climate, w ithout the aid A3 3HLAND H L of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. proven fa c t This is a A shland D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 3 (Succeesor to the Semi-Weekly TidingB, VoL 43) ALARIA germs cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921 NO 85 PACIFIC PROBLEMS SETTLED BY TREATY LINEN SHOWER GIVEN IN HONOR MISS PEARL RÜGER Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Coffman was hostess a t a linen shower last CHICAGO STOCKYARD 400WordDocument Ends ger, whose engagem ent was an ­ nounced in the tiny secret place cards. Mrs. Coffman served a dain­ ty chafing dish supper, assisted by I Mrs. William Briggs. I Invitations were extended to th e ’ i following: Pearl Ruger, Agnes H ed-‘ burg, Dorothy Jones. Dorothy F ru-j New Era Has D aw ned for th e Amort­ Ian., E sther K leinham m er, H attie! can F arm er; W illam ette Valley Hodges, Florence Farlow, Irene H ar-| Capable of Sustaining ,5,000,00« ris., Irene Powell, Ina H arrison, I More People; Strong Farm Organ- ; Gladys Shortridge, Mabie T rott, i K athleen Silvers, M arjorie Gillette, izations Needed. Maye Kaegi. , ( STRIK ERS A R E QUIET ! CHICAGO, Dec. 10. — Peace j reigned in the strikebound stock- ' yards today and thousands of work- ! ers went their way unmolested. The first known death occurred i yesterday when George Pile, who j was shot in W ednesday’s rioting, ' died in the county hospital. MAILING HINTS WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 10. A bill suspending im m igration for three years was introduced in the Double-Faced C orrugated Cardboard bouse today by R epresentative John­ A dvised for F ragile A rticles; Sev­ son, W ashington, chairm an of the enty Pound L im it for F irst Three house im m igration committee. Zones; F ifty for Outside. Johnson said ”a total suspension of im m igration is necessary to shut The sweetest smelling exhibit at la tte r has been named “ American The post office campaign for the out undesirable aliens who are be­ the fair is the booth occupied joint- Legion Boy.” Charles E. Morton, ; “ Thousands of people In the mid­ handling of the Christm as rush is ing “ given passports in order to get ly by the Pacific Mint company and another enthusiastic poultry fancier dle states are looking for ju st such them out of their home countries.” m err,,y on’ and Postm aster E. T. Staples, dealer in K lam ath re­ shares the joy occasioned by these E. J. Kaiser reports th a t the patrons a place as Oregon,” said Hon. G. H. awards, for he sold the stock which | claimed m arsh lands. Visitors are of the Ashland office are beginning Mansfield, president of the state WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 10.— birds. given delightful whiffs of arom atic produced the winning to heed the instructions given out • » » I Form al announcem ent was made to farm bureau yesterday evening be­ pepperm int oil distilled from plants I through the press, though many per- Clothing in the course of con- ! the world today th a t the United fore a large audience of W inter Fair grown near Klam ath Falls. 1 Photo- ■ sist in beinig careless in the m atter ! graphs are shown of m int stills and ^ ru c tio n is shown by the Orres tail-1 States, G reat Britain, Japan and enthusiasts at the Armory. Mr. of advising their correspondents and I ! other interesting views of m int pro- oring establishm ent, enabling visit- France had entered into a new world Mansfield has recently returned publishers to correct their addresses duction on, the reclaim ed lands, also ors to see ju st how their clothes a r e | tre a ty designed to protect each oth- from an extensive to u r of the middle | and see th at the mail gets to them j e r’s interests in the Pacific, and to I wheat, potatoes and other crops put together. w estern states. I w ithout delay. * * • j end for a t least ten years the men- which these lands have produced. “ We m ust present Oregon’s assets Postm aster K aiser says mailing Corona typew riters are featured ace of war In those waters, * • « to those farm ers of the middle well is as im portant as mailing early Following are the prizes aw arded I A fine bureau made in Ashland, by H. H. E lh art in his artistic W in -! Under the term s of the treaty, the states,” continued Mr. Mansfield. (. an