Wedheáday, IhOembet «, i9 9 l ASHLAND bAÍLt TîDtNGÂ Visits Oregon for First Time— Mrs. Ida M. Wadhams is visitiug at the home of Mrs. Myra W. Homes, south of Ashland. Mrs. Wadhams MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK Is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Homes and Is enroute to San Diego, Calif.« where she will spend the winter. Malta commandery. Wednesday This Is her first visit to either Ore­ gon or California, and so far, she evening. is delighted. Ashland lodge No. 23, Thursday evening. Lunch at 6:30 followed by All men’s, ladles,’ children’s win­ program. . • > 3 » ter underwear on sale at closing out All of the foregoing orders elect prices at Ferguson’s. officers for 1922. Local and Personal Not R elated— Wesley Barnhill, of the U. S. Ma­ rines, and O. H. Barnhill, Tidings reporter, are trying to trace rela­ tionship, but as yet have been un­ successful, although both have rela­ tives in Des Moines. Husbands Root for Greatest Woman’s College IF THE WORLD WENT DRY F you aw oke som e m orning to find th ere w as no w ater, you w ould call a plum ber. But sip p ose you found th ere w ere no plum bers, and not a drop of w ater in th e world— what th en ? Tou would realize that death had sq u atted on your doorstep. Next to air, w ater is the m ost iiip cita n t thin g in life. And of til the w orld’s work none is m ore im portant than th at of plum bing The plum ber is a craftsm an, a business m an, a ^ scien tist. He practices th e scien ce of sanitation. T hat is, he cau ses w ater to Tlow in to th e hom e and w aste t> How out. The w ater that oouies in brings w ith it health, energy, happiness. The w aste th at goes ou t takes w ith it poisons w hich breed death. You see th e plum ber is m ore than a man in overalls who carries a bag o f tools. He is the com m unity doctor who prom otes health by preventing disease. I The new million-dollar building of the Woman’s Institute of Domes­ tic Arts and Sciences, of Scran­ ton, Pa., has just been dedicated: The Institute teaches dressmak­ ing, millinery and cookery, and, with its record of contact with more than a million women in all parts of the -world, is the largest woman’s college ;n existence. From San Francisco— Mrs| Gartner, of the Bazaar, has returned from San Francisco where she spent the past week in purchas­ ing a fine assortment of merchan­ dise. JERRY O ’NEAL, Plumbing and Healing P h on o l:W Cliff Payne makes library tables. Men’s fine initial handkerchief»: Leave for C a lifo r n ia - for 13 and 23 cents each at Fergu Mrs. C. A. Allen, niece of J. M. son’s closing out sale. Rice with whom she has been mak­ ing her home on Terrace street, left Get your share of the many bar­ yesterday for San Bernadino, Calif., gains offered at Ferguson’s Closing- where she will visit her sister. out Sale. All "blankets and comforters at Brought Sheep and Poultry— closing-out prices. Ferguson is quit­ Mrs. E. B. Lucas is here from Sams valley with a sheep and poul­ ting business. try exhibit at the fair. She is visit­ Mid Winter C. E, Excursion— ing this week with Mrs. Lulu Van- The Presbyterian Christian En Wegen. deavor society met at the church Gifts that are different and treas­ last evening for a mid-winter ex ured for all time. The Bazaar, on cursion. Tickets gave a round trip the Plaza. 82-1 to Sing valley, where some music was enjoyed; voyage to Alaska, where some cold hard facts were Yes, the fixtures are sold and the store room is rented to other parties. given in the form of the monthly Ferguson is closing out; every thing business session; a trip to Josephine caves where a real cave man recited is for sale at closing-out prices. “Jes* for Christmas;” an eastern 69tf trip where the passengers were tak­ For pleating, see Orres. en to see the sights, series of games. Insurance Director Here— Twenty minutes for refreshments, J. W. Day, agency dircetor for the sent them flocking to the railroad New York Life Insurance company lunch counter, then homeward way, was a recent Ashland business visit­ enlivened by old songs and readings. or. He was accompanied by Dr. A pleasant and profitable Journey. Harrison and called on Fred S. En­ ATTENTION, FISHERMEN gle assistant cashier of the Citizens Important meeting of everyone bank and local agent for the insur­ who has or has not fished, to be ance company. there Wednesday evening, city hall, All men’s and boys’ mackinaws on 7:30 o’clock. Tourist hotel project coming up sale at closing-out prices at Fergu­ later. This fish meeting Wednesday son’s Big Quitting Business Sale. evening at 7:30 o'clock is important We will deliver sixteen inch oak and belongs to our project. We must for |4 .5 0 per tier in two-tier lots.