WeAœaday, December tt, twH frftB A & tL A N P DAILY TIDINGS Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal " Side Lights — —■ Buy a new suit for the Holidays, year in 1919, even thdugh produc- ii 1 zl »<* «« a * i P aulserud’s 74tf tion in the United States fell from 155,000 acres to 115,000 acres in Bovine T. B. A ttacked— the same decade, according to W. S. In bovine tuberculosis eradication Brown, chief of horticulture at the work Oregon stand».? in seventh place Oregon A gricultural college. Pears, in the United States as to the num ­ peaches and grapes suffered a heavy ber of cattle actually under federal decline in the country at large, al­ and state supervision, and is second though most of these made rapid in num ber of anim als once tested. and steady growth in Oregon. The There are in Oregon at present 67.- [dried prune output in the state is 273 cattle under supervision, and annually 30.000,000 to 40,000,000 13,500 on the waiting list. pounds, while berry production last year was alm ost 19,000,000 quarts. Hotel Ashland Grill caters to — Portland Journal. home-folks as well as to commercial men and tourists. 61tf Let Friend Wire sleep la the a morning and go to the Hotel Ashland Seeks Lower F arm Cost— grill and get one of those fine Lowering the unit cost of fa rm ' special 60 cent breakfasts. 61tf production by newer methods of ---------- cropping, soil handling, and general Alpha C hapter Elects Officers— farm managem ent, is the aim of At the regular meeting last even- farm ers’ week a t Oregon Agricultur-J ing of Alpha chapter num ber one, al college, December 26-31. Dairy- Order of Eastern Star, the following ing, livestock m anagement, horticul- i officers were elected: W orthy ma­ ture, crops, farm mechanics, soils, tron, Mrs. Lorena McNair; worthy poultry a n d bee methods, are some patron, S. A. Peters, Sr.; associate of the subjects up for considera- ‘ matron, Georgie Coffee; secretary, tion. Evening program s of enter- Mrs. Leah Caldwell; treasu rer, Ly- tainm ent features, including educa- dia McCall; conductress, Mrs. Effie tionalino vies, are listed. One a n d Brown; associate conductress, Mrs. a half fares have been granted b y ! Jessica Porter. the railways for all who register. ______ R egistration is free. The best Christm as present is a suit or overcoat tailored to measure. We m ake our own candies, ice cream and tam ales. Enders Con­ See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 69tf fectionery. g£tf Profit Christm as Sale. Park O fficials H ere— D efeat Gold Hili Levy— O. E. Goodwin, chief civli engi- The question of increasing the levy more than 6 per cent over last . neer of the national parks, was y ear’s levy in the Gold Hill schools brought from Medford to Ashland was defeated in the recent election yesterday afternoon by Alex Spar­ of th at m unicipality, which makes row, superintendent of C rater L akf the levy this year 15.59 mills. The national park, who met Mr. Goodwin school budget was adopted. It at the tra 'n and gave him \n auto am ounts to $16,111.44. The budget ride ° Ver the Pac**‘c highway to for the city of Gold Hill was adopt- Ashland’ where he resumed his place etl in the sum of $6178.88. and the the tra ,n ’ Mr’ s Parrow is happy levy fixed at 15 mills. | over the excellent hotel service th at ______ I C rater Lake tourists were given last Orres remodels garm ents. 69tf su inmer at C rater Lake lodge, which ---------- j was re n te d by Portland parties for L spee O fficial to R oseburg— * ! the season. An option was obtained Inform ation Is given out th at D. on the property, but has not yet been S. Weir, assistant superintendent of taken up. The num ber of visitoi the Portland division Lake increased IO 43 pci per ceill cent --- of the South C rater ------ ern Pacific, will move his headquar- last year,, compared to 11 per cent ters to Roseburg from ’ Portland Iat other parks. about the first of the year. T h e 1 ----------- purpose of the change is to enable ®ur clothes