a SHEAND climate, without the aid * * of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. v«s A shland D aily T idings (In te rn a tio n a l News W ire Service) VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) 1LIALARIA germs cannot survive * ’ * three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps. A SH LA N D, QREGON, TH URSDAY, D ECEM BER- ¿~1921 No. 83 EX-SERVICE MAN BACKS WATSON CHARGES MAJ. C. B. VOGEL GEN. W. D. CONNER 250 Winter Fair Entries Fill S. Ore. Show Window PLA N S FOR RECLAMATION OF Poultry Exhibits Lead Show; Col­ orful Horticultural Division Big Feature. MILLIONS OF ACRES OF COLO­ RADO R IV ER RASIN' ENDO RSED A T LEAG UE MEETING TODAY. P resid en t Obregon and O ther M exi­ can D elegates A ttend C onvention; C anadian H arnesser of PUSHES CLAIM N iagara GEORGE By CHARLES E. HUGHES (I. N. S. Staff C orrespondent) Maj. Clayton B. Vogel of the United RIVERSIDE, Calif., Dec. 8.— Rec­ States marine corps, has full charge lam ation projects which will put „» „„ , . j of a correspondence school, conducted millions of acres of desert land un- . x. » a . la. , by the marines as a means of educat­ o r cultivation; power development I , their men wherever they are , ta. whinh __3, of . which «rill will generate hundreds tioned in the world. thousands of hydro-electric horse­ power and add many millions of dol­ lars annually to the production of w ealth and the growth of industry J in the Colorado River basin, are to be indorsed at the convention of the League of the Southwest, which op­ ened here todays The sessions will be continued tomorrow and S atu r­ W ith livestock, poultiT . fruit a n d in d u strial exh ib its, th e secon d annual A shland W inter F air opene d here yesterday for a four day show in w hich approxim ately $ 1 3 0 0 in p r iz e s w ill be g iven aw ay. E xhibits continued to arrive all day W ednes day and m ore are expected today. It is estim ated I>y O. H. A nderson, f a ir com m ittee m em ber, th at 3 5 0 e n ­ tries have already been m ade. A lth ou gh th e apple and fru it d isp lays are a close second and m ake G«n. W. D. Conner has been named th e fla sh ie st show ing, th e poultry d iv isio n is th e dom inant featu re of as aide to Marshal Foch during the famous Frenchman’s stay in this th e fair. Many exh ib its from Port land, E u gen e an d otii^r northern country. cities are en tered in th is division. The horticultu ral exhibits——a p p le s' PRIIJIDEL« I’HIA MAN, CLAIMS TO HAVE SEEN 12 SOLDIERS HANGED IN FRANCE DURING W A R Senator W atson ga tin g F a lls P resen t; $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Plan. TAYLOR, C onfronts ( ’ongresstonal In vesti­ C om m ittee w ith Sworn S tatem en ts. Claim s Men Are A fraid to T estify. WASHINGTON. D. C., Dec. 8.— The affidavit of George Taylor, Phil­ adelphia ex-service man, who swore th a t he saw twelve American private soldiers hanged while he was a member of the American m ilitary force at Is-sur-tille, France, and sub­ Dear Mr. Haz K ik: Will you and th e like— are several tim es m ore when most hens go on a strike, m itted by Senator W atson today to move over a little and give me extensive th an last year. The poul- C. E. Morton, A. McMillan, E. O. the senate committee investigating enough of your space to jot down try is one-third larger. A lthough Smith, E rnest Webty, and H. W. his charge th a t American soldiers a few words. I notice in the re­ Jackson county stockraisers and Fram e are the men to whom credit were hanged and shot w ithout trial cent thum b-paper edition th a t the several from Josephine county h a v e'sh o u ld be given for the success of overseas during the world war. Ashland Cham ber of Commerce entered exhibits, the livestock divi- the poultry show, which Is about one Taylor swore th a t when he left Is- has ju st gotten out down at Med­ sion is not quite as large a s origi- third larger than last year. sur-tille, he understood several more ford to circulate in Ashland, th a t nally expected, o w in g to h ousing day. A. H. Davenhill, T. S. Wiley and American soldiers were to be hang­ the secretary is repeating a num ­ d ifficu lties. Delegates from three nations and G. M. F ro st have not only madte a ed. He averred th at a condemn^» ber of things th a t the Chamber eight states are present. The Unit­ The show' is considered a repre conspicuous success of the apple sergeant told him, Taylor, th a t a has been doing. I don’t know just j sen ta tiv e exposition tak in g th e place show , but have made creditable dis ed States governm ent is represented girl