^AGM FOUB ASfitÁÑ« daily muras to Op®®— Ashland News ... ¿Paragraphs L o ca l an d P e r so n a l r onM 8 k . tl„ r s ; rln , B« w „ k ( or u , . i i Miss Mattie, T urner, of Talent, or a stim ulant or for food has no arranged, occupy the Enders booth s u ° day ,n A8h,aDd - « •- x - "■ - — r ™ . . . ! ^ x \ ' x : a r , o f a , < e ” ,,o n , W. A. SHELL B A R B E R annual w inter enjoym ent of the de­ Cliff Payne makes book stands, j Mrs. Stella Myer, Mrs. Edward C hildren’s W ork A -----------------------Side L ights—-------------------- votees of the Indoor spot), E. > J . 1 w Thornton, and Mrs. E. H . Bush, of * H. T, Elm ore’s Boot Shop contains Specialty •' zi« Raine, the m anager, stated this a c or S. ft W. dem onstrations the Ashland Art club, have w ithout an artistic showing of footwear, C hristian W orkers Band— K lam ath F a lls W oodpile— morning. Mr. Raine states th a t the at Homes Grocery. 85-1 doubt the prettiest and most attract- tastefully arranged a n d looking all- Safety blades resharpened The C hristian W orkers Band will The series of liquor raids being hall will be put in shape immediately SH OPT PO P l a i n i v m iVe bOOth at the fa ir’ judge{- 4 hy fem -1 to g e th e r too nice to tre a d upon un- like new. Single bit, 80c hold services at the Belleview school conducted in Klam ath Falls by the following its vacation by the W inter ' . t r u n ABiUxANUi j inine standards, for the specimens of appreciative floors and pavements. doz. Uobule bit, 60c dot. house at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, sheriff and the policemen of that Fair exhibitors e first place in the state to re- fancy work which are here shown This organization is composed of city has created crowded conditions turn to pre-w ar prices of bread. A are exceedingly artistic and beauti- young people of the various churches in the city jail, where twenty coun- Sweet cream for sale at Rose drop of 3 to 5 cents per loaf to take ful, the finest the w riter has ever of the city for the purpose of hold- ty and federal prisoners are confined Brothers effect Monday. December 12. 1921. seen in one exhibit. The club col­ ing religious services in communi- mostly on liquor charges, necessi ____ o _______ __ for a large ors are yellow and white and this is aving contracted ties outside of the city. While it is tating the placing of bunks on the Fancy w° r k exhibit, Masonic h a ll,’am ount of f l o u / a t 't h e "lowest* mm 7 ^ ® 3nd thiS 18 uesdav afternoon. Dec 12 8K.o __________ J the lowest mill the color scheme of booth, tnt the fiK 9 > a . ----— ui m the e uuum, not a musical organization, as the floor. The possibility of still more Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 13. 86-2 j prices of the season, and the cost of white goods being placed on a back- name suggests, there will be several prisoners coming in following the — — • _ our plant a t half capacity . ground of yellow. Dudley Easter, an operating num bers of special music on Sun- present session of the grand jury | The big w indstorm of last Wed- »8 nearly as much as full capacity, in va lid l a V o f 'T ^ l e n t' "»^« E d s te r’ an ay afternoon’s program . Evert/- has Placed the au thorities in a quan-^nesday tore the roof off a portion of and in order to induce every family i specimens of his work f o r m a te ' a t body is invited. dry. “ One solution would be a mun- the Ames building in Talent, letting In Ashland» and surrounding country this booth. icipal woodpile, the sheriff believes, in the rain, which did considerable-to try and be convinced th a t Malted « » M ade in A shland— the theory being th a t the prospects damage to plastering and» furniture. Milk Bread is the most wholesome. L. S. Brown, form erly of the Ash- We have made our Ice cream, of making little ones out of big ones The same storm blew down many healthful and superior in the class land Trading company, exhibits fiesh candies and quality tam ales would go la r to discourage much light poles and broke shade trees in of food, we have decided to demon-j stalks of corn, with well-filled ears Tor 15 years. W ith Ashland trad e is petty law -breaking,’’ says the Kla- many of the yards In town. stra te and prove the above state- from his homestead near Siskiyou’ Ashland made. Rose Bros. 83tf math Falls Herald. m ents to your satisfaction by reduc- where the altitude is 3500 feet Ice, which has been forming for Buy m int bonds to yield 8 per ing the price for an unlim ited time * « * We will deliver sixteen inch oak the last three days on Upper Kla- cent. See W atkins a t Staples R eal­ a s ^ an inducem ent for • a universal Mrs. W. M. Barber is an interest- for $4.50 per tier In tw o-tier lots.