— furnish sport for our tourists. Come Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 82-6 lend us your support. Until Saturday 69c. A SERIES— No. 2 Alter Saturday 62.00 Standard Self-Filling Fountain Pen Four Days Sale in Order to Advertise This Card Is Worth 61.31 TO YOU IF USED BEFORE SATURDAY This ad and 69 cents will buy one of our Standard Self-Filling Fountain Pens, Regular Price, $2.00. BEFORE SATURDAY ONLY, 6»c EACH All Pens Guaranteed One Year by the Factory on Sal. at EAST SIDE PHARMACY Drugs, Stationery and School Supplies Ashland, Oregon LAST TIME TONIGHT Mr*. Mary Brooks Picken, Vice-President and Director of Instruction of the Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences, of Scranton, Pa. ALL th e h u sb an d s In the world m anage to get out the sam e I F could night a n d form a H u sb a n d s’ Bene- lo ta l an d P ro te c tiv e A ssociation— And. If all th e m em bers of the Asso- e ia tlo s could co n trive to hold back •about, o. q u a rte r a w eek from th e ir pay •nvclope.H to found a g re a t fu n d — A nd. If th ey should m ake of th eir ¡fund. =». kind of P u litz e r F ou n d atio n or ¡N ob-i I ’cani Prize to rew ard annually •the single agency dedicated to tb s r»H-f o‘ suffering am ong m ar- The».-, W o r ttn ’s In stitu te of Do- uixe'le > ” •» '• J h iencea would win rear • - r v 'i'h o u t a dissenting •*ote O* the ’m hgkiation begins to «tri* Mi eeare w hez a tk e d to contem - p 'a te «he » - '" ‘• s lln any co n sid er­ •* men slipping ed" l : Elk»’ Ladles to Meet— The Elks* ladles will meet day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock Elks* parlors. Mesdames Briggs and A. B. Shoudy will hostesses. Portraits Studio. that pleas«. Thurs­ at the A. C. be the th e hom e tie s long enough to organize. And th e basis suggested for its finene- ing is prooably Im practicable. Cu» In case these th in g s w ere possible and such an in-Tcdible association could be form ed, th e fund would certainly t,o to an In stitu tio n th a t h a s ta u g h t i:’T,- 000 women to m a k e 'th e ir own clothes, trim th e ir ow n h a ts and cook r«a. m eals. T he W om an’s In s titu te of Dom estic A rts and Sciences, of S cranton, P;t., has Just dedicated a m w million dollar building. Q u ests of n atio n al d istin ctio n a tte n d e d th e cerem onies, including G overnor Sproul. of P en n ­ sylv an ia; A dm iral A ustin M K night, of the U nited S ta te s N avy; Miss Ney.-” M ellein, th e m agazine a rtis t, who r e ­ cently painted P ie sld e n t H a rd lrg Mr?. Saliy Ja m e s F a rn h a m , who ni ’ a bust of th e T re sid e n t in c la y ; ’ T hom as E. F in n eg an , P en n sy lv an ia S ta te S u p e rin te n d e n t of Public E d u c a ­ tion, ar.d Miss M ary E. Sw eeney, presid en t of th e A m erican H om e E co ­ nom ics A ssociation, an d dean of th e Hom e E conom ics D e p a rtm e n t In th e M ichigan A g ric u ltu ra l College. T he g u e sts included I n s titu te s tu ­ d e n ts from a ll p a r ts of th e U nited S ta te s, and also from C anada, w here th e I n s titu te ’s m ethods and te x t books w ere recen tly adopted by th e D om in­ ion G overnm ent for use in teach in g s ta te courses in hom e economics. T he official and professional im p o r­ tan ce of th e D edication g u ests a tte st» th e dignity and sta n d in g am ong colle­ g ia te foundations achieved by th e I n ­ s titu te in its life of live years. It.< physical grow th is no less phenom enai. At th e close of 191C, the first y ear c i Us existence, its staff com prised 25 men and women, it occupied 2,50; sq u are feet of floor space, ar.d its e ii »oliment w as 3,022 stu d e n ts Tode its enrollm ent records show a to tal o ' 125.010 stu d e n ts, of which ab o u t ire now receiving in stru c tio n ; its « v i has grow n to 516. ar.d it 6S.C-.0 sq u are feet of floor space. It is r e c ­ ognized as th e larg est w om an’s col’< ge ,;. th e wcrld. “ Personalized service,” render ■' Norina Talmadge i i.i* ;.-lly l,y th e w hole lu s tiru tc u>:- zulion u n d e r M rs. M ary B r '>!<.- ' i • ” v iif ’C tcr i f In s tr u c tio n , is th e «■••«*» .if the In a tit tte ’s su c ce ss. l-Kwty f»*’ “onai c u r t act eristic of tac» ¿.nee, education, ta s te and e r . v »tnneni i : know n to the In s titu te ?