■. ____ JT-Jg A a KL a ND DAILY Saturday, Derent b«t Ili, itòù ply turning water from Klamath 11 a. m. Junior young peoples Evehihg service at 7:30; subject, river into narrow ditches a quarter meeting, 3 p. m. Young peoples “Emanuel, God with Us.” A cordial Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except of a mile apart. The water costs meeting, 6:30 p. m. Preaching serv- invitation is extended to the public: oply two bits an acre and the gronyyt lee,^7i3O..ji. m . . Prayer meeting, a community and family church w in Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. is so porous that it subs under* the Wednesday, < You are a warm-hearted people and a hearty surface a distance qf forty, rods, .the cordially .invited to come and Wor­ welcome for all strangers. Charles OFFICIAL CTTY AND COUNTY amount of soil moisture being regu­ ship with us. PAPER A. Edwards, minister. lated by running more or lees in the TELEPHONE 39 J. B. McShane, pastor. —- --- ~ ■ Presbyterian Church Entered at the Ashland, Oregon ditches around the outside - of the Mr. Sperry personally ex­ Trinity Episcopal Church Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ field». Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morn­ ter. amined the rich, black soil and he ir, the.R ur. P. R. Hammond. ing service, 11 a. m. Junior En­ found it over four feet deep, under­ Holy communion at 8 a. m. deavor, 4:30 p. m. Intermediate laid with a lighter colored loam, re­ Sunday school at 9 :4 5 a. m. Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; topic, “The Through the shadowy past, sembling volcanic ash. Frost some­ Morning service and sermon at 11. Pledge” ; leader, Herbert Doran. <§> Like a tomb-searcher, mem- times damages tender fruits and Everyone cordially welcomed. Westminster Guild, 6:30 p. m.. Ev­ <$> ory ran, <3> vegetables, but hardy grains and W W Í..I ening service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Lifting each shroud that time vegetables seldom fall to produce First Congregational Church meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. ♦ had cast enormous crops on reclaimed swamp (Boulevard and Main street) Victorious life studies: Are you pre­ ❖ O’er buried hopes.— Moore. land, Mr. Sperry was informed by Sunday, school, 9; 45 a. m. with paring to keep “the King’s birth­ disinterested parties who have lived classes for all grades and ages, bring ■ day?" “And they brought unto Him long in the Klamath country. He your bible. Morning service 11 a. gifts.” expects to rent his land for one-third m., subject, “Symbolism versus the crop, reserving the boating, fish­ Realism.” First Church of Christ, Scientist Junior Christian Enr ing and duck-hunting rights on the daavor, 3:30 ,p. m. Christian En­ Pioneer avenue South. Sunday stream which runs by his place deavor, 8:30 p. m.; subject, “Points services at 11 o’clock; subject of les­ in the pledge we are likely to ne­ son, “God the Preserver of Man.” It is one thing to sell land to a Gone to Corvallis— glect." Luke 9:57-62. Evening ser­ man who isn’t a judge of ground, O. H. Barnhill went to Corvallis vice, 7:30 p. a . : subject, “The Slave but quite a different matter to do last night, expecting to return to CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF versus the Son.” The public is cor­ business with a man who has spent Ashland Monday morning. dially welcomed to all of these ser­ a lifetime tilling the soil. I. W. vices. W. Judson Oldfield, minister. Sperry belongs to the latter class, ,4i. ■ .IT — ------------------- - t- ',l ¿ -1 having farmed for many years near from Eastern mills Just in. Con­ Methodist Episcopal Church Eugene, Or., and Goldendale, Wash., siderable drop in prices on same. Corner North Main and Laurel two of the richest agricultural dis­ GOOD CEDAR POSTS streets. Sunday school at 9-: 16 a. tracts on the Pacific coast. He made m ./ Dr.iG, W. Gregg, superintendent. New prices on implements and re­ a recent trip to Klamath county, not First Baptist Church pairs. . New and used sewing Morning service, ID a. m.; subject, with the intention of buying lahd, machines for sale or to rent Sunday school with O. F. Carson, bat merely to see the wonderful re­ superintendent, 9:45. ’’Every body The Prince of Four Names,” a Peil's Corner claimed swamp land he had heard so present and on time” Is the slogan, Christmas sermon. Epworth League 6 ; i r » . m . 