d gives the following directions four powers agree to respect each “ Make Oregon the garden spot of *n tke Poultry departm ent of the a ra n ge and an electric stove com- ter F air booth. from his experience. Most of these • * o th er’s insular possessions in the Pa- the United States.” ’ W inter Fair. One of the finest and prise the excellent exhibit of the instructions are compulsory as a di­ Bob” Middleton has a varied d is-1 cific and to subm it disputes th a t The fruit premium awards, given The farm bureau head spoke of ^est exhibits of poultry I ever had Ashland F u rn itu re company, rect result of departm ental orders: may arise to z a common conference below, were made by Prof. F. C. the problems and accomplishments i th e pleasure of -sco rin g ,” declared • • • i Play of firearm s, with any of which Dry goods, clothing and all par­ Reimer, director of the Southern of the American farm er and the r e - ! B- p - Keeney, of Eugene, who placed, The Fi8cber Flouring Mills com- a good markam an inight win a tur- for adjustm ent a n d consideration. cels of like nature should be placed If the rights of signatory powers Oregon experiment stationi, and one lation of present conditions to the tke aw ards in this division. “ I w a s ;pany have an extensive showing of OI o,her valuable prize at the in heavy corrugated pasteboard are threatened by another 'power, of the leading horticulturists of the agriculturists of this state. “ A new «specially pleased with the fair a n d ; pOU]try an d other feeds which look m arks®ansWp contest to be hejd boxes or boxes of equal strength. Prof. Reimer ex­ era has downed for the American friendly spirit shown by the exhibit-1 so inviting th a t it seems cruelty t o 1 Sunday near the Oak stre et bridge, the signers of the treaty will confer Pacific coast. Ordinary suit boxes are very flimsy for the purpose of taking what ac­ pressed himself as much pleased farm er,” he said. “ The agricultural ors wko were always courteous and anim als to tem pt the feathered .in­ and poor protection to the contents bloc is constantly gaining more pow -!k *nd’ never questioning the ju d g e’s habitants of the hen coops with th a t ^ ne °f the biggest and best fruit tion is necessary, either separately w ith the extensive am t excellent and cannot be accepted, unless re­ showing of standard apples made at er in congress. The farm ers are decision. Ashland has much cause which they cannot reach. j displays at the fair is from D. A. or jointly. inforced by wrapping with at least The treaty is effective for ten the W inter Fair. coming together in stronger organi-l f° he proud of her poultry show ant? » * * i Owens W imer ( o \ e orchard, which two thicknesses of heavy wrapping years and is subject to the right of Delicious— (plates) G. M. Frost zations to solve their problems and I chicleen fanciers, Belgian hare pro- One of the happiest poultry ex- produced an extra fine lot of New- paper. W here no box is available, place themselves In a b etter condi- ducers, and growers of sim ilar kinds hibitors is Donald Spencer, whose to " ns and Spitzenburgs this year, any power to term inate it upon one first; T. S. Wiley second, G. M. Frost wrap cardboard around the contents, third; (boxes) G. M. Frost first, T. tlon than ever before. ol birds and anim als.” White Plym outh Rock ^pujlet and as a3 Bttle-know n Willow year’s notice. then wrap in several layers of good Upon ratification of the treaty by S. Wiley second, Albert Johnson “ There is much talk about ai Barred Plymouth Rocks (39, cock were awarded first prizes. The Tw’i£- wrapping paper. • * * the constitutional agencies of each third. ‘grand international gesture’ to for- birds) — C. B. W heeler, Pleasant! Bundles should not he made up in Newtown— (plates) A. H. Daven- From the H eart of a Soldier” is I coun^*'y» the Anglo-Japanese alli- get the debts and interest money on Hill, Or., first cock, third cockerel, > Z5 — | , . . . . .. . a round roll, as it is alm ost iinpos- the name ot an Interesting booklet | ?» “ ■ ~ obnoxious to the h n , ,,rs t. r . L. H oldrtdee second. M (|(, debts of the European countries to th ird pullet; A. T. Lathrop, Central If I United States will be term inated. R. S. Derrick th ird ; (boxes) G. M. | Articlea ,n a j, parcels ghould be : being