PACE SCC ASHLAÑfl D A H ï WBfNÖS Sweet cream for sale a t Rose Brothers. Orres cleans clothes clean. 69tf Em pty oil barrels for sale. Car- MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK son-Fowler Lum ber Co. 82-6 “ P atterso n ’s P ictu res.’’ D arling I Studio. 83tf Ashland lodge No. 23, Thursday Pinched for Speeding— evening. Lunch at 6:30 followed b y ' Last evening Chief of Police program . H atcher arrested Chester Jones and All of the foregoing orders elect T. Hill for exceeding the speed lim- officers for 1922. it with autos on the streets of Ash- ------------------------------ land. The form er was fined $5 by P atterso n ’s C rater Lake pictures Justice of the Peace Gowdy. The — D arling Studio. 83tf la tte r’s case has not yet been tried. For pleating, see Orree. 69tf Mr. Hill was driving a Chevrolet for N ew R esidents— I the L ithia bakery. John Bolk and family, of Mount Armory Sunday night. Popular Angel, Oregon, are moving to their Players presenting “ Blindness of new home at 462 Boulevard. , V irtue.” Local and Personal A Made in A shland— ; H olm es’ Canned Art— We have made our ice cream, fresh candies arid quality tam ales for 15 years. W ith Ashland trad e is Ashland made. Rose Bros. 83tf We will deliver sixteen inch oak for $4.50 per tier in tw o-tier lots.— Carson-Fowler Lum ber Co. 82-6 H em stitching, 8 cents per yard. Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod W ant “th e M akin's”— The Parent-Teachers association is hoping very much th a t it will not be necessary to personally solicit donations Ipr th e ir sale of fancy work and candy, which is to be held at the high school gymnasium the evening of December 17, in connec­ tion with a H aw thorne school en ter­ tainm ent. Sugar, chocolate and nuts are needed for candy, which the domestic science teachers will m an­ ufacture, also fancy work, either donations or articles to sell on con­ signment. W hat would be more appropriate than a Victor record for th a t C hrist­ mas gift. Rose Bros. 83tf Flue Fire— A flue fire in th e house at E ast Main and G arfield streets belong­ ing to George Noble and occupied by two ladies, this forenoon des­ troyed a small portion of the roof before the fire departm ent put out the blaze. The second fir*, alarm was really th e last of the orig­ inal signal. NOTICE : it-—I believe he can.” Members of the Acorn num ber 54 “I ’ve read of Ashland in half a N. of W. are requested to come t o ! dozen magazines of national circula- the hall Friday evening for a social, tion, commending the Ashland spirit Bring a friend and something for and praising the city’s auto camp, refreshm ents. Mabel A. Roberts, Ashland* has a n atu ral scenic setting clerk. 83-1 ? - ~~ W ith m odern apparatus we can make your p o rtrait a t night as well as in th e daytime. Make your ap­ pointm ent today. Phone No. 8.— D arling Studio. P o rtraits th a t Please. 83tf W hen you think of insurance, think of Yeo, of course. 83tf of beauty which can bring thous­ ands of people to Oregon. And Ash­ land for th a t reason will benefit directly by the 1925 exposition. I ’ve been told th a t the average mot­ oring tourist spends $50 a day. Even placing it at the more conservative estim ate of $10, the state is bound to have a large revenue front th a t source. The fair will tell them about our natural beauty spots and bring real home m akers into the state.” R eturns from O akland— G. O. V anN atta returned a few days ago from Oakland, Calif., where he has been the past m onth taking treatm en t for neuritis, m aking his home m eanwhile with his son, Fred V anN atta. He says the w eather down th ere was cold, foggy and rainy most of the tim e he was there. Auto accident insurance. Yeo, of course. 83tf I Try a hot chocolate served In our silver service. Rose Bros. 83tf The Christm as display of good eats in one of the windows of Holmes’ grocery furnishes a fine il­ lustration of the artistic tposlbiB'i- ties of canned goods, with th eir a t­ tractive labels and tasty contents. Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, 20 cents. Endters Confectionery.62tf It is difficult a t tim es to tell 250 WINTER FAIR Cliff Payne makes book stands. w hether some people are brainy or ENTRIES FILL S. ORE. Stolen A nto R eturned— “ Blindness of V irtue,” a dandy hairbrainy. T. J. Coffman, accompanied by M. comedy-drama. Sunday night a t the SHOW WINDOW C. McKenzie, started to Portland Armory— Popular Players. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY (Continued from Page 1) eginning Saturday December 10, yesterday with a Haines auto which WANTED— Small sheet iron stove, had been stolen from Mrs. Coffman’s the studio will be open evening un­ m ust be in good condition. Phone showing what he can do in m aking aunt, Mrs. Stocklen, of Portland. til 8:30 o’clock.— D arling StudSo. 