are correctly cut and the office to handle its work from a skillfully tailored. P au lseru d ’s. 74tf point near the central part of the --------- - division. i G ift Shop to Open— — The O riental Gift Shop, a new Special sale H oefler’s Fam ous business house, will be opened to the Chocolates.. $1.00 value for 60c a Public on Friday this week, at 86 pound W atch our wiudow. Rose North Main street. The line which Br° 8- 70tf W,H be carried will consist of Japan- », . --------- ese a rL curio and china ware, and a w nJ *sits— complete line of up-to-date oriental U. L. Hakes, Southern Pacific sta-' goods, novelties and toys. tion agent at H ornbrook, Calif., was ______ an Ashland and Medford b u sin esi. Clever suits for cold snaps a t visitor Monday. He reports there PaulseniW’s 74-tf is only a small trace of snow on the SiskiyonB. A Com m endable E dition— The Ashland Daily Tidings, under date of Saturday, December 3, pub lisheG a most Comprehensive holiday issue of th a t journal, the num ber covering also the approaching win te r fair to be held in Ashland. The A pple Production Increases— num ber contained not only a great Apple production in Oregon jum p­ volume of excellent descriptive m at ed from fewer than 2,900,000 boxes te r in ...............C8 its thirty-six oul pages, but the in 1909 to almost 7,000,000 boxes a 125 columns‘ o 7 a d T e r G s ^ ’ from t'he 6. have teed back It is a unique way McNair Bros, of selling Hyomel, a g u aran ­ treatm ent for catarrh. Money if it falls. progressive m erchants carry a store Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, of equal interest to the people. All and hot chocolate £t Rose Bros. 70tf parts of Jackson county are repre­ sented in the issue.-:—G rants Pass A shland O. A. C. Student«__ Courier. The report of Ashland students at Oregon A gricudtural college, which Orres cleans clothes clean. 69tf was received from a Corvallas cor­ respondent and printed in yester­ All wool suits for $20 at Paulser- day’s Tidings, omitted Elwood HecV ud’8- 63tf burg, Edwin Mowatt, Harold Du-' ford Stone, and perhaps others. The! Dairy M eetings— last named is a ju n io r in electrical There will be two im portant dairy engineering and expects to spend the meetings in the county this week * A J 1 i l l Il his IS I mother, B O lD P r holidays m with Mrs. Viola dairym an representing th e dairy d e -■ Stone, 164 F ourth street' The Tld Tid- ; parttnent of the Oregon A gricultural i„gs be , |ail J The he ™ in the county to r two A sblanJ colle/e nlnden “ “ “ xx 0. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN Real Estate H onses to R ent. CITIZENS’ BANK B O L D IN G CARLOAD SH IPM ENT OP Fencing from E astern m ills ju st in. Con­ siderable drop in prices on sam e. GOOD CEDAR POSTS FARMERS’ WEEK New prices on implements and re­ pairs. , New and used sewing machines for sale or to ren t......... Winter Short Courses Peil’s Corner A griculture Course Jan. 2-Mar. 18, ’22 Dairy H erdsm en’s Course Jan. 2-June 18, ’22 Grain Grading Course Jan. 9-21 ’22 Beekeeping Course Jan. 30-Feb 25 •H o m e m a k e rs’ Conference Mar. 20-25, ’22 m u , Oregon dairym en and breeders w anting men train ed in herdsm an- ship are offered a short course in this line a t Oregon A gricultural col- lege January 3 to June 3. next. Stu- ORE. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE dents will spend most of their tim e Full inform afion on any Course by at the barn engaged in work with w riting THE REGISTRAR, O. A the college herds, under supervision_________ Corvallis, Oregon of a specialist. Much actual work with the stock is required, because! the college proceeds on the plan th a ti no man can become a good herds­ man w ithout training and experi-' ence. More than 125 head of pure­ bred dairy cattle, excellent re p re -! sentatives of each breed th a t made fine records in the show ring last fall, will supply the m aterial for study of marfhgement, breeding, milk yield, and pedigree-making. Full particulars will