the sergeant had been accused how attractive the Medford peo­ of th e county fair, w hich w as not Plays of th eir own fruit. According to Chief of Police by Secretary of the Interior Albert Other Commendations and compliments of attacking, had come to his bed of B. Fall. President H arding also se­ H atcher, the county and city offi­ ple are m aking it, to have the held this year. j prom inent exhibitors are Albert were showered on Ashland for its in ­ her own voilition and awakened the Cham ber get out these editions lected Mr. Fall as his personal dele­ cials have been victimized by wide­ The fair ju d ges are: Prof. E. «. Johnson, G. W. Pellett, D. H. Jack- dustrial history m aking W inter Fair down there, but unless they are Fit z, of O. A. C., livestock ; B. F. son and D. A. Ownes. Four large by Mayor Gates, of Medford, and accused man. The sergeant denied gate to the convention and hts sp read criticism of th eir methods in coming across powerful liberally, Keeney, of Eugene, poultry; and tables are covered with some of the John E. G ratke, representing th e having attacked the girl and claimed spokesman in detailing as far at, they are getting som ething for Prof. F. C. Reimer, T alent expert-1 finest w inter apples which the world 1925 exposition at Portland, yester­ she accepted money from him. possible the standing of the adm inis­ dealing with bootlegging, the dis­ Watson told the committee that nothing. I am very mucli su r­ nient station, fru its and vegetables, has produced. Most of the fruit is day evening- at the A rm ory.. Prior tration as to reclam ation and power covery of moonshine stills and in he would prove th a t American sol- projects io general, and the develop­ other ways curbing a num ber of al­ prised, th a t the people of A shland The schools of the county a re r e p - .8h ° wn in display boxes, which are to the speaking the Ashland b am L (j | ers were executed when innocent, would stand for such a thing one resented by nearly 500 individual | as wide and long as a standard ap- gave tiie Wintei bait sightseers a j-je sajtj th at some ex-service men m ent of the Colorado River basin in leged vices. In answ’er to these charges, Chief H atcher has prepared minute. I don’t believe th a t the exliibits ranging from kindergarten ple box and deep enough to hold one happy, self-satistied teeliug as they were afraid to appear before the particular. ch arter of the Cham ber of Com­ ; paper cuttings to dresses and fu m i-* ’ayer- Newtowns a n d Spitzenburgs walked eagerly from booth to booth 1 committee “ lest their compensation Secretary of the Interior Villa- the following statem ent in which he merce ever intended th a t such a tu re m ade by high school students. Predominate, but there are many De- viewing the exhibits synonmous in bp cut off." Some of these men, as- Real of Mexico, is representing that suggests th a t com plainants give more aid and less criticism to the thing should be done. While it is republic, a n d President Obregon in The au to exhibit, th e first to be licious and W inter Banana, the two meaning with Ashland development 3erted Senator W atson, “ had their , well enough for the secretary to ¡held in Ashland, exceeded expect«-' most popular varieties, as well as and its establishm ent as a Southern very souls shell shocked by the hor- person, and a special commission police. be telling of the big things th a t tion s and is one o f th e m ain fea­ many fine specimens of othe<- sorts. Oregon industrial and home city. A f-:r jble outrages they were subjected from Mexico City and delegates from A s O fficers o f th e R iw , Ane W e W rongly C riticized in N eglect , the Cham ber has done, but what tures. the Mexican border states affected T lie committee on grains, grasses ter a short address by Henry E nd-¡to by their officers in France.” of D uty? about the future? It seems to me by the Colorado river projects are The farm ers’ show window— the and vegetables— O. D. Lowe, D. H. ers, Jr., the speakers’ program w a s __________________ ___ We hear a great deal of criticism unless we get our forces together W inter F air— is filled with many in- Jackson and C. B. Lamkin— have placed in charge of Mayor C. B. also in attendance. our acomplishments for this year j teresting and instructive exhibits, found some of the biggest pumpkins Lamkin, who acted as chairm an. Sir Adam Beck, chairm an of the about the county and city officers of Jackson county for not doing their will make ra th e r dull reading, for which the m anagem ent sincerely and squashes, the longest ears and