ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE POUR B irthday P a rty — Dougall Young celebrated his ______ ___________________________ eleventh birthday by entertaining a .MASONIC CALENDAR THIS W EEK num ber of his playm ates last even­ ing at his home n ear Belleview. The house was beautifully decorated with m istletoe, Oregon, grape and All of the foregoing orders elect other ornam ents. A snow-covered officers for 1922. toy house occupied the center of the ------------------------------ I table, flan k ed by a big birthday Caudy Sold W ell— cake with eleven candles. Games The senior high school class made were played and many interesting >14.20 at their candy sale Wednes- and useful presents given the youth day noon. This was almost exactly ful host. Chocolate ice cream, cake, the am ount needed to pay th eir out- salad, weenies and candy were standing bills. tastefully served, after which Doug- F ire! F ire! At the Armory a ll’s father, J. W. Young, took the Have you seen the Oregon forest en tire party to the Vining theater, burning up? Well, it is. right by The guests were Billie Hulen, Jack C rater Lake. Go see it! Better get Nims, Billie Wilson, Sam Hanson, a beautiful painting that lasts FOR- Barney Miller, Dick Jcy. E verett Mc- EVER, to cheer your home. On Gee and Bobbie Coffman, sale now at the Armory, later at 117 Dew Drop Inn for special hot North Main street. Miss Mabel lunch, 11 o’clock to 12, fifty cents. Russel, A rtist. 84-1* P a tte rso n ’s C rater Lake pictures Armory Sunday night. Popular — D arling Studio. 83tf Players presenting “ Blindness of For pleating, see Orres. 69tf V irtue.” P ractice O ffener— Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, The M ethodist Episcopal choir, ,20 cents. Enders Confectionery.62tf which is led by G. H. Yeo, with Mrs. »» ’ hautauqua E n tertain er H e r o - van Fosson as accompanist, decided »r w t> >, , x . Prof. M. E. Robinson stopped at last evening to meet twice a week— .i . . , „ , . „ the Hotel Ashland last night, en- Tuesdays and Thursdays— from now . ’ ...... t t route from Aberdeen, W ash., to Los until Christm as to practice the can- ,, . ,, , . . - . Angeles. Prof. Robinson had charge tata, “ The Morning S tar,” which of the chorus work at the Ashland they are preparing to sing a t th at „ 7, / Asnianu , Chautauqua assembly In 1907 and time 1908, and a good many people will The Congregational ladies will „ . . . , hold a sale of food and useful a ,. ' T. ™ '™ b£-r b'» "Q “««- E - ticlea at the Class A Baraae In the ’ ' hlCb T ’ ™' sok,,8,s ,rom Ashland Hotel building, tomorrow P " ln ° ° uth ’ - r O ^ g o n as- s is te j the local cboru \ Since th a t beginning a t 10 o’clock. 84-1 tim e, Prof. Robinson has been en­ Made in Ashland— We have made our ice cream, gaged in musical work largely in fresh candies and quality tam ales W ashington, but h a s a ls o made two for 15 years. W ith Ashland trade is ' ' a ‘ F o r th e last three years he h; .; been working in A ber­ Ashland made. Rose Bregg 83tf deen, Wash. We will deliver sixteen inch oak for >4.50 per tie r in two-tjpr4y£§~i~' - TTTf price and I ?sa. C a r s o n - F o w l^ ^ - ^ h g j. Cq 8, j M r s . Simons, 2C South Pioneer. 842* LOCAL AND PERSONAL “ Blindness of Vi tue.” a d indy The Ashland Fish and Game asso- come2 800 have land» and Medford. The subject of been purchased by funds from the w inter fishing was discussed at some city w ater departm ent in preference length, everybody present appearing to their sale to bonding houses, to be in favor of the sport. . Dew Drop Inn for hot waffles an d Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, M. J. B. coffee. g^f and hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf f----------------- ------————- Buy a new suit for the H olidays.!____ ,iA TE TO CLA3SIFY P aulserud’s 74tf WANTED— Woman between 21 and We make our own candies, Ice 45 as housekeeper by bachelor 46 years old», living in the country. cream and tam ales. Enders Con i-1 Address *L” care of Tidings of­ fectionery. 62tf fice. 84-3fri.-* City’s Monthly Expense— According to figures given a t the city recorder’s office, bills to the am ount of >5183.74 during the month of November, have been ap­ proved for paym ent by the city council. It is difficult a t tim es to tell w hether some people are brainy or hairbrainy. Cliff Payne makes book stands. Farewell Party— Mrs. D. Sherman, who left this week in company with Mr. Sherman, for W atsonville, Calif., was en ter­ tained Monday evening at a fare­ well party given by Mrs. F red H itch­ cock at th e la tte r’s home, 79 Oak street. Those present were: Mes- dames Charles R enard, Ralph Hall, Tony Franko, H attie Smith, W alt Frulen, oCad, Charles Johnson, D. Kellogg, Roy Hasley, Huskey, and D. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman have been Ashland residents for the Friday, Decem ber 9, 1921 past five years and leave a host of friends in the city. Mr. Sherman, is an employe of the Southern Pacific company and has been transferred to Watsonville because of Mrs. Sher­ man’s health. An Institute organized a t London is intended to become the principal authoritative body fo r the technique of British commercial aviation. This is a Store oi the Unusual in Gift Suggestions CHERRO CHIMES Sparkling with the Spirit of Christmas, our Holiday display is indeed unusual. Here you will find gathered gifts for everyone in the family—gifts that make shopping in our store a pleasure. Until Saturday 69c. There w as once an old m an And he lived in a shoe, H e had so m uch trouble, H e didn’t know w h at to. do CHERRO FLOUR A special hard wheat Blend Satisfaction guaranteed Ask your Grocer (to be con tin u ed ) After Saturday $2.00 Standard Self-Filling F o u n t a i n P e n Four Days Sale in Order to Advertise Tills Card Is Worth »1.31 TO YOU IF USED BEFORE SATURDAY This ad and 69 cents will buy one 4)f our Standard Self-Filling Fountain Pens, R egular Price, >2.00. BEFORE SATURDAY ONLY, 0»c EACH All Pena G uaranteed One Y ear by th e Factory SIDE PHARMACY On Sal. nt A ST Drugs, Stationery and School Supplies A shland, Oregon E. R. I S A A C & Co. Successors to C. H Vaupel. THE QUALITY S TO R E Only I 3 More Shopping Days Until Xmas USEFUL GIFTS ARE MOST ACCEPTABLE for the HOME W ear well Cotton Blankets—all sizes to choose from. They are priced a t ............................................................ . $2.48 to $3.25 Wool Blankets in new plaids and white—all sizes and guarai teed all wool. Priced, per p a ir........................... $9.48 to $19.00 Hoieproot Silk Hosiery (or Her Xmas Gitt (WEAR1 lunkets Useful Gifts for Men Holeproof Silk Hose in black and brown Priced per p a i r ... .$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 La France Silk Hose in black and brown. Per p a i r .................................................$2.48 = GIVE HER SILK UNDERWEAR Camisoles, made ol CrepedeChing and Wash Satin — Priced New Knitted Ties ami open-end Four-in- hands. Priced .............. 69c, $1.00, $1.19 Bath Kobe Blankets, to make.nim a Kobe. Priced at ........................... $5 48 and $6.50 Men’s Holeproof Silk Sox. Priced per pair at ................................. 65c, 85c, $1.00 Men’s Handkerchiefs, all pure linen Priced at e a c h ................. 39c, 45c, 59c, 79c Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs, De Luxe quality, each ...........................................35c $1.39 to $3.25 G am e Society M erged— P o st O ffice W arning— WHOLESALERS OF QUALITY CANDIES Fountain Supplies — Stationery — School Supplies Distributing Agents for National Biscuit Co. $2.75 to $5.98 -------a n d ------- HOEFLER’S CENTENNIAL CHOCOLATES MEDFORD OREGON Res. Phone 899-R Phone 53-R $5.98 to $6.50 Gowns made of Crepe tie Chine and Pussy Willow. Priced ..................$5.25 to $10.98 TO BUY A HANDBAG When you buy a bag here you have done something more than make a purchase; you have made an invest ment in quality. Price«!...$1.75 to $9.98 F R ID A Y - SATURDAY F R ID A Y - SATURDAY W IL L IA M Plaza Market booth, and they will TAKE PARTICULAR PAINS TO SEE THE * serve you Royal Club Coffee, Golden Dodge Brothers Sedan Rod Waffles with Ashland Creamery butter and Liberty Bell syrup. Be your own judge—they’re all for sale at j THE PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET -In— W ORD .BRAND COME ON! Also Big Two Reel Comedy— DOUGHNUTS’’ Starts Sunday— THE GREAT IMPERSONATION” And they did com e! Indians at first. Then ruffians o f the plains. Then coyote i>oliticians And, driven on by a great love, th is sile n t figh ter beat them a ll! A ta le o f t h e Wetet that w as, and the W est that is today. AT THE AUTO SHOW There is also a DODGE BROTHERS GRAHAM TRUCK on display that may interest you Mann’s — The Best Goods for the Price — Mann’s Geo.L.Treichler Motor Co. THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT S. HART Vanity Fair Knit Bloomers and Vests. Priced at ............................. $3.48 to $4.48 When at the Winter Fair, stop at the vivtu - h ure 2 a t o the n lef city t hip pound ‘ S ale on W l 11 W t ater ake AOTICK i piace Anyone having embroidery work street, on exhibit a t F air, please call for Dated at Ashland, Oregon, this same by 5 o’clock Saturday evening. ; 9th day of DeTce“ bei ; ? ^ 1 . Mrs. Selma Gray. ( s 4 2-fri C hief o f p oijce. < u Petticoats made of CrepeDiChhie and Wash Satin — Priced NOW IS THE TIME _______ ________ ___ W arnings have been issued by the SALE— Delicious apples for post office departm ent against th e ' iJ-L'/f1l\v b 1:tpalh|° a few thorough- , z,. , . , . meu w h ite Leghorn cockerels, use of Christm as seals and o th er^ Phone 17-F-4. F. L. N utter. 