7 Everett much about and ’ Over the Top with Two Hun­ The value of the land was so great dred Present” is our aim. -- and the price so small— in compari­ Morning worship and sermon at son— that he says he simply could­ 11 o’clock, subject of sermon, “Sons n’t help buying a tract. He felt that of God,” “The Crowning Glory of he couldn’t afford not to buy, for the.Sons of God.” the land can easily be made to pay The young peoples meetings at 5 - ^4. • for itself within a few years, and and 6:30 respectively with good pro It’s hard to choose a gift for a child afterwards earn a nice income. Con­ grams, an * all are cordially Invited that will please him, and yet be of sidering the depth and richness of The evening preaching service at soma practical worth. the soil, ease of cultivation, abund­ 7:30, subject of message, “The Sav­ ance of moisture, sunshiny climate ing Gospel of the Lord.” But when you present a boy with a and rail transportation, the land is Our church extends a hearty First ‘National Savings pass-book, worth $500 per acre, judged by the Christian welcome to all who wll you give him something he’ll be way land is selling in other locali­ worship with us at these services. proud- of, and that will grow more ties, and Mr. Sperry is of the opin­ Walter L. Evans, pastor. valuable with the passing of years. ion that the price of the Klamath Ashland Tidings Sunday school at 10 o’clock. Wed­ nesday evening meetings at 8 o’clock. Reading room open daiy from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and holidays. Turkey Shoot Catholic Church Mass Sunday morning at 8:30 and 10 o’clock. ASHLAND, SUNDAY, DEC. 11 Just across Oak St. Bridge Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun Turkeys, Ducks, Quarter of Beef, etc. New Thought Temple Services are held at the New Thought temple every Sunday even­ ing at 7:30 o’clock. R. MIDDLETON J. F. BUTLER Sperry Buys Re­ claimed Lands See Johnson’s Jewelry Store At the Chinches A WORTH-WHILE GIFT lands will advance to that figure Church of the Nazarene as soon as its productivity has been (Corner of 4th and C sts.) fully demonstrated. Sunday school, 9:45, Thornton S. With hard winter wheat yielding Wiley, supt. Preaching ndPHce' i t up to 66 bushels per acre on exactly the same kind of land, potatoes 500 bushels, peppermint oil 60 pounds— t,-* ’ » . i w'orth $3 a pound— and other crops in proportion, $120 per acre is a ridiculously low 'price, says Mr. Sperry, who has seen land which won’t produce half so well sell for more money. Onions, celery, aspar­ from our agus and cauliflower are other high- -«4. fybv •»> * j y priced crops exactly suited to the STATIONERY DEPARTMENT land, which is especially rich In — Loose-leaf Memos humus and nitrogen, as well as other — Writing Cases essential plant fo o * . It lies as level — Playing Cards as a floor, with nothing to interfere — Cribbage Boards with cultivation after the tules are — Line-a-Day Books burned off, being as loose as ashes — Address Books — when dry and with an Inexhaustible — Fancy Boxed Stationery supply of water close to the surface. — Fountain Peas Irrigation is accomplished by slm — Eversharp Pencils — Framed Mottoes — Framed Pictures — Narcissus Bulbs — Xmas Cards — Greeting Cards * * ■ *' • ■ SHOP EARLY Hot Water Heating System for Small or Large Houses We are displaying the most extensive and up-to-date stocks in Jackson county. We made our purchases from the factories direct, and late in the season, to obtain the lowest prices. We are therefore featuring low prices on high class merchandise. Don’t fail to inspect our stock of Diamonds, Watches, Wrist Watches, Silverware Leather Goods, Cut Glass, Clocks, Ivory Goods, Cutlery Many new things not yet shown this season. Our lines are on display in our new store with facilities for giving the best of service. 0. K. JOHNSON, Jeweler Ashland, Oregon Why. not then a “Nationalized” ac count, for that son, or nephew, or cousin? •MC Filft National Ban Aihland, Oreg * zi Turiiover Toaster The World’s Dcst Toastmokcr Investigate Our Ideal Household Iron “The Iron that Women Designed* •was iVW-HI.. Arcola /< Our New Line of Heating Stoves Are Now In P rovost B ros. ur •» ..u* & 72« y Ò Rare Tire Quality at Coxy t?!ow Rudiator Attraetive, Effective, and Saio k,..e 3»- V / MS1 9 Mason Cord quality is the highest that can he built into a tire. W e want you to know that the price, strange as it may seem, is remarlr. ably low. W e do not sell Mason Tires on price alone, hut you get this advantage as well as the quality, when you buy them. This means that you get low price per mile and less trouble per trip than you have ever known be­ fore. »*£)- ^ i t h this goes a guarantee which knows no mileage lim it and a stan­ dard of service we’re proud of. CORDS ^ I0 ® a Curling Iron Let tlie Ladies be Pleased! E lectric W are for W orth-W hile G ifts Look for the window like the one above and you will find the electrical dealer who has a New Idea for you about Christmas giving. He is ready with a rather unusual suggestion that will help you solve the problem of selecting Sensible Gifts, in a way that is intelligent tasteful and in perfect keeping with the spirit of the season. W inning Pad For Comfort and For Health Westinghouse gives you this New Idea in the “ 1921 Christmas News”. All you have to do is walk into the store which has the Westinghouse Window and ask for this little publication on worth­ while giving. It will tell you of a plan for giving gifts of real and lasting value, Electric Ware, for Christmas. There is good news for everyone in the “ 1&2? ” Christmas News. Sew Motor Many Household Uses Jordan Electric Co. Lecdom’s Tire Hospital Ashland, Oregon Vulcanizing and Retreading 65 North Main, Ashland Fobes Supply Co. W holesale Distributors, Portland Ore. Hot Plate L ight, Convenient and Clean