address is w ritten in ink on paper ed the removel from Chinese t e r r i - 'Mrs. H arry Silver was an outstand- P°wer and telephone companies are sell; second. Miss Pygall; third, Mrs.! m erits or these disputes, and the th a t will show plainly. In case of iory of some foreign infringem ents ing featUre of the evening’s e n te r-! called uP°n to Pa ^ tb eir share, the J. Gyger. Best collection of pickles public Is, a fte r all, the final court — "irst, Mrs. E. O. Smith. W hite ««r8 - sm all parcels a tag address in addi­ upon C hina's adm inistration a u to n ­ to decide these m atters. The pro­ ) farm er gets more than full value for taininent. bread— first, Mrs. E. O. Smith; sec-' tion will help some. cesses In a num ber of basic indus­ omy. The Chinese, however, are As a grand finale, the company of som ething th a t benefits him in par-, ond, Mrs. D. N. Davies; third, Mrs. | An additional address inside th e frankly disappointed, although offi­ tries are com plicated to the last de­ hom e-talent actors finished the p ro -!ticu lar- E arl Horne. Graham bread— first, I arcel will assist in ’ locating the cials have pointed out th a t “ the gree, and we cannot hope to pass a gram with an agreeing and m irth- The election will be held Wednes- Mrs. D. N. Davies. Salt rising bread sam e In case of erasure or loss of ad­ Chinese want too m uch.” fair judgm ent in any of the disputes provoking song query of “ Aint W e’day at wb*cb the county fair im- — first, Miss Pygall. Layer cake— dress. Name and address of sender in these industries, we cannot have provement program will be voted Got F u n ? ” Mrs. C. E arl H orne; second. m ust appear on each parcel post $ 2 5 0 0 ALLOWED a united public opinion to enforce upon. It is not for a tax th a t c o n - i,rBt’ a tax th a t con- Owing to the rapidity with which Mrs. E. O. Sm ith; third, Mrs. J. L package. Make sure and state the any fair Judgm ent until w e know COUNTY AGENT; th e contestants disappeared in the tinues indefinitely th a t the people __ C. contents to th e receiving clerk. more exactly what perclse services BUDGET MEETING large crowd of dancers following the wil1 vote> but one for this next year’s i*1" - J* ’ T ” L. Os­ 'I hree item s are Im portant for the are to be expected from each em­ show, the names of all the costume oaly- The polls wiU be °Pen at c ’erk to know in order th a t the par­ kar. Coffee cake— first, Mrs. J. Gy- ploye or group of employes in these The outstanding featu re of th e prize winners could not be obtained. I o clock in tbe morning and will close ! ger. Girls under 14- -layer cake— cel is handled according to the rail­ industries, and what wages and con­ The Heck family, dressed as bucolic at 8 at ni«b t- Residents who are W ilma N utter; canned vege- way mail service system. The pro­ public meeting of the county bud­ 1 first. ditions the employes may reason­ eligible to vote but who a re not per classification, and w hether the get committee for Jackson county characters, won the group prize tables, first, W ilma Gyger. ably expect for their service». The comic prize was won by G ard -! re Sistered, may have their votes parcel should be m arked “ fragile” or last week for a complete discussion “ Now we have originated in the sworn in. of the estim ate of money proposed ner Knapp, who dressed as a prize “ .erishable.” FIGHTING WOMEN LEAD departm ent of labor a plan which I fighter. Silas and Mlrandy won the Valuable articles shcuid be in­ to be raised by taxation, for the en­ MEN TO VICTORY; MINE am confident will bring us th is OREGON DAIRYMEN suing year, were th a t $2500 was al­ comic couple prize. Mrs. Smith won sured. ciliators in the key industries of the much-needed exact knowledge. This CLOSED AFTER STIFF FIGHT WILL NOT DISBAND the laurels for the best make-up, A good container and securely < lowed for an assistant to County country is being sought by Secretary Plan calls for the appointm ent of a PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 9.— The wrapped parcel plainly and com '¡A gent Cate, $820 additional was al- garbed in “ Oregon products.” George board of directors of the Oregon PITTSBURG, Kans., Dec. 12.— of Labor Jam es J. Davis. I m ighly-trained techical man, who 1 letely addressed is half way deliv- lowed to the $1200 previously Johnson and M argaret Campbell won D airym en’s Co-operative league met Led by 500 biting, kicking, clawing “ It is impossible to deal with shall also be a man of high intelll- agreed upon for the county home the prize for the best made up cou­ < red to the receiver. women, 1500 men, supporters of A1-! these industrial ills and not be lm-js®nce and broad character, to serve W ednesday to consider action fol­ In usinig old containers, bear in dem onstration agent, and the almost ple. All prizes were $2 cash. lowing the vote by members of the exander Howat’s “ rebel” faction in pressed by the fact th a t many of us a® a conciliator in each of these ba­ m od th a t all old cancelled stam ps certaIn assurance th a t the county’s league against d'.sbanding the organ- the Kansas coal strike, attack ed oth- • m ust be m ishandling certain funda- slc industries. Each man among th e ftnd form er addresses m ust be re- a PPr °Pr iaHon for the national guard AMERICAN EXPORTS DROP In order to carry out the er mine w orkers near F ranklin to- m ental economic principles to be num ber m ust know his special lad us- TO PREWAR LEVEL, HOOVER ,zation moved entirely and new addresses arm ory in Medford would be forth- project of disbanding which had day, and after fierce hand-to-hand producing these costly and wasteful try inside out, from top to bottom, m well as new stam ps m ust be su p -‘ com*ng’ thus making it p ro b ab le' been recommended by the directors, fighting succeeded In closing up the j disturbances,” said Secretary D avis.; He must know every technical pro­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 12 — l i ed. The postal service has not th a t th e work of building the arm ory the tw o-thirds m ajority was n eces­ mine. Some of the m iners had their “ The disturbances are comparatively cess involved in th a t Industry, fie American exports have decreased a l­ i he tim e to give the parcel more will be begun on Jan u ary 1. sary. The vote announced folmwing clothing practically torn from their fed, I know, in relation to the whole rau8t know what is to be expeeted most to the prew ar level. Secretary A large delegation of orchardists th in one glance. of industry,” he pointed out, “ yet every w orker a t each step o t the of Commerce H erbert Hoover an- an all-day meeting and receipt of bodies. Examine your used container. and citizens was present a t the no m atter w hat small percentage of .P roces3> from water-hoy to «killed nouned today. November exports more than 1000 votes by mail, was These containers a re sent ou t by meeting, led by H. W. Bingham, industry continues in a state of tu r- mocbanic. He m ust recogn ise the as follows: 625 for disbanding and were $295,000,000, which is only Backaches are common to people mail order stores for the purpose of Dave Rosenberg, C. C. Lemmon and moil, we are prom oting a waste of m erR8 any organization among half a million dollars more than for 588 against. The project failed be- who do not like to work in the gar- m aking one trip only. (Continued ou Page 4) cause of lack of tw o-thirds m ajority, den. the same month of last year. tim e and production and a m easu re1 (C ontinued on Page 4 ) GIVEN BY P. 0. L OF IS L I H a z 1$iK TO LETE LIST OF PLACES NOT YET AVAILABLE China Crowds Plan Revolt; Seek to End Arm Conféré By New Years I COUNTY FAIR TAX AS SMALL MAILER Secretary of Labor Davis Has Plan Io Prevent Strikes * ♦