— m ath lake has completely sewed up ty Agency. 85-2* 68 ' . 1 ed onlooker at the stock exhibit, her Carson-Fowler Lum ber Co. 82-6 navigation, and» it Is doubtful wheth- p Z h T °? !y PUre M alter Milk i interest beinK personal as well as ! er it will break again this w inter — - finest ...»voi The C rater ua&o L ake pictures read, derived from 35 years of ex- academic, for she reads five farm E lect M alta Com m andery O fficers— sufficiently for boats to be run. T h e ; on tbe m arket. “Patterson P ictu res” perience most pure and wholesome, papers and keeps cows and other Malta commandery, K nights Tem- mail was carried to the Recreation i at Darling Studio. 85tf Beginning Monday, December 12, ___ live stock on, her m inature farm on plar, on W ednesday evening elected P°8t office yesterday by car— .Kla the Malted Milk T ^ in Bread, w e ig h t, G ranite street, the following officers for 1922: W. m ath Falls Herald. Six W eeks V acationer R eturns— pounds, can be had for 10 cents. » * * H. McUair, em inent commander; F. Mrs. W. H. Bartges returned Wed­ a,01" “1 T' " " 9 f° r 14 Ce” tS' ' W l" Moore' wh° 13 ’ »»«-tog a Jer- H. Johnson, generalissim o; W. H. Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, nesday to her home on W im er street H ." a i l8’ PI>‘,' nted- Ca" and My heifer and calf, both b.ue-blood- McGowan, Medford, captain general; and hot chocolate a t Rose Bros. 70tf a fte r a six weeks to u r of the n o rth ­ A fter Uia7* , ,TW‘” Bre‘ d’ i e" ’ 18 a“ ° th e r city ia rm e r. operating William A. Aitken, senior w arden; ern p art of th e statq visiting rela A fter trial, if approves by you. we a twelve acre ranch w ithin two LOVE’S SWEET REMEMBRANCE Buy a new suit for the Holidays. tives and friends. Mrs. Bartges vis­ thank you; if condemned Glenn Fabrick, Medford, junior war- No m a tte r w h a t else you give, a gift of can d y is alw ays a p p ro p ria te . by you, blocks of the business district of 74tf ited her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Brown we will submit. d in ; E. V. Carter, treasu rer; W. H. P au lseru d ’s T h e re a i e so m any k in d s to choose from h ere, and they a re a ll of Ashland, ju st north of the railroad such d elicio u s g o o d ie s s t h a t you can e asily sa tisfy th e m ost Day, recorder. Installation will oc­ and family, of Tillam ook; Mrs. J. W. BON TON BAKERY & CAFE— We m aae our own candies, ice tracks. Mr. Moore does a full day’s fa s tid io u s ta s te . T h is C h ristin a s you can a d d a n o th e r joy to h e r cur on W ednesday evening, Decem­ Bosqui, d au g h ter and family, Al- J. W. K istler. 85-2 j work carrying mail, in addition to life by g iv in g h e r a box of o u r p u re , delicio u s candy. Enders Con­ ber 21, at which time the appointive cream and tam ales. ny; Mrs. R. M. McClay, sister-in- ’ j m ilking a half dozen cows and doing fectionery. 62tf THE PLAZA CONFECTIONERY offices will be filled. There will law, and family, P o rtlan d ; and Mr. ST. JOHNS,' N P., Dec. 9. One much other agricultural labor. He also be work In the Red Cross de­ E rip ty o'! barrels for sale. G r­ and Mrs. J. C. Hume, In Roseburg. tug and seventeen small fishing rises at 4 o’clock in the morning and gree. Prelim inary to routine work BO k owler Lumber Co. 8 2-61 While In P ortland Mrs. Bartges w it­ craft have been lost In the furious works steadily until well after dark, supper will be served a t 6:30. The nessed the silver thaw which held storm s off this coast, reports re­ m aking a success of both farm ing membership of the commandery is Dew Drop Inn for hot waffles andl th at city in the grip of w inter when ceived here today Indicate. Sixteen and mail carrying a t the same time. 190, LAST TIME M. J. B. coffee. 8 Itf the northern storm s were sweeping sailors are thought to have perished ifi in the state. Mrs. B artges says th a t when th e ir boats foundered in the “ Bug Proof” is the w’arning leg­ the silver thaw was a beautiful sight high seas. end inscribed on an enormous pump­ but terrib le in its effect. kin grown by Mrs. George Jarvis on a twelve acre farm adjoining Will A s long as this ad rem ains In this POULTRY E X H IB IT S Moore’s city ranch of the same size, paper it is not too late for us to PR A ISED BY JUDGE the la tte r being within, two and one finish your p o rtrait for Christm as. AW ARDING PLACES half blocks of the Plaza. The pum p­ D arling Studio — P o rtra its th a t kin is on display at the Fair, to­ Please. 