be sent on applica­ tion to the college dairy departm ent, Corvallis. $1.00 Profit Christmas Sale all Orres Tailor Shoi now on. Don’t Miss It. M ho < ¿0ries Your Insurance? W hat do you know about the Jompany you are insured in? An association of credit men said ‘‘Our committee will bear strong­ ly on the necessity of dealing only with strictly responsible insur­ ance com panies.” F air w eather insurance may pass m uster in times of prosper­ ity when the m arkets are boom­ The testing time comes when the m arkets are declining and there is stress and storm. Prop­ erty owners should apply the acid test to the indemnity they buy. Insurance th a t insures at all times is the only safe indemnity. T h at’s the only kind th a t we would keep in this office. You can ’t afford to lose even once in the m atter of insuring your prop­ erty and yourself. Billings Agency Also a complete line of in g . REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E . Main St. A Self-Recording Expense Book CHERRO FLOUR A special hard wheat Blenc Satisfaction guaranteed Ask your Grocer unnoticed u n til— on e day w e w onder w h ere th e m oney w ent. There is a w ay— an easy way— to check th e leaks. Pay (to be continu ed ) all b ills by check. T he check stu bs w ill tell you w here • MT"« . ' * ! ■ if Pearl Oil is most econom­ ical because It bum s with­ out waste. Every drop de­ livers comfortable warmth. It is refined and re-refined by our special process. That is your guarantee that it gives best results always. I ‘ *>-/, *»■’*•*. » - '. V PEARL UROSEN! HEAT AND 1 ES« j P«* Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere. Order by name — Pearl Oil. standard oil company 1 C alifornia' B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IQ N A L the m oney w ent— and how much for each purpose. W. A. SHELL One cent the word each time. b a r b er The Citizens Bank C hildren’s W ork A Specialty Ashland, DR. LINCOLN KALLRN Oregon X-RAY DIAGNOSIS JILT _ Safety blades resharpened F 1 like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz DR. JARVIS SANITARIUM 1 to 4 p. m.—Phone 126 MEDFORD: SACRED HEART HOSPITAL 8 to 12 a. m.—Phone 714 Special Announcement Both are well known to the general public. Their slogan is— Prompt and Courteous Attention to All Jobs” I- A 89 NORTH MAIN ST. ASHLAND The tin y brook o f petty exp en d itu res trick les on and on •122 NORTH RIVERSIDE—“ NAT” BUILDING Phone 116 MEDFORD, OREGON W ith clean-burning Pearl Oil in your oil heater you can make the children’s evening play-hour warm and com­ fortable. And you can carry this comfortable warmth from play-room to bedroom or wherever you want it. There is no trouble—no dirt or ashes. ORIENTAL GOODS AND CURIOS CHERRO CHIMES Mary had a little dough, Her flour a s w h ite a s snow , And everybody lik ed her bread B ecause she used Cherro. BATTERY REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING STARTING, LIGHTING AND IGNITION WORE the chili To the Ladies of Ashland On Friday, this week, we will open an up-to-date JAPANESE ART & CURIO STORE, at 86 North Main Street. Every department of this store will be stocked with merchandise from the Orient, espec­ ially for Xmas Shoppers, such as Silk Goods, Kimonas, Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Japanese Lunch Cloths, Basket Ware, China Ware, Vases, Tea Sets, Wooden Ware, Laquer Ware, Novelties, Toys, 0. A. JOHNSON and LOUIS MABEN—two experienced battery and electric men—have assumed charge of the BATTERY & ELECTRIC COMPANY at 122 North Riverside o Announcement C ity and Ranch P r o p e r tl« « * v * m v o days. On December 8, the dairymen ______ 8 m aents. will gather at the Ashland fair in! Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as- the afternoon and have an opportun- ' sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf ity of discussing various problems i ---- ---------------- ? ___ ' connected with dairying with either Prof. F itts or Prof. Jamison. On C orvallis, Ore., Dec. 26 -3 1 , 1921 Friday, December 9, a public m eet­ ing will be held in Eagle Point, probably a t Browns hall, at 2 o’clock P ut Scien ce into Farm P ractice in the afternoon. All dairymen in F ru it and Vegetable Course this vicinity are urged to be present. Dec. 3-17, ’21 T ractor Mechanics Course J»». 