fcAiiä t w o AÍHLAXD D Á ÍL t tÖMtfÖÄ With modern apparatus we can make ydUr portrait at night as well Established 1876 as in Ihe daytime. Make your ap­ Published Every Event»« Except pointment today. Phone No. 8.— Sunday ___ Darling Studio. Portraits that TH E ASHLAND PRINTING OO- Please. • 83tf Tidings Ashland O FFICIAL CITY AND (XÄTNTY P A PE R A WORTH-WHILE GIFT T o AhMrtkm R. IV— The Nevada - California - Oregon ■Railroad company has filed with Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. the interstate commerce commission ?ostoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ for a certificate of public conven­ er. . ience to enable the company to abandon its line between Hackstaff, Calif., and Lakeview, Or. The line is <$> Let fate do her wor9t; there a narrow-gauge road and, if aban­ <§> are moments of joy, doned, Lakeview will be Isolated ex­ 't> Bright dreams of the past, cept for a stage line to Klamath & which she cannot destroy; Falls, which frequnetly is tied up by- Which come in the night- ■ snow during the winter. that joy used to wear. 7. That cough or cold in the head' — Moore. can be ended easily by Hyomel. No stomach dosing. Breathe it through I the nose and mouth. Money back if it fails. McNair Bros. It’s hard to choose a gift for a child th&t will please him, and yet be of some practical worth. ny.l.F.PHONE 39 Local and Personal Hot Chill Beans for that chilly feeling. Rose Bros. 83tf Espee President Stops— William Sproule, president of the Southern Pacific company, stopped in Ashland for a short time Tues&iy In his private car. Clothing prices that defy competi­ tion at Paulserud’s. 74tf Espee Traveling Agent Hero — F. G. Lewis, traveling agent for the Southern Pacific company, was in the city yesterday looking over the Winter Fair and attending to company business. Popular Players one week only, starting Sunday night, December 11. Armory. New show each night. Hawiian Judge Leaves— Judge Coke, chief justice of the supreme court of Hawaii, left Ash­ land yesterday after a day’s visit with E. V. Carter. Judge and Mrs. Coke recently completed a tour of the orient. All wool suits for $20 at Paulser­ ud’s. 83tf The best Christmas present is a suit or overcoat tailored to measure. See the big. values at Orres’ $1.00 Profit Christmas Sale. 69tf The following railroad officials visited the Winter Fair yesterday: J. W. FitzgeralcS, superintendent of the Shasta division, Southern Pa­ cific company, who come In his pri­ vate car with Mrs. Fitzgerald; F. G. Lewis, traveling passenger agent, Southern Pacific lines north; and W. H. Wallace, Chicago Northwest­ ern representative. The visitors highly praised the exhibits. A cooked food sale and bazaar will be held by the Ladies of the Macca­ bees on December 10th, beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., at Enders store. 83-2 Rings Arrive— The high school rings ordered by the seniors arrived yesterday and are going fast at $6.30 each. About twice as many rings are sold as pins. Our clothes are correctly cut and skillfully tailored. Paulserud’s. 74tf Good used piano for sale at Rose Bros. 83tf ______ . One of t&e-niost laughable and amusing social affairs of the season enjoyed by the younger set was the “hick” party last night at Memorial hall. The guests— who were mostly high school students— were dressed In the most ludicrous costumes im­ aginable— country jakes, little las­ sies In pink rompers, Bowery toughs, aproned hired girls, and others dif­ ficult to describe. While the orches­ tra jazzed “Turkey in the Straw,” the merrymakers danced a german and other terpsichorean novelties, haring oodles and kioodles of frol- icksome fun. Clever suits for cold snaps, at Paulserud’s. 74-tf Popular Players. A good show at 15 and 50 cents all week starting Sunctey, December 11. Armory. A complete change each night. Shipping Mistletoe— Miss Roberta Ward, who is here from New York City visiting her sister. Mrs. F. C. Stevens, 235 Fifth street, is shipping a large box of mistletoe to her friends in New York, where she says she has often paid 25 cents for a small sprig' of mistletoe. She is amazed at the quantities of this beautiful plant which can be had here for the gath­ ering. Mr. Roselle, the tailor at Orres, is an artist as a tailor. He recently came here from Minneapolis. O tt Gone to Portland— Attorneys E. D. Briggs and Wil­ liam Briggs left last evening on a business trip to Portland. What would be more appropriate than a Victor record for that Christ­ mas gift. Rose Bros. 83tf A m usem ent Tax Concession__ American Legion posts, among other organizations, will be exempt from the so-called amusement tax levied on entertainments at which admission is charged. The exemp­ tion was won by the national legis­ lative committee of the American Legion, which succeeded in getting congress to pass a clause in the re­ cent taxation act which provided that religious and charitable insti­ tutions need not pay tax on reve­ nues which would not benefit indi­ viduals. The legion posts will be excused from such taxation after January 1. Let Friend Wife sleep In the morning and go to the Hotel Ashland grill and get one of those «n» special 60 cent breakfasts. < ltf But when you present a boy with a First National Savings pass-book, you give him something he’ll be proud of, and that will grow more valuable with the passing of years. Why not then a “Nationalized” ac­ count for that son, or nephew, or oousin? First National Bank A s h la n d , :: :: :: O regon ■ Dem aniitratlon A gent H ere— Miss Florence Pool, the county home demonstration agent, left for Ashland this morning with a lot of the equipment from her office, to remain during the Winter Fair.