85tf (Continued from Page 1) gether with a sweet potato squash second young duck; John F. Butler, from the same garden. Orres, Tailors fo r men and wom­ Ashland, second young drake, first # * * en. Cleaning, pressing and remod- young duck. C. C. Cate, Jackson county’s ef­ eHng. 85tf Wild Teal Ducks— Glen Head, ficient county ag ricultural agent, Ashland, first young d»uck. spent some tim e at the Fair, getting Small am ount MINT BONDS left. W ild M allard Ducks— John F. a line on the exhibits and dispensing Have you purchased yours? 86-2 Butler, Ashland, first young drake, his usual store of valuable artrice. first young duck. * * ♦ From O akland, C alif.— Canadian Geese— M. E. Form an, A. C. W aterm an, Talent, was A. M. Colquhoin and m other, of Jacksonville, first gander, first adult aw arded the prize for the best Bel Oakland, Calif., are visiting the A. goose, first young goose gian. hare at the Fair, The animal N. H um phrey family. Mr. Colqu- Mammoth Bronze Turkeys— Mrs. weighs eleven pounds. hoini is an employe of the -Southern Mary Homes Tucker, Ashland, first Pacific company. cock, first cockerel, first hen, first A wonderful toy train, electrically The Pacific Coast Mint company pullet; Mrs. Jesse L. Neal, Ashland, operated on its own track, attracts is composed alm ost entirely of Ash­ second cockerel, second hen, second many children to the Jo rrtin electric booth, where many electrical in stru ­ land and K lam ath Falls people. Be pullet. N arragansett Turkeys — W. H. m ents and appliances are attractiv e­ one of them and BUY MINT BONDS. ly displayed in a Christm as booth. 86-2 Kneebone, Ashland, first cock. Special A w ards Mrs. Jordan is present to give any Best exhibit American class— F. inform ation desired. E rnest Stowers of Roseville, Calif, * » » stopped» off the n o rth bound train L. Holrtridge, T alen t.. Best exhibit M editerranean class— A. McMillah, last Thursday to visit a few hours Brunswick phonographs and Pen­ Ashland. Best bird American class dleton Indian blankets, artistically with his uncle, Ben F re n c lt of North Ashland | - Talent. He then proceeded on his — Donald M. Spencer, (W hite Plym outh Rock p u llet). Best way to Portland. bird M editerranean class— Guy C. ! Eight hundred acres In MINT by Jacobs, Ashland (Black Minorca j 1927. Get in now. See W atkins at cock). .Best bird Asiatic class— J. A. Staples R ealty Agency. 85-2 Gear, Ashland (L ight Brahm a pul­ T hat happy family reunion at le t). Best pen Rhode Island Reds— To Sell C em etery L o ts-— ____ ____ Christm as time will be twice as en- E rnest Webb, C entral Point (first The city will s ta rt the staking of prize young pen). Best exhibit in4* l°y al)le for you if you don’t have to additional lots in the M ountain View poultry departm ent— E rnest Webb, wear yourself out with preparations for it. cem etery a t once, according to re­ C entral Point (21 points). Of course, there are many things cent acllon of the city council. The which no one but you can attend to lots will be sold a t $15 for spaces F A IR NOTES properly, but we can give you relief ten feet square, instead of >10 a3 heretofore. from the most laborious p art of (Continued from Paga 1) planning for company— the family A first-class Investm ent— MINT an ts, don’t ask you to take th eir washing. ______ BONDS, 8 per cent, m aturing 1923. word for the quality of these pro- We _____ can ___ help with _____*—•».. your party llnr ducts, bu t will serve you d electab le' ens, guest towels, curtains and wash See W atkine a t Staples Realty Agency. 85-2 samples of th e ir goods. Many a vis- • able drapes; the best sheets th a t ito r is from Missouri, judging from have been stored away and need Mr. and Mrs. W ill Denham, of the num ber who ask to be “ shown freshening; the pillows and blank­ • • • Talent, have bought a new Chevro­ ets you’ve been planning to clean. let car, hs has also Mrs. Ed Foss C. M. Speck, the Jackson county W e’ll do all of this work for you bought a new Ford w ith all the la t­ Farm B ureau exchange’s portly and — and in a way th a t will delight you est equipm ent. good natu red m anager, has been and your guests. hovering appreciatively around th e One trial will convince. Bundle The following persons from Talent fru it exhibit. An offer of $1.60 a up everything th a t neert? washing. were In Ashland last F riday a t the box for 10,000 boxes of Newtown and phone us. W e’ll