H ydro-Electric Pow er commission of In expressive language, Mayor the edition next year. The tro u ­ hopes will be viewed by as many stalks of corn, the finest potatoes, Gates painted a word picture of Ash­ O ntario, and a special party arc rep- ! duty in not m aking search for stills ble is not all with John Fuller j people as possible during the re- tallest alfalfa, heaviest h'eadfs of land as yearly looming larger" on resenting Canada. Sir Adam’s o r­ and booze, and in not curbing other vices, and the arrest of the drunks, ^nd B ert Greer. The directors of m ainder of the week. The hard-i wheat, oats, barley and rye and sim- the trav eler’s horizon as a tourist ganization has harnessed the C anad­ which is all easier said than done. the Chamber of Commerce make : working committees have surely ¡ iIar products comprising two large mecca, ant) cited the W inter F air ian side of N iagara Falls and Is serv­ a worse m istake in recognizing a done th eir share, and the num erous! and interesting displays. ing light an d power to 300 Canadian But do the Anti-Saloon league or the One 'of as an exposition which would aid C hristian people make the proper cities. division in the ranks of the Cham­ exhibitors have responded liberally,! the la tte r is contributed by the Jack ­ Southern Oregon and Jackson coun­ The eight states included in the effort to help the officers in the en­ ber than John and Bert (Ad in in the opinion of the judges. B. F. son County F air association and is ty to m aintain a secure hold on its League membership and Interested forcement of law and order? Have fighting each other; th a t one act Keeney, of Eugene, who judged the an immense exhibit, virtually the established prestige as a fruit, stock recognized th a t unity had been in what will be done with the w aters any of th e com plainants ever lost an poultry, was especially well pleased same as was shown a t the state fair. raising and farm center. He referred ------------------ „ cr are: a n ro r. hour’s sleeP at any of the many killed and sanctioned the killing. of the Colorado . river are; v Califor- with the chicken show. Mr. Keeney F ruit, flour, canned goods and many to his trip to the state fair at Salem nia, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colora- places wbere they could go and find Unity is the prerequisite to suc­ is the only poultry judge in Oregon other home products are shown, in and asserted th a t if every county I . - By GRACE H. CHAMBERLAIN j wv — _ rvilf F rtv* ikn ____ ... out for the officers who was selling At the Civic Improvement club do, New Mexico, Texas and Okla- cess; she is the mudsill, the main I licensed by the American Poultry addition to those already enum erat­ could send exhibits such as are be­ homa. The la tte r state alone, per- th ® moonshine’ or wh» was making spoke in the by-laws th a t govern association'. He has had th irty years ed. A tw enty-four pound fleece of ing shown at the W inter F air to meeting Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Con- . . but It? success. The Cham ber of Com­ of practical experience in poultrft" wool, a num ber of w inter casabas, the state fair grounds, three or four I ner introduced the following plan. haps, is l nnt not directly ______ concerned, We are w ondering how many of its executives are to be represented. merce should not be made an e n ­ husbandry and is so fam iliar with .a and several labor-saving appliances new buildings would be necessary. The city owns an acre of land at the the so-called “ good” people know gine room in which we create en­ hen’s good points th a t he could judge for the home a ttra c t especial atte n ­ Mayor Gates spoke on the advan- highest point on Terrace street. The The development of the Colorado basin will be in the hands of the th a t organized outlaw ry has sued ergy for any of its members to them in the dark with one hand tied tion. tages of co-operation in advancing. hill top is nearly bare save for man- the local officials for doing th eir zanita bushes. The view is unsur­ Colorado River commission which, fight each other with— this ener­ behind him. Mrs. Louise Hammond, Mrs. J. W. Ashland, Jackson county, Southern duty? Do they know th a t Deputy passed and Mr. “ onner urges th at by act of congress, has power to gy th a t should be used to develop There are 240 rabbit hutches and Olfield, and Mrs. C. H. Pierce have Oregon and— "of param ount im port­ steps be taken to make this acre one work out projects and methods un-, Sheriff McMahon has had to d e fe n d ’ the city. The creed on the