— Medford Mall Tribune. Auto accident insurance. Yeo, of course. 83tf Hotel AshlanQ Grill caters to home-folks as well ae to commercial men and tourists. 61tf Oregon In d u strial W eek— „ TDOWM f a IS S di® BA POW V Oregon Industries Week will be observed from January 23 to 28. The purpose of the n ovement is a highly laudable one to stimu.ate the pub­ lic interest in the purchase and con­ sumption of Oregon manufactured products. Try a hot chocolate served In our' iilver service. Rose B os. 8‘ttf Orres re.iodels garments. 6';tf You are throwing away baking powder m oney- w asting baking M — A — N — N — ’ S powder and expensive ma- terials—frittering away valu­ able time—if you are not using Calumet Baking Powder. If you “doubt” it—just give£alum et one tria l The saving it makes will prove that CALUMET O fficials V isit F air— P arty— frid a j, December u, iS ííí is the best baking powder in the w o r ld - sold at the fairest price—costs far less than high priced T rust brands—costs but little SHOP EARLY Gloves as Gilts One never has too many pairs, while few, if any ever have enough. Then why not gloves! If yon do not know the size, give a glove certificate. _Women^s Kid_jGl&vi?8 iif all colors $2.00 to $5.00 pair Children’s Wool Gloves 48c to $1.00 pair W omen’s Chamoisette Gloves • 79c to $2.00 pair Men’s Dress and Driving Gloves Mann’s MEDFORD, ORE. more than cheap brands—gives much better re­ sults than either. You use only half the amount usually required—it goes almost twice as far. It never rails, never causes baking loss. Used in millions of homes—by leading hotels, restaurants and bakeries. A wonderful bak­ ing powder for all requirements. Made in the world’s largest, finest, most san­ itary Baking Powder Factories. G ood A p p ea ra n ce at a L o w e r P rice The picture shows a typical Kuppenheimer overcoat, a style of robust distinction, warm all-wool fabrics, staunchly tailored—one of the many splendid models you’ll find at this store. You’ll readily see the advantage of making an “ investment in good appearance’’ when you see the excellent values we now offer in K u p p e n h e im e r Suits and Overcoats $42.5« to $50 made by a t « * 1. -see the windows CONTENTS U A T ot save wheal I You save materials it is used with. j w buy it— Y m nvew he yw are it— Other good all-wool suits—$17.50 to $35.00 AtBPIf Deuel’s I Highest Quality Highest Awards —the house orK uppenheim er good clothes MEDFORD, OREGON WORTH KNOWING A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. 022353485348485302000101895302000200020002010605051010061005010201020100000100000202000000000000010100013201010201020004051100000009110100020000 LIBERTY BLDG. The Big Closing Out Sale Offers many wonderful Bargains in Blankets and Comforters, all kinds of Winter Underwear, La­ dies* Sweaters and Jerseys, Child­ ren’s Hats, Ladies’ Outing Gowns, Suit Cases and. Beautiful Bags, Men’s Dress and W ork Shirts, Boys’ Hats and Caps, Ladies’ Cor­ sets, Handkerchiefs and Ribbons, Men’s Neckties, Belts, Garters and Suspenders in Xmas Boxes, La­ dies’ and Men’s House Slippers, Ladies’ Aprons,and all Knit Goods, besides a large assortment of Holiday lines-all on sale at close­ out prices. If you are looking for more than your money’s worth visit the big sale at FERGUSON’S THE COLONIAL PHONE 298 i MEDFORD, OREGON WE W ILL HELP YOU SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF GIVING USEFUL GIFTS ARE MOST POPULAR NECKWEAR HOSIERY An exceptional showing of Neckwear— Pure thread Silk 11 ose, black, white, Real Eilet, Irish, Yak, and Net brown and g r e y ................$1.50 to $3.25 Guimps, Camisoles, Vestees, Collar and Pure Silk Hose, with embroidered and Cuff Sets, and the popular Peter lace clox, black, white and cordovan Pan Vest and Collar ............................ $2.75 to $4.25 O th e rs in Linen and Organdie Lace Hose in black and w h ite... .$5.50 50c to $12.50 All Wool H o s e ................................. $3.50 We also carry a line of Imported Laces, Silk and Wool Hose, heatlie? mix $2.75 and many patterns in Val. and Clunv HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR Always an acceptable gift. Many pat­ A most wonderful display of Silk and terns to choose from. Plain and Em ­ Philippine Underwear. Glove Silk broidered Linen, Hand Embroidered Vests, Bloomers and Camisoles, Crepe Swiss, Linen Finish and Cambric— de ( bine Gowns, Envelope Bloomers 25c to $2.00 and Camisoles, Pussy Willow Combina­ Men’s Plain Handkerchiefs..............25c tions, Wash Satin Camisoles— Men’s Pure Linen H andkerchiefs.. .75c $2.00 to $12.50 GLOVES K ayser’s Chamoisette Gloves, Gauntlet and Cape, in white, heaver grey, mastic, and b ro w n .................................................$1.50 to $2.75 16-Button French Kid Gloves, black, white, tan ..................$4.50 20 PER CENT OFF ON SWEATERS Sweaters for warmth and attractiveness. Wool Tuxedos with brushed collars of contrasting colors. Plain button models Silk and Fibre Sweaters, Tuxedo models................$4.50 to $19.25 Bath Robes, Kimonas and Breakfast Coats A COMPLETE LINE OF PIECE GOODS AND NOTIONS 00000153485323020253000002000101010201000202000102000002000200010000010000010002020102530000000200000202000000090705050200000201020101020253235