given away by the Treichler aid them in rehabilitation. .W hile> Point> second cock; Mrs. F. N. Sny- The treaty was presented at the Frost first, D. H. Jackson second. packed sQ as t(j fU 8nuR,y t3gether Motor company at th eir exhibit In we are doing th a t I am in_ favor o f | der> Ashland, third cock; M artin M. open session of the conference by .T. S. Wiley third. thug prevenHn g t pe contents from ! the Armory, which consists of a at least a ‘small gesture’ toward the I Lower, Gaston, Or., first cockerel, Spitzenburg— (plates) T. S. Wiley 8hift|ng or breaking whHe trBng„ splendid Dodge touring car and a Senator Lodge, who made a brief American farm er, he^iijitig t(p tid e i cockerel (pullet bred m ale), speech. He called attention to the first, J. A. Gear second: (boxes) T. and mugt be 8ecure,y tjed w,t(, first hen (cockerel bred fem ale), powerful Dodge truck. The story him over the tight places following Long parcelg shou,d second pullet, first pen; Horace tells of the creditable perform ance fact th a t there is no provision in the S. Wiley first. C. B. French second, 8trQng gtr|ng thn war. treaty, a simple document of only A. H. Davenhill th iid . be t(pd c,oge to | be ends as wey a3 of Dodge cars In France during the “ In Oregon we m ust organize. In Beardsley, Eugene, Or., second cock­ r 4 400 words, which pledges the world W inter Banana (plates) G. M. jn tbe strings knotted where erel (pullet bred m ale), second worl I war. the southern states the great cotton powers concerned to go to each o th ­ Frost first, G. W . Pellett second, <»•; they cross each other. cockerel, first hen, second hen pool is doing wonders for the grow­ LBS ¡ W ers aid with arm ies and navies if M. Frost th ird ; (boxes) G. M. F r o s t. F ragHe articles, such as dirhes, ers. It has brought m arket systems (cockerel bred fem ale), first pullet; The heart of the Tidings reporter they should be attacked. It was first, Albert Johnson second, C. B. | cut gia88> silverw are, dolls, toys, al- to a high point of efficiency with a O. L. T urner, Eugene, Or., first pul­ was reached by means of some deli­ such a provision— article ten— th at French third. uminum ware, should be packed in minimum of waste between the pro- let (cockerel bred fem ale); Mrs. W. cious hot cakes baked from Olympic caused the United States senate to Greenings (plates) J. A. Gear, exCel»ior, cotton or wadded nLper, ducer and the buyer. They are! Klackus, Ashland, second pen. flour a t the Square Deal grocery reject the league of nations coven­ first and second. working out the same methods in W hite Plym outh Rocks (24 birds) jn a double-faced corrugated paete- booth. The dem onstrator explains ant. Belleflower (plates) A lbert board or wooden box. Boxes should the agricultural middle west. Ore­ — Donald M. Spencer, Ashland, first th a t the superior quality of their Secretary of State Hughes opened cock, first and third pullets; Herman Johnson first, T. S. Wiley second, be large enough so th a t contents can gon farm ers should protect th eir in- pancake flour is due to the fact that the historic session with the am- (boxes) Albert Johnson first, T. S. ( be protected on all sides. terests with such organizations, a n d 'p - Stoaks, Ashland, second cock, it is m anufactured from hard wheat nouncement th a t “satisfactory prog­ Wiley second. Fram ed pictures with glass should the farm bureau is the medium for first and third cockerels and first in the largest flouring mills west I ress was being made in the adjust-: W hite W inter Permain«— (plates) ; have wood on both back and front pen; Charles E. Morton, Ashland, such work. of Chicago. i ment of the Chinese problems.” “ By Ashland Trade is Ashland F. L. Holdridge first; (boxes) F. L. so as to protect the glass. • * * “ In the W illam ette valley alone— first, second and third hens; second „ I A fter Senator Lodge had finished Made.” Well, I had quite a set- | Candy, cakes, cigars and articles if properly irrigated to the best ad ­ pullet, second pent. ie o m p aio u r Lithia Springs ; bjg address a spokesman for each Holdridge first. King David (plates) A lbert of |jke nature, should be packed in W hite W yandottes— A. C. Crews, to with “ F arm er” yesterday. I company as a large and thiist-pro- deiegatiOn,, not only the four partici- vantage— we