•»; eff.rv stu d en t. Tlie record of tlo-nr ;« hefor» eve-v in stru c to r w hen gia.l: nr lesson papers ar.d an sw erin g l- 'e rc Th» p -'d e n t miles aw ay is •,.': ed Ilk. • . ’ In a class room . >“ t • • ■••Hun • and advice a r e i . •»W m i »* - '-t'cular needs. Help Ashland secure a valuable industry, and at the same time, a safe and profitable investment for yourself, by {investing in the stock of the MORA PUMP CO. All the money derived from the sale of this stock will be spent in Ashland in the purchase of the Ashland Iron Works and carrying on the manufacture of pumps. The MORA pump has already been financed far beyond the experimental stage and has been proven by scientific and practical tests to be by far the most efficient pump now on the market The Company has orders for pumps on hand and in order to take care of its business, re­ quires additional capital. • All stock is being sold at the par value of $100 per share, and no commission is being paid to anyone to sell the stock. MORA PUMP COMPANY 606 Iowa St. Ashland, Ore The Tilley Candy Co WHOLESALERS OF QUALITY CANDIES Fountain Supplies — Stationery — School Supplies Distributing Agents for National Biscuit Oo. -and- HOEFLER’S CENTENNIAL CHOCOLATES MEDFORD Phone 53-R - OREGON Res. Phone 899-R "The Wonderful Thing” —and— A Splendid Comedy with “ Baby Peggy” COMING—THURSDAY ONLY V iola Dana IN “ THE MATCHMAKER’’ FRIDAY—SATURDAY BILL H A R T Mann’s — The Best Goods for the P r ic e - M a n n ’s KING TAKES CHANCE IN FLIVVER Darling 71-lm o Don’t let George do it. Come your self to the Fishermen’s meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30 o’clock. Wires Were Grossed— It was W. R. Davis— not W. R. McGee— who visited the McGee col­ ony in British Columbia, Mr. Davis being the second hitsband of Mrs. McGee. Delightful House Dresses A ttractiv ely Priced AU Holiday lines are on sale at cloBe-out prices at Ferguson’s. IN V E S T ! —In— Neat, well made dresses of splendid quality percale and gingham, with just enough trimming to add character to their finish. One for yourself and one for an intimate friend should he selected while these prices prevail. Provost’s Christmas— One of the most attractive Christ­ mas windows in Ashland is Provost Brothers. There is a tiny tree, fire­ place, numerous gifts and beautiful decorations. Babble Books for children at Rose Bros. 7 0 tí The photograph shows Klug George, then the prince of Wales, taking a chance In a tllvver driven by Hon. O. S. Rolls (at wheel). In the rear seat are Charles Gust and Lord Languttock. The automobile is the first of its kind Ladies’ silk hosiery was never so ever driven. cheap as now at Ferguson’s closing- erintendent, is now negotiating for CHINESE HOLD BIG out sale. DEMONSTRATION IN the purchase of a screen to be in­ BERATING DELEGATES Mistletoe W in d o w - stalled at the city power plant for One of the finest collections of that purpose. According to a bid SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 7.— A mistletoe ever seen in Ashland ap­ made by a Portland firm, such an pears In one of the windows of the improvement would cost approxi­ gigantic demonstration protesting against the course of the Shantung new Dew Drop Inn, on the Plaza. mately $2000, Beautiful bottles of lithia water Action was taken by the council negotiations at 'Washington and de­ nestle Invitingly amid the green fol- to acquire a lot or lots in the city for manding the resignation or the Pe- liage and waxy white berries, sug­ the purpose of conducting expert ; kin government occurred here today, It is reported that the Pekin pres- gesting a Christmas gift that would ments to ascertain the actual amount bless both him who gave and the of water needed for agricultural de- ! Ident, Chang, is threatening to retire, recelplent. Mrs. G. L. Bullen, the velopment of the Ashland granite from office. Threats are made that hostess of the dainty inn, believes soil, a matter which had been a point the Chinese delegates will receive a that a good business might be built of much contention. Efforts will be hostile reception when they return up in shipping Christmas greens made to obtain the assistance of from the disarmament conference at from Ashland. ” In Seattle I have Prof. Reimer, of the experiment sta­ Washington. paid twenty-five cents for a small tion at Talent, to act