front hen coops, all filled with cackling, gotten together a very “ ta sty ” ex- ance— Oregon.” of our scenic beauty spots, dedicat­ der reclam ation proceedings. Con­ himself for personal suits brought page of the thum b-paper edition, crowing, gobbling, grunting and h'bit of pantry supplies— jells, jam s, “ If we don’t make Southern Ore- against him for official acts done in ed in honor of our soldiers. Mr. gress some tim e ago appropriated as . --------- ------ is the most inconsistent thing I squealing inhabitants. Two kennels canned fruits, bread, pies, cakes an d ' : gon the playground of the nation, a s ta rte r $250,000.000 for réclama- perform ance of his official duty? ever read, especially when I ' of Scotch te rrie r and Spitz puppies other good things to eat. The Tld it’s our own fau lt,” said Mayor ! Conner will donate the trees— firs, tion work. Of this $112.000,000 i s | Said SU*tS putting them aad him to thought of the circum stances un­ pines and other native trees, provid­ are as cute as can he and are the ir.gs man hung a ro u n d this display Gates. “ We have scenic advantages,' already apportioned to work under quite a lot of expense and worry, all der which it was w ritten. It is ed th a t the city will grant perm is­ especial delight of children visitors. a long time, hoping to be appointed i unequaled in California. We want way. It Is hoped by delegates to t h e l ° f which helps to weaken If not to bad enough to lose John and Bert sion to plow the ground and to fill The Belgian hare show is marvelous, on the judging and sampling c o m -itO advertlse those advantages— . __ .» i » . _« . _ _ convention th a t a part of the $138,- paralyze th eir arm when they should as members, but it is worse to • consisting of bunnies black, white, m ittee but was bitterly disappointed I bri" S people tO Oregon Get behind in the broken and long-unused res­ 000.000 rem aining will be allocated or do try to enforce the restraining lose two or three hundred. John .. . . i the 1925 world's exposition. Oregon ervoir. Mr. Conner would require red and various other colors, big U. , rp,_. T X y W ° ''k “ “ “ "'need« the advertising and the b e n e -.------------------- - ............ law passed to curb iniquity, which assistance from a party - ......... of men in to the Colorado basin development. and Bert will come back, but it bucks, tiny baby rabbits— all sorts. formerly was legalized, but is now a usitally large, occupying the center froln th a t wolid falr pu„ „ transplanting the trees. Mrs. Ben One commissioner is aamed from takes some energy to corral two Ducks and turkey gobblers add va­ crime. Of the Armory drill hall, and shows n ~ ‘1 - _ u — ....... ........... each of the seven states within the out of a hole, to bring more people H eatb- who8e p™perty adjoins this or three hundred members. It is riety. some very excellent work being done into the big state with the small hiU top acre’ was appointed chair- If the Anti-Saloon league is the w atershed of the Colorado, a n d one well to stand by your friends, but A somewhat surprising thing by Ashland pupils. The committee population. man of a committee to bring this appointed by the president and church in action, and we have been when it is at the expense of the about the poultry show is the very — A. told it is, why does it not come to C_ Joy. Mrs. Louis Dodge, and Mr Gratke> who |8 prominently ,natter to the attention of the city r.iust be confirm ed by congress. good of the city, I do not believe j small proportion of W hite Leghorns G. A. Briscoe— had the happy facul-| identified with the 1925 exposition I counc11’ and to enl,st the “ rvlcw of. the help of the said sued officials? in it. shown, this being by far the most Perhaps the local Anti-Saloon league y of selecting those samples of atu -!arfairs a n J the Portland cham ber ,nen in the American Legion, if per- It is not the fight between F u l­ W IN T E R F A IR PROGRAM Is asleep at the switch, or more prob­ ler and Greer th a t is hurting the popular and num erous variety pro­ den work which would be of p a r - |of Commerce, praised the spirit of mi8aion to b«auGfy this spot is al- duced in this region. Mr. Keeney FOR REM AINDER OF W EEK ably it is moribund. St \ fair Vl8ltOr8’ T h 6 i friendship between Medford and lowed" town: it is the recognition of and explains the situation by the fact dome r ' domestic science departm ent is rep­ If the fault finders would tu rn the Don’t miss the Civic club e n ter­ dignity given to it, by the Cham­ that Leghorns are now produced al­ Ashland. He prefaced his address resented by a large assortm ent of This evening a t 8 o’clock th e la­ light of criticism on themselves they tainm ent tonight at the Armory. ber of Commerce. most wholly with a view to egg pro­ garm ents made by the sewing class. on the Portland exposition with lau­ dies’ Civic Im provem ent club will wouki find it is their duty as much Mrs. Hanson, who has charge - of - the — A Commercial Club Member. duction, and, therefore, do not show Being unfam iliar with this line of datory rem arks about the Ashland present their laughbable comedy, as the officers to enforce the law, I W inter Fair. Mr. G ratke explained! prograni‘ ’H PlaI1»ing a sale of home „-,.