have room for 5,000,- Johnsou first and second; (boxes) couble-faced corrugated pasteboard 000 more people w ithout hardly feel- Ashland, first cockerel, first pullet, did not think his im putation fair \ ° 'i n g isp ay of m ineral w aters, paHng powers, but also the small In regard to Ashland m erchants Albert Johnson first. boxes or other strong box, or wrap- ing it. Oregon needs the middle! Silver W yandottes— C. B. Wheel- one of . the j - « . ; products of which Ash- nations attending the conference, an- Gano— (plates) J. A. Gear first, pad in corrugated cardboard, and west farm er, and the middle west e r> Pleasant Hill, Or., first and sec- and their families buying cloth­ . a n ( . ts just y proud. Gas demon- ( nounced his nation’s willingness to Albert Johnson second, (boxes) Al- well tied, as parcels of this nature farm er needs Oregon.” ond cockerel, first and second pul­ ing, ladies’ ready-to-wear, and s la n o n s ate given for the benefit jeave t |,e peace Of the Pacific to the the like out of town, while they lets. • a re very fragile and easily damaged O ther speakers on the program of those interested, using two drum s , , nJted statM , Great B r|ta ln , France bert Johnson first. very much favored “ trade at were Prof. G. A. Briscoe, superiuten-j Rhode Island Reds (82 b ird s)— Baldwin— (plates) F. L. Hold- Books should be wrapped in card- in which natural gas is shipped to and Japan home” propaganda to keep cus­ ridge first. board and then wrapped with strong dent of the city schools, and Senator F - L. Holdridge, Talent, first and put pep into w aters elsewhere I The conference also approved the tom ers in th eir line trading at King— (plates) T. S. Wiley first; , paper and securely tied. * # * C. M. Thomas, who introduced Mr. second cocks, second cockerel, sec- _ following: home in their own stores. He said (boxes) A. H. Davenhill first. * 1 F ruits should be packed in strong Mansfield. Prof. Briscoe acted as °nd hen; first pullet, first old hen, Swenson and McRae have a large „ , , 6 The four proposals of Elihu Root, th a t kind of “ home tra d e ” was Jonathan— (plates) F. L. Hold- wooden boxes, well nailed. Boxes chairm an and delivered an address th ird young hen; Ernest Webb, Cenr corner booth fitted with a H o tp o ln t' . ... . . . , . F pledging the powers to respect the ride« first on education, co-ordinating it with tral Point, first hen, th ird pullet, about as logical as the “ wonder­ electric the size of peach or apple boxes tied range, a kitchen cabinet, and , « o w m at- ful one hoss shay.” Of course, I te rrito rial integrity of China ahd Red cheek Pippin— (plates) W. around the center with strong cord the national activities of Education- first young pen; Mrs. F. H. Dressier, three electrically operated sewing th ‘open door’ policy. I r Buckler Bros, first. to prevent the boxes from breaking hat? to agree with him th a t if al Week, which ends today. Repre- Medford, third cock, third cockerel, machines. Their exhibit is one that m erchants were sending away for appeals to every housewife. Henry “ APP°intiy ent of a commission to A rkansas Black— (plates) J. A. open. When addressed to post of- ten tativ e Ben Sheldon, who was on third hen, second young pen; Tom „ J examine into China’s judicial an d Gear first. what supplies they did not carry | fices on star routes, wire and cleet the program for a speech, was e x -! Johansen, Rainier, Or., first cokerel; Provost, attendant, shows how the court system, with the object of Stayman Winesap— (plates) F. L. at both ends. in thei rown store instead of buy­ cused a fte r he made a plea from his H. J. Durfee, Ashland, second pullet, machines are operated. abolishing extra te irito ria l rights in H oldridge first; (boxes) F. L. Hold- Phonograph records should be seat in the audience th a t he would Light Brahm as— J. A. Gear, Ash- ing from their m erchant neigh­ ♦ • * packed with double-faced corrugated la te r give an Ashland address on land, first cock, first hen, first pul- bor, th a t the practice was vicious The Albers Milling company has China, and under which foreign pow- ridge first. Hoover Red—^(plates) A. H. Dav- pasteboard between each record, and and destructive of home prosper­ an interesting showing of various ers have m aintained their own educational