359-L. 83-2 show cards. A large num ber of 83tf The stolen car was located at Red­ P o rtraits th a t Please. FOR SALE— 9 y4 acres, good house, Oregon products maps are highly in­ ding and brought from there to Ash­ Gone to “City o f A n gels”— barn, chicken house, smoke house, form ative, as are sim ilar maps of land* the first of the week, by Mr. E. B. H unt left on num ber 15 last garage, good fences, 3 acres ap­ the other northw estern states. There ples, $600 down, balance easy Coffman. The Ashlanders expect to evening for Los Angeles and San term s. Phice $2500. One mile are some excellent health posters retu rn Monday, Mr. McKenzie bring- Diego. from Talent. Mason & Manning, which teach salutory lessons in hy­ a Packard car from Portland. 7. If your stjm ach s continually Talent, Or. 83tf giene, colored draw ings and posters, Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, kicking up a disturbance; you feel pictured fables and an Ingenious toy and hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf bloated and distressed; if you belch FOR RENT— F u rn ish e d housekeep­ farm . ing rooms. Inquire Beaver Realty Buy a new suit for the Holidays gas and soil'- food into the mouth. Co. 83-3 m t then you n o -J Mi-O Na stomacn tab P aulserud’s P O L I C E T A K E RAP FOR RENT— Five room house, bath, lets. Guar nteed* by McNair Bros. H aw aiian Visitoi AT OOMPLAINER9; toilet, m ajestic range, barn, chick­ Hot Chili Beat s for th a t ch’Ty Mrs. E. C. P ettit, m other of Leon ASK CO-OPERATION en yard. 116 Church St., close in, 8?tf ard P ettit, arrived this morning fee ‘Ilg- Roae P os. $20. Call a fte r 5 o’clock or tele­ Popular Pla" rs one week only», phone 294-R. 83-2* from Honolulu, where her husband (Continued from Page 1) startin g Sunday night, December 11. is a prom inent architect. LOST— Sunday, w rist watch on aens, they are afraid, not w ithout black band. F in d er re tu rn to Tid­ cause, th a t they will h u rt th eir busi­ We mane our own candies, ice Armory. New show er h night. A cooked food sale and baza »r will ings office. Reward. 83-2* cream and tam ales. Enders Con­ ness? There is no doubt but th a t be held by the Ladies of the Macca- fectionery. . 62tf WANTED — Men’s laundry, silk th e social order needs a cleaning, l bees on December 10th, beginning sh irts a specialty. 257 T hird St. b u t it cannot be done until the bet­ at 10 o’clock a. m., at Enders store. te r citizens m ake an organized ef­ 83-2 FOR QUICK SALE— At a bargaip, fort to do the cleaning. We, as of­ Good used piano for sale a t Rose two 10-foot 3 inch awnings, one ficers, need and ask for said help. A nna’s bread had been a joke. ; Bros. 8 3 tf electric w a|q r header, two hat- Her heart hud nearly broke. I C hildren A re C areful— point three heat grills, one hot- W ill we get it? To sooth e her heart and end her J. W. HATCHER, point electric heater, one electric The Junior high school teachers woe, fan, all in good condition. May Chief of Police Force, Ashland, Or. John bought her good Cherro. are taking a great deal of pains to be seen a t Jordan Electric Store keep the children off the street near today and Friday. 83-1 SPEAKERS SHOWER CHERRO FLOUR i the school building, to prevent pos­ FOR SALE— Second hand lumber. COMPLIMENTS ON A special hard wheat Blenc sible auto accidents. Sm ith’s Barn. 83-5* A SH LA N D ’S FA IR Popular Players. A good show at Satisfaction guaranteed 15 and 50 cents all week startin g FOR SALE— F o u r room cottage, on Ask your Grocer large lot, out buildings. Cash or (Continued from Page 1) Sunday, December 11. Armory. A (to be continu ed ) term s. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Lane, [ i complete change each night. Tidings. 83-3 so I would get ‘Pop’ Gates to sell ______________±L’ CHERRO CHIMES Thursday, December S, i (Mil Galaxy of Motor Cars Is Winter Fair Drawing Card “The W inter F air au to sh o w is th e first, ever h eld in A shland, and th e num ber and q u ality o f m ach ines exh ib ited has never been equalled in th e valley,” says K en n eth M cW illiam s, w ho, with L. L. Leedom and A. C. N ininger, i s responsible for th is very attractive fea tu re o f th e fair. T hree sid e s o f th e big Arm ory d rill room are fille d w ith splendid m otor cars, w hich bear th e nam es of or­ dinary m akes, but appear to b e super m achines, g listen in g beau­ tie s of th e v eh icle w orld. There is a w onderful L exin gton tou rin g car, a Studebaker cou­ pe, O verland tou rin g, a Dod ge sedan, and D odge track, a Dort tou rin g. M axwell touring and M axwell roadster, Ford sedan and F ord son tractor, togeth er w ith tw o tire exhibits— M ason and Sav­ age. The tire exh ib its occupy, t h e rear corners of the room ,the Ma­ son exhibit b eing m ade by L eed om ’s T ire H ospital, and the other being th e work o f Ralph H adfiehl, o f E nders’ hardw arre depart­ m ent. Much C hristm as green ery— sw ord, ferns, O regon gra|w*. m istletoe and fir boughs— e m b ellish e s th is exh ib it, w hich is very tastily arranged. in te r e s tin g literatu re and cou rteou s atten d an ts com p lete th e en sem b le o f A sh lan d 's fir st and g reatest auto show . V isitors are invited to try o u t the lu xuriou s cushions, exam ine the m otors and ask any q u e sttio n s concerning th e cars on ex h i­ bition. S w e n s o n Q. M cR ae’s G reat X m as C lea rin g F u r n itu r e S a le THE QUALITY STORE OF ASHLAND - THE STORE OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Adopting some of the most drastic reductions ever considered by this store in all its sixteen years of history 100 in a great pre-holiday sale. Every item is priced at a splendid saving. Our store still maintains undisputed leadership when it comes to value giving. This fact is becoming more and more apparent to all thrifty shoppers. This list of special offerings will crowd the store for many days and offered at this most opportune time, CHRISTMAS TIME. XMAS GIFTS FOR THE LITTLE FOLK Toys Are the Children’s World As kings dream of dynasties; warriors of conquest; and explorers of continents—< so children dream through the inspiration of toys. Boys and girls find priceless friends and comrades in their toys. Coaster Wagons ................ $7.50 to $8.25 Tricycles ........................... $4.95 to $13.50 Sammy Cars, regular $4.00, special.. $3.25 Automobiles ..................................... $10.85 Scooters .............................................. $3.60 Red Riders ..........................$3.75 to $5.85 Ki Ki Cars ......................................... $2.00 Red Flyers ......................................... $3.60 Baby Walkers .................... $2.50 to $3.60 Baby Jumpers .................... $1.25 to $5.40 Children’s R ockers............ $3.85 to $6.75 BED SPRINGS DE LUXE Guaranteed 20 years; will not sag or sway; every coil acts independently; tied with elastic springs. Supports the body buoy­ antly in a natural, healthful position. Absolutely the most luxurious bed spring made, regular $25.00. Special at. . .$19.50 Bed Springs as low as......... $3.85 and up Your Satisfaction Guaranteed Universal Ranges, Famous Sellers Kitchen Cabinets, Breakfast Tables, Kitchen Ta­ bles with porcelain tops—all at specially reduced prices — every item a bargain. COTTON MATTRESSES—$5.95 Built up of layers of fluffy, downy, un­ bleached, genuine cotton lints, and cov­ ered with a dependable grade of floral art ticking; nothing but new cotton is used for the filling—a trulv remarkable value $5.95 Sleep inviting KAJOK Silk Floss Mat­ tresses, Imperial roll edge, in heavy art satin finish ticking. Very special—$19.00 Silk Floss Mattresses as low as....... $12.85 Ranging in price to the sun-cleansed super Silk Down at ...................................$30.00 COOKING UTENSILS of large variety—an assortment too num­ erous to mention prices, but every one a bargain. Trunks and Traveling Bags for your Xmas Vacation Very Choice Selection of Floor Lamps Ask for the dollar broom f o r .. . . . . . ,50c Bed Davenports as low as.. . ....... $45.00 Look them over A Large Assortment of Beautiful and Durable Rugs in Many Colors and Designs Linoleum Rugs and Congoleum Rugs CHRISTMAS RUGS Select your gift rug now while these specials are still in force Good quality Axminster Rugs, large size at the very special price of...........$26.85 Extra heavy seamless Brussells Rugs, ex­ cellent assortment to choose from, room size, extra special at ....... . ............ $19.50 Woolen Fibre, very serviceable, large size .................... .......................... • • - $9.85 High quality table with book shelves at each end and shelf in center, a $35.00 value ............................................... $26.00 William and Mary Dining Room Suite Of rare grace and beauty which will be a desirable addition to even the finest home, solidly constructed with painstaking care of natural oak, finished Jacobean. Table, six leather seated chairs and buffet— $149.50 Walnut and Quartered Oak Dining Tables, with chairs to match, at prices that will interest the thrifty buyers. lJ lJ A Few Heating Stoves Left to Close Out A very large selection of Printed and In­ laid Linoleums at prices that should move every yard in our store. LIBRARY TABLES OF NEAT DESIGN William and Mary library table in Jacob can finish, regular value $40.00. Special for this sale ...............’....................$31.60 Beautiful selected quartered sawed oak. Colonial design. Specially priced for this sale at ............................................. $26.00 COMFORT ROCKERS Every member of the family will enjoy them—■ Excellent quarter sawed oak finish—a special for this sale ......................... $7.00 Master-made Fibre Rockers, style that will please exacting tastes, upholstered in rich blue tapestry back and seat, luxuriously, springs under the cushions. Special I v priced at ---- ‘ .................................. $19.50 Built strong, elegantly finished, the most favored designs, and spring seat covered in genuine Spanish leather, very sturdily built. Extra special at ... . .............$13.65 An Assortment of 100 to Select from of Different Designs and Prices