2-Mar. 18, ’22 Clothing prices th a t defy competi­ Dairy M audfacture Course tion a t P aulserud’s. 7411 Jan. 2-Mar 18, ’22 H erdsm an C ourse Offer«»!__ PAGH THREÊ Auction Sales One or* more Used Fords sold at auction to the highest bidder Every Saturday Afternoon at 3 o’clock Used Cars on Hand at All Times WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Other Articles ot Interest to Car Owners We will sell (free to the owner) any article you may bring us by 2 o’clock Saturday C. E. GATES AUTO CO. MEDFORD OREGON FOR SALE— Reed 520 Liberty St. baby - carriage. DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practlc 81-2* limited to eye. ear, nose an FOR SALE— Jersey heifer, fresh 2 i throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 am f. \ Sw ed8nburg Bldg., Ash weeks. Ed Davis, 423 Helman St. land, Or©. 73-t Phone 478-J. 81t f FOR SALE— Edison phonograph, OIL J . J . EMMENS— Physician «n Surgeon. Practice limited t good as new. T hirty choice re c ­ eye, ear, nose and throat. Glaase ords, reasonable. 99 G ranite St. supplied. Oculist and aurlst fo ________________ 81-5* P - R„ R’ Oif,ce8’ M F. and H FOR SALE— Grain hay, near Taldnt, Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 561 $7 per ton in the stack. Frank Perry, Medford. Phone 220-R. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW — Special al tentlon to m others and children 81-3 Internal secretions and endocrin< FOR SALE— A few tons good stock glands. Res. and office, 108 Plo hay, a t $8 a ton; also grain hay neer avenue. Telephone 28 0! at $11 at barn. Wouldl deliver. flee hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to l Mark True. 80-3* p. m. ¡FOR SALE— Dry wood of all kinds. DR. SHAW — Physician and Surgeoi Phone or w rite L. D. Dollarhyde, — Eye, ear, nose and th ro at spec Siskiyou, Oregon. 78-lmo* ialist; glasses fitted. Office 46; Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— One' m. to 5 p. m. Residence, Plo second hand disc gang plow and one low wheeled iron wagon i n ! qeer Ave., Ashland, m orning an< good condition Carson-Fowler j evenings. Phone 28. Lumber Co. 77-6 A T T O R N E Y ». FOR SALE— Pine and fir wood, $3 per tie r Phone 426-Y, or can L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Ban] be seen a t 1068 E. Main St 77-lm Bldg. FOR SALE— Cedar posts, split or j T R A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. sawed, any size. Carson-Fowler Lum ber Co. 77-6 , FOR prompt and careful- servie« APPLES— You will like ’em. A 50 i auto trucks or horse drays, cal lb. box, $1.00 delivered. Phone! W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone 111 Office, 89 Oak street near Hote 9-F11 Ashland. APPLE CIDER— Made fresh every day O rder nqw for th a t Thanks­ T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS giving dinner, 40 cents gallon, FER — Good team and motoi i two 75 cents. Yes, we deliver. trucks. Good service at a reason «hie price. Phone 88. Phone 9 - F - l l . FOR SALE— Good dry body wood, j CAR W ASHING $3 per tier. W A, Conner, Glen . View Drive. 62-lm o EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish leg. Lithia Oarage, phone 1U EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- FOR hale — REAL ESTATE. sonahle prices. Lithia Garage. FO R RENT. FOR SALE— A splendid furnishe — —— ———— —-----------------------------' residence about one acre of orchar RENT— Sleeping room, gentle- and berries, $1000 down balani man only. 344 East Main street.¡easy payments a n d low rate of h ___________ 80-3 terest. If not sold quick will rer FOR RENT— Store rn ™ » fv in i. i° r,lght party> on account ownt I stone building. 16» Four,I. SI. J , “ ' , ' S ? . M, FOR RENT— Furnished rooms; also D A IPY RANCH— E