in conjunction j sprig of mistletoe,” says Mrs. Bullen with a committee appointed by the MICKIE SAYS ”and in Los Angeles I was charged faction supporting the reservoir pro­ |3 .5 0 for a small fir tree not five ject. Z i F Nik GOT kAORe M o u es feet tall.” THAW KHQY4 M4VUXY TO DO WINTER FAIR OPENS v a t H , give \ t xd th ' sma /A t J Empty oil barrels for sale. Car- 82-6 i Ison-Fowler Lumber Co. XVOM ARVAN ». DOMY OOHATE. TODAY; 4 DAYS SHOW 'XU.' SUCKERS WHO VJA.HY) TO PUT MEU "A£>"? \H JK Genuine Mexican ebickeu tamales, (Continued from Page 1) S9 cents. Enders Confectlonery.62tf * POCKET OtRECTORS’OP OH A] ery, laboriously culled from faraway ROADSIDE SIGH WHERE. AU Dolled Up— canyons, were required for decora- VT WILL KiEMER BE SEEVi * The management A wonderful collection of Christ- i tlon purposes. mas dolls occupies one of E. R. give the credit for this artistic work to Mrs. H. H. Elhart and Mrs. Oedter, Isaacs* show windows. the latter being a professional in­ Cliff Payne makes book stands. terior decorator. Many high school students assisted • in the good work. With modern apparatus we can The judges are busy today plac­ make your portrait at night as well ing the prizes. Tonight at 8 o’clock aa In day time. Evening by ap­ there will be speeches by John E. pointment Darling Studio. 71-lm o Gratke, of Portland, Mayor C. E. Gates, of Medford, and Senator C. M. Trainmaster Here Thomas, of Medford. E. E. Kellman, trainmaster of the Shasta division, came to Ashland TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY yesterday on number sixteen and re-! FOR SALE— Grain hay, $12 per, turned on number fifty-three. ton, delivered. Phone 414-L. 82-2; WALKER TO FIGURE LOST— Fountain pen with two gold) COST AND LOCATION bands and initials “E. L.” Finder please return to Tidings office and WATER RESERVOIR receive reward. 82-1 (Continued from Page 1) FOR SALE— Jersey heifers. Also yearling bull. Investigate. C. T. A ne wvending machine sells I could not be practically installed un­ Payne, 1410 Boulevard. 82-4* postage stamps in blocks of five so J til the water was cleared of sedi­ ment and debris coming from Ash­ FOR SALE— Crested canaries, sing­ that nickels or dimes can be used land creek. Earl Hosier, water *u|>- ers. 767 East Main St. 82-2* i to operate it. I New House Dresses made of good percale, fast colors, all sizes Special at $2.48 “ Sassy Jan e” House Dresses made of fine imported ginghams ami Japanese Crepes $3.00 to $10.00 each “ Sassy Jan e” Aprons—Special $1.00 New W hite Aprons—from 25c to $1.50 MANN’S DEPARTMENT STORE MEDFORD, OREGON Take Yeast Vitamon / I Tablets To Put On * “Stay-There” Flesh M ore “ P ep ” and “ P u n c h ” —S m a ll C ost. Thio o r run-dow n folks will find th is sim ple te s t well w orth try in g : Take M astin ’a V IT A M O N —tw o ta b le ts w ith every meal. T hen weigh an d m easure yourself each week an d continue taking M a stin ’s V IT A M O N regularly u n til you are satisfied w ith y our gain in w eight and energy. M astin ’s V IT A M O N T a b le ts contain highly concen trated yeast vitam ines as well aa th e tw o o th er still m ore im p o rta n t vitam ines (F a t Soluble A an d W ater Soluble C ), all of which Science says you m u st have to be strong, well aud fully developed. By increasing irishing power of w hat you e a t M astin’J V IT A M O N T ab lets supply jus« th e nourial w h a t your body needs to feed th e shrunken tissues, stren g th en in tern al organs, clear th e skin 'S and renew sh attered nerve force w ith o u t u psetting the stom ach o r causing gas. A tw o w eeks’ te s t will surprise you! IM PO R T A N T I W hile th e am azing health-building value of M astin ’s V IT A M O N T a b ­ le ts has lieen clearly and posi­ tiv ely dem o n strated in cases of lack of energy, nervous tro u ­ bles, anem ia, indigestion, con­ stip atio n , skin eruptions, poor com plexion and a generally w eakened physical an d m ental condition, th e y should not be used by anyone who O B JE C T S to having th e ir w eight increased to norm al. Be sure to rem em ­ b e r th e nam e— M a stin ’s V I­ T A -M O N . Y ou can g et M as­ The Winning Punch! Get It Yourself tin ’s V IT A M O N T a b le ts a t all Taking Two M astin’* Yeast VITAMON By Tablet* With Every Meal. good druggists. •^LMASTINS. VITAMON THE ORIGINAL J AND GENUINE -Affï?ÊT< YEAST V IT A M IN E TABLET Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back lUiMASTIHSÄtVITAMOH