have our rep- big sale a t Ferguson’s: Mrs. E lla j apples, export size, does not a ttra c t ■ resentative there promptly, and in Patterson, Mrs. W ill Ferns, Mr. and orchardlsts, who prefer to c o n s ig n o n ly a little while we’ll have your Mrs. Ed Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. F ran k th e ir crop, says Mr. Speck. | things back, beautifully washed and • • • H oldrldge, M other Holdjrtdg'e, and ironed, ready to do th eir part in Mrs. W. High, Jeff Bell, Mrs. Noah Mint candy made from K lam ath, m aking Christm as day a day of real Inf /UI on/l sugar, is being _______ 1______i____ Chandler. m int oil and sam p w led . happiness, by visitors a t th e Pacific Mint com­ A shland people are backing th e pany’s booth a t th e F air. The candy Mint In d u stry w ith th e ir cash. Are was m anufactured by the Price con­ you? 85-2 fectionery, the new occupant of the PHONE 165 Beaver block, who pronounce the Mr. Spitzer, the Talent grocery K lam ath oil th e finest they have ev- man, was In Medford Saturday a fte r ! er U86(j supplies for his store. He brought * * « So h e spank ed them a il soundly out a full load of groceries. The Sunday school exhibit, work And put them to bed, of th e newly-formed Ashland Sun­ A nd started in raising Dr. W ebster was in Talent S atu r­ Cher-ro bread. day m orning on business, retu rn in g day school union, contains many In­ terestin g ch arts and placards, also home by way of Phoenix. a toy scene In Palestine, with tiny CHERRO FLOUR sheep and adobe buildings. Oregon’s m ost prom ising Industry A special hard wheat Blenc • * « ——MINT GROWING. See W atkins Satisfaction guaranteed The W. C. T. U. booth Friday af­ a t Staples Realty Agency. * 85-2 Ask your Grocer ternoon was in charge of Mrs. A. H. (to be continu ed ) Andy (Weidner, of Talent, has Russell, who for sixty years has la­ lately returned from Germany, He bored In behalf of tem perance and says th a t all the principal industries other reform s for which this organ!- * of th a t country are worthing full zation stand?. A w hite ribbon, em­ blast and th a t they a re now pro­ blem of th e order, carved In white ducing more than before the war. m arble by Mrs. Russell, is one of th e in terestin g exhibits in this booth. A niece of Jeff Bell, form erly A nother Is a painting “ The Man with Miss Donna Bell, is In T alent on a th e B ottle,” by Mrs. R ussell’s visit with h er uncle and wife. daughter, Miss Mabel Russell. “ Less for W ar and More for Education is notice the ban n er above th e booth. In Card party, Masonic hall, Friday 1917, states a placard, th e Ameri­ evening, Dec. 18. Public Invited, can Mediacl association declared refreshments. 85-6 th a t “ th e use o f alcohol as a tonic Bill TONIGHT- -In— VINING Plaza Market booth, and they will serve you Royal Club Coffee, Golden Rod Waffles with Ashland Creamery butter and Liberty Bell syrup. Be your own judge—they’re all for sale at j THE PLAZA M A R K ET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET Figure With LUMBER X —- • » if j and w e th in k w e can n o t only supply th e kind and quan tity o f lum ber you desire, but can save you m oney on your lum ­ ber needs. At least, giv e us th e opportunity o f estim atin g w ith you and look over our ex­ ten siv e lum ber yards. W e car­ ry everyth in g in th e B uilding Line. TRY OUR BEAVER HILL COAL AT $15.00 A TON We Know I t Will Please You PHONE US—NO. 20 A shland Lumber Co. ASHLAND/OREGON Ashland Laundry CHERRO CHIMES $1.00 Profit Christmas Sale at Orres Tailor Shop now on. Don’t Miss It. One of the best pictures this popular star has ever made —Also— A SPLENDID COMEDY GO TONIGHT ! 100 per cent Entertainment SUNDAY MONDAY JAMES KIRKWOOD “ THE GREAT IMPERSONATION’’ Every Move a Surprise Every Scene a Sensation A G ood D in n er Let us help with that Big Family Dinnei When at (be Winter Fair Stop at the WORD BRAND provides the best quality of a few kinds of food, daintily served. I be staple and lanev groceries, including I’ rnits, \ egetables, anti Canned Goods can be obtained at J . N. D e n n is THE ASHLAND FEED AND GROCERY MAN Quality, Service and Right Prices to All 353 East Main St. Phone 214-R Are you looking for a home? Something that will suit you— mod­ ern, best location in Ashland, at term s to suit— a good Xmas gift? If so, see Mr. Dennis. w WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Dealer in the Leading Makes of Watches Diamonds Clocks Diamonds Silverware, Cut Glass and Hand Painted China CITIZENS BANK BLDG. ASHLAND