^1. ... winter pair. Gratae explained .................... . ............... “ up well in exhibition coops. Ply­ worK, the w riter will only say 17 th at the progress, aims • , value , u la v y. w ic h t tne he ‘■J’Ville Junction,” a t the Armory. if not in person, then in helping the vaiue made candy can^y- The rp^ P'a which thr and of . the made m ie e pmy, v. h uicn mouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds mosj of the garm ents looked like __ -------.„ j — Tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock officials in enforcing the laws, not WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 8.— world’s fair, comparing it with the elub mem^ers expected to put on. all seemed piUHJ pretty < and ---- --- X11U. San Francisco, San Diego am ) Seattle npver a rri\ed , but since we are ad- th ere will be an open forum for fa r­ only laws arising as a consequence of j The period of uncertainty and sus­ are th e breeds most in evidence al- aprons, and though th ere are W hite W yandottes well made. Napkins and other sm all­ IJortlanil on »Un __ ent m ers a t one of the Armory rooms, the prohibition am endm ents, but vertised as the ladies Im provem expositions. pense in which the conference activi­ anc* many other varieties. er specimens of needlework are also r t 2 o’clock in the afternoon Prof. laws against selling or giving ciga­ ‘ We want the Oregon fair to club we believe th a t we are living up E. O. Smith exhibits a dozen pul shown. ties languished for several days, will 1' C. Reimer will answ er questions rettes and tobacco to minors— a to th name when we announce that le t. In n good-sized pen, which Isi a well-made table, .tool and rock- bring out the history and romance l lating to soils, irrigation, forage crim e we fear is committed by too be ended by Saturday, it was stated of the state,” Mr. G ratke stated. Mr. Mennen of the Popular Players, j equipped with trap -n est, where th e l„ r showa wha[ t||e m anua, r .d grain crops, fruits and vege- many of our so-called “ respectable” in British and Japanese quarters. “ We know the beauties are here, but will put on a play for the Civic club j industrious biddies continue to ply business men, and committed by a t hies. class can do in wood-working, while we want others to know it. Oregon Thursday night. The Popular Play­ The British spokesman said that i their calling, despite th e curious Tomorrow evening there will be num ber of our so-called “ b etter Scenery is the ers are doing this as their contri­ Japan had "unofficially” apprised J eyes of visitors. A record sheet for the mechanical draw ing departm ent needs advertising. music by the high school band and class” of minors. Ia this neglect bution to the club house. The ap- the conference powers of her accept­ , November shows th a t the twelve is represented! by some very accurate one thing you can sell over and over or failure on th e part of many, If ‘ caches by Prof. G. A. Briscoe, sup- ■ plause that greeted this announce- ance of a 5-5-3 naval ratio and her pullets laid an average • of twenty- specimens of draftsm anship, the again. The asset remains. I be- f*. .ntendent of Ashland schools; not all of our citizens, due to the 1 ment indicated appreciation, not on- work of Elton Ramsey, Lloyd Shrin- Reve th a t even the Columbia gorge willingness to en ter an agreem ent ! four eggs each, which means an 80 R-presentative Ben Sheldon, and fact th a t to do th eir duties as clti- i ly of this generous donation, but designated to keep th e peace of the per cent production, a very rem ark­ er and Marion Cosley, the la tte r also fOg can be sold and if I had the say- Hon. G. H. Mansfield, of Medford. of the work done by this company Pacific. (Continued on Page Six) able perform ance for th e month (Continued on Page Six) (Continued ou Page Six) while in Ashland. POLICE TAKE RAP AI CIVIC CLUB ASKS OF ESI. _ _ a .