84-2* non-official stam ps unless placed on the back of the mail. Because of the WANTED— Woman as companion for woman on sm all'ran c h , light confusion of non-postage stam ps housework. No objection to wom­ with regular postage, foreign postal an with one child. Address A. H. W ard, Talent, Or. 84-2* authorities refuse to handle mail bearing such stam ps on its face. The 57 MILES per gallon made witb new post office adm inistration of Turkey patented gasoline vaporizer. W rite for particulars. Stransky Vapor­ has announced th a t It will not ac­ izer Co., Pukw ana, S. D. 84-1* cept dutiable articles in the letter mails to th a t country. FOR SALE— Cook stove with colls, Sweet cream for sale at Rose also excellent yard wide stairs carpet. 128 So. Pioneer Ave. Brothers. Phone 480-J. 84-2 Orres cleans clothes clean 69tf ' Em pty oil barrels for sale. Car­ APPLES— Splendid for cooking and eating. A few more boxes left. son-Fowler Lum ber Co. 82-6 50 lb. box >1.00 delivered. Phone “ P a tte rso n ’s P ictu res.”— D arling 9 -F -ll. Studio. 83tf FOR SALE— A bargain in 1920 Wants Play S h e d - Studebaker special six for >975; Prof. I. C. Wilson rises to rem ark ..F o r d sedan, 1918 with starter, th a t public school teachers are re­ >450; Paige seven passenger, quired by law to give th eir pupils 1918, worth >1250, for >1100. See me at first house at rear F irst 100 m inutes of physical exercise National 84-2* each week, yet no place has been ___ Bank, ______________________ provided» in which to give this exer- WANTED TO TRADE __ Lovely home, modern in every way, cise to more than 400 children at seven room house, three and the Junior high school during bad 14-100 acres best land, 2*4 acres w eather. A play shed or gymnas­ alfalfa, rest in orchard and berries ium is an absolute necessity which and garden, good barn, chicken is badly needed. Since no public house, wood house, work shop and pumping plant, to trad e for funds are available for this purpose. home in city. Do not all come at Prof. Wilson suggests th a t the ne­ once. When you do come, inquire cessary money m ight be donated by first house abovo Boulevard on a philanthropic individual or group W alker avenue. No agent. 84-1 of persons, who might as well give N otice of Sale o f Im pounded Stock to th eir home town school as to a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t, college in another city. , I will on Tuesday, the 19th day o t eginm ng Saturday December 10, December. 1921, at the hour of 2 the studio will be open evening un- o’clock p. m., offer to the highest til 8:30 o’clock.— Darling S tu d o j bidder ior cash, one light red two- P o rtraits th a t Please. 83tf i year; i . d heif1erA “ °1 marok8,’ b ra“ d/ l,g‘ “ LOVE AND Combinations — made of Crepe de Chine, Wasb Satin and Pussy- Willow. Priced Gifts of Leather Goods Among which is the ever useful, serviceable and appreciated traveling sets. I t is the ideal of ideal gifts, though there are others in leather goods that will be mighty acceptable. All are here. Women’s Leather Hand B a g s.. . . .$1.25 to $25.00 Another Packard Little Six W ILL BE IN SATURDAY The highest class Little Six automobile ou the market Everybody is familiar with the high quality of the Packard cars W omen’s Music R olls........................... $2.25 to $5.00 Men’s Leather Pocket Books................. 50c to $3.00 The new price puts them within the reach of all $2725 f. o. b. Ashland Men’s Leather Card Cases.....................50c to $5.00 Men’s Manicure Sets in Leather Cases ......................... .from $2.50 to $7.50 Reed’s Hand Tooled Leather Hand Bags Best m ade..................... $5.00 to $25.00 Men’s Leather Suit Cases............................. $500 up Women’s Leather Suit Cases........................$5.00 up Class A Garage Mann’s Department Store MEDFORD, OREGON ........ ...................... ................... .. ■ ■ -------