work of special county let. | enhlll first; (boxes) A. H. Daven- ¡f possible, placed In a wooden box. ity, but I did not believe any interest in connection with state ac-j W hite Leghorns (38 b ird s)__Er- vaiieties of stock feeds, couveniently courts and judges. arranged. i A decision by the powers to re- hill first. Christmas tree ornam ents, which Ashland m erchant was so foolish. t ’vities, a subject upon which he nest Webb, Central Point, first and * * * j spect the neutrality of China In fu-. Paragon— (plates) F, L. Hold- are of a very fragile nature, should W hereupon he recited an instance claimed he was not as yet fully pre- second cocks; E. O. Smith, Ashland, ture wars to which she is not a ridge first; (boxes) F. L. Holdridge be packed in cotton excelsior and where he saw an Ashland d ru g ­ ia re d to talk. ¡th ird cock, first and second pullets, The Ashland free public library party.’ j first. gist buying a suit of clothes in’ a has a suggestive showing of books placed in a double-faced corrugated Under the leadership of Miss Mar-1 first old pen, first young pen; Mrs. Grimes Golden— (plates) F. L. pasteboard box. neighboring city instead of buy­ sters, musical director of the city D. W. Booth, Ashland, first, second on agriculture and other im portant LONDON, Dec. 10.— The state- HoldridKe f ir s t. (boxes) C. B. Umbrellas, canes and parcels of ing from Enders or Mitchell, and 5. *hools. the high school band ren- and third cockerels; A. C. Crews, subjects, with a librarian to tell vis- m ent th a t Japan had definitely ac- French first. this nature should be reinforced d >red a pleasing program earlier in Ashland, second young pen. the wife of a groceryman buying itors what to read and why. The cepted the American naval dlsarma- the evening. | Brown Leghorns— Mrs. F. N. Sny­ a fine dress and a tailored suit Lady Sweeting— (plates) L. their entire length with strong strips way the booth is decorated with ment prpgram was confirmed a t the Holdridge first. of wood to prevent damage while in from a m erchant in a neighboring der, Ashland, first cock, first and posters and placards makes It re- British foreign office today. Green Sweeting— (plates) I’ADICAL ELEMENT L. transit. second hens; J. J. King, Medford, town, instead of patronizing Mc­ semble the booths at the Corvallis Japan, America and G reat Britain Holdridge first Valuable parcels should be insured RIFE IN RANKS OF first old pen. Gee or Enders for her needs. He book fair, which was held last sum- have agreed to the non-fortification Lawyer— (plates) J. A. Gear first, so th a t the sender may be reim- STRIKING PACKERS Black Leghorns— E. R. H arris, said if I didn’t believe it, he mer, the first one of the kind west of the islands in the Pacific ocean, R ainier— (plates) J. A. Gear first, bursed, should) the parcels become would hire a detective and set of Chicago. Ashland, first and second pullets. j ------------------------------ KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 10.— Willow Twig— (plates) J. A. Gear lost in transit. Black Minorcas— Guy C. Jacobs, down the names of very m erchant • * * STANDARD OIL The radical element in the ranks of Ashland, first cock, first hen; John firs t; (boxes) D. A. Owens first. • The largest parcel th a t can be who bought his Christm as needs The Ashland G ranite company has TANKER BLOWS 1 ) packing house strikers asserted F. Butler, Ashland, first cockerel, out of town and supply them to Vanderpool Red— (plates) J. Gy- sent by parcel post In the United a display of m onum ental work which i elf today, the orderly methods of first pullet. UP; ONE DEAD ger . first. States, is 84 inches, combined length the Tidings, if this paper would shows to great advantage what can tho idle men giving away to Violence.! A n co n as^A . McMillan. Ashland ---------- j Limber Twig— (plates) J. A. and girth, and the heaviest parcels print the names and facts. He be done with one of A shland’s most < tie man was shot during a fight ; fir8t> second and third CQck PROVIDENCE, R. I., Dec. 10.— Kelts first. th at can be sent must not weigh over said he thought he could open valuable natural resources. One man was instantly killed, and Shannon Pippin— (plates) T. S. 70 pounds in the first, second and 1 ir one of the plants, and the cockerel, first hen, first old pen my eyes to one of the main rea­ « * « 1 mes of five strikebreakers were fjr9t young pen several others had narrow escapes, Wiley first;’ (boxes) T. S. Wiley third zones, and 50 pounds in the sons th a t Ashland w asn’t bigger J. H. McGee’s corset display is when a Standard Oil company tank- first. other zones. f . ¡rined by mobs. Numerous clashes Buff O rpingtons— W. B Smith and more prosperous than it is; viewed with interest and adm iring er blew up here today. The dead 1 ween the strik ers and the strike- AahinnH fi-,» .... j , ’ Swaar— (plates) A lbert Johnson ! ------- ---------- ------- ----------- All parcels should be addressed ___ ________ _ j Asniand, first, second and third th a t John F u ller and some of the exclamations by num erous feminine i akers occurred In the streets. man, Thomas Amplain, was literally first; (boxes) Albert Johnson first, plainly in ink on the wrapper. La- cockerels, first and second pullets. leading lights in the Cham ber of visitors. blown to pieces. j Gano— (plates) J. A. d e a r first, ibels are likely to come off, which Silver Spangled H am burgs— A. C. Commerce were not the only of­ * * • ( DARLES GANIER, G. A. R. The tan k er Immediately burst in- Albert Johnson second; (boxes) Al- leaves the parcel w ithout any ad- , Crews, Ashland, first cock. fenders. But, he said he thought Emil Peil's electric cream sepa­ MEMBER, DIES TODAY to flames and for awhile neighboring bert Johnson first. eS.ess, and makes it impossible to it would be a good idea for the ______ W hite Pekin Ducks — Ernest rato r shows how the drudgery of shipping and buildings were endan-| Golden Delicious— (boxes) Albert deliver. Charles Ganiere, old-time Ashland ' ' Gentral Point, first old dkake, Chamber of Commerce to set a» sk im m in g m ilk m ay be avoided, pro gered A tug 8Ucceeded ¡n getting a Johnson first. ' R eturn addresses are also required i. ident and G. A. R. veteran, d ie d if,rst and second old ducks, second example to the recalcitrants, in­ vi ng >ou lave one o e r mrose j.Qe Qn tbg burnlng vessel and Roman Beauty— (boxes) W. H. to be placed on all parcel post mat- : ' 10 o’clock this morning at his yoan® duck; Graydon Crews, Ash- stead of spending all its time shown in his booth, to-; Kneebones first. ter, preceded by the word “ from .” fighting local industries. Of getlier with W hite sewing machines. towed her into the river. 1 c ae, 148 W imer street, a fte r an ®and* ^ rst young duck; H. Tenbush, Best box pears— A. H. Davenhill.! In packing foreign parcels, use i i »ss of Ibe past month. Funeral ^ * ’arnin,a’ Or-’ second young drake, course, I didn’t like to agree to « • • Fenders entirely surround an au W inter Nelis— (plate) T. S. Wiley strong double-faced corrugated box- services will be held from the Stock first young duck. print the names he supplies, but H. A. Stearns, of the Plaza m ar­ tomobile designed by a North C aro-¡first, J. Gyger second, I es or wooden boxes, or sew parcels t.d e rta k in g parlors Monday after- Rouen Ducks— Glen Head, Ash- what is a newspaper to do, any­ ket has an attractive booth in which lina man ^ ith a view to protecting De Anjou— (plate) T. S. Wiley up with burlap or some other strong r-ioq a t 2 o’clock. Mr. Ganiere Iand’ first young duck. way? If it is tru e, it should be is displayed a great variety of Gol- ) its occupants in events of a collision first. cloth. If..ves a wldbw and seven children. Indian R unner Ducks— H. Ten-: stopped, and a general overhaul­ denrod cereals and Liberty Bell m a­ from any angle. Champion Quince— J. Gyger. By complying with these instruc- H > is the fa th e r of Mrs. D. Perozzi. ^ us^ ’ W illam ina, Or. first old d ra k e ,1 ing of our local m ethods take ple syrup. George K night and Mrs. No doubt there are men who have Best general display from one or- tions, m ailers will greatly benefit place a t once. U a* ails could not be obtained before: first young drake, first old duck, B. F. Storms, the courteous attend- never told a lie— those who were chard— T. S. Wiley first, Albert themselves as well as aid the post going to press today. | (Continued on Page 4)------- HAZ KIK. born dumb. Johnson second, D. A. Owens th ir d .' office departm ent. (Continued on Page 4) ON HUGHES PLAN PRAISED BY JUDGE i golng APPLE EXHIBITS; H az IÇiK z;